Chapter 41: Retribution

Dal did not go to school the day after her "date" with Alex. Instead, she lied in bed in the early morning looking at the hundreds of messages she had received from all of her male "friends." No matter how much she once thought of these men as friends that she could rely upon, Alex's words rang through her ears.

Despite her heavenly looks and amazing body, Dal had never once considered herself anything more than average in appearance. Perhaps she was humble, or perhaps she had issues with self-confidence. But now that she knew all these guys were being friendly with her, solely because they wanted to get into her pants, she could not help but ignore them. Especially Dae-Hyun, who had showed his true colors the night before.

It was not until she heard her mother's voice call out to her to have breakfast that the young beauty climbed out of her bed and exited her dark room. She had slowly trotted down the stairs before arriving at the breakfast table, where she was surprised to see that her father was not present. But she did not ask about this, instead she ate her meal, with an almost paranoid expression on her pretty face. Which was something that her mother immediately noticed.

"Dal, what's wrong? You seem a little bit down today. Is everything alright?"

Dal had always been able to rely on her mother for support, and though she found the topic embarrassing, she could not help but ask for her opinion.

"Mom…. Will boys pretend to be your friend, just so they can sleep with you?"

The girl's mother instantly understood why her daughter was so depressed and sighed heavily before informing the girl about the reality of men, especially young men.

"Oh… I see… Yes, Dal, men will do just about anything to get into the pants of a girl they find attractive. Including acting like they are something they are not, or outright lying and deceiving you. And since you are so beautiful, I wouldn't doubt that there were plenty of young men interested in you. Why? Did something happen?"

Dal felt a bit anxious speaking to her mother about this, but she explained what had happened during the previous night, and how Alex had pointed out that all of her male friends simply wanted to fuck her. The girl's mother listened to the story and provided some insight on the matter, which made her feel more comfortable.

"Well, if you have that many boys surrounding you, and you are not interested in them, then perhaps you should cut them out of your life. At the very least, this Alex kid doesn't sound too bad. Especially since he warned you about the others."

Naturally, Dal had not spoken to her mother about Alex's shameless admission, where he said that if he were given the opportunity, he would definitely have sex with Dal. But at the very least, she felt that he was the only guy she knew that was actually honest with her.

Although Dal found comfort in her mother's words, she began to question all the friendships she had made at this point, including the girls. And simply decided to take a break from texting and social media. A few days passed, and Dal had remained distant from all of her friends, except for, of course, Alex, who she would regularly meet up with on campus, and hang out with during their free time.

This, of course, annoyed Dae-Hyun and the girl's other suitors to no end. It was not just the men who were becoming fed up with her behavior, but also the girls she had hung out with. It was as if their goddess, who was the most beautiful social butterfly in the world, had suddenly become introverted and aloof.

Eventually, Dae-Hyun and the others cornered Dal while she was on campus and demanded an answer from her.

"What the hell, Dal? Why are you ignoring my texts?"

"Dal, I thought we were supposed to hang out this week. Why have you been ignoring me?"

An entire crowd had gathered around Dal, making her rather anxious. For the first time in her life, she truly felt afraid to be a part of the crowd. And just when she was about to break out into tears, her knight in shining armor stepped forward and defended her.

"What the hell do you posers think you are doing?"

Alex's voice broke through the upset roars of the mob and dumbfounded them all. He then stepped forward and shielded Dal from the crowd as he spoke up in defiance of their unruly behavior.

"Look at all of you? Bullying the poor girl because she won't respond to your messages! You should be ashamed of yourselves. Have you thought for one moment that perhaps something is going on in her life that is preventing her from contacting you? No, you haven't? Because you're not her friends! You only care about yourselves! Come on Dal, let's go get something to eat, it's on me…"

After saying this, Alex grabbed hold of Dal's hand and led her out of the crowd, who all gazed at the girl in disbelief. Most of all was Dae-Hyun, who could not help but grind his teeth and curl his fists. He muttered something beneath his breath that if Alex heard, he would have found alarming.

"Filthy commoner... It appears I must teach you a valuable lesson!"

Once they were away from the crowd, Alex sat down at a table in the cafeteria with a meal for the both of them. Dal seemed rather upset about what had just happened, and Alex was quick to calm her nerves.

"You shouldn't worry about them. It hasn't even been three days, and yet they are already about to cause a riot. They're a bunch of cunts who only care about themselves…"

Dal, however, began to cry, as a few tears streamed down her eyes. This caused Alex to become alert as he tried to grab hold of her dainty hand to comfort her. However, before he could do so, another hand managed to grab hold of Dal and pulled her away.

Alex was shocked to see a furious Dae-Hyun standing in front of Dal with several bodyguards around him. Naturally, Alex was smart enough to know that this rich fool was looking for trouble, especially after he heard the man speak.

"Enough of this bullshit, Dal! You are coming with me back to my family's mansion, and I won't take no for an answer. Guards, cripple this fool who dared to offend this young master…"

Alex did not wait to be assaulted and immediately sprang to his feet as he threw a punch towards the largest of the bodyguards' throat. He did not even care if he broke the man's trachea and sent him to an early grave. Dae-Hyun had threatened grievous bodily harm to Alex, and as an American, he was accustomed to the right of self defense.

