White Online

Chapter 511 Cracker of Dimensions

Chapter 511 Cracker of Dimensions

The air cracked like glass, and suddenly a whirling portal appeared. Isaac couldn't even see the bullet and only saw the crack in the air forming, like spider-wed cracks appearing in a broken window.

''Wow, w-wait!'' Isaac, at first, was amazed, but then the whirling portal started sucking him inside!

He couldn't resist the power of the whirling portal and got sucked inside with one last cry.

''Ouch!'' Isaac crashed on a somewhat soft-looking cloud, but it was hard, and he saw the strands of his hair starting to float. Even the blood was rushing towards his head.

''Where the hell am I?'' He asked while looking around the strange void of space. He stood on top of a solid cloud while a transparent land surrounded it.

''Look up,'' Silvercloud said.

Isaac looked up and widened his eyes in horror. Around 10 km away, there was a massive land that looked quite mystifying.

However, when he checked it closely, the massive land looked like Four Seasons. Which meant Isaac was standing in the sky while the massive land took the sky's place!

''This is Upside Dimension,'' Silvernium said.

''C-Can I leave?'' Isaac asked with trembling lips. This scene was like his worst nightmare.

''You need to get used to the weird atmosphere of some Dimensions. Like now, the blood is rushing to your head, and you will lose consciousness soon.'' Silvercloud casually mentioned it, even though it sounded scary.

''Fuck!'' Isaac holstered the two weapons and placed his hands on the ground. Then, he removed his feet from the hard ground and performed a two-hand stand.

''That won't be the solution,'' Silvernium said with a slightly amused tone.

''Yes, it is!'' Isaac cried out while staying motionless.

''Just lose your conscious a few times, and I am sure you will get used to it.''

''Nah, can't I just leave?'' Isaac asked with a slightly frustrated tone.

''Fine, where?'' Silvernium asked.

''Hmm…'' Isaac calmly pondered while holding the hard two-hand stand.

Then, he asked, ''Can I appear anywhere I want?''

''Well, there are some exceptions. But, anywhere you want in Four Seasons, yes.''

''Alright…'' Isaac removed his left hand from the cloud and showed a spectacular one-hand stand. Then, he clumsily grabbed Silvernium from the holster and fired at the cloud.


Immediately, the air before the cloud cracked, and the whirling portal appeared. Isaac immediately got sucked inside.

''Whew…'' This time, Isaac landed on his two feet after exiting the crack in the air.

''Where are we?'' Silvercloud asked.

''White Paradise…'' Isaac muttered while looking at the beautiful scenery. However, the City was in ruins, with most buildings broken down and charred. The fire had peeled off the painting from most of the buildings.

''Why are we here?'' Silvernium asked.

''I need to find out something…'' Isaac pulled out the letter and checked the location where it got sent from.

[From: Legacy Company - White Paradise]

''Apparently, this place has grave radiation that can kill a person in minutes just by breathing the air.''

''Hmm, shouldn't we leave then?''

''No… If my hunch is correct, I must enter this place.'' Isaac pocketed the letter and stepped inside White Paradise's street.

He looked around at the crumbled buildings with nightmarish interiors. There were still bags of groceries and clothes littering the streets. It seemed like the people had left this place in a hurry.

Isaac stopped and picked up the burnt teddy bear. Half of the face was charred, and the other half looked old and ragged.

''Hey, look at that.'' Silvercloud trembled and moved its barrel towards the right.

Isaac turned to the right and saw an ordinary alley. However, the walls looked to have cut marks, looking to be from a sword.

''Sword marks?'' Isaac frowned and sniffed the air.

The air was slightly stuffy, but he couldn't smell anything dangerous. Apparently, the whole White Paradise smelled like rotting corpses and smoke.

However, that news seemed to be fake.

Isaac continued walking and went past several similar-looking streets until he finally arrived in the near vicinity of Legacy Company.

The tall Legacy Company headquarters spanned toward the sky, looking majestic. However, with fliers littering the ground, hundreds of windows broken, and chilly darkness engulfing the indoors, it looked like a place of nightmares.

Tap, tap, tap.

Isaac's footsteps echoed in the empty streets until he reached the front steps of Legacy Company. He entered through the slightly ajar doors and saw the dirty front lounge.

There were broken elevators with missing doors.

''Hmm.'' Isaac sniffed the air one more time and stiffened after smelling the heavy scent of blood!

''Hey, excuse me!''

Isaac flinched and spun around. Several men wearing hazard suits holding guns appeared from the front door.

''This place is off-limits!'' A horse-faced middle-aged man said while having his finger near the trigger, ''This place has level-five radiation danger!''

Isaac fixed his collar and said, ''Oh, but I feel fine.''

''The radiation poisoning appears after an hour of exposure!'' The horse-faced man shouted, his finger nearing the trigger.

''Oh, but I have been exposed for more than two hours.'' Isaac calmly said while his eyes slightly curved into an innocent-looking face.

'Why are you lying?' Silvercloud asked.

'You will see.' Isaac said while touching the holster.

The horse-faced man exchanged glances with other men and nodded. They all immediately pulled the triggers and showered the place with bullets!


Isaac pulled out the silver pistol and pulled the trigger while jumping out of the bullets.


The bullet struck the first man in the kneecap and shattered it immediately!

''ARGH!'' The man fell down with a bleeding knee. He held it painfully and quickly performed an emergency aid.

''Oh, they aren't amateurs,'' Isaac said while weaving through the bullets with ease.

The horse-faced man gulped, ''He is Chain Breaker. Call the others!''

''Yes, sir!'' One of the men turned around and ran towards the exit.

Isaac aimed the gun towards the ceiling and fired.


The bullet struck the ceiling and made it collapse. The entrance to the building got covered in heavy debris, locking everyone inside.

''Nope.'' Isaac aimed at the pale horse-faced man and grinned, ''Bang.''


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