White Online

Chapter 447 God lllness, and Winter lllnessDefeated!

Chapter 447 God lllness, and Winter lllnessDefeated!

"Why are you looking like Luna?" Isaac asked with a clear hostile tone.

"I thought it would make you less wary," Morpheus said in Luna's voice, which was sweet and calming.

"It doesn't… Stop looking like her." Isaac's face showed anger.

''Apologies if I angered you.'' Morpheus' shape immediately changed to a small purple-furred cat, "It wasn't my intention."

Isaac sighed and asked, "Why did you call me here?"

Morpheus smiled in his cat form, "The reason you are here is to break the chains of limitations, right?"

"That's right," Isaac replied honestly.

Morpheus liked his honest attitude and nodded, "Luna, the carrier of Hecate's Legacy, has a tough journey ahead. Her illness had spread far into her heart, and it is fighting back… The battle would decide whether she will survive."

"Where is she?" Isaac asked with urgency.

"She has entered her own journey. It will be tough and challenging, but it's up to her to complete it. She cannot receive help. Thus her fate will lay in her hands."

"What about me then?" Isaac felt frustration knowing that she might be in danger, but also because he didn't know what to do.

"You want to break the chains, and that's what you should do." Morpheus used the cat's agility to jump on top of a tree branch, "You have already broken chains, but not the limitations.

"You broke the chains of your curse, the chains of God Illness."

"Wait… Isn't that Adam's Illness?" Isaac asked and saw the cat's head bouncing up and down.

"Correct, and since the dawn of time, he has been the only one with that illness… Until now."

Morpheus looked at the shining pond and continued, "Adam was born as the image of the Gods.

"While you were born as the image of Goddesses. If you were born female, you would have been the most beautiful pearl of the universe. Instead, fate is a tricky thing, and you were born male.

"You gained inhumane beauty and the curse of getting loved too heavily… But, the chains of that curse were broken by your willpower, which was fascinating!

"However, there is still a shimmer of your curse left inside you. The God Illness is strong and managed to escape, barely. It has embedded itself into your chains of limitations, hiding there like a rat.

"By breaking the chains fully, the curse would be finally gone, and you would be reborn as the person you were meant to be!"

"What do I need to do?" Isaac asked and moved further away from the pond. He looked up toward the branch where Morpheus sat.

"How did you break the chains last time?" Morpheus asked curiously.

"I am not sure… It just happened." Everything about his memories seemed cloudy and foggy. Isaac had tried to remember what happened but didn't remember anything after getting shot.

'It seems the God Illness is trying to fight back by making him not remember...'

"Maybe we should make you remember then." The cat's mouth curved upward, and a quite unnatural smile appeared. Then, the whole Dream Realm shook.

Isaac saw everything breaking around him, and soon his vision traveled to hundreds of universes and galaxies.

Then, the surroundings changed, and a hospital appeared out of nowhere. It seemed abandoned and utterly dark.

The yard was crowded with police vehicles and officers.

"Eh?" Isaac lifted his head and saw the barrel of a revolver being pointed at his face. His eyes shook as he saw Oliver behind the revolver, grinning madly.

"Well then, laugh more!" Oliver's hand was steady, eyes cold, and lips curved downward. A revolver was held within his right hand, then he spun the cylinder around with his right thumb and pushed it inside the revolver.

Isaac slowly began remembering the scene. Oliver was laughing madly, screaming with a mad look. His friends looked scared.

"I have five bullets, enough to riddle you with bullet wounds."

The scene accelerated, and Isaac saw himself being shot in the shoulder. He fell to the ground with a pond of blood appearing around him.

Oliver was still laughing.

Then, the scene moved further, and Isaac used Grand Priest's Miraculous Deed. The entire floor became slippery, like it was made from ice.

Everyone began falling down, Oliver accidentally fired, and the bullet tore through Luke's thigh.

Then, Isaac blinked his eyes and was suddenly coughing blood. His vision was very foggy, and he could barely recognize the blood on his shirt.

'Right… Is this dream? Or not…' Isaac couldn't tell what was real and what wasn't. Then, his heart started slowing down like he was about to die!

'Stay awake… awake… awake… AWAKE!' A certain shout screamed inside his mind and pumped energy into his veins and into his heart. Isaac's eyes began glowing, and the chains started breaking at an insane rate.

Inside his body, the God Illness was screaming with rage. The chains showed images of corrupt gods being subdued by the white-haired man's incredible willpower.

They whimpered in agony and faded away from existence. The chains cracked like spider webs, and soon they shattered!

