White Online

Chapter 613 Are you... Kalzer?

Chapter 613 Are you... Kalzer?

The festival was still ongoing even after the night. The city hadn't brightened or darkened. It was hard to keep track of time because there was no sunlight or moonlight.

Inside a dimly-lit room, with only the flickering light to give any light, two naked figures slowly woke up, with only a thin blanket covering them.

''Mmh...'' Isaac groggily opened his eyes, and turned to the pile of clothes littering the floor. He clumsily reached into the pockets, and pulled out his pocket watch. The time showed that it was nearing evening. They had slept plenty after their nightly exercise.

''Luna... wake up.'' After again placing the pocket watch on the coat pocket, he turned to the beautiful naked girl, and shook her by the shoulder. Luna slowly woke up, revealing her glistening blue eyes.

''Mmh...'' She let out a quiet moan as she stretched her limbs. After getting rid of the grogginess, she sat up while hiding her naked body behind the blanket.

Isaac rummaged through his clothes, and started putting them on. After putting on his usual clothing, he stood up, and staggered to the window. The curtains were drawn, hiding the bustling city.

As he peeked through the tiny gap, he saw that the festival was still ongoing. However, the number of people had decreased drastically.

Luna slipped her petite body back into her beautiful dress, and hugged Isaac behind, ''I am going now...''

''Safe travel.'' Isaac planted a kiss on her forehead, and watched as she opened the door. However, on the other side of the door was Alice, her right hand formed into a fist because she was about to knock.

''Oh, you are here!'' Alice exclaimed after seeing Luna, ''Your parents are really worried, y'know.''

Luna smiled, and grabbed Alice by the hand as she said, ''I needed to see Isaac. They will understand. Now, will you take me to the realm portals?''

''Okay.'' Alice nodded, and she saw Isaac's back facing them. Then, the door closed, and Luna started pulling her away.

After they left, Isaac pulled out his bo-staff. For today, he planned to find the best way to utilize his new weapon.


''Welcome, Oliver.'' In a warehouse, located in the middle of snowy mountains, and valleys, All-America spread his arms wide as he welcomed the new member of Sword of Myth.

Oliver, who broke out of the prison a day ago, was fascinated. There were close to a thousand soldiers, donning their uniform outfits, and all sorts of military vehicles. It barely looked like the Sword of Myth had lost any power.

Oliver then turned to All-America and was shocked. Half of his face was disfigured, and there was endless rage in his eyes.

''Yes... our fellow friend did this.'' All-America touched his deformed face with an agonizing look.

''Isaac...'' Oliver bit his lip hatefully.

''Anyway... I am glad that this... tournament, appeared at this time.'' All-America chuckled, ''Because all channels talk about it, they didn't have enough space to make any news about your escape. Thus, the government is alone in trying to hunt you down. But, while you are here, they can't find you.''

Oliver nodded, then asked, ''But, if no one can find us, how can Isaac?''

''Haha...'' All-America chuckled, and turned to the far-away screen. It showed images of the tournament, and about Isaac's match, ''His hate toward you knows no bounds. He will come here, because I left a small enough track for him to follow.''

''What if Isaac informs the government?''

''He won't, because he is solo artist, and believes he can do everything himself.'' All-America snorted, ''I guess, he, and I aren't very different, after all.''

''Then, do I just wait here till he comes to kill me?'' Oliver asked with a frown. He wasn't a big fan of this plan.

''Hmm... maybe you can be useful.'' All-America unzipped his jacket, revealing an underarm holster with a revolver slipped inside. He unstrapped it, and gave it to Oliver.

''What is this?'' Oliver frowned while asking.

''It is Legendary weapon from White Online. If it comes down to that, use it.'' All-America said, and walked away with one final words, ''It might take him off-guard. Remember, don't miss.''

Oliver turned to the revolver, and pulled it out of the holster. He pushed the hammer down, and spun the cylinder around. As his grip tightened, he felt like he was being fueled with power.


The day went by, and humans started dispersing from the Moon City. All the Inhumans returned to their homes to sleep their fatigue off. It was already announced that the tournament would resume tomorrow.

In Four Seasons, the National TV once again made bets on who would be the winner. This time, Underlord, and Wraith were highly spoken of. They were both in the top three, while Kalzer was still in the top seat.

Even though they showed an incredible show of power, in everyone's mind, Kalzer couldn't be thrown away from his throne this easily.

The Internet was strongly favoring Underlord, and Kalzer as the tournament's winners. Even though many hated Underlord, they had to agree that he was strong. They could only imagine how strong one needs to be to induce pain in players!

Thus, many believed that everyone was too afraid to fight him, and even if someone fought, they wouldn't be able to handle the pain.

Currently, in Odin's Moon Palace.

Click, ding, click, ding, Odin sat on his creaking chair while holding a cane in one hand, and rock powder in the other. He watched as the golden flame burned strongly in the fireplace.

Tiny sweatdrops dropped down from the side of his face. It had been over 23 hours since Kalzer entered the test of power. It was about the time he left it, and became a whole new man.

Sizzle! Then, the fire started burning hotter than ever. Odin's eyes flashed, and he threw the rock powder into the fire. The golden fire turned pitch-black, and soon, a raven-haired man stepped out with his whole body drenched in sweat.

Odin stood up while using the cane as support, ''Kalzer... are you Kalzer?''

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