White Online

Chapter 537 White Harbor

Chapter 537 White Harbor

Step, step, step.

Arthur and the rest walked calmly on the stone path without weapons drawn. The beautiful and growing forest surrounded them.

They looked relaxed while Arthur hummed a merry song. With a blue sky and relaxing wind breeze, it felt like perfect weather for hiking.


Then, a single crack appeared, and following that, a dozen silhouettes jumped down the trees and released the arrows from their crossbows.


''Hahaha, die!'' Lunatic teleported behind Arthur and drove his fist into the unguarded spinal cord.

As the fist struck, Arthur's figure vanished like a fleeting cloud. The arrows struck the four men, but their bodies disappeared like ghosts.

''Eh?'' The Hunters landed on the ground with shocked gazes.

''Illusion? One of them was Trickster?!''

''Whew, that's nice ability.'' A haunting voice resounded from the forest's beginnings. They turned around and saw Arthur, with the rest of the men walking with their weapons drawn.

''Heh.'' Amour held the glowing crimson blade and was also responsible for those illusions.

God Ares' ability was illusions that could become real. However, Amour's current level only allowed him to make fake illusions that couldn't do anything except walk.

''Attack them!'' Lunatic shouted, and the Hunter grabbed their axes and lunged forward. The drips of cold sweat trailed down their faces as they felt the pressure of five incredibly strong Chain Breakers crashing onto them.

'We can't win!' The leader of the hunters shouted internally as he moved closer to the five men. However, he had to fight because he would lose his head otherwise.

Arthur kicked the ground and jumped towards the trees; the sword he held burst into flames.

''?!'' The hunters looked above and suddenly felt the heat rising. As a sudden flame appeared in the sky, it looked like they were shrouded in a flaming ocean.

''Hehe, just a diversion,'' Arthur said while holding the flaming sword.

''What?'' The hunters frowned, but then, a blur of lightning flew past them, and their visions turned pitch dark.

''AAAHH!'' Lunatic screamed as the hunters collapsed on the ground. They were unconscious!

''Hello!'' Xerxus grinned as he appeared in front of the screaming Lunatic. His fist flew and landed on his face.


''AAHGHH!'' Lunatic's scream echoed in the forest as he flew and crashed through several trees.

''Oops.'' Xerxus turned to Arthur and innocently smiled, ''Too much?''

''No, just enough,'' Arthur replied with a smile while slipping the sword into the sheath. Following him, the four men walked on the stone path, leaving a trail of dirt footsteps behind.

''Urgh…'' Lunatic groaned in pain while lying on mud, ''A-Arthur… Y-You can't escape…''

''This is it, the White Harbor.'' After stepping out of the ever-growing forest, Arthur spread his arms and inhaled the fresh scent into his nostrils.

The scenery reached the harbor town with a bluish ocean on the other side. The scent of salt, fish, and meat lingered in the air.

The White Harbor was a relatively peaceful town with fishermen, butchers, and store owners being the usual occupation.

Arthur and the rest walked into the streets of the White Harbor. They immediately caught a scene of a fisherman flexing his successful fishing trip. He managed to capture 10 kg heavy armored fish.

With his chin raised, he boasted loudly, which attracted the attention of townsfolk. Men were impressed, women looked amazed, and the children giggled innocently.

''That's big fish,'' Xerxus said while walking past the crowd.

''I have seen bigger,'' Arthur said and led the men to the Harbor Inn. In there, they rented one room to keep a low profile. Even though he wanted Souldeath to know where he was, he didn't want them to bother his sleep.

''Whew!'' Amour plopped down on the bed while resting his head on the pillow.

The room was normal, with five beds, a window that showed the harbor, and the ocean with curtains hanging from the side. There was a ceiling light and a small bathroom.

''Stay here; I will visit the captain.'' Arthur pulled up his hood, hiding his face, ''I will ensure that the ship will be ready.''

''Roger.'' Xerxus saluted playfully while sitting next to the desk, his arm leaning against the window.

Kalzer tidied his bed and sat down before taking his shoes off. Then, he lay down and nodded at Arthur.

Isaac checked the bathroom and raised his thumb.

Arthur stepped out of the room and closed the door. Then, he left the inn and walked to the harbor.

There were hundreds of small-sized ships, medium-sized ships, and large ships docked. There were crewmates on each ship, cleaning the decks and ensuring their ship was ready to leave the next morning.

Arthur stopped and looked towards a nearby stall that sold fishing equipment. The seller was an elderly man with a bushy gray beard and battle-hardened face. With his shorter stature, he looked like a dwarf.

''Excuse me.'' Arthur stopped next to the stall and slightly raised his hood to take a closer look at the man.

''Yes?'' The elderly man frowned as a shadowy figure suddenly appeared near his stall. He couldn't see the face underneath the hood but could feel the strength flowing in his veins like endless raging waves.

''May I ask if the ship is ready?'' Arthur lifted his head and showed his grinning visage.

''A-Arthur!'' The elderly man exclaimed before bursting into laughter, ''Hahaha, so you managed to reach this place.''

''Barely.'' Arthur again hid his face underneath the hood and moved behind the stall, ''Well, is the ship ready?''

''Yes, I have been waiting for you for close to a month.'' The elderly man peeked toward his ship, which was a medium-sized ship but had survived several storms. It may not look much, but it was one of the strongest ships available in White Harbor.

''Good.'' Arthur nodded, ''What about the journey? You thought about that?''

''Yes, and going to the tropical island won't be hard. However, going to Summerland is dangerous.'' The elderly man said while rubbing his lengthy beard.

''My comrades will take care of you. They are strong.''

The elderly man heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, ''Alright, that's good to hear. So, we will leave next morning?''

''Yes, be prepared to leave as soon as we arrive.''

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