White Online

Chapter 535 Departure

Chapter 535 Departure

''How?!'' Jack Frost shouted in shock as he suddenly faced the barrel of a black-colored pistol. Isaac held the grip tightly and touched the trigger with his index finger.

''Damn, that really hurt.'' Isaac touched his head with his free hand. There was still ringing in his ears, and it was like he could still feel the sharp needles poking through his brain.

''Are you giving up, or shall we get serious?'' Amour walked next to Isaac with a cold gaze. His gaze dug deep into Jack Frost's hesitant heart.

The hesitation grew as the four men surrounded him until it shrouded his entire plane of existence. That scene of Isaac getting his head blown off, but still shrugging it off, and standing up like nothing happened scarred him forever!


Then, everyone heard the sound of ice getting cracked and broken.

''HAH!'' The ice covering Arthur broke apart. He appeared with his veins protruding and his muscles bulging. Within his veins, a strange golden liquid flowed that helped him to escape that ice cocoon.

''Stop!'' He immediately shouted as he turned towards the four men. However, he didn't expect to see Jack Frost on the losing end. According to him and the words of others, his strength wasn't far from ordinary Gods.

''You alright?'' Xerxus walked next to him with his hands slipped into his pocket. While he acted calm, his legs continued trembling. He was suffering from severe hypothermia.

After getting frozen three times, his skin turned icy blue, and his lips froze.

Isaac sighed and put the safety on before holstering the gun. Then, he returned to Arthur's side with Kalzer and Amour.

They faced Jack Frost without fear.

''I…'' Jack Frost staggered to the window and gazed out into the snow-filled mountains. Within his deep eyes, a flash of pain surfaced.

''Jack, please come with us.'' One last time, Arthur offered his hand even though all of them shook in the cold. This was the last time he tried changing Jack's mind.

''Haahhh… Leave.'' Jack Frost sat on the window frame, looking sad suddenly, ''All of you… leave this place.''

''Alright…'' Arthur couldn't help but feel disappointed. However, he didn't think pushing Jack further would help in any way.

He shook his head and motioned for everyone to leave.

As their footsteps grew quieter, a lonely shadow reached Jack's figure.

After leaving the ice castle, they walked down the steep hill, and from there, they could see the lights of the village. With heavy hearts, and wounds riddling their bodies, they walked in silence.

A long hour later, they reached the village gates and entered. The villagers were surprised to see them back because they thought they had already left.

They entered their temporary residence without speaking a word and collapsed before the fireplace.

''What now?'' Xerxus asked while igniting the flames in the fireplace. Soon, a warm heat appeared.

''Mend your wounds, and we will leave after your wounds have healed,'' Arthur said while looking out of the windows. The children ran in the streets while the members of Shield guarded the peace.

With the darkening sky, the moonlight shone as brightly as ever. Footsteps of guards and villagers echoed outside the building, and drips of water trickled across the windows.

Arthur and the four men enjoyed the fiery fireplace while the soft glow of gas lamps caressed their faces. Within a warm and serene atmosphere, a week soon passed.

Six Days Later.

''Farewell, young warriors.'' Christian stood before the tall wooden gates. He and the rest of the villagers bid farewells to Arthur and the four men.

''Thanks for your hospitality.'' Arthur shook his hand firmly before letting go and turning around.

They stepped out of the gates and started their long descent down the hill. From there, they would take another path that led to the end of the mountains.

Slowly, the village's gates closed, and their first visitors in a long time vanished into the distance.

After a few hours, Arthur and the rest stood on top of a smaller hill. However, it was a very excellent spot for sightseeing.

From there, they could see the entire mountainside in its whole glory, and in the distance was the end of the mountain.

After the mountain ended, there would be no more snow, instead a flourishing forest and a beautiful blue ocean beyond it.

Before the ocean, there was a harbor City called White Harbor. That was their last stop before hopping into the ship and starting their final stage of the voyage.

''So, this is an ocean.'' Isaac thought aloud while enjoying the soft breeze. This was the first time he actually felt the presence of the ocean. He'd seen oceans on the internet and TV screens but never in person.

There was a time in Fisherman Village that looked eerily similar to White Harbor, except smaller. However, there wasn't the ocean but a mere sea.

''Hmm, no one is in sight,'' Amour said while seeing empty land of grass. The beautiful forest caused him to frown slightly, the leaves moved in a strange manner.

''They are hiding.'' Arthur said while shaking his head, ''Very predictable. They will be waiting in the forest, and trying to ambush us.''

''What should we do?'' Xerxus asked while stretching his limbs, ''I could take them out before they can blink.''

''No, that loses the purpose.'' Arthur said while feeling somewhat relaxed, ''Let's just enter the forest and deal with the ambush. Lunatic is a fool who underestimates us.''

''Sounds good.'' Amour grinned while rubbing his neck.

Isaac's eyes shone golden as he scanned the forest. In there, he could see silhouettes of several individuals, close to ten.

'Around ten… well, I don't think they need my advice.' Isaac said with a tiny smile as he followed after the others. They began their walk down the last hill before the exit.

Since the start of the journey, everyone in the group showed their worth, and trust started growing between them. That's why Kalzer trusted Isaac and his crazy tactics.

Between the tree leaves, and branches, Lunatic's sharp eye caught five silhouettes moving down the mountain.

''Hehe, this is perfect. They will fall right into our trap!''

The leader of the hunters wiped his sweat while keeping his thoughts to himself.

'Isn't this way too obvious? There is no way THAT Arthur wouldn't know that we are waiting for them on the other side of the mountain. Also, this forest is a painfully obvious ambush spot…

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