Chapter 46: A Little Tournament

After visiting Min-Ah's school, and discovering that Sakura had a penchant for anal sex, Alex was in a particularly good mood. Until now, he had not been able to convince any of his women in this world to allow him to do such a thing. But now that he knew Sakura was into it, he planned to fuck her perfect ass every chance he got.

However, his good mood did not last for long, because after MMA practice he received a text from Hee-Young who demanded he visit her estate. Since she was technically his employer, he had no choice but to do so, and because of this, he drove his motorcycle to the woman's home.

The last time he had visited this mansion, he had done so as an act of vengeance upon the foolish young master who had dared to kidnap his girl. However, this time he was invited through the gates, which had since been repaired, as a respected member of the staff. Once inside, Alex found that Hee-Young was waiting for him, along with her beautiful daughter, Ja-Young.

Ja-Young took one look at Alex, and raised her brow, he was currently dressed like a filthy commoner and stunk of sweat. Some of it was his own, and some of it was from the other men he had grappled with. Because Alex looked like a member of the working class, Ja-Young could not help but snub him.

"This is the new bodyguard? The man who crippled the dearest brother? He doesn't look like much now, does he?"

Naturally, Ja-Young had not seen everything that her mother had, and thus the mature beauty was quick to scold her daughter about what she did not understand.

"Oh, believe me when I say that Alex's talents are unrivaled…"

After saying this, she stared down at the man's crotch, which was concealed by his fight shorts. This went unnoticed by the woman's daughter, but not by Alex, who knew that Hee-Young was already captivated by his god-like figure.

Thus a smirk appeared on the man's face, as he asked the mature beauty why he was summoned at such a time.

"If I remember correctly, I'm not scheduled to work today, so what's the deal?"

Ja-Young was insulted that this man who was in her family's employment would dare to speak so casually to her esteemed mother, and was just about to make a comment when the woman spoke up for herself.

"I need a favor. I promise to pay you extra for your troubles. How about it?"

Alex scratched the back of his neck, before asking just what kind of favor she was asking of him.

"I suppose that would depend on just what kind of favor you are asking of me…. What's the job?"

Hee-Young smiled when Alex did not immediately refuse her request, and then quickly spoke about the details of what she wanted from him.

"At the country club, we are putting on a little boxing tournament between our bodyguards. It's a good way for the families to gamble and show off the prestige of their employees. Since you injured the guy who was supposed to stand up and fight for my family's honor, I am forced to find a replacement, and who better than you? After all, you were specifically hired for your fighting skills, were you not?"

Alex sighed heavily and thought about it for a few moments before voicing his opinion on the matter.

"I'm a fighter, not a boxer. While I am confident in my striking, I'm more of a jack of all trades when it comes to fighting. Boxing in and of itself isn't my specialty, and I don't know how well I will be able to compete under such a limited rule set.

Now that being said, I am confident in my ability to knock down just about anyone with my hands, so perhaps I have a chance of winning this thing. But It is not exactly something that I can promise with a definitive answer…"

Hee-Young frowned when she heard this. In truth, she knew very little about combat sports and the variety between them. Just because a guy was an amazing striker in MMA did not necessarily mean his skill set would transfer over well to the world of boxing, where the rules were severely limited in what strikes a fighter can use.

But she was confident in Alex's ability to beat up the other bodyguards of the rivaling families, and thus she made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

"How about I pay you fifty thousand USD?"

Alex had severely underestimated just how much emphasis Hee-Young put on her reputation. Fifty grand was more than most MMA fighters made per fight. Even in the Ultimate Fighting Challenge, which was the largest Mixed Martial Arts promotion in this world, most of the fighters on its roster were not making fifty grand a fight.

And though this was a tournament that would be held on the same day, Alex was not yet a professional, thus making such money on a few smokers was actually a really good deal. Thus, he ultimately accepted the woman's offer when she put such a figure on the table.

"Well, when you put it like that, I suppose I really have no choice but to fight for your honor, now do I?"

This response caused Hee-Young to smirk, as she allowed Alex to use her home's showers so he could properly prepare himself for the fight later that night.


