67 Picking Up a Girl in Style

After securing a date with Nari, Alex continued his normal daily routine of attending the rest of his classes, and visiting the mma gym for some serious training. After which, he showered, and got dressed in some rather stylish designer clothes before driving off to pick Nari up at her place.

It turned out the young woman lived with her parents, because the moment Alex knocked on the door, a mature male in his middle-aged years opened the door and scowled at him. From the looks of it, this man was in great shape, and carried himself with a degree of authority that showed he knew how to handle himself.

With a single guess, Alex could tell that Nari had most likely learned judo from this man, or at least initially during her formative years. Thus, Alex reached his hand out in a friendly gesture to greet the father of his date while introducing himself.

"Good evening, my name is Alex, I'm here to pick up your daughter…."

The man simply scoffed, and remained standing in the doorway, silently blocking the way into his home. This caused Alex to withdraw his hand and stare down at the man with an equally intense expression. Obviously, Alex was not willing to back down when the man was testing him, and thus he stood there and pulled out his lighter and a pack of cigarettes, where he began to smoke with a casual demeanor.

Nari's father raised his brow, quite surprised that Erich had the nerve to smoke in front of him. Alex then pulled out his phone and texted Nari that he was in her doorway while waiting to pick her up. It was only after he did this that her father finally spoke to him.

"Is that your car?"

Alex nodded his head with a smug smirk on his face. Before asking the man if he knew a thing or two about sports cars.

"I'll tell you what, if you can guess the make and model of my car, I'll give you 1,000 USD. After all, your daughter appears to still be getting ready, so I have some time to kill…"

The man's expression did not change, as he instantly said what make and model Alex's car was.

"McLearen Semma, that car is worth over a million dollars. Just how the hell did a kid like you get your hands on such a thing?"

Seeing as how Alex had been bested fair and square, he pulled out his wallet and handed the man a thousand dollars, where he then revealed how he got the car.

"Same way a kid like me gets his hands on anything that's valuable, I stole it from a particularly wealthy Milf. But let's just say she liked me enough to let me keep it."

For the first time since Alex met Nari's father, the man finally expressed something other than anger. He was completely shocked that Alex would outright admit the vehicle was stolen. However, before he could respond, Nari appeared behind her father and told him to get out of the way.

"Old man… I already told you I was going out tonight. So why the hell are you interfering with my date?"

The moment the man saw his precious little girl enter the scene, his harsh demeanor immediately melted away as he became a total pushover in front of his own daughter.

"I'm just trying to protect my baby girl from this petty thief! Please forgive your father!"

The man then shamelessly tried to hug his daughter, but she simply grabbed his arm, and put it in a straight armlock. Clearly, she was not willing to put up with his overbearing shit while in front of her date.

"What did I tell you about trying to hug me all the time? I'm not a little girl anymore! It's not appropriate for an old man like yourself to do that! If you keep trying to touch me, I'll call the police, you old pervert!"

Upon hearing himself be called an old pervert by his own flesh and blood, the man began to sulk, almost as if his daughter had shot an arrow into his heart. He then recovered in the next moment, in an almost bi-polar manner, before saying goodbye to his daughter.

"You enjoy yourself, darling!"

With this said, Nari scoffed and rolled her eyes before marching towards Alex's car in a fit. Once she was out of earshot, her father grabbed hold of Alex's shoulder and gripped it fiercely while giving him a death stare.

"You have my daughter back by ten, or I'll break your spine! You understand me, boy?"

Alex simply scoffed, as batted the man's hand away, before returning his stare with one of equal intensity.

"I'll have her home when I damn feel like it, old man…"

After saying this, Alex walked over to find Nari was pissed at him for leaving the door locked.

"Aren't you going to unlock the freaking door?"

In response to this, Alex simply smirked and clicked on his key fob before snatching hold of the door handle and allowing his date entry to his vehicle. She did not seem to enjoy this act of chivalry, and simply glared at him when he closed the door behind her before hopping over the hood to the other side of the car where he got inside.

Once Alex ignited the engine, he took off with high speed, burning rubber as he did so, before zipping through the streets of Seoul. Nari did not look at Alex once during the car ride, but when they were stopped at a particularly long light, she finally opened her mouth and complimented him.

"Nice car… How much did it cost?"

Alex's expression shifted to one of seriousness, or at least it appeared this way as he asked the girl an offensive question, but one that was clearly said with humorous intent.

"Nari... You're not a gold digger, are you?"

Nari blushed with embarassment when she heard this and immediately began to hit Alex's shoulder while scolding him for calling her such a rude name.

"I'm not a freaking gold digger! Don't call me that! I was just curious, that is all!"

Alex simply chuckled while receiving the girl's assault. He was then completely honest when he responded to her initial question with the actual figure.

"Brand new this thing costs about 1.18 million. But I didn't exactly pay for it if you get what I mean…"

Nari had no idea what Alex was talking about, how could he not pay for it, and was quick to inquire further about how he obtained such an expensive car.

"If you didn't pay for it, then how did you obtain it?"

A conceited smirk appeared on Alex's face as he explained the story about what happened between him and dal after that spoiled brat tried to kidnap and rape her, and how he stole the most expensive looking car in Hee-Young's garage as recompense for the injuries he had sustained, and how his lambo was trashed in the process.

By the end of the story, Alex and Nari arrived at the location of their date, and she was absolutely astounded that Alex had gone to such lengths for a girl he barely knew. It actually turned her opinion around on the man ever so slightly, with her favorability raising from a low 5/100 to a 15/100. That is until she found something under her seat that immediately caused her favorability to drop.

In Nari's hands was a used thong, with the words "Daddy's little slut" written over the crotch in neon pink letters. There was a look of disgust on Nari's face, one that was clearly mixed with rage when she realized what she was holding.

Alex looked over, and saw the panties, and laughed before grabbing hold of them and stuffing them in his pocket. Where he shamelessly admitted who they belonged to.

"So that's where those went? Sorry about that, those belong to my girl Sakura, she's my little sister's best friend, and a teenage gyaru. I'm fucking her and her Japanese milf of a mother. Speaking of which, I should probably return these to the girl after our date is over. Thanks for finding them!"

Nari gawked at Alex with nothing but disgust on her face, and in doing so, Alex noticed that her favorability towards him dropped from 15/100 to 1/100. Knowing this, Alex realized that the girl would be a much harder catch than any of the other heroines he had previously conquered. But that was a challenge he was happy to accept.

Thus, he pulled into a crowded parking lot and exited the vehicle before helping his date out of her door. Which she immediately refused while pouting.

"Hmph… Let's just get this over with!"

Alex smirked when he saw that Nari would actually be a challenge, unlike many of the other women he had fucked so far. And thus he chased off after the girl towards the location of their date, which was a laser tag arena.

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