Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 907 - Jon’s First Visit

Chapter 907: Jon’s First Visit

Accepting his fate didn’t mean Jon would stop looking for survival. After hearing about the dream wasteland from Angor, he accepted the arrangement right away.

“Safekeeping people’s spirits... Sounds amazing. We determine someone as ‘someone’ based on their unique memory and the way they think. It seemed this wasteland you mentioned perfectly guaranteed both.”

“Well, I’ve seen many books that introduced differences between souls and consciousness, Jon. Once you head there, you can see whether something on you has changed.”

“Now I can’t wait to see this new world of yours! It’s been so long since I talked to others.”

Once they were done talking, Angor left Jon’s dream and looked at the ice coffin with an uncertain look.

He knew Jon didn’t have much time left. Yet their “dream project” had not reached a solid conclusion that they could protect people’s consciousness permanently.

He calmed his mind and put his “Dream Gate” on full alert. He then began channeling Dream Enkindle. No matter what was going to happen, he would still have to proceed.

Slowly, the cantrip weaved by nightmare energy covered Jon’s form from within.

Angor kept an eye on Jon’s vitals.

Soon, his “Dream Gate Monitor” sent him a warning.

[Foreign object detected in dream wasteland!]

The “mini-map” emerged inside his mind, above which a small human shadow floated. He was free to determine where to place Jon.

He selected the Foundation City, and after making sure the figure was dropped into the city accurately, he checked Jon’s body again.

Thankfully, nothing was off.

Since Jon was now safe in the Foundation City, the Dream Weaver could go off duty as well. Angor placed the ant back in his bracelet and left the ice room.

A brief spirit scan suggested that Leon was still resting, so he returned to his bedroom to continue his study.

He did not carelessly use Dream Enkindle on himself and join Jon because he feared that Thewis and Eureka might come and bother him if he kept “falling asleep” right next to Jon. It was unlikely that outsiders could detect his dream wasteland, but one should never underestimate the resourcefulness of wizards.

Besides, it was better for Jon to see the city by himself first.

After having lunch, Angor set a simple ward in his room and entered the dream wasteland from there.

The city was not that big yet. Using nightmare vision, he easily found Jon sightseeing along the streets while Sunny and Alda accompanied him. Telling from the way they talked and how Jon would laugh out occasionally, Jon was having a pretty good time.

“Sir!” Freud quickly found Angor on top of the Skyward Tower.

“You asked the kids to show Jon around the city?”

“I... was going to do it myself, but then I don’t want to cause trouble because everyone in the city knows who I am.”

“Nice. I’d like Jon to blend in with the folks slowly. But make sure you keep him safe at all times. One more thing, it’s fine if you let others help with the research, but you MUST keep Jon’s condition up to date on your own. Inform me immediately when you see something wrong.”

Angor asked this because he wasn’t sure if he could constantly watch over Jon, especially when he had many other jobs to do in reality.

“Acknowledged.” Freud was fully aware that the whole purpose of their research project was for rescuing Jon.

“Return to your post then,” Angor said and headed to Jon’s position.


In Jon’s view, every single building in the dream wasteland was unique and eye-catching. There was just too much to take.

Once he arrived at the Foundation City, he was immediately drawn to the vibrant and convenient layouts. Before he could remember to check the condition of his consciousness, he was already strolling among the avenues.

He didn’t know much about how cities in this world looked like because he barely left Grue Town ever since he came to the wizarding world. But this wouldn’t prevent him from admiring the new place.

“This is the Glittering Cathedral. People usually gather here because the Treehouse Pub is just nearby.” Alda diligently did his job as a tour guide.

“What’s there to see about a freaking cathedral? Hey, Gramps Jon, let’s have a drink over at the pub!” Sunny hopped around in her new dress.

Gramps?! Jon pinched his nose bridge and closed his eyes.

He was only past his 40s. It was just that the terrible condition gave him the look of a dying old man.

He was free to change how he looked in his lucid dream. But here, he was stuck in his old vessel. And he had been complaining about it for a while.

Still, he forced up a smile to the kids on the outside.

He liked Alda and Sunny, who reminded him of Angor and his daughter. There was no point in arguing for a better way to call him, so he simply accepted it.

“We have alcohol in this city? I mean, real alcohol?”

“Huh? Of course you find booze at the pub. What else?” A young man walked past them and heard their conversation. “Who’s this old guy, Sunny?”

“Watch your lousy mouth! This is our gramps!” Sunny raised a fist.

“Yes... Hello, gramps.” The young man stumbled back.

Jon shook his head. He didn’t know whether he should be glad or not.

“He’s Labor. And he has a brother, Lador, who’s also one of my best friends!” explained Alda.

Sunny knuckled Alda’s head. “You just met with Lador yesterday! Be careful with who you call friends!”


“Get lost,” Sunny yelled at Labor. “I’m gonna have more fun with Gramps Jon in the city. Leave us alone.”

Labor didn’t move. He always wondered why Sunny had something that both terrified and attracted him.

“Beat it already!” Sunny yelled again.

“Alright, alright!” Labor quickly stepped away.

“Don’t mind them, gramps. They don’t know what this place means.” Sunny watched Labor leaving with an annoyed look. “I don’t know if the drinks taste real, but people told me that they tasted real. Let’s go and see.”

Jon would like to try some strong drink since he had not had any in a while, but then, he wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea to let the kids enter the pub house.

“Let’s not. I want to see more of the city with my head clear.”

Sunny kicked the ground in frustration. Freud never allowed her to approach the pub before, so she thought she just found a nice excuse.

They continued their tour elsewhere, and Alda enthusiastically introduced every place they came across until they arrived at a large, blue building.

“This is the Ocean Theater. Want to take a look, Gramps Jon?”

Jon gazed at the familiar building without answering. He saw this place before when visiting doctors in Waterford. He never thought he had the chance of seeing it again.

“Let’s.” He nodded and walked ahead.

The theater was empty apart from the scavenger team sent by Freud, who didn’t mind their arrival since this place wasn’t off-limits.

“Come on, it’s no fun looking at empty chairs. Let’s hit the pub!” Sunny suggested again.

Before anyone could respond, they suddenly heard piano music coming from the stage. Peaceful, pacifying music that reminded them of the quiet fields in summer.

Whoever was playing was behind the curtain at the back of the stage, so they couldn’t see them.

“Who’s there?” Sunny wondered.

“I don’t know this song, but it sounds so nice!” Alda added.

“One Summer’s Day...”

Alda and Sunny looked at Jon, surprised.

“The song is ‘One Summer’s Day’. Gosh, I thought the kid’s never going to practice it for real,” Jon said while walking to the stage with a hearty smile.

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