Soon enough, Alex was at the country club, dressed in a pair of boxing shorts. His hands were being wrapped by an official of the club, who used to work in the big leagues of boxing. He ensured that none of the fighters were packing their wraps or gloves in any way that was prohibited. And once he had finished Alex's wraps, the man placed the gloves around Alex's hands before fastening them.

Since this was simply a smoker fight, these gloves were sixteen ounces, which were most commonly used in sparring sessions, and fighters were permitted to wear headgear. Alex, of course, forsook the headgear, believing it made his head a bigger target.

And thus when he stepped foot into the ring, which was established outside, beneath the starry night sky, the various wealthy elites who had gathered to watch their employees compete began to cheer. After all, these rich folk loved watching commoners fight for their entertainment.

Alex was the only foreigner competing in this little tournament, and because of that, he was substantially larger than his competition, both in weight and height. So much so that the man who was standing opposite of him in the ring immediately decided that he would indeed wear the headgear, despite previously not wanting to do so.

The two men met in the center of the ring, where the referee was quick to go over the rules before they both stepped back to their respective corners. Alex did not feel the slightest bit of intimidation as he eyed his opponent like a hungry jaguar. Instead, he felt nothing but excitement.

The bell rang, and Alex sprang forward, establishing control over the center of the ring, where his opponent bounced around him, as if afraid of getting within punching distance. This caused Alex to advance forward, as he threw a jab cross combo, which his opponent ducked under, and moved to the side.

Alex, however, stayed consistent with his aggression, pressing forward, and making the man back into the ropes, where Alex threw a jab and a body shot. The man was not expecting his opponent to suddenly go low to the body, and when the punch connected with the man's liver, he fell to his knees, where Alex returned to the other side of the ring, waiting for him to get up.

It took a full eight seconds for the man to get back to his feet, and during this time, Alex could hear the crowd go wild for him. The men were cheering at the sight of such unrestrained power, while the women were golf clapping. After all, they were "ladies" and had to restrain themselves. Though some of them found the whole thing to be nothing short of barbaric.

Eventually, the man got back to his feet, but there was a look of terror in his eyes as he realized just how hard Alex could punch. Alex was like a giant compared to this man, standing in at two meters tall or six feet and five inches, while weighing in at one hundred and two kilograms, or two hundred and twenty-five pounds.

Meanwhile, his opponent was one hundred and seventy centimeters tall, for five feet and seven inches, while weighing in at seventy-seven kilograms, or one hundred and sixty-nine pounds. The difference in size alone was truly a daunting thing to overcome.

Once the man had recovered from the liver punch, he stepped forward and threw a jab, cross, and hook combo, which Alex either parried or dodged before returning with a hook and upper cut combo, which landed cleanly on his opponent, knocking the man to the canvas.

Once more, the crowd broke out into screams of excitement, as Alex dropped his opponent for the second time. Ja-Young even began to brag about her family's fighter to her wealthy friends. All of which gazed upon Alex as if he were some form of Demi-god.

Yet Alex's opponent was tenacious, and thus after another eight second count, he rose to his feet, for one more go at it. Of course, Alex made short work of the man when he threw a super man punch, followed by a lead hook and shovel punch to the body, dropping the man to the canvas for a third time. And in doing so, ending the match. Not even two minutes had gone into the first round before Alex TKO'd his opponent, sending a very powerful signal to the other boxers in this tournament.

Alex did not even break a sweat as he walked out of the ring, and accepted a beer which was given to him by his "corner" which were the other bodyguards employed by Hee-Young. He then sat down while they rubbed ice across his body. As for what came next, it was another few fights to determine who would proceed to the next round.

While watching these fights, Alex realized his level of competition was not too great. Even the most talented of these bodyguards were amateurs at best, and at the worst weren't even boxers, but instead trained in Taekwondo, and other traditional martial arts.

With this in mind, Alex knew his odds of winning this tournament were pretty high. And thus, he returned to the locker room to get some proper rest, while the competition continued to determine who would move onto the next round. Completely unaware that Hee-Young was there waiting for him.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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