The stiff jab landed cleanly in the bodyguard's throat, instantly dropping the man to his knees as he struggled to breathe. Alex immediately followed up with a flying knee to the head, knocking the man completely to the ground. Alex did not know if the bodyguard was alive or dead, but his assault had sent a message to the others. Alex was out for blood, and they would have to appease him.

Of course, there were roughly a half dozen of these men, and before Alex could even lunged towards Dae-Hyun, in an attempt to free Dal, who was screaming as she was being carried away, one of the men put Alex in a bear hug. While another punched him in the gut.

As a seasoned fighter, Alex was well accustomed to taking hits, and thus he was not dropped by the sub-standard punch to the solar plexus, instead, he slammed his head back into the nose of the man who held him in a bear hug, breaking the man's nose in the process, while Alex scrambled free.

Alex threw a vicious jab, cross, uppercut, hook combination, all of which landed clean on the next guy, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. But before Alex could turn around and attack one of the other men, he felt a piece of metal collide with his skull. Which staggered Alex, as well as opening up a nasty gash on his forehead.

Alex looked over and saw that the bodyguards who were left standing withdrew retractable batons, and were now beating Alex senseless with them. He desperately covered up his sensitive areas with his forearms, and took the beating, before lunging forward and grabbing hold of one of the men. Where he lifted the man in the air with a high crotch takedown and slammed him headfirst into one of the cafeteria's tables.

There was a distinctive snap sound as the man's skull collided with the metallic table. Alex figured he had broken the man's neck, and quickly retrieved his victim's baton, where he parried off of one of the other attackers before whipping the weapon towards the man's skull with all the power he could muster.

Evidently, this knocked the man out with a single shot, where Alex began to savagely beat the remaining men with the baton he had scavenged until they were all unconscious, or just plain dead. The entirety of the school recorded the fight, many of them with looks of horror on the faces.

When Alex finally emerged as the victor, he was covered in welts, bruises, and cuts. Blood poured down his face and had stained his golden hair. He looked like a monster who had crawled his way out of the depths of hell. And yet Alex did not immediately collapse, instead he managed to trudge forward, slowly but surely breaking into a sprint as he headed to the parking lot, where his Lambo was.

Alex immediately activated the mini map in his system, after buckling his seat belt, and located Dal's icon and the direction it was heading. He would never forgive Dae-Hyun for this. Sicking his hounds on Alex was one thing, but stealing his woman? And so brazenly at that? This could never be forgiven! From the moment the system marked Dal as a heroine, she had in Alex's eyes become his, and his, alone. For another man to even touch her was an unforgivable sin.

Thus, he sped crazily through the streets of Seoul in his sports car, catching up with the SUV where Dal was currently held captive. Of course, by the time Alex caught up with Dal and Dae-Hyun, they had already pulled into his family's mansion.

Alex took one look at the solid gates that prevented him from accessing the estate, and revved his engine while performing the sign of the cross and a silent prayer before gaining as much speed as possible in what seemed like an actual runway between him and the gate.

The Lambo got to one hundred miles per hour in 3.5 seconds flat, which was all the time Alex needed to crash into the mansion's gate. The expensive sports car plowed through the mansion's gate, and tumbled towards the building itself as if it were a disastrous NASCAR crash.

How Alex managed to survive such a horrific crash, he could only believe, was thanks to the logic of the manga which he was currently in. He pulled himself out of the flaming wreckage that was his luxury sports car and dragged his half dead body towards the front door of the mansion where he noticed two more bodyguards had taken a fighting stance.

Alex spit out the blood that had pooled in his mouth onto the ground and pointed towards the two men while shouting at them with all the hatred he could muster.

"Move! Or you are both dead men!"

These men had no idea that Alex had sent their comrades to the hospital, or perhaps even an early grave. And instead they quickly punched towards Alex's face, which he met with a headbutt, before elbowing one in the temple. Alex then put the man in a in a chokehold, where he put the man to sleep in three seconds flat.

He then ruthlessly picked the other man up and slammed him into the concrete, putting his soul through the earth as he did so. Seeing how these two men were dispatched to the gates of hell, Alex then rushed forward and kicked open the door to the house. Where several other bodyguards had gathered.

Despite the fact that he was probably an inch away from death, Alex simply wore a devilish grin as he spoke his thoughts aloud.

"Come at me!"


Dae-Hyun's family was away from their home when Alex had intruded upon it. His mother was at work, while his sister was off on a trip to Jeju island with some friends. As for the boy's father, he was overseas, looking after a foreign account.

Thus, none of them knew that the noble scion of their prestigious family had kidnapped a girl in broad daylight and attempted to cripple her friend. That is until, one of the bodyguards tasked with protecting Hee-Young informed the woman that there had been a home invasion.

The woman was shocked, and quickly dialed her personal contact with the police to send an armed response team to her home. After all, the chief of police was a good friend of hers, and was naturally in her pocket. Thus, she turned on the app on her phone which connected to her mansion's security cameras, where she saw a peculiar scene unfold.

