White Online

Chapter 559 Shocking the World

Chapter 559 Shocking the World

''We are here…'' A chubby-faced man raised his right arm as a signal to stop. His teammate slowly trailed behind him, stopping behind the tree. They saw a barely lit cave.

''Are you sure this is a good idea?'' A man with coal-colored asked with slight hesitance. The chubby-faced man took the leading role in this duo, but he wasn't sure whether he should listen to him. After all, during Attack of the Wolves, his strength wasn't above him.

''Yes!'' The chubby-faced man muffled his scream. Inside his mind, he thought that his teammate was a coward and useless. But good bait.

The view of the cave entrance was clear. They noticed the strange barbed trees and managed to avoid them. Luckily for them, whoever stayed in the cave didn't have enough time to make a forest-length trap.

The chubby-faced man put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a dagger made out of stone. They didn't have proper weapons. Thus, they had to gamble on the assassination. However, they didn't know that there were people who could wield their weapons.

Like Isaac once said, the whole event seemed unfair.

The coal-haired man wielded a cane made out of wood. He was Spellcaster. Common sense would tell that his spells would be incredibly valuable in an event such as this. However, there was a reason why everyone wielded strong canes.

The weak canes and weapons couldn't handle the weight of the spells. The coal-haired man expected the wooden cane to break from a simple Level 10 Spell.


A faraway howl rang in the air. It was a dying howl. Even the last of the wolves finally died even after the event was officially over.

The chubby-faced man cheered himself on. The Tournament of Champions was a dream come true. Even though it wasn't public, it was a place to show off his fighting prowess. For pride, many would want to join this tournament.

The two men crouched behind the tree and prepared to start heading to the cave.

''Hey, whatcha looking at?'' Zachary patted their shoulders, gazing towards the cave.

The atmosphere turned silent.

The chubby-faced man and coal-haired man turned their heads around. They saw an emotionless-looking man, standing tall and proudly. The night sky seemed to circulate around him like he was currently the center of the world.

''Quiet bunch?'' Zachary pinched their cheeks playfully, ''If you have come to visit my buddy and me, I am sorry to announce that we were about to shut our eyes.''

The two men shared glances, both looking surprised. The chubby-faced man gritted his teeth and pointed at the wooden cave with his eyes, signaling for the coal-haired man to do a spell!

The coal-haired man understood and tapped the wooden cane's shaft two times. The tip shone in barely noticeable white light.

''Piercer!'' After the shout, an illusionary white blade flew out of the cane, spearing through the air towards Zachary's face.

''Night is my to command.'' Zachary's melodious voice traveled far and wide. The night sky shone with starlight.

The white blade vanished, leaving behind a cluster of white powder.

''H-How?'' The coal-haired man caught the falling powder. He was shocked to see that his magic had turned to mere dust.

The chubby-faced man kicked the ground, springing to his feet. The stone dagger flew towards Zachary's face. The speed was miraculous.

''Poh…'' Zachary exhaled a short breath. The stone dagger slowly deteriorated. Soon, it was a pile of stone dust on the chubby-faced man's palm.

''What is this ability?'' They asked with utmost fear. However, there was also a tinge of revere. Like many others, they admired strong players and wanted to be like them.

They hadn't heard anything about this ginger-haired man that stood before them. However, the strength he possessed could be monumental!

''I wonder… what is my ability?'' Zachary playfully played with their words and patted their shoulders again. Then, both the chubby-faced man and the coal-haired man felt their bodies turning cold. Slowly, their vision turned dark as their avatars disappeared.


Slowly, the pixels landed on the ground, shining blue.

''Hah!'' The chubby-faced man sprung to his feet, shock filling his face. The Mythical VR Headset slid out of his head, landing on the soft bed.

''That face… what the hell was that?'' Shuddering in fear, the chubby-faced man remembered the beautiful and cold face of a Giantess moments after his death. Even during death, he wasn't freed from the fear.

In the blank space of darkness, the Giantess' face appeared and disappeared like flickering lights.

Leaving the bed, he staggered to the desk. The open curtains revealed summer weather and a faraway beach. The scorching sun rose from the east, slowly moving towards the west.

Opening the laptop, the chubby-faced man grabbed a half-empty bottle of water. After gulping it down, he splashed the water against his face. The tread that seeped deep into his mind was slowly vanishing.

''Was this another trick by Arthur?'' Clicking his tongue, the chubby-faced man slammed his hand against the laptop, opening the browser, ''You think I will just stand aside and get humiliated? Hmph, private event, my ass!''

Logging into the White Online forum, the chubby-faced man started writing a post. To enter the Tournament of Champions, he had to be a strong player, and he was quite famous in the early phases of the game.

While he fell into oblivion and to irrelevance, there were many who would recognize his gamer tag. Thus, he wrote a forum post that soon rocked the world.

[The Secret Event - Find out where the Top Players are!]

His fingers danced across the keyboard, and after half an hour, a thousand-word long post was created by him. It lasted everything he witnessed, but also slightly lied in the post. Since there was no way to find out the players who were competing there, he had to bullshit.

At the end of the post, he wrote that he saw Kalzer, Xerxus, Amour, Sorcerer, etc., in the event. However, the chubby-faced man truly believed they were there.

The fact that most of them were missing, and an event called Tournament of Events happened right at that time. It didn't need 200 IQ to find out where they could be.

With one final press of a keyboard, he uploaded the post. It didn't take long for the post to receive a 'Hot' tag in a fiery glow. Soon, the Internet and the World were in an uproar!

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