White Online

Chapter 331 Festival’s Event (4)


The door closed behind them after entering the second room. While the first room was relatively crude, the second room was the complete opposite. It was very comfy and warm.

Luna smiled as she looked around the room. There was a bookshelf crammed with books. A bed with a blanket neatly draped over it. A wooden deck and chair slid under it.

There was also a gas lamp on top of the desk, and there was a blazing fire inside it. It was the sole reason the room was warm and bright.

Then, there was quite an unusual mirror. It was framed with golden edges and looked fancier than the rest of the room.

Ding! Ding!

[You have three minutes to find the exit!]

Luna's smile froze, "Ahh, again, timer!"

She clenched her fist and made a promise in her mind. She would definitely find the exit and help Isaac!

While Luna was chasing around for any clues, Isaac saw the unusualness of the mirror. The fanciness of it was the first thing that caught his eye. The next thing was much more significant.

Isaac took a step forward and entered the mirror's line of sight. The mirror didn't invert his movements. Instead, it copied his moves perfectly.

His lip curved into a slight smile, 'Whoever made this escape room wasn't that smart… Was this planned for kids?'

After basically being sure where the exit was, Isaac decided to have a little bit of fun. He sat on the bed and watched as Luna anxiously moved the books back, hoping to find a secret door.

He lay down and asked, "Luna, should we take a nap?"

Luna's body froze and soon reacted with a shy tone, "S-S-Silly, it is no time for games!" She shook her head, trying to get out of the funny thoughts of her mind.

Isaac smiled and stood up from the bed. He stopped next to her and grabbed a book from the front of her face.

She curiously turned her head and saw Isaac smashing the book into the mirror.


The book went straight through the mirror, and a secret pathway appeared. Isaac tossed the book away and smiled at Luna, whose cheeks were swollen.

Isaac felt his fingers itching. He would want to pinch her cute cheeks, but that would be rather rude.

They crawled inside the path, and several minutes later, they reached the exit.

"Ah!" Isaac crashed to the ground after reaching the end of the path. The ground was further away than he anticipated. Then, Luna followed in his footsteps and fell down as well.


"Ugh!" Luna landed right on top of his stomach. Her hair fell right on his face, and their noses were only inches away from touching.

She was mounted right on top of him, and their current posture looked rather suggestive.

"I-I am sorry, are you alright?" Luna's first thought was to ask if he was alright. She hadn't noticed their position.

Isaac nodded. Gladly, they were in the game and couldn't feel any pain. Then, he noticed their current position and saw Luna being completely oblivious.

She was blinking, scanning his face from head to toe, her gaze lingering around his lip for a short period of time.

"Ahem." Isaac's cough attracted her attention. Her eyebrow rose, and then she noticed that she was very close to him.

When she straightened her back, she noticed that their posture was very similar to one of the scenes she had read recently. It didn't take long for her to spring into her feet with cheeks dyed pink.

Isaac patted the dust off and slowly stood up. Then, he heard the sound of the door opening. Both of them turned their gazes toward the sound and grimaced simultaneously.

A bulky man with the rude woman entered the room. The first thing they noticed was the black-haired young woman and the white-haired man.

"Hah, look who it is." The bulky man cracked his knuckles and reeled in his fist before punching forth!

"Ah…" Luna's face paled, and saw the punch nearing Isaac's face.

"Grr!" Isaac crossed his arms in X-formation and was ready to block the punch. Then, an invisible wall surrounded both pairs.

"Argh!" The bulky man pulled his hand back and saw his hand being broken but couldn't feel any pain.

[Fighting is forbidden!]

The notification popped up in front of them.

"Tch, lucky bastard!" The bulky man decided to use his words than violence to taunt the white-haired youth.

"All muscle, no brain. Are you human or rabid dog?" Isaac's words cut deep into the bulky man's heart. Those words hurt his ego more than any punch could.

While they were having a battle of words. Luna looked at the rude woman. They locked gazes, and while Luna flinched and took a step back, the woman grinned and showed her yellowed teeth.

She motioned with her mouth, 'Ugly… Bitch.'

Before, Luna would have taken another step back. But now, she clenched her fist and stepped forth, "I-I-It's not nice to insult someone. B-But, now I will make an exception."

"Oh?" The rude woman looked rather amused. She stopped in front of the invisible wall and said, "Well then, try to me insult me, or are you unable of doing so, you b-i-t-c-h."

Luna bit her lip. Then she put her hands on the waist and opened her tiny mouth, "I don't need to insult you."

The rude woman was about to laugh, but then Luna continued.

"Y-Y-Your face is one all by itself." Luna's ears became red as she spoke aloud her first-ever insult.

The woman's face froze.

Isaac opened his mouth agape. He turned to look at her and saw Luna hiding her face out of shyness.

The bulky man's jaw dropped.

The whole room was filled with silence. No one spoke a word, and that continued for a while.

Then, the notification rang.

[Survive for 1 minute, good luck!]

After the notification, water started spraying out from the holes in the ceiling!

They didn't notice the holes because they were too busy insulting each other.

Once their bodies were submerged inside the water, the timer began ticking down.

The bulky man and the rude woman began waving their limbs with erratic movements. They were panicking, and all rational thoughts were erased from their minds.

Luna was also slightly panicking. She was anxiously looking around, trying to find Isaac, but she could barely keep her eyes open.

Isaac was the only one who stayed calm. He could easily survive 1 minute without breathing, but Luna couldn't.

Soon, he came to a conclusion and swam toward Luna. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face him.

Luna stopped moving around and slowly opened her eyes. Then, he noticed Isaac's face closing in.

Her heart began pounding, and then she felt his lips touching hers. Soon, she felt her lungs filling with more air. However, she was barely concentrating on it.

The only thing filling her mind was the soft lips, and she began slowly savoring the taste.

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