White Online

Chapter 611 Souls of the Innocent.

Chapter 611 Souls of the Innocent.

After hours of touring the Moon City, Isaac returned to his temporary residence. As he pulled out the pocket watch, and snapped it open, the time showed several hours past midnight.

Click... after closing it, Isaac sat on his bed, and took off the shoes, and camouflage outfit.

Then, he moved over to the windows, and drew the curtains, hiding the window, and bright lights. After the darkness engulfed the room, he took a gas lamp from his inventory, and placed it on top of the drawer, located at the foot of the bed.

As he pressed the switch, the gentle light danced across the walls.

After finally being able to relax, Isaac leaned against the wall, and thought about the protestors. If he said that they didn't bother him, he would be lying. It was never nice to be hated, but on the other hand, he didn't really take it to heart.

''Hmm...'' Isaac watched the flickering light, and had an idea. It was rather radical, and he wasn't sure what the end goal was. However, currently, his instincts told him that it was a good idea.

He pressed on the stream selection, and soon, a floating camera appeared before him. Isaac controlled it until it was hovering in the corner of the room, able to capture the entire room.

Isaac pressed the holographic screen, and the red screen turned green. He started his stream. Immediately, the view count started rapidly rising, and all his viewers saw the handsome white-haired man, sitting alone in a dimly-lit room.

Somewhere in the Four Seasons, Divinity, Isaac's first moderator, woke up from his deep slumber. He didn't go to Moon City since he was never a big fan of festivals, and was slightly afraid of crowded places.

After opening his phone, he noticed a stream alert. The only stream he was watching currently, Wraith's stream, went live.

His groggy eyes slammed open, and he ran to the computer. After turning it on, and clicking on the browser, he soon arrived in Wraith's stream. He saw a strange scene, a flickering light barely giving off light beside the white-haired man.

The atmosphere seemed solemn.

Then, Divinity saw the chat's mixed reactions. The other side shouted about Wraith being a criminal, and the other side insulted them as fools, and protected Wraith's reputation.

Isaac moved the holographic screen beside him, which showed the chat. After seeing the chat, he hummed. The gentle hum filled the speakers, causing the viewers to watch in silence.

He revealed the golden-trimmed pocket watch, and clicked it open, ''Anyone... recognize this?''

The chat was filled with question marks, until finally, one said that it belonged to that serial killer, who haunted the NPCs, and became very infamous. The pocket watch was his trademark, and everyone thought it disappeared after he was subdued.

''I stopped him from killing anyone else.'' Isaac revealed. It was still hazy for the public. They didn't know who defeated him, ''And then, I acquired this pocket watch. He stored all the innocent souls, he got from killing, into this pocket watch. Since then, I have tried to find a way to free these souls.''

The chat turned silent.

''You guys may call me a terrorist, etc. But, have you ever stopped, and thought about why I attacked Hades?'' Isaac glanced at the silent chat, and smirked, ''Hades is the master of souls. Dead, or living, he could control them all. Thus, I needed a drop of golden blood, from him.''

Isaac pulled out his silver-trimmed dagger from the inventory. There were drops of golden blood still on the blade. He placed the dagger above the pocket watch, and shook it slightly, forcing the blood drops to fall.

Drip... one of the golden drops landed on the pocket watch, and the clock started swirling around like a high-powered fan.

Isaac turned it toward the camera, and moved it closer. Everyone watching from their homes could see faces, scary-looking faces, stretching their hands towards the clock. The dozens of dead souls, turned from scary-looking, to angel-like beings.

After feeling the freshness of the air, they left the pocket watch, and started floating towards the ceiling. As they were turning to pixels, they said grateful-filled words. They were finally free from the eternal torment.

The room turned quiet again, and the clock stopped turning as quickly. It was showing the previous time, the clockhand slowly ticking down.

Isaac closed the pocket watch, and said, ''There ya go. Call me evil, demon, terrorist, I don't care.''

With a swipe of his hand, he closed the stream, and the green screen turned red. He waved his hand, and all the screens disappeared. Then, he was about to shut down the gas lamp, but was interrupted.

Knock, knock... a gentle pair of knocks echoed from the door. Isaac, with a frown, stood up, and opened the door.

''?!'' Isaac's eyes widened in surprise. On the other side of the door, Luna, wearing a beautiful dress. As she stepped into the room, she closed the door, and trapped Isaac in a hug. They both fell onto the bed.

''Luna, why are you here?'' Isaac asked with a surprise. As he touched her fragile-looking arms, and felt the softness, he realized that she was here in her real body, and not as an avatar.

''Mm...'' Luna smiled sweetly, and lay beside him, ''One of the stone portals, landed in our yard. When my parents weren't looking, I snuck out, and came here. It took me a few hours to reach the arena.''

''But, why?''

''I... feel like you are going to do something foolish.'' Luna said, and softly moved over Isaac, and sat on his stomach, ''Underlord... I am afraid of him, and I don't want you to fight against him.''

Isaac held her by the waist, and said, ''He hurt you. I am going to show him hell by breaking his spine.''

Luna sighed, and caressed his cheek, ''Everyone... is underestimating him. It's not only about his power, but his demeanor. He doesn't treat players as humans.''

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