White Online

Chapter 576 The Tournament of Champions - First Round (2)

Chapter 576 The Tournament of Champions - First Round (2)

Beneath the cobblestone ground, layers upon layers of dirty water seeped through. The cobblestone ground disappeared, replaced by damp grass and dirty water. The new arena was Swamp Arena!

''The first match's arena is Swamp!'' Heimdall's voice traveled from afar. He was also in the arena, hidden somewhere.

The large arena screens started showing the video feed of the arena. With those, they would be able to watch the fight happen from anywhere.

''Now, let's welcome our two contenders!'' After Heimdall's shout, the two tall and mighty doors swung open, ''Queen Eliza, and Sorcerer!''

The screens immediately captured them. The audience started cheering loudly, while those watching from Four Seasons started cheering for their own favorites. However, not many cheered for Sorcerer because of his shady past.

While trekking through the swampy ground, Queen Eliza held the hilt of her longsword. The visibility was poor, and it was dark. The trees obscured the view of the screens and the audience. The ground was basically nothing but grass and a few ponds of dirty water.

Inside one of the viewing rooms.

Goddess Athena watched the match with great interest. Her beautiful golden hair flowed down her delicate back. Her face was delicate to the brim, beautiful, and untouched by mortal sin. Her face was exactly the one that could start a war with just her looks.

While Aphrodite and Gaia were widely known as the two Heavenly Pearls of the pond, Athena was still widely loved by mortals and Gods alike. There weren't many who could defeat Aphrodite in terms of looks, not even Athena.

However, a larger majority would still love to have Athena as their wife.

Her delicate eyes watched the screen where Queen Eliza walked in the swamp. She looked concerned at the current match-up because, unlike others, she knew the Sorcerer's threat and was afraid that one of her adopted daughters would get hurt.

That's right. She adopted Queen Eliza and also bestowed upon her the Legacy she had. The Legacy of Athena, Goddess of Battle Strategy, and Wisdom.

Queen Eliza carefully moved into the swampy ground. The audience's cheers echoed from afar, making her slightly dizzy. It sounded like the cheers sometimes came next to her and sometimes further away.

Crack... Queen Eliza drew her weapon and pointed it in the direction of the horde of trees. She heard a clear sound of a crack. Someone broke a twig.

''Gugh... gugh...''

''What is that sound?'' Queen Eliza frowned and stepped closer to the sound. However, at that moment, a figure dashed out of the hideout and screamed loudly while his acid spit landed on the ground.

The figure looked dead. His eyeballs hung out of his sockets while his skin was rotting.

Queen Eliza kicked the ground and slashed with the sword. After the crescent-shaped arc appeared in the air, the blade successfully sliced through the figure's head.

The figure's head flew out of his corpse and landed at the foot of the tree.

However, the figure didn't fall down. Instead, its arms started rocking back and forth while he started running toward Queen Eliza without his head!

The audience covered their mouths in shock and wondered what the hell was happening. The watchers from Four Seasons thought they were watching a zombie movie!

Queen Eliza didn't back down. Instead, she dodged the running zombie and slashed through his body as if it was mashed potatoes.

The two halves of the zombie fell to the ground, and finally, it stopped moving.

However, as soon as Queen Eliza sighed with relief, the forest had activity as several zombie-like figures ran madly.

''Hmm, what is this?'' King Arthur watched the scene with a shocked expression.

''Dead who have risen... what a terrifying ability.'' Lancelot's gaze saw the screen, which showed Sorcerer's lone figure. He slowly trekked through the swampy ground while slowly moving towards Queen Eliza.

Queen Eliza raised her sword and hacked it down. With a single cut, the zombie got cut in half. As soon as the second zombie arrived, she kicked the ground and smashed her fist into the zombie's skull.

The skull exploded. However, the zombie still moved. But then, Queen Eliza removed her sword from the corpse of another zombie and slashed it through the open air.

The blade effortlessly slashed through the zombie. As the second zombie collapsed on the ground, three zombies filled the ground.

''Death Arrives..." A chilly voice appeared in the forest.

Queen Eliza spun around and saw Sorcerer standing in the middle of a dark forest. His lips moved up and down. Then, several black-smoking portals appeared around him. From these portals, the zombie-like figures stepped through, looking dead with their hanging eyeballs and rotting skin.

Sorcerer pointed at Queen Eliza and muttered, ''Death...''

''Gugh... gugh!'' The zombies roared loudly and sprinted out of the forest. They opened their rotting mouth, filled with decayed teeth. They lunged forward while biting madly like they were hungry.

Queen Eliza's cold face didn't change. She took a single step forward and smashed her sword through the zombies. The body parts floated in the air as the zombies stopped moving.

The audience and everyone watching from Four Seasons grimaced at sight. However, there were some rascals that thought the scene looked amazing. It was like something from a horror movie.

'He can summon zombies?' Queen Eliza frowned while thinking.

Inside of one of the viewing rooms.

''That ability...'' God Shiva tapped his finger against the armrest while thinking aloud, ''I think I know what it is."

''Summoner?'' God Zeus asked.

''No, something far more powerful.'' God Shiva sighed, ''However, I didn't know a Human could get it. It's a power that is ruthless, inhumane, and even something that Darkness would fear.''

God Zeus' eyes widened as he started understanding what he meant, ''That ability... where did he get it?''

''I am not sure. But, I now know why this Sorcerer, never wanted a Legacy.'' God Shiva snorted, ''Because there wouldn't be anyone who would want this madman to carry their Legacy. It would be humiliating!''

''Yeah... there is no one who would want to be associated with someone like him...'' God Zeus gritted his teeth, ''Deathmancer... The class that would allow a person to communicate with death, and also summon the death...''

''I wonder how many he has killed... to get that many death summons.'' God Shiva's eyes turned slightly cold as suddenly hundreds of zombies staggered out of the portals!

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