White Online

Chapter 433 The Final Battle (2)

Chapter 433 The Final Battle (2)

"Argh…" With a pounding heart, and pain-filled face, Isaac sat on a nearby bench near the school fence. He could still see the incredible sight of the snowstorm raging above the school.

The nearby pedestrians couldn't believe their eyes. Not even a speck of snowflake landed outside the school. It looked like an enraged God was attacking the school.

Isaac continued holding his chest with cold sweat trailing down his face. The creation of the snowstorm had already drained him completely. He tried to recharge before going after Oliver and the rest.

However, then he saw ten dim-clothed figures running anxiously away from the school. They passed the street and entered a nearby coffee shop. Their clothes were stained with snow, meaning that they were actually hiding in the schoolyard.

Isaac's lip curved upward. He tried to stand up with the heavily beating heartbeat. It was like the heart was trying to burst through his chest.

The cold sweat soon drenched him fully.

Isaac dragged his feet behind him as he stepped toward the coffee shop. The windows showed an enraged Oliver shouting at his friends. They didn't seem to be in a good mood.

Then, Isaac extended his hand forth and pushed the door open. Thus attracting the attention of Oliver and the rest.

Their eyes showed clear shock, and they were confused at Isaac's attire. It looked like he came completely unprepared for the sudden Snowstorm. The Priest's coat didn't seem to have any cover for cold. However, it was actually quite warm.

"Heh… You failed." Isaac said with an initial chuckle.

"Rgh… What do you mean?" Oliver tried to feign ignorance.

"I know you called the cops." Isaac patted the snow off his shoulders and sat on the nearby chair with his legs crossed.

"Hmph." Oliver snorted, "I didn't tell how the loser is determined. Deciding it with violence would be not a gentlemanly way of doing things, right?"

"Right." Isaac agreed and rapped his finger against the table, "Don't you think this is boring? We are going to keep running circles. I would want to end this, once and for all."

"What do you suggest?" Oliver asked while his friends stayed silent. Their eyes still showed some previous vigilance. They didn't forget about the scene of Isaac destroying them in the street fight.

Tap… Tap… Tap…

Isaac's rhythmic way of rapping his finger against the table echoed in the store. Oliver and his friends waited calmly.

Then, Isaac spoke, "There is an abandoned hospital only a few miles away. Let's use that to determine the winner. This time, no calling cops… Only your group Vs. Me, the last one standing, wins!"

"Hah!" Oliver laughed mockingly. He thought Isaac was crazy to think that he even had a chance to win. Soon, the laughter turned into angry shouting. He also felt very humiliated that Isaac thought that.

His friends shared glances and weren't as confident as Oliver. They couldn't forget about the street fight.

"Fine, see you there!" Oliver shouted, and his whole body trembled.

"In one hour," Isaac said and left the store.

After the door closed, Oliver's friends asked, "A-are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Stop chickening out!" Oliver snapped, "I already confirmed that the power he showed was the result of some steroids. He isn't strong—he is weak!"

"What if he uses steroids again?"

"Doesn't matter… I have a secret weapon." Oliver grinned while tracing his hand across his waist.

One hour later.

Isaac popped open a pill bottle and poured the interior into his mouth. As the small white pills traversed across his throat, he gulped.

Then, he threw the empty pill bottle away toward the corner of the office room.

Isaac placed his feet on top of the office desk and saw the hand of the clock slowly moving clockwise. The time limit for the promise had expired.

Tap… Tap... Tap…

He again rapped his finger against the desk and waited as the clock slowly ticked down. The office room was serene, with no sound except the tapping.

'My energy is still drained… The painkillers will only ease the chest pain… I can only use one more spell before I truly hurt myself…'

'I am afraid my organs might rupture if I push my luck… Now… What spell should I choose?'

Then, the hand of the clock moved, and that forced a smile to appear on Isaac's face. He pulled out his touchscreen phone and opened it via fingerprint scanner.

With his right thumb, he moved it across the screen, opened the browser, and typed VideoKing's website.

Then, he saw that his video had been uploaded one minute ago. There weren't any views, but he knew that there was no going back anymore.

"Even if I lose the battle… I won the war." Isaac's smile was heartful and came straight from the bottom of his heart. Then, he pocketed the phone and stood up.

As he left the office, he entered the dimly lit corridors of the abandoned hospital. There wasn't even a flicker of light coming from anywhere. The tiles were shrouded in darkness, and the abandoned hospital beds adorned the hallways.

There were scraps of papers littered across the corridors, and the scent of mold seeped through the ceiling.

Isaac leaned against the window, and the warm light that enveloped the streets didn't reach as far as the hospital yard. Still, he could see the several footprints reaching the front door.

'They are very confident… Not caring about moving stealthily… Well, counting the footprints, the pairs only belonged to seven people… question remains, where are those three hiding.'

Then, Isaac slipped his hands inside his pockets and ambled across the long corridor. At the far end, he opened a rusted door and saw stairs leading to the third floor. He was currently on the highest floor, fourth.

After opening the door, it was impossible not to hear the sound of footsteps pattering against the stairs. There was someone walking up the stairs.

'Alone? No… Bait.' Isaac snorted and closed the door. Then, he skipped across the corridor, passed the office, and arrived at the other end of the aisle.

Again, he opened the door and heard someone walking up the stairs.

'Two… They aren't the bait. Instead, impatient ones… I believe I can take them out.'

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