White Online

Chapter 246 - Malcolm & Madison Company

Chapter 246 - Malcolm & Madison Company.

In the center of the Layer of Nobility.

Skyscrapers that touched the sky was standing proudly.

The center of the Layer of Nobility was where Top Companies of Brightstar was located, while on the outer edge of the Layer of Nobility was where everyone's homes were located.

The center of the Layer of Nobility was also the center of the Brightstar, but it was famously known by the name of Heart of Brightstar.

One of the skyscrapers was a place where Malcolm & Madison Company was located.

Currently, a meeting was being held on the top floor of the skyscraper.

The meeting room was spacious enough to fit a long table that could easily fit over fifty people.

Currently, there are only twelve people gathered.

On the main seat of the table, Malcolm and Madison were sitting next to each other, while the Board of Directors, which consisted of similarly elderly people, was sitting around the long table.

Outside the window, they could see the entire Brightstar with ease.

Madison was looking outside the window towards a particular mansion.

Her gaze was located in one of the windows, and she thought that she managed to see a glimpse of white-haired youth there.

'I hope he isn't mad that we weren't there when he woke up… Maybe I should make his favorite food.' Madison had a gentle smile on her attractive face as she started thinking about what food to make for her grandson.

''Ahem.'' Malcolm's cough attracted Madison's attention.

''Hmm?'' Madison turned her head and noticed everyone looking at her with frowns.

The meeting had started, but the Co-Owner of the Company was, for some reason, distracted.

She innocently smiled and waved her hand, ''Let's begin.''

The Board of Directors nodded and turned their gazes at Malcolm.

Behind Malcolm and Madison, a TV screen showed a clock that was ticking down.

Soon, only 8 minutes remained before the clock reached zero.

''Today, we are gathered to talk about the opening of World Bank.'' Malcolm said and crossed his fingers, ''Arthur didn't discuss much about what else is in the update, but he said that World Bank will appear in every Major City.''

The Board of Directors nodded.

''Because of the World Bank.'' Malcolm's face turned serious, ''It is obvious to expect a big loss of workforce.''

The Board of Directors nodded.

They were already expecting it.

''Many will quit their jobs and focus on White Online because it is a way to get a wealth beyond their wildest fantasies.''

Madison continued, ''That's why we decided to open another branch of our Company.''

The Board of Directors looked curious and waited for Malcolm to disclose what the branch does.

''The branch will focus on nurturing Master Classes.'' Malcolm said, ''We can sell potions, traps, and much more.''

The Board of Directors nodded and approved the plan.

''We plan to make our Guild one of the biggest Guilds for Master Classes.'' Madison continued, ''It won't be easy because we are already behind Top Players, but we have already started planning it out, and soon, our Guild will be one of the biggest ones in Stronglord.''

''How are you planning to do that?'' An elderly woman asked with an aged tone.

Madison nodded at Malcolm, who started explaining, ''You all know this by now, but we opened an antique shop that was copied from the items we have gathered in our lifetime.''

The Board of Directors nodded and still thought that it was an excellent plan.

Most of the antique items were completely strange to World of White's residents, and it didn't take long for their shop's name to start spreading among nobles, who were the only ones who could afford them.

''We received a very wealthy customer; he is also a big figure in Noble Circle.'' Malcolm smiled and continued, ''Today, he will come to pick up the item he ordered, and I will tell him about my business idea.''

''Are you sure that he will accept to sponsor you?'' An elderly man asked. His head has started to get bald, with only a few strands of hair left.

''I am.'' Malcolm said with certainty, ''He might even talk about it with Emperor.''

The Board of Directors looked surprised.

''That's where the second plan starts.'' Malcolm raised two fingers, ''Royal Family will be in control of the World Bank, and that's why the ones who have a good relationship with them will also have their own influence increased tremendously.''

''Excellent.'' One of the Board of Directors said, and first time in a long time, he felt excited.

''Now, it's your time to do your jobs.'' Madison said and waved her hand, ''Take the VR Helmets below the table and start recruiting Master Class Players.''

All of the Board of Directors grabbed the Legendary VR Helmet below the table and put it over their heads.

Their faces soon became emotionless as they entered the World of White.

''Good luck…'' Madison muttered and sighed, ''We are old, but maybe, we can help the younger generation a little bit.''

Malcolm sighed and nodded, ''The younger generation of Brightstar has become worse with each generation, but I still believe… When things get tough, they will be there to safeguard Humanity's Legacy.''

Madison looked at her friends, that was part of the Board of Directors.

All of them accepted their jobs as recruiters because they want to build a foundation for their younger generation, and when it's their time to accept their statuses, they will have a solid foundation to start from.

Most of them didn't have much faith in their younger generation because they only loved to party and barely worked.

But, they have enough faith in them to believe that they will be the ones who will protect Humanity from the threats that are on the way.

''I will return to the mansion. Will you be alright?'' She tenderly touched her husband's shoulders.

''I will.'' Malcolm grabbed his own Legendary VR Helmet, ''I will get him to sponsor us… I won't fail.''

Madison chuckled and ruffled his hair, ''I know…'' She turned around and saw the clock showing that only five minutes remained before the downtime was over.

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