White Online

Chapter 337 Return To Snowstar.


A white-haired youth was slowly opening the front door in front of an enormous mansion and snow-covered yard.

He looked rather anxious but gathered all his courage and opened the door swiftly. Then, he stepped inside and took off his shoes and jacket.

Isaac looked around and felt happy to arrive back in his home. It was, after all, the place where he had lived his entire life.

He walked deeper into the mansion and saw the living room void of any life. The kitchen door was closed, and the lights were shut.

''Hmm.'' Isaac thought that his siblings should at least be in the home. However, there wasn't any sign of life.

Then, loud footsteps came from the stairs. Someone heard the sound of the door opening. Soon, the figure's attractive features became visible.

Isaac smiled and opened his mouth, ''Mom… Ugh!'' He was trapped in a hug by Isabella and felt his spine breaking.

????? ????? ''Waaaah, Isaac!'' She cried out as she buried her face in Isaac's shoulder.

Isaac's eyebrow twitched, and began to comfort his crying mother. Then, the kitchen door opened, and Maxwell appeared with a sandwich in his hand.

He rubbed his forehead and dragged Isabella away. Isaac looked at his drenched shoulder and sighed.

Isabella hugged herself, and the tears kept falling down. Maxwell kept patting her shoulder but couldn't do anything when she was in that state.

''Mom… Dad.'' Isaac rubbed his cheek. His eyes went soft after seeing his mother, but his look changed once seeing Maxwell. He had a lot of questions for him.

They went to the living room to continue the talk. Then, ten minutes later, Isabella finally stopped crying. She stood up with red eyes and said, ''I-Isaac, y-you will always be my child, right?''

''Of course,'' Isaac replied and wondered what kind of question was that.

Isabella's face beamed as she nodded vigorously, ''Yay!'' With light steps, she went to the kitchen, and soon the scent of food wafted through the air.Pa nda

No vel After she was gone, Isaac looked at Maxwell, who was taking sips from a cup.

''Dad…'' His voice caught his attention, ''Remember the day when I got lost in the Snowstorm?''

Maxwell nodded, ''Of course.''

''When I finally returned…'' Isaac bit his lips and continued, ''Was I carrying anything?''

Maxwell's face had a split-second shock before returning to normal. However, Isaac noticed that slight change.

''Umm… I don't really remember.'' He responded, which was a blatant lie.

''I see…'' Isaac wasn't sure why his father lied. But, he planned to find out what the item was. He had a hunch that Maxwell kept it close at all times.

One place popped up in his mind. Maxwell's office and the safe.

Then, half an hour later. They dined, but Isaac noticed that his siblings were nowhere to be seen.

Once he was done eating, he went to the fourth floor and saw his room's door. Isaac stopped in front of the door and felt a rush of nostalgia running through his veins.

Then, he touched the doorknob, but he felt a weird chilling sensation on his back at that moment.

He turned around, and his heart almost exploded. Isaac flinched and took a step back. He grabbed his chest and felt his rapid heartbeat.

Alice was standing only ten meters away from him with an emotionless facade. She wasn't moving an inch as she looked at him.

''Hey, Alice.'' Isaac greeted his little sister but didn't receive a response, ''Right…''

He opened the door to his room and stepped inside. Alice's eyes followed him, and the strange feeling stopped once the door was closed.

Isaac wiped his cold sweat and went to unpack his stuff. After ten minutes, most of his bag was empty, except the smooth box.

He carried it out of his bag and placed it gently on the floor.

At that moment, his door opened with a slam, and Marvin appeared with a silly grin. He stopped in front of Isaac and patted his shoulder with loud laughter, ''Hahaha, my little brother has a girlfriend!''

Isaac's eyebrow twitched. Even though he looked annoyed, he was rather happy to see his big brother in the flesh.

''Marvin, shut up, or I will kill you while you are asleep!'' Alice's enraged laughter seeped through the wall.

''Hahahaha!'' Marvin laughed even louder and heard Alice's angry footsteps getting further away.

He leaned closer to Isaac and whispered, ''Monday, we will go meet my friends in City. You have to share all details!''

Isaac rolled his eyes but wasn't opposed to that idea, ''Sure, but nothing happened.''

''Sure, sure.'' Marvin winked and elbowed him. He didn't believe it, and after teasing his brother for several minutes, he finally left.

Isaac hid the box in the wardrobe. Then, he emptied the rest of the bag and was soon done with unpacking.

His feet were taking him to the bed at first, but then he remembered that he had a lot of stuff to be written. He turned around and went to his bookshelf, grabbed the silver key from the gap in the book, and opened his locked cabinet.

He found a relatively empty notebook there that should fit everything that happened to him in Brightstar.

He wrote Brightstar with nice letters on the cover and opened the first page. He began writing with the pencil moving like a streak of lightning.

After writing for an hour, his hand was getting sore. He shook his hand and decided that he had written enough.

He closed the notebook and stored it inside the cabinet. Then, he closed it and locked it tightly. Afterward, he went to his bookshelf and hid the key there.


He pulled out his phone and saw a message from Luna. Isaac read the texts carefully, and a short chuckle left his mouth. He wrote a reply and ended with sweet dreams.

Apparently, Luna would stay in Brightstar for one more week.

Isaac pocketed his black touchscreen phone and returned to the bed. He lay down slowly and put his hands underneath his head.

His eyelids fluttered, and soon the sleepiness began to fight against him. Isaac let out a yawn, and his eyelids became heavier. Then, a short minute later, his breathing became steady, and he entered a state of deep slumber.

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