White Online

Chapter 392 - Demon Lord of Seventh Heaven

Chapter 392 - Demon Lord of Seventh Heaven.

Huntley paled, "I-I am just an old man, enjoying his retirement. I don't have the ability to help your prestigious family…"

Lone grinned and did not heed his words, "You know what happens if you reject… So, hop hop, we are going to Souldeath residence!"

"P-Please…" Huntley fell to his knees soon, his forehead touched the wooden floor as he begged.

"Don't make me do this… Please!"

Lone crouched next to him and grabbed his aged hair into his tightened fist, "Shut up. You are our slave until you fulfill your debt, do you get it?!"

Huntley averted his gaze with eyes moistening and hatred growling inside him.

"And, before you think about rejecting and dying…" Lone grabbed Huntley's hand and showed him the palm with a skull and crossbones tattoo.

"If you die, the debt will be transferred to your daughter."

Huntley's mind finally cracked, and he accepted with a weeping tone, "A-Alright…"

Lone grinned and went to the front door. After opening the door, a cold wind flew inside the room.

He took one final look at the crying Huntley, "Come on, we don't have time to waste."

Huntley wiped his tears and followed after Lone with a depressed look.

Somewhere in the world, there was an enormous island with sand-filled beaches, beautiful forests, green flower patches, and greenery.

In the middle of the island was a City that couldn't be found on any world map. It was as big as Snowstar and even more populated.

The island itself was located in the Western Sea, close to Summerland's hot Continent.

The City was named the City of Soul, and the public doesn't even know it exists.

It was also where a family of Souldeath resided and basically ruled the whole City. It was their secret Kingdom and their way to world dominance.

In the middle of the City, their residence was bustling with activity. The Souldeath house was built in similar architecture as medieval castles, with some signs of modernity.

Currently, in a spacious room of Souldeath castle, there was a meeting happening.

The room was dimly lit with chandelier light. The curtains were wide open, and the flowers placed on vases continued absorbing the sunlight.

There were nearly twenty individuals standing around the room while an elderly man with hunched back and wrinkly bald head sat in a soft-cushioned chair.

A dozen chained figures with fearful, tearful looks were only arm's length away from him.

The old man's name was Lord Souldeath, Patriarch of the Souldeath family.

"Ahh…" His aged eyes could barely see a meter in front, but he managed to see blurry outlines of the chains and crying figures with their limbs chained.

He grabbed his walking cane and carefully stood up with his bones rattling and legs trembling.

Even though he looked harmless, the chained figures looked at him like he were their worst nightmare.

"Remember… Your ancestors' debt?" His eyes were slightly open, squinted.

The chained figures shakily nodded. The words about the debt have been spreading from generation to generation. After a dozen generations, most of them have already begun thinking they never have to fulfill the debt.

But unfortunately for them, this year was when the debt had to be fulfilled.

They felt like they were the world's unluckiest people.

"The debt…"

"It has been transferred from generation to generation until the time to fulfill the debt has finally come."

Lord pointed at each individually and said, "You all… Enter White Online, and become a member of our secret army… If even one soul hears about this, the curse within you will activate, and you, your family, whole lineage, will perish!"

The tattoo on their palms shone in radiant purple.

The chained figures bowed with fear bubbling in their faces.

Lord walked past the bowing figures and stopped after reaching a window that showed a bustling City. Since the island was close to Summerland, the weather was scorching, and citizens of the City wore very light clothing.

Tap! Tap!

A tall man with shoulder-length hair stopped next to the hunch-backed man and asked.

"Father, why did you add some random people into our secret army?"

Lord glanced at his third son, Lane Souldeath, and nodded.

"Right… You and your brothers don't know yet…"

Lane turned to look at his father and listened.

"Their ancestors were great warriors, and their genes are still inside the current and previous generations."

"They might not look much, but when they get their hands on weapons… They are very formidable power."

Lane glanced at the tearful chained figures and asked, "How come they owe us such big debt that their lives might be ruined?"

"Our great ancestor defeated their ancestors in a battle using his infamous Dark Magic. After the defeat, he bound them with a curse of generations, and whoever breaks it, their lineage would end."

"It is the most taboo magic in existence!"

Lane's face showed his shock, "Dark Magic? You mean he managed to use the spells found in that dusty old book?"

Lord nodded, "Yes… I have tried, but there is no magic running in my veins… Unfortunately, the mana has dried up and disappeared from this world."

Somewhere in Universe, far away.

There was a world covered with harsh terrain and bubbling lava pits. The whole planet was scorching with enough heat to kill a human within seconds.

The trees were wrinkled, old-looking, black trees. The ground was harsh, rocky, and flowerless.

The sky was shrouded with dark clouds, lightning raging everywhere.

At the center of that lightning storm was a black castle. It was like there was a great evil living inside as even shadows were trying to run away from there.

The hallways of the castles were empty but loud. A loud, terrified, and tearful screams echoed throughout, coming from the basement.

The hallways were dark and soulless. The framed paintings showed images of screaming figures.

Following the screams was the laughter of demonic beings that were getting great enjoyment because of their sufferings.

Currently, inside the dark castle's throne room.

"Ugh!" A figure sitting on top of a throne suddenly coughed heavily and spat out black-colored blood.

"Damn…" This figure's name was Garmagello, Demon Lord of Seventh Heaven!

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