White Online

Chapter 554 The Strange Teams

Chapter 554 The Strange Teams

'Well, he might be made of muscle without zero thought going in his mind, but he will be a powerful teammate.' Amour stood up from the rocky bed as he pointed outside the cave, "Alright, since you can't use your own axe, let's make you one with tree and stone."

Colossus' face beamed, "Y-You would do that for me?!"

Amour rolled his eyes. For some reason, Colossus was unable to use his axe while he could. A thought appeared in his mind. Maybe all Legacy and stronger weapons could be used while ordinary ones couldn't.

"You will cut the trees down. Well, since you can't cut with anything, punch at them or something."

Colossus saluted and ran outside. As soon as he arrived at the first tree with white bark, his brick-sized fist speared through the tree, making a brick-sized hole.

Amour chuckled at the humorous and somewhat scary scene.

"Hihihihi…" A creepy laughter echoed in the dimly-lit cave.

"Ugh… heavy…" Xerxus muttered in pain as he slowly started waking up.

"WHO IS HEAVY?!" Following the enraged voice, a solid fist struck him in the chest, waking him up in shock.

"OUCH!" Xerxus screamed loudly and sat up in a hurry. However, as soon as he did, he touched noses with a delicate-looking woman whose face flushed with embarrassment and anger. Her legs wrapped around his waist while she used Xerxus' lap as a pillow to sit on.

As soon as he saw her, his face turned pale, "N-Noelle…"

"Xerxus, my dear. Who is heavy?" Noelle asked while raising her fist, innocently smiling, but a scorching fire burned behind her adorable face.

Xerxus gulped dryly, "I-I didn't mean it."

Noelle innocently smiled. However, her eyes weren't.

She looked like a beautiful young maiden, with petite body stature and delicate facial features. With her long brown hair reaching her lower back, she looked unnaturally beautiful. At one of the two small mounds that pushed her robes forth, there was a symbol of a hand.

Her full title was Lady Noelle, the Strongest Thief.

And… she happened to be Xerxus' fiancée.

"I forgive you… for now." Noelle lowered her delicate arm and traced her finger across Xerxus' cheek, "Just because I love you. But, next time, once we marry, you will sleep on the couch, forever."

Xerxus's mouth twitched as he vigorously nodded, "Alright…"

Their engagement started with political marriage. Both their families knew each other closely, and their families were also married due to political matters. Thus, their parents decided that since it went well for them, their children might as well marry too.

Thus, the engagement between Xerxus and Noelle happened.

"By the way… where have you been?" Noelle asked, caressing his cheek, "You disappeared without a word, and your parents then said you went to visit a friend… was it a girl?"

As the last words left her mouth, the atmosphere turned eerily cold.

"N-No, I met with male friends!" Xerxus bit his lip. He hated to have secrets from Noelle because it was impossible to keep any secrets from her!

"Oh, who?" Noelle asked with the same heartbeat.

Biting his lip, Xerxus averted his gaze.

"Oh, you are going to play this game." Noelle's smile disappeared, "You are testing my love, my dear."

"Sorry..?" Xerxus could only pray to Heavens that Kalzer, Isaac, and Amour weren't seeing this. It was simply humiliating, or someone could think that the scene was erotic. An adorable girl mounting on his lap, showing her dominant yet cute personality.

Noelle patted his cheek and said with another smile, "Fine, I will let you have this secret. I will anyway find out where you have been."

'Impossible!' Xerxus cried out in his mind.

Darth stood on top of the tall trees. His teammate bit his lips and nails anxiously as he looked at the number of players walking out of the forests.

'Great, my teammate is some second-rate player. Only a Vice Guild-Master, we are so doomed.' He thought to himself while looking at Darth with disdain.

Darth slowly hopped off the tree, landing next to his teammate, "Let's build our defenses."

His teammate softly nodded but thought, 'Don't command me, you trash! I will build the defenses because it feels like the best idea, that's all!'

At the other mountain, Queen Diana held an arrow in her left hand and a bow in her right. Behind her was the teammate, a seemingly ordinary young man, barely fifteen years old.

The young man didn't even dare to breathe loudly. The famous presence of Queen Diana made him gulp down every word.

"Hey, you." Diana turned to look at the dazed young man.

The young man turned towards her, straightening her back out of reaction.

"I will build the defenses. You will make the living quarters more comfortable. I won't be sleeping on the rocky bed the entire night."

"A-Ah, yes!" The young man nodded like a chicken pecking at grains. He picked up some flowers, grass, and anything that looked soft and returned to the cave. He tried to lay them down on the beds and tested them by lying on them.

However, immediately a groan of displeasure lifted off his mouth. He threw them away and returned to the forest to find anything else.

While he was running back and forth between cave and forest, Diana used the arrow's sharp edge to trim down the sticks, making them sharper.

Standing outside the cave, King Klaus leaned against the entrance, the black-clothed weapon hanging over his left shoulder.

His teammate ran across the forest, picking up sticks and anything that was useful. Klaus forced him to work for him while he 'guarded' the place. However, he knew that no one would be foolish enough to attack.

This tactic used by him was to keep his Stamina up. The flashes of white-haired youth appeared in his mind, causing him to grit his teeth.

'Wraith… is he here?' The thought continued resurfacing, causing him to grit his teeth harder.

Pow, pow, swoosh!

In a random cave, two men exchanged blows. They were fighting with their fists.

"Fuck you!" King Michael shouted as he tripped over the blond-haired man.

"Fuck!" King Jonathan sprang up and tackled Michael down. As soon as he mounted him, he began hammering his fists down.

However, Michael nicely blocked them with his muscular arms and shook Jonathan off.

With a stroke of rather bad luck, enemies ended up being teammates. Their fight lasted for another hour before they decided to take a break.

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