Villain: Transmigrated Into A NTR Manga As The Antagonist

Chapter 60 Taking a Nerdy Girl on Her First Date Part I

60 Taking a Nerdy Girl on Her First Date Part I

The next morning, both Min-Ji and Hae-won were sitting in the dining room, drinking their coffee at the table. Evidently, they got very little sleep the previous night, because they both had visible bags under their eyes. This was no doubt thanks to Jung-Hyun's loud and sexual moans with reverberated throughout the penthouse.

As for Alex and Jung-Hyun, they emerged from the master bedroom, wearing very little. Alex was dressed in his signature compression shorts, while Jung-Hyun was dressed in an open babydoll, and some particularly sexy lingerie. The two guests looked at each other and remained silent as Jung-Hyun entered the kitchen and prepared her man some coffee.

Meanwhile, Hae-won kept shooting embarrassed glares at Alex, who was practically hugging Jung-Hyun, and nibbling on her ear in a display of affection. Min-Ji finally noticed that her mother was acting weird and asked what was wrong in a rather innocent tone.

"Mother? Is something the matter?"

Hae-won flinched so much upon hearing these words that she spilled her coffee on the table. Indeed, something was the matter, but she could never tell her daughter that Alex had entered her shower the previous night and groped her. She was still confused about how such a thing had happened, or why the man had such a mammoth dick.

As for Alex, he slyly slipped his index finger into Jung-Hyun's panties, which were concealed by the Kitchen counter, and began to finger her twat with an arrogant smirk on his handsome face. The mature beauty's face immediately flushed red in embarrassment, causing her to do everything in her power not to moan in front of their guests. She ended up handing Alex his cup of coffee with trembling hands, while Hae-won answered her daughter with a rather panicked tone in her voice.

"No! Nothing at all! Just drink your coffee and keep studying!"

Clearly, Hae-won could tell by the look on Jung-Hyun's face that the woman was being fingered right now. But Min-Ji was a bit innocent and couldn't put two and two together, thus she opened one of her textbooks and preoccupied herself with it.

Once the girl was looking away, Alex pulled his finger out of Jung-Hyun's twat, and licked it before whispering something to the woman which turned her on.

"Thanks for the meal…."

After saying this, Alex walked over to the dining room table and sat at its head, while shooting his physics professor a flirty gaze. This caused the woman to avert her eyes and focus on her coffee. As for Jung-Hyun, she prepared breakfast for the lot of them, which they then ate in awkward silence.

Eventually Alex drove to the university separate from his guests, where he met up with the two of them in his first class of the day. Which ended without any significant event occurring.


After the class came to an end, and her students left her behind, Hae-won was surprised to find her husband standing in the doorway of her classroom. There was a very clear look of intoxication on his face, causing the woman to sigh and shake her head before speaking to the man in a stern voice.

"I already told you, I'm filing for divorce. My lawyer is already working on the papers, and will send them to your lawyer later today. There is nothing left to say of the matter."

In-Su, however, blocked his wife's path as she tried to exit the room, and spoke to her with a voice filled with cold rage.

"I don't give a shit about that, but in exchange for your divorce, I demand the house, and that you eschew your right to alimony! You and I both know I can't afford such payments!"

Hae-won merely scoffed at the man and frowned with a look of utter disappointment on her face.

"You truly are a worthless sack of shit. Very well, we can discuss this matter over coffee, but you're paying for it!"

Hae-won, then pulled out her phone and texted Alex something. Before heading off with her soon to be ex-husband to discuss important matters of their divorce.


Alex was in the middle of a smoke break when he received Hae-won's text. Which made him raise his brow in curiosity.

"Something has come up. Can you please drive Min-Ji back to the penthouse for me?"

He immediately responded back to the woman before assuring her that he would take care of it. Alex then thought to himself about how he would even find the girl, when he realized she was a nerd who only cared about her grades, and thus was likely to be in the library. At the very least, the odds were in his favor. But he was in no rush. Thus, he pulled out a second cigarette and smoked it before walking off to the library.


Min-Ji was, as expected, sitting in the library alone, with a treasure trove of books sitting on the desk. Her reading speed was quite impressive, and since she only had two classes today, she had spent the last few hours brushing up on several books related to her studies.

It was at this time that bespectacled young Korean man, who was approximately the same height as Min-ji, stepped forward, and offered to sit with the girl.

"Hey Min-Ji, do you mind if we study together?"

Min-Ji knew this boy from one of her classes, but she was not exactly on a first name basis with him. Little did she know, this boy had a massive crush on her, and would do anything to get on her good side. She was just about to respond positively to the boy when a much larger and more handsome man stepped into the area with a wide smile on his face.

"There you are Min-Ji, hey something came up, and Dr. Park asked me to take you home. Are you ready to go? Or do you want some more time?"

Min-Ji gazed at Alex with curiosity in her hazel eyes. Was this man serious? She barely knew Alex, but from all the flexing he had previously done to impress her, she knew that he was an MMA fighter, and usually would head directly to the gym after his classes. Thus, she was quick to interrogate him over the matter.

"Don't you have MMA practice?"

Alex's smirk did not dissipate with such a question, and he simply chuckled before responding to it.

"You can consider this my rest day, so are you ready to head out, or do you want some more time?"

The bespectacled young man gazed at both Alex and Min-Ji with a look of shock on his face. From what he knew, Min-Ji was a silent and introverted type who preferred to spend her time gaining knowledge. So how the hell was she acquainted with this meathead? The boy quickly leaned over and whispered to Min-JI in a rather panicked voice.

"Min-Ji, who is this man?"

Min-Ji responded to this question by looking over at the boy with a bit of annoyance on her face. She could not possibly fathom how this was any of his business, or why he even cared? She simply sighed heavily, before closing the book, before accepting Alex's offer, knowing that if she stayed any longer, she would be interrogated by her classmate.

"Alright, I'm finished, come on Alex let's go home…"

The phrasing of these words was like a punch to the liver, leaving the boy in a state of despair. Let's go home? Not take me home? Didn't that mean they were living together? There was no way! He was just about to speak up and ask for clarification when Alex wrapped his arm around the girl's shoulders and glared at the boy before saying something that completely defeated him.

"Alright, but how about we go out for something to eat first? Are you hungry? Cuz I know the best steakhouse in town!"

Min-Ji glared at Alex for his obvious attempt to win her over, and was quick to ask if he was serious, much to the dismay of her classmate.

"You would seriously take me out to such a place? Isn't that expensive?"

The girl immediately felt like a fool after asking this, when Alex pointed out his wealth.

"Girl, you are living in my luxury penthouse, and I drive a fucking lambo! Do you seriously think I can't afford a nice meal for two at a steakhouse? Hell, I could take you and your mother out for nine courses and it wouldn't even break a bank! Relax, dinner's on me!"

For the first time in his life, Alex had witnessed the girl warm up to him. She had a faint smile on her face, and her cheeks had mildly blushed red, before she nodded her head and accepted his offer, as she lifted her glasses slightly upward.

"I guess I could eat…"

With this Alex took Min-Ji on a proper date, leaving behind the "main character" who she was supposed to end up with, who had a particularly defeated expression on his face. The young man was shaking in fear, and damn near pissed himself at the sight of this giant foreigner, who had glared at him so menacingly. Despite this reaction, this would not be the end of his attempts to win over Min-Ji's heart.


Thank you for reading my novel, if you wish to read a more serious story with an intricate plot, and complex world building, as well as a decent sized harem, and a few smut chapters. Please check out my two other novels: Tyranny of Steel, and Interstellar Age.

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