A Lambo lies ruined in her driveway, completely totaled by the look of it. Two of her bodyguards were either unconscious or outright dead, and the door to her family's estate had been kicked open. After switching cameras to the interior of the house, Hee-Young found a trail of bodies.

Most of which had visible wounds from what was clearly an altercation. The snobbish CEO was beginning to believe an actual terrorist organization had targeted her family when she finally switched to the security cameras in her son's bedroom. Which displayed a peculiar scene. With a frown on her face, the woman condemned her son in the harshest of manners.

"That fucking idiot!"


While Alex was fighting his way through the halls of Dae-Hyun's mansion, Dal was crying profusely while holding a blade to her neck. She had found the pocket knife in Dae-Hyun's night stand, after the young man had kidnapped her. It was currently the only thing preventing the spoiled brat from raping her.

Dae-Hyun was half naked, and was screaming at Dal in an attempt to get her to put the knife down so he could have his way with her.

"You damn cunt! I have done everything to get you to like me! Everything! And yet you stubbornly refuse my love! What's worse is you go around hanging out with that foreign bastard! What does he have that I don't! If you don't put that knife down, you are sorely going to regret it!"

Coincidentally, just as Dae-Hyun finished his threat, the door blew off its hinges as a body came tumbling inside. It was the body of the captain of Dae-Hyun's personal bodyguard unit. The man seemed to have the life snuffed out of him, as a bloody, and broken Alex walked into the room looking like a devil.

He had no idea how much of the blood that stained his pale white skin was his, and how much was his enemies. What he did know was that he was definitely suffering from several broken bones, including at least three ribs.

Still, this did not deter Alex, especially after he had entered a berserker like state. He took one glimpse at Dal holding a blade against her neck, and the half-naked Dae-Hyun and could immediately understand what had happened.

Meanwhile, Dae-Hyun was absolutely mortified at Alex's appearance. The man should have been crippled, and yet here he stood over the lifeless body of Dae-Hyun's bodyguards. Alex did not even bother saying a word. He simply charged Dae-Hyun and took him down with a standard double leg takedown.

Dae-Hyun had no idea how to get out from under Alex's onslaught, who continued to rain punches down on the man's face and body, while screaming at him with the rage of a thousand burning suns.

"You fucking dare! You fucking dare to abduct my woman! I'll fucking kill you!"

Dae-Hyun whimpered and cried as he tried to block Alex's punches, but that just caused Alex to stand up and start stomping the young man's face in. It did not take long before Dae-Hyun's face was completely mangled, where just Alex grabbed hold of the man's ears and placed his thumbs on his eyeballs.

Knowing that Alex was about to kill Dae-Hyun, Dal grabbed hold of him from behind and began to sob, pleading with Alex to stop.

"Please! Stop! He's had enough!"

Alex looked behind him with a sense of fury as he lectured Dal about how worthless Dae-Hyun's life was.

"Dal! He kidnapped you! He tried to rape you! This scumbag needs to disappear! It's got to be permanent!"

But Dal shook her head, as she grabbed hold of Alex's blood-stained face, and told him why she did not want him to kill Dae-Hyun.

"I don't care about this bastard! But if you kill him, his family will never stop coming after you! They are extremely wealthy! And extremely powerful! They have probably sent the police already! Please, let's just go!"

Alex looked at Dae-Hyun, who was beaten into an inch of his life, and spat on the man's mangled face. He then stood up and made one last attack. Alex stomped on Dae-Hyun's balls with all the force he could muster, causing a loud popping sound to occur.

Knowing that Dae-Hyun was no longer capable of carrying on his family lineage, or ever laying his hands on another woman, Alex smirked like the devil before carrying Dal out of the room as if she were a princess, and he were her avenging angel. Alex then stole one of the family's supercars, in recompense for the one he had destroyed, before driving the woman back to her house.

As for Dae-Hyun, the cops would arrive soon enough and escort him and the others to the hospital. Where they would receive the finest treatment money could buy, and though many of them ended up in the ICU. It turned out that Alex had not actually killed anybody, but he had severely injured all of them, to the point that several of the bodyguards would never walk again.


Hee-Young was notified of what had happened after the police arrived and found no trace of the intruder. Contrary to what one might think, despite having her son severely injured, she did not take the day off work to visit him in the ICU. Instead, she did everything she could to hide the fool's misdeeds from the police, while assuring them that she would not be pressing charges.

After all, if she were to pursue Alex, then Dae-Hyun's sins would come to light in court, and though Alex would certainly go to prison, her family's name would be stained forever. And her family's reputation and prestige were far more important than her son's life. After all, she was young enough that she could always bear another heir. Even if the idea of sleeping with her husband made her skin crawl.

But what was more important was after watching the security footage over and over again. Hee-Young could only come to one conclusion, which she voiced aloud while alone in her office.

"I have never seen a man so capable of violence... He would make the perfect raging bull..."

Thus, Hee-Young did not press charges against Alex, and actually did everything she could to bury the incident. Instead, she had far greater plans in mind for Alex, who her private investigator had just coincidentally managed to give her a dossier on the young lad right after he had broken into her house and sent her son to the hospital.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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