Warlock Apprentice

Chapter 953 - Witch of Wasteland

Chapter 953: Witch of Wasteland

Everyone believed that Frozen Wing would get torn apart by the space distortion in no time, together with all the workers and resources stored inside. Although telling from the looks of the wizards, they were more concerned about the latter.

The pilots of Frozen Wing had given up steering the vehicle. Instead, they all went to activate a device on the vehicle, which seemed to be a dimensional energy generator.

This device was usually used for opening up and sustaining a teleportation tunnel, but this could only be done where the space was stable. If it was used in a disrupted area, something unwanted would come up, such as a new space rupture, which just appeared on top of Frozen Wing.

The new rupture soon began reaching out to the other two, causing the entire area between them to collapse. Several loose objects on Frozen Wing were immediately thrown into the broken space and were ground to powder.

“Are they trying to die faster?” an apprentice asked his teacher.

“Patience. Keep watching.”

Angor only looked away for a brief second, and when he looked back, he saw Frozen Wing had already left its original spot and was now flying at the safe distance far away.


Did it just teleport itself?

“It’s done. Let’s go back.” Madelyne took the lead and headed where Frozen Wing was waiting.

Angor quickly followed behind her, while not forgetting to glance back at the dimensional trap.

The third space rupture had connected with the two other ones, creating an exceptionally giant black hole full of chaotic energy raging around it.

When Angor and Madelyne reached Frozen Wing, the vehicle had been parked on the ground somewhere about a hundred kilometers from the ruptures, powered off.

Upon approaching the vehicle, Angor sensed two types of conflicting energy that somehow existed on Frozen Wing together.

“Using a new space rupture to generate a powerful repelling force...” Madelyne mumbled. “So she is here as well?”

“Repelling force?”

Angor just realized that the energy he just felt appeared very similar to the gravity force. This must have been what helped Frozen Wing escape.

“It’s a particular technique that makes use of dimensional energy,” explained Madelyne. “I’ve seen many people who can do it. But when you need someone who can use the stray energy from a space rupture so precisely, you can only be talking to one individual.”

Angor did not need to ask who that was because an outstanding woman just came into his view. Here, “outstanding” had nothing to do with her looks. Rather, the moment she showed up, the special energy that lingered around Frozen Wing all rushed into her as if she were the center of a vortex. It was difficult not to look at her.

She wasn’t very beautiful, but she carried a particular charm that made her attractive in the eyes of others. She had clean, white hair that appeared almost translucent in the sunlight. But compared to the cold color of her hair, her eyes were bright orange like a burning flame that showed her zealous spirit.

Also, all wizards present, including Madelyne, visibly grew nervous when this witch appeared.

“A vital component of Frozen Wing requires maintenance. We’ll continue once the repair is done.”

The witch did not speak, yet her voice was somehow heard by everyone.

After leaving her message, she turned away and headed into her room.

The wizards waited for a while before one of them found it safe enough to speak.

“We’re stopping... Guess taking the vehicle out of that mess wasn’t easy, even for a mighty one like her.”

“Tell me about it. Anyone else in that place would have enough trouble getting out alive, let alone protecting such a large vehicle,” another wizard commented.

Meanwhile, Angor tried to remember whether he had seen this witch somewhere before. Someone who was well-respected by so many wizards shouldn’t be hard to recognize.

Speaking of unparalleled wizards from Moonfrost Union, he quickly thought about two names—Samantha, who recently visited Brute Cavern, and Sennefer, who was believed to be the strongest Bloodline User among all witches.

Angor heard about “Witch of Wasteland” Sennefer before, during the auction held in Floating Mech City. Though he never saw her in person. It only took Sennefer about 200 years to become a level-2 truth-finder, which made her a close rival of Sunders, if people wished to compare their potential.

Also, Sennefer was Nausica’s idol. Every time Nausica mentioned her dreams and how she wanted to improve, she would bring up Sennefer’s name. She once explained to Angor that Sennefer had “the look of pure ice, paired with flame-colored eyes”.

Madelyne also confirmed this for Angor by speaking with a grim look, “Last time I heard, Sennefer was still staying at the Xien Plane. I would never have thought that she’s summoned to the Abyss as well. This means Mister Monkey is about to make the final move...”

While Angor was glad that a level-2 truth-finder was here to keep the escort team safe, he also grew worried about the true situation in the Abyss. Whatever that required Sennefer’s help must be rather serious.

Madelyne saw Angor still looking at Sennefer’s room and thought Angor needed more explanation. “Ahem. Sennefer is a Bloodline User, if you haven’t known. She found her path of truth by developing several types of opposing powers, like fire and ice, gravity and repulsion... And she can use them at the same time. Someone said that her way of truth is ‘paradox’ itself. But no matter who’s right, she’s a capable and deadly warrior.

“Let me put it in this way. She can force Frozen Wing to a full stop single-handedly when the vehicle is running at full speed. She didn’t do it because that would break it apart, obviously.”

Similarly, the other wizards were all talking about Sennefer as well as what she might do in the Abyss Plane. No one was giving Madelyne any attention, and Madelyne seemed to be enjoying the solitude.

“You know, I was at Remnant Auction, and I tried competing for your music box.” Madelyne changed the subject to Angor again. “Too bad, I didn’t have a chance. I heard a story that the music box even helped Greya with making her new spell. Is that true?”

“That’s highly unlikely.” Angor tried to muddle it through.

Madelyne knew there was more to it, but she didn’t ask further since Angor probably wouldn’t tell her anyway.

“That illusion was spectacular, that’s for sure. The rich stories you put into it could have demonstrated true knowledge, if people knew where to look.”

Madelyne could have used force, but just like other wizards in Brute Cavern, she found it more proper to approach Angor peacefully.

Next, Madelyne tried talking about simple matters in order to warm up to Angor bit by bit.

But she was soon stopped when an old wizard joined them. It was Vifet, the “the man with many friends worldwide”, as said by Madelyne.

Angor thought Vifet was here to negotiate something with Madelyne, so he wanted to move away. But he saw Vifet looking directly at him.

“You must be that ‘music box alchemist’ Angor, aren’t you?”

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