In the forest.

Malcolm, Isaac, and the rest kept moving forward at a steady pace.

Around them, a dense snow forest was blocking their sight for the most part. However, they already had a destination in mind.

Malcolm knew where the highest chance of prey appearing was.

After another ten minutes of strolling in the endless forest, Malcolm jolted and quickly crouched.

Leonardo and the rest of the elderly men followed after.

''Eh?'' Isaac also crouched, after being second later than others, 'Why did they crouch? Is there a prey ahead?'

He furrowed his brows and looked in the same direction as them. Around fifty meters in front, in a small clearing, three wolves were circling around an enormous bear!

The bear was easily three meters in height with thick brown fur and razor-sharp claws. It had small round ears, a dish-shaped face, and a prominent snout.

The three wolves had gray fur with saliva pouring down from their jaws.

Malcolm frowned and looked at others, ''This is strange… Why are the wolves attacking a bear?''

Leonardo and others shrugged.

But then, Isaac gave his own suggestion, ''Maybe they are defending their territory or bear is?''

Malcolm and the elders looked at him. They thought for a moment before nodding, and it sounded like a valid theory inside their minds.

''Might be the case.'' Malcolm took binoculars from his backpack. He began keeping an eye on the bear and wolves.

In the open clearing, the atmosphere was getting heated.

The first wolf had enough of waiting and lunged forward!

The wolf opened it's large jaw and took a large bite. The fang's sunk deep into the bear's leg.


''ROAAAR!'' A long, deep agony roar escaped the bear's mouth.

The bear swung its massive paw and smacked the wolf in the head, and even though the wolf suffered enormous damage from it, the fangs sunk even deeper into the flash!


The second wolf moved like a blur and did the same with the fangs sinking deep into the bear's waist!

''ROAR!'' The bear kept roaring in agony. However, the roars stopped once the third wolf took a large bite of the bear's neck!

''Gr…'' The bear recoiled backward and was one step away from falling down; however, at that moment, the bear's ferocious red eyes glowed.


The bear grabbed the first wolf from the neck and threw away with incredible physical prowess!


The wolf crashed into the tree with the spine splitting in half.

Before being even able to howl in agony, the wolf had already died.

After the first wolf died, the bear swung it's sharp claws and cut deep inside the third wolf's torso.

The third wolf flew across the air and crashed on the snowy ground with three deep cut wounds on the torso, gushing out with blood.

''ROAR!'' The bear smacked the second wolf and sent flying away almost effortlessly.

The second wolf crashed to the ground. However, instantly stood up and lunged toward the bear with the jaw wide open.



The bear swung it's paw with three razor-sharp claws shining menacingly.

''HOWL!'' The wolf howled. However, at the next moment, the claws sliced through the face, instantly killing the wolf!

Only the third wolf was left. However, couldn't even stand up. The light was slowly leaving the eyes and the wolf itself was in midst of taking the last breaths.

However, the bear didn't care and bit through the wolf's neck and began munching on the flesh!

Malcolm witnessed the whole thing. He wiped his sweat and whispered, ''The bear might be a King of a very large territory.''

''What should we do?'' Leonardo asked. He knew that it wasn't a joking matter, and they should leave as soon as possible!

''It is dangerous to stay here.'' Charles quipped.

However, while speaking, Malcolm noticed the bear's head slowly turning toward them!

His face changed shades quickly, ''Oh no…''

''Hmm? What is it?'' Charles frowned after seeing his long-time friend looking fearful, which was uncommon for him.

Malcolm witnessed the bear starting to run with the help of it's four limbs, coming straight toward them!

''Fuck, the bear is coming!'' Malcolm shouted and stood up in a hurry.

''Fuck!'' They shouted in a hurry and quickly unstrapped their guns.

Franklin, with his swift hands, was the fastest out of them all. He had already put a bullet in the chamber, and the safety was already off.

He rested the stock of the hunting rifle on his shoulder with his left eye closed.

He saw the running bear, nearing an inch closer with each passing second.

''Shoot!'' His friends screamed. They were in midst of reloading, however, their initial shock was making things difficult for them.

Franklin took a short breath and pulled the trigger.


The recoil rocked his body. However, his solid stance made him unmovable!


The bullet pierced through the bear's massive body, leaving a trail of blood, destroyed organs and hole behind.

''ROAR!'' The boar roared in agony; however, didn't stop and kept stomping forward with even more anger!

''D-Damn!'' Bentley clumsily grabbed a bullet and tried to stuff it inside the chamber, but it proved to be extremely difficult with his large hands.

The rest of the elderly men weren't as successful.

The fastest one out of them, Franklin, didn't even have time to grab another bullet.

Malcolm had his gun with Isaac, and he couldn't do anything except shout, ''Let's run!''

''Fuck!'' Charles dropped his bullet alongside Eugene.

Their faces paled, and they felt the intense pressure nearing them.


The bear smacked a tree out of the way, and it's massive shadow was already overlapping them!

''Isaac, run!'' Malcolm shouted in anxiousness. However, when he looked at Isaac, he was shocked witless.

With incredible speed, Isaac reloaded the gun, took off the safety, and already went into his shooting position.

Leonardo turned his head and widened his eyes in shock, 'His shooting stance… Is exact copy!'

Isaac's rear knee was placed on the ground while his other leg supported the weight of his elbow.

The butt of the hunting rifle was ideally touching his shoulder, making his stance absolutely perfect.

With no flaws, and now he only had one thing left to do.


Slowly, he squeezed the trigger. After doing so, an enormous pressure assaulted his shoulder. However, he didn't show any pain or let out any sound.

The only sound in the forest was…


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