White Online

Chapter 484 Evil Gods

Chapter 484 Evil Gods

Snowstar, Isaac's bedroom.

"Whew…" Isaac slowly opened his eyes and saw the familiar chandelier and the ceiling.

"Yawn…" Luna let out a soft yawn next to him while slowly waking up.

As they took out their VR Helmets, the skinsuit got sucked inside the headset, bringing a sigh of relief from them.

Isaac continued closing and opening his eyes. While the Mythical VR Helmet removed all the exhaustion and uncomfortable feelings, there was one organ that needed to get used to after logging out after a long gaming session.

The eyes.

While Luna rubbed her eyes and tried to get used to seeing again, Isaac simply opened and closed his eyes. That way, he got used to using his real eyes again.

After a short while, Luna saw everything normally.

She stretched her limbs while saying, "I don't wanna leave…"

"Gotta pack…" Isaac said between yawns, "Tomorrow our flight… will leave…"

"Mou…" Luna sat up and left the bed. She had to return to Snowflower's residence to pack her things. Then, they would meet up tomorrow at the airport.

"See you tomorrow." She said after planting another kiss on his cheek. Then, she left the room, and her footsteps slowly faded away.

After the room returned to its silence, Isaac stood up and snatched a black bag from his wardrobe. He stuffed his change of clothings inside and returned to the bed.

He took out a laptop from underneath the bed and quickly checked the forums.

The forums looked different than a year ago. The Legacy Company made much-needed improvements, and they enforced the rules strongly.

The forums were active with discussions about Autumn Realm. There was also one post about Wraith's appearance in Stronglord. Everyone wondered why he was there and not in Autumn Realm.

"…" Isaac quietly read the comments inside his mind, and after a short while, he closed the laptop and put it inside the bag.

Then, he went to fetch all the things he needed in Happylaugh and was done packing after another half an hour.

Isaac left the bag on the bed and left the room. He walked past the stairway and moved to the attic.

After walking up the wooden stairs, he opened the hatch and climbed up.

The attic was cleaned up by Isaac, and the scent of rotting wood was finally gone. The dust was nonexistent, and the boxes that littered the attic were removed by Isaac a long time ago.

It was quite cozy-looking and warm. A carpet blanketed the floor, there were several soft couches, and even a TV screen mounted on the wall.

This was Isaac's private place because no one else wanted to go there because the fear of spiders. Luna also visited this place often with Isaac, and since it was a remote place, they could do their own things without getting disturbed.

Isaac slipped his feet into the slippers and walked across the attic. He went to the attic window and opened it.

The cold wind pushed into the attic, and the winter weather raged outside.


Isaac placed his right hand's thumb and index finger inside his mouth and puffed loudly. That caused a sharp whistling sound to reverberate outside.

Flap! Flap!

A white dot appeared in the sky, which started rapidly descending. It was flying straight towards the attic with blinding speed.

Soon, the white dot's appearance became clearer, and it was the mysterious Snowy Owl.

"Hello, girl." Isaac stretched his hand forth, and the Snowy Owl landed on his palm. He patted its soft fur while the Snowy Owl calmly moved its head around.

For the past year, the Snowy Owl had visited Isaac routinely. He didn't know why, but he thought it would be a good mystery to solve.

In White Online, he received the title 'Explorer of Mysteries'. A month passed before he was able to complete the Quest to get that title after a long and difficult journey. He had to use his wits and brains to find out who the killer was.

There was a serial killer on the loose in Priesthood. He was apparently a devoted believer in Evil Gods and gathered sacrifices in his honor.

Every player received that Quest, and it was to find the identity of that person. While everyone thought about checking out Priests and Priestesses, Isaac thought about another possibility.

Everyone thought the serial killer was New-Gen Humans because the Quests usually wouldn't trigger without an already planned event. However, Isaac and a few others had experiences with Quests, which were about players.

That's why Isaac thought that the so-called Evil God devoted believer was Dark Priest. It was a hunch at first, but then he started gathering clues, and everything became much clearer.

He soon discovered the Dark Priest's identity, which wasn't quite hard. He only needed to find a player with a Dark Priest class and a black name tag.

The black name tag came from killing innocent folks.

He defeated that player and found out that the Dark Priest had a Legacy Quest. It was to kill fifty innocent people as sacrifices, and he would receive the Legacy of Eris, The Goddess of Chaos.

The Dark Priest got imprisoned, and the News outlets revealed the player's identity to the world. His real-life identity was only a high school student, which brought a big shock to everyone's heart.

After all, New-Gen Humans are like real humans, and killing them was a big no-no. However, that rule was slightly loose. There was usually a strength-based hierarchy, and there were evil New-Gen Humans who wanted to kill players.

However, the Dark Priest killed only innocent folks, which was too much. In the end, he got also prisoned in real-life after committing such heinous crimes.

His defense was quite laughable. He continued shouting that it was only a game and was only doing a Quest created by Legacy Company.

That brought a big fire within Legacy Company because everyone wondered why they created such an evil Quest. However, they didn't create it.

The Evil Gods and Goddesses lurk in the shadows and try to corrupt the players' minds and New-Gen Humans. They were loose cannons and were most likely going to side with the Demons.

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