Chapter 18

She thought she had a little too much affection for Goldina until the Emperor spoke ill of it’s Queen.

‘Why the hell are you thinking about giving up sovereignty and merging the Empire with Goldina?’

She was very surprised by the rapid change of modern history when she was busy learning about the past of the Empire.

She shook off her thoughts.

She wouldn’t be meeting Serek anyway, but it caused a headache even if she only thought about it.

If Serek was to come to the banquet, she decided not to attend it. Besides, she also had to avoid the Empress, who might have already forgotten about her.

‘I don’t think I’ll have any chance to meet him.’

Thinking about the irritating past made her feel upset.

However, her physical happiness of being covered up by the soft and luxurious quilt did not win. Serek’s whole existence, with whom she had no chance to meet, annoyed her.

Her eyes shifted sideways. A pair of clean bedclothes were placed on one side of the bed. She didn’t know who had prepared those, in addition to her bed.

She would have to meet the Emperor to find out where these came from. She was determined to find out his motive.

‘Shall I meet him tomorrow…..?’

She went to the academy sitting inside a carriage with a colorful interior but an ordinary exterior. She bowed to the chauffeur far away from the entrance before rushing away from him.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Yes, Miss.”

As she entered the campus, she faced a scene similar to her first day in the academy. Students were huddled together in front of the front porch on the first floor and seemed to be reading something on the notice board.

‘I don’t think the class arrangements have changed…..Is it the midterm results?’

She squeezed in through the crowd and looked up at the notice.

Martial Arts Officer Training Class

1-A 9910203

1-A 9910234

1-A 9910232


Grades were written from top to bottom. Next to the grades were the IDs of the students.

‘What? They’re revealing the grades so blatantly? Do they have no mercy?’

It was an academy famous for its strict graduation requirements and grades. The job of each student depended on their graduation grades.

Her eyes scurried over the classes until they found the word of Bureaucracy.

3-B 9930244

3-A 9930201

3-A 9930209

3-A 9930299


Among the two class numbers listed at the top were hers.

After rubbing her eyes again, she read it thrice until she could believe it was hers.

‘Oh my!’

She never expected that she’d score this much. She knew that this institute graded the students altogether. She took help from the reference books…..but she still couldn’t believe that she was the first in the entire class of bureaucrats…….

Her eyes scanned the list again. She was the only one in class B who was at the top. Somehow, classes C and D were mixed with different graders, while the difference in grades between classes A and B were far greater. Classes A and B were divided like oil and water, so she was the only one in her class who got much higher grades.

She was ridiculously excited.

She thought something was wrong, but she believed in herself.

‘I can’t believe I won first place in the class of bureaucracy on my own! I’m not dreaming, am I ?!’

She was very happy at defeating those who received early education since childhood.

And she wasn’t getting tired of continuously staring at her ID.

Soon, someone patted me on the shoulder. Turning back, she faced Instructor Xenon, who had green hair and was wearing round glasses.

“Can I talk to you, Miss Celestia?”

“Ah, yes! Of course, teacher.”

It wasn’t the first time she had been in Xenon’s office. She often came here to clear her doubts about her studies, and the instructor had generously brought the materials that she wanted to read as a reference. He was a helpful person.

The instructor smiled as soon as she sat down.

“Congratulations, Miss Celestia. You did great.”

“It was because you helped me, teacher. I’m very grateful to you.”

“Well, you were the one who appeared for the test, didn’t you? But, I’d say it’s a waste for a talented person like you to be in the bureaucratic class. Why don’t you try on a research job after your graduation?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Of course, I respect Miss Celestia’s wish. But, at least consider it. I sincerely think you can be good at everything.”

Van was in need of her help, and she had nothing else to think about but to support him. Nonetheless, she was glad that someone suggested a job for her and told her she deserved it. She delivered a smile to her teacher.

“Thank you, teacher.”

Instructor Xenon nodded and continued.

“And as I have mentioned in the last session that Miss Celestia’s enthusiasm and grades are enough to get a promotion to Class A, you’ve really proven it this time.”

