Chapter 72 Meeting the Idol

After hooking up with Hee-Young at the coffee shop, Alex immediately found himself with a text from the woman giving him the address of the client he was supposed to be protecting. Thus, he returned to his penthouse ever so briefly as he dressed himself in his typical security uniform, before driving the more expensive of his two sports cars to the location. All he had to do was introduce himself to his new client, and then he could visit Sakura and her mother for the night. Both of which he had regretfully been neglecting this past week.

When Alex arrived, he was surprised to see that it was the headquarters for one of the major corporations involved with producing idols in the Kpop industry. This caused the man to scoff, as he got out of the car, where he placed his solid black aviator style sunglasses on his face. Alex then reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes, where he took a quick smoke break before the entering the facility.

The moment Alex entered the building, it was as if all eyes were on him. After all, he was a rather good-looking young foreigner, and he was dressed in rather unique attire, that one might expect from those bodyguards hired by the social elite.

Alex looked around and saw a bunch of young women and men, all of which were clearly involved in the Kpop industry. He then rolled his eyes at them, which were concealed behind his sunglasses. No longer paying these celebrities any attention, Alex walked up to the front desk and pulled out his phone to check on the name of the person he was supposed to be meeting with.

"I have an appointment with a Hwang Ji-an. Tell her that Chai Hee-Young sent me..."

The receptionist quickly noticed the name that Alex had said, leaving her to immediately contact Ji-An. After speaking briefly on the phone with the woman in question, the receptionist hung up before informing Alex to wait in the waiting room.

"She will be right out. In the meantime, you can relax in our waiting room."

Alex nodded his head, and returned to the waiting room, where there were a number of young women who were obviously aspiring to become idols. They all looked at Alex as he sat in his seat and gazed upon his phone with flustered expressions. By the looks of it, this man was a bodyguard, and more than a few of these aspiring idols wanted him to become their personal bodyguard when they finally made it big.

Before any of these girls could approach Alex, the elevator opened to reveal a beautiful young woman, clearly in her late twenties. She had short teal hair and matching eyes, and was dressed in a suit and skirt that did little to hide what Alex knew was clearly a magnificent body.

This young woman was carrying several folders and binders as she entered the waiting room with a dignified expression on her face. She then called out Alex's name, but the moment she did so, she tripped and fell on the floor.

"Alex Smi- eek!"

As the beautiful young woman fell to the floor, so too did her binders and folders, scattering tons of classified documents across the floor. Alex rolled his eyes when he saw the woman fall, immediately guessing she was the clutsy type. Luckily for him this rude gesture was concealed beneath his sunglasses, and thus he immediately stepped forward and assisted the woman to her feet, while recovering the documents she had lost control over.

"Mrs. Hwang I presume? Please allow me to assist you with that."

Ji-an blushed when she saw Alex offer he his hand to her, and averted her gaze as she timidly accepted it, only to be yanked to her feet in the next moment. But Alex seemed not to notice her embarrassed expression, or at least she thought he didn't as he immediately proceeded to scoop up all the documents, and make sure they were safely secured before handing them back to the woman.

"I believe these are yours..."

Ji-an's face had turned completely red as she hesitated to accept the folders until Alex raised his brow and looked at her weird. She then silently snatch the folders away from him before clearing her voice.

"Ahem... Thank you for your assistance, now if you will please follow me, there is much we need to discuss...."

Alex smirked and nodded his head, before following Ji-an into the elevator who began to explain his new job to him.

"Hee-Young is a close friend of mine, and says you not only have impeccable skills as a bodyguard, but can also be trusted... So I am taking a risk by hiring you, but I need to make one thing absolutely clear. Don't even think about trying to schmooze my client! She is a kind, and innocent soul, and I will not have a man like yourself corrupt her!"

Alex simply scoffed when he heard this before expressing his thoughts on the matter.

"Please, she works in the K-Pop industry. Just how pure and innocent can she fucking be?"

This remark caused the woman to frown and glare at Alex, while speaking of his ignorance with a spiteful tone in her voice.

"You know nothing about our industry! I would have you keep such crass remarks to yourself going forward! Anyway, I am about to introduce you to the girl who you will be protecting. She has recently received some rather alarming letters from a fan, and because of this her parents are quite worried about her safety. So the company has asked me to find her an adequate bodyguard.

I understand you are a university student, but luckily for you, there should not be a clash of schedules. So... If you will follow me, I will be happy to introduce you to your new client..."