The chains faded away, Isaac's heart and brain started shining in beautiful golden color, and soon the color seeped into his bones.

The bones started having engraved symbols, and their color was eternally changed to gold!

Isaac finally opened his eyes and saw the forest with soil ground and beautiful trees. The hospital was gone.

His eyes slowly turned white, and he fell unconscious. After his body stopped spasming, Morpheus appeared next to him and smiled, "Good job… now, return to real life… You have been reborn!"

"Wraith… No, Isaac, you are the first… The first one to lit up the fire within Humanity's Heart. It will never be forgotten… never…"

Isaac's body slowly disappeared as his consciousness was transferred back to his real-life body.

"Isaac? Mom? Dad?" Luna wandered inside the dark hospital with peeled-off walls and dirtied floors. The hospital beds were flipped over, and the light panels shattered.

Then, a winter storm blew through the hallways, bringing cold and snow.

"Uhh, cold!" Luna shuddered in the terrifying cold. She looked around with fear and felt her heart pounding like it was about to burst out of her chest.

Then, a terrifying shout came behind her, "Luna… You can't get rid of me… I will always be part of you!"

The snow blew, and from there, a man with a height as tall as the ceiling and made of snow appeared. His fingers were scarily long and teeth sharp like blades. His face was monstrous, and the voice creepy.

"I am Winter Illness… I will always be part of you… Luna… You can't get rid of me… I will always be with you!" Every word of his caused panic within Luna, and she continued retreating until there was nowhere else to go.

Winter Illness moved closer and grinned, "Isaac… He is the insect that is trying to steal you from me? No… I will steal your life, extinguish the fire within you…"

Luna fell on his butt, face as pale as the snow around her. The manifestation of her fears was right in front of her, telling all sorts of terrible things.

"Isaac… he is the host of my friend… God Illness… He will die, and so will you… so, just allow me to take control of your body and give you peaceful death… then, you can spend your afterlife with your boyfriend…"

"No…" Luna's voice was muffled.

"What?" Winter Illness' face turned cold, "Did you say no?"

"YES!" Luna's scream shattered the windows and pushed Winter Illness a step back, "Get out of my body!"

"UGH!" Winter Illness was pushed back by a large leap, "Lunaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Luna pulled out her wand, made of the finest materials. It was the prized treasure of Hecate. She trusted her legacy and her wand with Luna.

Jumping to her feet, she carried the wand through the air, flicking her wrist and making several magic symbols appear.

"Hecate's Magic, The Three Circular, Collision Magic!" As Luna held her wand up in the air, it shone with a brilliant purple glow, cracking the air in front of her.

A destructive air cannon was unleashed from the cracks in the air and destroyed the whole hallway. The windows shattered, and the ceiling fell apart.

The Winter Illness shrieked and smashed into the concrete wall across the hallway. As he struggled to break free, another magic spell struck him.


''LUNAAAAAAAAA!'' Throughout the Dream Realm, Winter Illness' scream reverberated as his body was being ripped apart at an alarming rate as he was pushed deeper into the soil!

"Haahh… Hannah…" Luna's beautiful face was drenched in sweat, "Hecate… is giving me strength… Isaac… is… giving… me… strength…

"Time… to end this!"

Suddenly, Luna began soaring above the ground and flew out of the destroyed window. After that, she soared towards the sky and hovered over the hospital.

She held the cane above her head and unleashed her final spell, "Luna's Magic, The Nine Circular, Meteor Magic!"

A violent blaze erupted from the sky, illuminating everything. From space, a flaming meteor descended furiously toward the hospital.

The Winter Illness broke through the ground and saw the terrifying meteor.

He screamed, "Luna, don't do this!"

"This is not your real strength. This is all Dream!"

"In your Dream, you can do anything you wish. Believe, if you just learn to co-exist with me, I can make you as powerful as this!"

"It doesn't have to be a dream when it can be reality!"

''Please, Lunaaaaaaaaaaa!''

"Die," Luna said quietly, and the meteor finally crashed into the hospital. The surface cracked, and the Winter Illness melted away with one final scream of mercy. Then, the Dream Realm shattered, and Luna was thrown out of it.

As her vision turned normal, and she saw the forest surrounding her, a small smile appeared on her face. She fell unconscious. Slowly, her body began disappearing from White Online.

Shortly afterward, Morpheus appeared in his cat form, a smile visible, "She succeeded… Winter Illness had been killed, and it won't be able to return to the World of Four Seasons ever…

"She didn't only save herself, but also others suffering from that illness… Now, two had broken the chains, meaning that the endgame is nearing…"

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