“Am I really getting promoted?”

She was so excited that she couldn’t hide her giggles.

‘Oh my god! This is what I wanted!’

“Of course. We’re going to change the arrangements from today itself. I’ll show you the class before it starts. I’ll continue to be your instructor, so you don’t need to worry about that.”

In the midst of such joy, she was determined to prepare herself to score even higher grades than the aristocratic students, even if she got bullied again.

However, it could not be worse than the current situation. She was a little sad that she got promoted without Auckra.

‘But, I can talk to him in every break.’

Grinning, the instructor handed her a white envelope. It was somehow marked with an overly familiar Imperial seal.

Her heart began pounding as she stared at it.

‘Did His Majesty send this? I still have a long way to go as a student. If they get to know that he is behind me, then….bye-bye, my peaceful academic life.’

She hesitantly opened it to find an invitation with the Imperial seal.

“What is this, teacher?”

“This is a present for your excellent performance, Miss Celestia.”


“Aren’t you excited? This time, His Highness has decided to invite the outstanding students from the Academy to the Imperial banquet and have an affable conversation with the future talents of the Empire. So, the person in the first place in each major was invited to the banquet. A total of four students were chosen to attend it. Congratulations, Miss Celestia.”


She rolled her eyes inwardly.

‘An affable conversation?’

‘Is it a coincidence that I’m included in this?….Yeah, it might be. He wouldn’t be that nice to me.’

She was disappointed, but it was an honor to be praised by the Emperor. Moreover, it wouldn’t be just for her talents, but it would also cause the people’s perception to change.

“Glad to hear that.”

Instructor Xenon smiled at her like a proud father.

“You know what?”


“The Imperial building itself is a living place of learning the history of the Empire. There are also portraits of the ancestors of the Imperial family. It will be a perfect opportunity for you to broaden your knowledge.”

‘……I know. I avoid looking at those portraits every time I visit the Emperor.’

But she couldn’t have said it. She managed to get out of the instructor’s office, leaving behind a series of celebrations by instructor Xenon, who seemed impatient.

When she went to her class to gather her bag, Victoria was sitting on her desk, glaring with her arms crossed. Ignoring her piercing gaze, she tried to walk past her, but when she stopped her, she spoke up.

“Get out of the way. Let me get to my place, so you wouldn’t have to see my face again.”

Victoria irritatingly glanced at her.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

She glared at Victoria. It was her first time to face Victoria. She used to not respond to anything Victoria did. Victoria was a little surprised.

“Well, it’s not me who’s going anywhere myself. It’s because of my grades that I’m getting promoted to classes A. Didn’t you see? I got first place.”

She felt a little uncomfortable with giving such strength to her speech.


“If you’re dissatisfied, you should have done better.”

“How dare you! Who do you think you are? I heard you’ve been invited to the banquet. Ha! You can only go if you get an invitation, but no one can stop me from attending a banquet. You think I’m bloating like you?”

Victoria tried to throw her book away as usual, but Celestia caught her wrist.

But even before her supporters could approach them, instructor Xenon appeared through the front door. Victoria glared at her briefly before leaving the room with a thud.

She was able to pack her belongings quickly as she had left her books in her room. After walking out of class 3-B, she stared at it for some time.

‘Haa. At last.’

Walking down the hall, she kept pondering over Victoria’s words of her attending the banquet. Since she was the daughter of a Duke, Celestia might have to see her in the future. But instead of getting angry at her, she smiled as she recalled the Emperor’s words. She had tried to ask him about their relationship, but he didn’t say anything.

‘Well, people don’t get affectionate in political marriages.’

However, she was much more worried about Victoria being the mother of a large empire with such a careless and haughty personality.

Class A was one floor above. As she entered the classroom, she found six desks lined after one another. Class 3-A was much quieter than Class 3-B.

All of the five students, who were already sitting on their desks and doing their tasks, came up to her to greet her or offered to help her with her belongings.

‘Wow, this is a surprise!’

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