White Online

Chapter 592 The Tournament of Champions - First Round (18)

Chapter 592 The Tournament of Champions - First Round (18)

''This isn't anymore a question of whether it is that power or not!'' God Shiva jumped to his feet, and screamed, ''He has Erebus' power!''

''That bastard!'' God Zeus jumped to his feet, and summoned lightning bolts into his hands. His face showed killing intent. There was only one thing to do. To kill Underlord!

However, then a strange shadow wrapped the entire room. Following a coldness, a presence appeared behind them with an eerie voice, ''Stand down...''

''Erebus...'' God Zeus grimaced, ''You think you can take us two?''

God Shiva turned around, looking straight at the endless darkness. He could see a dark silhouette. A elderly figure leaning against a cane looked at them with a droopy gaze.

''Shiva, and Zeus. Hmph, you two youngsters should respect the elderly.'' Erebus stepped out of the shadows, and slammed his cane on the floor, ''Don't touch my successor. If you do, I will destroy reality, right here, and now.''

''Old geezer, you sure think highly of yourself!'' God Shiva stepped forth, and from his forehead, the third eye revealed itself. As soon as the eye appeared, the Rudraksha beads, hanging from his neck, started shining.

''Shiva...'' Erebus had to take a step back as soon as the third eye appeared. There were only a few people he feared, and unfortunately, Shiva was one of them. He didn't expect someone like him to appear here.

''Take your filthy power out of this human, and we will let him live.'' God Zeus said with his deep voice.

''Why would I do that?'' Erebus snorted, ''You all can share your powers, while I may not? Since when were ordinary gods above Primordial Gods?''

''You are not the only Primordial God here, remember?'' God Shiva said as his aura grew. He was known as the second-generation Primordial God of Destruction. He defeated Perses in a fight, and eventually killed him.

Thus, the title fell on his shoulder.

''You might be powerful... However, can you stop me from destroying the reality?'' Erebus slowly raised his aged hand. He was one snap away from destroying reality.

''I already suggested it once... I could destroy reality, and build a new universe with other Primordial Gods. And, we would make sure that none of the Demon scum manage to survive. But, none of you have the balls to do that!''

''That isn't the solution. The problem is demons, not humans. They are innocent. Destroying everyone would make everything meaningless.''

Erebus looked at Zeus with disapproval. He always thought he was too weak-willed to be King of Gods. At least God Ra had balls to do some hard decisions.

''What about you, Shiva?'' Erebus turned to the three-eyed man, and almost instinctively lowered his head. Already looking at the eyes was dangerous, ''Your duty is to destroy the universe, and rebuild it from the ashes.''

''I am done listening.'' God Shiva flicked his sleeves, and reached his hand towards Erebus' face. However, as soon as he did that, Erebus snapped his fingers, and he hid behind a wall of reality. It looked like a glass shield.

However, Shiva simply punched through the wall of reality, and grabbed Erebus by the throat. As his third eye glowed, his headbutt landed on Erebus' face, breaking the elder's face.

''Ptui!'' Erebus coughed out golden blood while he was trying to arrange his messy thoughts. The single headbutt felt like a meteor landed on his face.

''Do it!'' Shiva pulled him closer, and shouted with a voice that could break a thousand universes, ''Break the reality. Let's see what will happen!''

''Uuh...'' Erebus, with fear, tried to remove Shiva's hand. However, all his strength faded away from his body. For the first time since the dawn of the universe, he knew what fear of death felt like.

''Shiva.'' God Zeus touched Shiva's shoulder, and said, ''Let him go. He is nothing but defeated old man.''

''Hmph.'' Shiva tossed Erebus out of the room, ''Return back to your hole!''

Smash. The door closed with a slam while Erebus hurriedly stepped into a dark portal.

God Shiva plopped down on his chair while the third eye disappeared, ''What should we do with Underlord?''

Zeus sighed while folding his hands behind his back. He stopped before the window, and he saw Underlord dispelling all of Luna's spells with no trouble.

''Underlord must be already corrupted by Erebus. A human mind can't survive Primordial God's abilities.''

''So, we should elimininate him?''

''No...'' Zeus clicked his tongue, ''Erebus would find another one, and this time, he would keep it secret. It would just ruin another human life.''

''You should have just let me kill him.'' God Shiva said it like it was killing an ant.

''Maybe...'' God Zeus frowned, and then had an idea. It could work, or would bite them in the ass later, ''What if... Can we make Underlord our ally? Having him in our side once the Demons come would be important.''

''You think that's possible? Erebus has most likely destroyed his mind already. He must be only thinking about killing right now.''

''It will be difficult... but not impossible.''

In the arena, Luna threw every sort of spells she could mutter. However, they were all tossed away by Underlord, and his strange ability.

Her limit was nearing. Everyone could see her hands trembling, already unable to hold the wand steadily. Stronger spells, more burden her body would suffer.

Cecilia, Alice, Khione, Artemis, and Hecate watched with worry. They already realized a minute ago that she wasn't at Underlord's level. Not even close.

It wasn't that Luna was weak. Underlord was simply too strong.

''L-Luna's Magic... The Eight Circular, Hellfire!'' A shower of red flames covered the atmosphere. Even so, the audience could feel the temperature increasing drastically. At first, they started sweating until even their chairs started turning hotter.

As if they were sitting on a sauna.

Underlord stood below the hellfire, and was suffering the most from the attack. At least, that's what everyone thought. However, with a single wave of his hand, the flames disappeared.

''Ah...'' Luna moaned in pain, and the wand slid off her hand. The last attack took everything she got.

Tap, tap, tap. Underlord stopped before her, looking coldly at her.

''F-Fine... I lost...'' Luna bit her lip in humiliation, tears threatening to pour down her eyes.

''Haha...'' Underlord mockingly laughed, and raised his hand. His hand landed on Luna's soft-looking cheek. The loud slap resounded in the arena.

Everyone turned silent. A feeling of anger started to spark among the audience. They all thought Underlord was only humiliating Luna. However, soon they realized something was wrong.

''AH!'' Luna fell to the ground, and screamed in agony. As she rolled in pain with tears falling down her pearl-like eyes, she held her painful cheek. For some reason, all pain reducing systems turned off, and she felt the pain like it happened to real her.

In the real world, Luna's lying figure suddenly twitched. In her right cheek, a red hand mark appeared.

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