The moment the elevator doors opened and Ji-An took a stepped forward, she tripped for the second time since Alex had met the woman only a few minutes prior. Falling face first onto the cold floor of the office building, and in doing so, somehow managed to flip her skirt up, which shocking revealed the panties she was wearing. Never before had Alex seen a grown woman wearing such childish underwear. Ones that depicted a teddy bear on them.

Alex simply gawked at the woman, and her ability to seemingly trip over absolutely nothing, he then helped her up for a second time, before realizing she was blushing once more. She spoke in a voice so low that Alex could almost not even hear her.

"Did you see?"

Alex was not going to lie to save the woman's face, and silently nodded his head with a stoic expression on his face. This caused the woman to blush even more while she turned her head away from Alex and pouted before commenting on his crude remark.


After saying this, she stormed off towards the room, where Alex's new client and the rest of her girl group were currently relaxing in between training sets. Once Alex stepped inside the room with Ji-an, the idols all looked up in astonishment, never before had a foreigner intruded upon their sanctuary, let alone one as young and handsome as Alex.

There was one girl, however, who was sitting alone on the other side of the room, playing with her phone. She seemed to be isolated from the rest of her teammates. Alex was astonished when he saw this girl, because she was absolutely adorable in a way that a grown woman shouldn't be. She was at most eighteen years old, and was a petite little thing, with bubblegum pink hair that was tied into twintails and mismatched eyes. One blue and one teal.

This girl was dressed in a frilly white and pink outfit, and her phone case was customized to match her aesthetic. There was also a white stuffed rabbit sitting on her lap. It was only after Ji-an called out to this girl that she looked up and noticed Alex's presence.

"Mimi, I'd like to introduce you to your new bodyguard. Alex Smith, I have been informed by a close friend that he is quite capable. With him around, you need not fear that crazy stalker of yours."

The girl took one look at Alex and blushed before averting her gaze, which Alex thought was incredibly cute. She then spoke up in a timid voice that Alex barely heard.

"Jiji... You didn't tell me you would be hiring a man. What will mommy and daddy say when they find out?"

Ji-an sighed heavily, as she informed the girl that it was actually her parents' idea.

"It was your father's idea. Though I tried to convince him to hire a female bodyguard, he felt as if a woman would be wholly incapable of protecting his precious daughter. And you know how that man is when he makes a decision...."

Alex, however, was confused, as he tried to remember where he heard the name Mimi before, going so far as to accidentally voice his thoughts aloud.

"Mimi... Why do I feel like I have heard that name before?"

Mimi's embarrassed expression slightly changed when she thought for the briefest moment that Alex might be a fan. There was almost a look of excitement in her eyes as she did so.

"Are you perhaps a fan?"

It was only after hearing this that Alex finally connected the dots to the rambling his stepmother had gone on when talking about her favorite k-pop group.

"No, but my mother is...."

Mimi pouted when she realized Alex was not a fan of hers, but instead his mother. She was then quick to ask another question. All while the other girls in her group watched the scene, while snickering. They even whispered to one another cruel remarks about the pink-haired cutie behind her back which Alex took notice of.

"If you're not a fan of mine, then who are you a fan of?"

Alex was not afraid to offend the entire K-pop industry if he had to, but something told him telling the girl that he thought her entire genre of music was nothing but computer generated garbage was not going to win her over, especially when he noticed that both she and Ji-An were marked as heroines by his system. Thus, let her down easy as he made up some BS on the spot.

"I'm relatively new to Korea, so I'm still learning which groups to support. To be honest, I've never heard any of your music before...."

This was a lie. Chae-Yeong had quite fervently tried to convert Alex into a fan of Mimi, but he just tuned out the music every time she played it. The reason he did not remember where he had heard the name before was he tended to drift off into space whenever his beloved stepmother spoke about K-Pop. What she said regarding the subject genuinely went in one ear and out the other.

Luckily, Alex was a very good liar, especially when it came to manipulating women, and Mimi was extremely naive, as she nodded her head, as if understanding Alex's predicament, and was quick to welcome him to the team.

"Well now that you are my bodyguard, you will be hearing lots of our music from now on!"

It took all of Alex's strength not to scoff, and facepalm in that moment. Because the last thing he wanted in this life was to listen to kpop for eight or more hours a day. But he was doing Hee-Young a favor, and would be paid quite handsomly, not that he really needed the money at the moment. Thus, Alex forced a smile, and lied through his teeth in a way that made Mimi happy.

"I can't wait to hear it...."

With this said, Alex had come across two new heroines, and was now forced to endure the single most painful thing he could imagine as a part of his new job. Needless to say, he would have to find ways to cope with this new reality.

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