White Online

Chapter 70 - Winter Illness.

Chase felt like his situation was very dire, he has survived many tough spots before, but there is no way he could win against both of them.

He came to a conclusion.

''Hey!'' He shouted towards Isaac and Luna.

''What?'' Isaac's calm voice echoed in his ears.

''I offer peace! Let's part ways, and I won't bother two of you ever again, deal?''

Isaac looked towards Luna and whispered, ''How long till the cooldown is over?''

Luna looked at the screen in front of her and whispered, ''20 seconds and I can use one more attack.''

Isaac nodded and shouted, ''Drop half of your stuff, then you may go!''

Chase grimaced, ''Don't push your luck! I can still kill both of you!''

''You can't even kill a cripple with your current HP!''

''I have more than enough!'' Chase aimed his crossbow towards the Earth wall and debated whether he should try running towards the exit of the cave.

His opponent might not be able to hit him if he ran fast enough.

But it is a gamble.

One lucky shot and he is dead.

Isaac put his Flintlock pistol on the ground and took his Slingshot from his Inventory.

He put a few rocks on the rubberband and peeked towards the boulder, but instantly arrow flew past his face, almost impaling him.

''Whew... Close one.'' Isaac took a deep breath, he left his hiding spot and fired a couple of rocks towards Chase

Chase managed to only fire one arrow until he saw rocks flying towards him. He quickly hid behind the boulder and heard the clanking sound of rocks hitting a wall.

Isaac quickly went behind the wall while one arrow flew past him.

''Afraid of some rocks?!'' Isaac shouted with a grin.

''It is called being smart!'' Chase shouted with a twitching eyebrow, ''Every HP counts in the battle. You should learn that!''

Isaac smiled and looked towards Luna, ''How long?''

''5 seconds...'' Luna whispered with an anxious look but also amazement.

She understood what Isaac was doing.

Stalling time.

Isaac grabbed the Flintlock pistols from the ground and took a deep breath.

''Now,'' Luna whispered and took a deep breath. She felt incredibly nervous, but she didn't want to be a burden.

''You can do it,'' Isaac said with confidence.

Luna smiled and pointed her cane towards the ceiling.

Or more precisely, towards the ceiling, which was above Chase.

The blue crystals in the ceiling started shaking, threatening to drop at any time.

''Wind Summon.'' She whispered, and a small burst of wind caused the blue crystals to start falling from the ceiling!

Chase turned his head in shock and saw dozens of blue crystals falling towards him!

''Damn!'' He cried out and had to leave his cover.

The blue crystals cracked apart after touching the ground.

Chase pointed his crossbow towards the Earth Wall, he was now completely exposed, and there was no way he would let Isaac have a free shot while he was trying to return to the boulder.

''Bring it on!'' Chase shouted and started sniffing the air.


He smelled two different scents behind the Earth Wall.

Chase started slowly moving closer to the entrance of the cave. Tiny sweatdrops trickled down his vicious-looking face.

'Why isn't he doing anything...' Chase felt cold sweat pouring on his back. He was slowly approaching the entrance of the cave.

He was only a step away from reaching the corridor of the cave, but then a rumbling sound came behind him.

''No!'' He shouted, but then a Earth Wall appeared, which blocked his path.

He was moving so slowly that Luna's cooldown ended and managed to do another spell.


A loud sound came behind him. Chase widened his eyes and quickly jumped to the side.

The bullet pierced through the Earth Wall.

Chase aimed his crossbow towards the Earth Wall and put his finger on the trigger, ready to press with moment's notice.

But then... A figure appeared from behind the boulder! He had beautiful white hair with a Flintlock Pistol on his hand.

'He changed positions!' Chase screamed internally, he quickly tried to aim his crossbow towards the young man, but then another terrifying sound came.


The young man's Flintlock Pistol started smoking, and Chase only saw a round item flying towards him.

''Well played...'' He murmured and watched as the bullet pierced through his torso.

The feeling was very uncomfortable. It was like something slimy moved inside his body.

He dropped his crossbow and unwillingly turned into pixels.

The crossbow also disappeared and was sucked inside Chase's Inventory!

But, the two axes were left behind.

[You Killed Player Chase!]

[600 XP Earned!]

Isaac sighed and put the Flintlock pistols back on the Inventory.

He grabbed the two axes and put them on the Inventory as well. He saw the Earth wall disappearing into pixels.

''You did it!'' Luna hopped towards him and said cheerfully.

''You helped. Sorry that you couldn't get any XP.''

Luna shook her head, ''It's fine! This was fun! Let's go fight more people!''

Isaac paled and shook his head, ''N-No, my HP is quite low.''

''After that?'' Luna tilted her head and asked with her innocent voice.

''Ah... I am feeling quite tired. I have fought entire day.'' Isaac said with a wry smile and sat down on the hard ground.

Luna nodded and sat next to him, there was more than enough space, but she sat so close to him that Isaac could feel her bodily warmth.

She innocently fidgeted her toes while looking at the beautiful river.

''I have wanted to know one thing for a quite long time...'' Isaac said suddenly.

''What is it?'' Luna asked with a sweet smile.

''Why are you in the hospital?''

''Ah.'' Luna's face turned into a sad one, ''My body... Is quite weak, and I could die from a simple nosebleed.''

''Isn't that...'' Isaac looked shocked.

Luna nodded, ''Winter Illness.''

''Oh...'' Isaac's face turned into a sad one.

''No need to be sad!'' Luna smiled and stood up. She energetically hopped around, ''I might not be able to leave the hospital in real life, but here I can do everything!''

''That's right....'' Isaac looked towards the river and had a heartfelt smile, ''This place is indeed magical.''

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