White Online

Chapter 608 The Mission Beyond The Planet.

Chapter 608 The Mission Beyond The Planet.

Isabella sat on a couch, with an uncomfortable expression. The TV had turned to National TV, which was discussing the last match between Wraith, and Hades.

The whole internet was bustling with activity. There were many shocked posts, who couldn't believe that a player managed to fight against a God. Then, there was another side, who claimed Wraith action was terrorism.

The Gods were on their side. Attacking one of them should be deemed the highest act of criminality.

The National TV talked about the two sides, and most of them were in neutral standby. However, that just made Isabella angrier. She closed the TV, and turned to her husband, Maxwell, who was sitting reading a newspaper.

Tap, tap, then a rapid footsteps came from the upstairs. They turned to look at the set of stairs. From there, Alice appeared with a quiet smile.

''Alice!'' Isabella stood up with a pleasant expression. As she hugged her daughter, she asked, ''Why did you not tell that you were participating?''

''I didn't have time to do.'' Alice shrugged, and sat next to Sophia, who asked questions about the tournament. She responded calmly, and softly.

''Have you heard about Isaac?'' Maxwell asked.

''I met him.'' Alice said, and everyone asked with the same voice, ''How is he?''

''He... won.'' She said with a face of disbelief. Everyone else had soon the same face. Their son, won against a God?

''And he is alright. He is currently in the arena, preparing for tomorrow...'' Alice stood up, and stretched before saying, ''I should too...''

''Good luck, daughter.'' Isabella patted her head, and gave one final hug, ''Be careful of that Underlord, he is dangerous. I heard what happened with Luna, and even the thought of the same happening to you scares me to no end.''

''I will be careful.'' Alice said with a small smile, and ran back to the upstairs.


'Underlord... Underlord... you are stronger... stronger... stronger...'

''I know, I know, shut up!'' Underlord tried to remove the voice using his reality warping powers. However, to no avail. He tugged his hair, and smashed his fist into the door of the wardrobe. Crack. After breaking the wardrobe, he turned to a small square-shaped window.

It showed his dead-looking eyes, and grayish pale skin. His handsome, and gentle self was all gone. The Internet was raining insults in his direction. All his follower counts on several social media platforms had halved.

However, as a result, he received hundreds of mentally-ill fans, who loved what he did to the black-haired girl. They loved his ruthlessness, and after seeing that he could harm players inside the game, they would want him to do the same to their enemies.

Even the thought of their enemies crying in pain aroused them.

Underlord placed his hand on the mirror—the reflection inverted his movements. As he sent a string of the red energy onto the mirror, the reflection started warping. Then, it looked like Underlord's reflection was being sucked out of the mirror.

''Rise... my dopplegänger.'' Underlord watched as a person, completely identical to him, appeared before him, ''Who are you?''

''Who am I? Silly, I am you.'' The Doppelgänger said with a chilly grin.

''Say the name.'' Underlord ordered.

''Underlord.'' The Doppelgänger responded.

''Good, what is our goal?''

''Kill everyone.'' The Doppelgänger said with almost no emotion.

''Why are we killing everyone?''

''Uhh...'' The Doppelgänger turned silent. He didn't have an answer to that.

'I see, Erebus' influence doesn't reach my doppelgänger... good.' Underlord's lips curled into a hideous smile.

''Doppelgänger, stay here, and participate in the next round.''

''Alright, where are you going?''

''Oh.'' Underlord didn't expect the doppelgänger to be able to ask questions, ''I will fetch the last ingredients for Dream Potion. I will break the chains, and then I will return. Till then, act like me, and kill whoever you could.''

''Alright.'' The doppelgänger nodded.

Underlord looked at the thin air, and said coldly, ''Erebus.''

A dark portal appeared, and swallowed him whole. The room turned quiet, leaving only the doppelgänger.

The doppelgänger turned to the mirror. However, there wasn't any reflection of him. As he touched the mirror, his hand got sucked inside. After half of his arm, till the elbow, was inside the mirror, he pulled it back, and with fascination, saw the mirror's surface reflecting off his skin.

''How fascinating...''


In a Moon City Palace, Shiva stood in front of a window, watching at the tall wall that blocked the sight to the Moon City. Then, the door to his room opened, revealing Zeus, Odin, and Loki.

''Hihihihi, Zeus, to think that your brother lost.'' Loki licked his lips with his unusually long tongue, ''Y'know, I met Wraith long time ago, when he was still a weakling. To think, he would beat one of us, kekekeke!''

''Please, be quiet.'' Zeus asked with a twitching eyebrow.

''Loki.'' Odin snapped. He didn't come here to ridicule others. They had to discuss something serious.

Loki rolled his eyes, and backed off with raised arms. He did that playfully as well.

''Shiva.'' Odin stopped beside Shiva, and said, ''I might be in need of your assistance.''

''What is it?'' Shiva asked while looking at the far-away Gods, and Goddesses, mingling with each other.

''It's about my son, Thor...'' Odin folded his arms behind his back, and uttered the words, ''He was, most likely, killed or kidnapped by the Demons.''

''W-What?!'' Zeus' eyes widened in a shock. He, and Thor, were both Gods of Thunder. They had semi-rivalry, and often fought, trying to test each other's limit. He knew very well how strong Thor was, and to think he lost...

''That's very unfortunate.'' Shiva turned to look at him, and asked, ''You want me to go look for his corpse, or if he is still alive?''

''Of course, asking something mundane like that from you is quite rude. But, I still have to. For my son, I have to. I tried to think of other ways to find out, but they all ended up getting discovered by demons.''

Shiva nodded with understanding, ''I understand, but if I step out of our planet system, Demon Kings will attack me instantly. I am able to fight against one, but not two or three.''

Odin sighed, ''So... it's really impossible?''

''For Gods, and Goddesses, yes. However, that white-haired brat, made me realize something. They had grown beautifully, way more than I could have ever anticipated. Let's send five of our players, as scouts. They wouldn't be found easily.''

''Players?!'' Odin exclaimed. Zeus, and Loki also looked shocked. It sounded ridiculous!


''Ahem...'' Odin cleared his throat, and after thinking further, it didn't sound like a bad idea. If the players got caught, they could log off, or in the worst case, they would die, and lose their legacies. But, they would still be alive.

''Who are you planning to send?'' Zeus asked, ''I don't think many would accept such a suicidal mission.''

Shiva smiled, and said, ''They will accept. The five players are, Kalzer, Amour, Xerxus, Sorcerer, and... Wraith.''

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