Chapter 43: An Enticing Offer

Alex awoke the next morning and found that Dal was sleeping peacefully in his arms. She had a loving smile on her face as she clung to Alex like a little koala. Knowing that he would wake her if he got up, Alex stayed still for some time.That is until Dal finally awoke from natural causes, where she was quick to greet her lover with a kiss.


Alex smirked after kissing dal. He had yet to even claim his reward for conquering the girl. But he could wait until he returned home before doing that. Of course, if he did so, the Queen of Hearts would be pissy with him, but that was a risk he was willing to take.

Thus, Alex spent the morning with Dal and her mother, who pretended like she was not aware of what the two of them did the night before. Where Alex was served breakfast in bed. Though unfortunately, this serenity did not last long before the doorbell rang.

Dal's mother had a bit of a frown on her face, almost as if she were expecting this to happen. Where she told Alex to wait in bed. She then went to answer the door. And while she did, Dal continued to feed Alex his breakfast, believing that his arm was broken.

Eventually, the girl's mother returned, and with a silver-haired beauty by her side. Naturally, Alex could guess based upon the woman's appearance who she was. After all, she looked very similar to the boy he had crippled the day before.

Thus, Alex frowned when he saw the woman entered the room with her bodyguards in tow. He was prepared to defend himself when the woman tossed Alex a pair of keys. Which he caught with his arm that was supposed to be broken.

This caused the woman to raise her brow, as well as Dal's mother, before she introduced herself with a haughty tone in her voice.

"Oh? I would have thought that after everything you went through, you would at least have some broken bones, but it appears my fears were nothing more than my own imagination. I am Chai Hee-Young.

The mother of the boy who you crippled…. I understand you trashed your sports car breaking through my gates, how you survived such a daring feat. I have no idea, but consider that repayment for my son's stupidity.

It's an exact copy of the car which you destroyed, oh and feel free to keep the Ferrari which you looted from my garage, I'm not overly fond of my toys after someone else has touched them, but I suppose we have that in common now don't we?"

Hee-Young then shot a glare over to Dal, who she was quick to apologize to as well.

"I am so sorry for my son's behavior. What he did was completely unforgivable, and I only hope you will find it in your heart not to press charges. After all, he has suffered enough. Thanks to Alex here, Dae-Hyun will never be able to have children or even perform in bed. I'd say for a man that is a fate worse than death, but what do I know? I'm just a woman…."

Dal lowered her head, and did not immediately accept the woman's apology. Instead, Alex spoke up, with a rather concerned tone in his voice.

"How did you find me?"

In response to this, Hee-Young simply smirked before retorting to this question with a snarky remark.

"You think awfully high of yourself, don't you? Actually, I had come to apologize to Dal and her family on behalf of my son. I didn't expect you to be here. In fact, I had planned to visit your family home later today after coming to an understanding with Dal here. I suppose you could say this is a happy coincidence.

Since you're here already, how about we get down to business, shall we? You crippled my son and turned him into a eunuch. You also crippled several of my bodyguards, who until yesterday I considered the best fighters in South Korea. Apparently I was wrong about that, because you made short work of them, and appear to have made it out relatively unscathed.

You don't need to be worried about being charged with multiple felonies, the families of those bodyguards are being appropriately compensated, and my son has gotten what he deserved. Foolish child, I never would have expected that the boy I raised would become a rapist. Well, luckily enough, Dal here emerged with her chastity intact, thanks to you I might add."

Alex listened to the words that Hee-Young spoke, and could not help but think she was building up to something, causing him to get increasingly frustrated as he demanded an answer.

"Just get to the point. What do you want from me?"

Hee-Young's lips curved into a sultry smile as she nodded her head thrice before responding.

"Smart boy, I thought perhaps you were just a rampaging brute, but there appears to be a brain in that thick skull of yours after all. To put it simply, I went through a lot of trouble to bury yesterday's little incident, and I would like to keep it that way. I'm sure someone with your quick wits can understand the damage that would occur to my family's reputation if word were to get out about my son's sins.

Not only that, but I am down several men thanks to you, and it will be very difficult to find their replacements. That is, of course, unless you do me one little favor. After all, your liberty is contingent on whether or not I am satisfied with your answer."

Alex sighed heavily. He had no idea what the woman was about to ask of him, but he was certain that he would have to sell his soul in order to remain on the other side of the bars. Thus, his tone was rather stern as he demanded to know what it was this woman was asking of him.

'Just tell me what you want already! I don't have all day!"

This remark caused the woman to frown as she scolded Alex for his impatience.

"Patience is a virtue, you know? Fine, I'll just come outright and say it, since you are making me. I want you to come work for my family as a bodyguard, specifically for me and my daughter. Now that Dae-Hyun will no longer be able to have children, he's effectively written out of the will, and only his sister Ja-Young will inherit the family fortune. I need someone capable of defending her, and the level of violence you displayed yesterday was something I did not think a human being was capable of engaging in until I witnessed your performance.

I promise you a six-figure salary, with all the benefits and perks you can expect from the most prestigious of corporate jobs. You will have flexible hours based on your school and extracurricular activities.

And I will even have my corporation sponsor you, seeing as how you are an up-and-coming fighter. I can pull a few strings and get you your first professional fight as well. After all, the better you perform in the cage, the more prestige my family will have by employing you. What do you say?"

Alex stared at the woman as if she were completely mad. He had just crippled her son, and turned him into a eunuch, and yet she wanted him to work for her. Has she gone absolutely mad? Naturally, he was quick to ask this question.

"And what exactly is preventing you from slitting my throat and disposing of my body in the fucking ocean after I accept the job offer? After all, you have already gone to such lengths to learn all about me. If I didn't know any better, I would say you are looking for an excuse to get rid of me!"

This simply caused the woman to giggle she looked at Alex in a new light.

"Oh? Paranoid as well? You might go far in this world if given the proper training. I don't intend to kill you Alex. The truth of the matter is, I am still young and fertile enough to sire another heir even if it means sleeping with that man….

Dae-Hyun was weak, weak enough to let a common girl drive him mad with envy. It is clear to me now that he would have made a very poor successor. Perhaps he inherited his weakness from his father…. Either way, he is lucky that I even spared the expense of bringing him back to life after you nearly sent him into an early grave.

Your skills are in a league of their own, and you would make a valuable asset to my family. I am simply doing what is practical. After all, we don't all let our emotions get the better of us. I'll give you the weekend to consider my offer.

You will be hearing from me Monday morning, and if you don't respond, I'll be forced to visit you at your home, or at that lovely penthouse you have inexplicably acquired. Either way, you won't be able to hide from me. So I look forward to hearing from you…."

After saying this, the woman left the house as quickly as she had come, leaving Alex and Dal in a state of bewilderment. Alex suddenly understood one thing about Hee-Young, and that was the fact that she was an absolutely ruthless and coldhearted woman. Perhaps she was the perfect fit for a man like Alex?


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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