They had also been using their magic for quite some time, but from then on, one of them was taking a little rest for a short time while being on guard, and the other was killing the zombies. Seeing how their leader had not said anything, they continued using this strategy to last much longer and not get tired.

More than two hours had passed, and Aiden had killed around 500 zombies. He had once again tried to name the new skill he wanted to create; however, just like before, nothing happened, and he was left disappointed once again.

He was starting to feel angry now, as both his attempts to create a new skill had failed. This time, he was confident that he had done much more than when he had created the magic hand skill, and even then, there was no notification of a new skill being created.

In anger, he became more and more aggressive while killing the zombies. Sometimes, he even forgot to leave some zombies for the others.

However, nobody complained, even though they had noticed this. If it had been at the start of their hunt, it would have been a problem; however, now they were not going to complain, as they were very tired.

Without even thinking of anything, in his anger toward not being able to create a new skill, Aiden had even started to use 100% of his strength. Now, even with the max stats, the people beside him were not able to properly see his figure.

The strength of his slashes was controlled, as a proper swordsman like him, who had trained with the sword for years, was not going to use all his strength to deal the final blow to the zombies. It would only make him tired more quickly, so he only put enough effort into slicing their necks like butter with his extremely sharp black blade.

Time passed as the zombies were being killed one after another under Aiden’s blade. He even forgot to keep track of the time, and now sunset was about to happen in about 15 minutes. Sёarch* The Nôvel(F)ire.ηet website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Alicia and the others wouldn’t have been able to continue for this long if not for Aiden giving them so much time to rest in between. Sometimes, only a couple of zombies came toward them every 10 minutes, which was very low compared to the steady supply of zombies at the start, where they had to stay on their toes all the time.

This was why they were still there, continuing to deal with the few zombies that came. However, they were not tired at all, as they hadn’t had to do much.

Alicia could see her brother was too engrossed in killing the zombies, as he had even forgotten that around this time yesterday, they had left. She also noticed how he was even stronger than before, which surprised her even more.

‘He is too strong.’

It was even hard for her to notice him. Only when he stopped for a couple of milliseconds to kill the zombies was she able to see him? Otherwise, his figure was hard for her to track, like it was for the others.

She didn’t know why he had told them to leave around this time yesterday. However, she had noticed the urgency in his voice yesterday, which was why she had to remind him before. That was what she did as she shouted in a loud voice, calling his name to make him realize the sun was about to set.

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Aiden, who was killing zombies one after another without thinking about anything else, had his mind completely focused on one thing: killing the zombies. Using the same technique again and again—killing two or three zombies in one single and fast strike—and after severing their heads, he put his blade back in its scabbard.

He was extremely focused on killing the zombies repeatedly with the same movement. He had killed more than 1,000 zombies in total, and even he was feeling a little spent after continuing. However, while being completely engrossed, he didn’t feel much, as his stamina was five times that of the others. This made him feel only a little tired.

However, he suddenly heard a loud voice that he couldn’t help but focus on. Amidst the constant screams of zombies ringing in his ears every second, he still couldn’t ignore it. It was the voice of someone he couldn’t overlook.

Coming out of his extremely focused state, he listened to the voice of his big sister. After hearing the context of her words, he quickly realized that he had to leave. There wasn’t much time left before the sunset.

He hadn’t seen what changes would occur after sunset, but he could guess easily that it would be something related to the strength of the zombies. He didn’t know how much stronger they were going to get, but he wasn’t going to take the risk by leaving the door open.

He was confident but wasn’t going to get complacent when the feeling of danger still lingered in his body. Even today, he didn’t know what was making him feel danger after sunset—whether it was the zombies or something else—but he wasn’t going to be overconfident and find out.

He trusted the feeling of danger, as his physique was not something he fully understood yet. It had given him so many amazing benefits that could almost be called a cheat, so he trusted the sense of danger he was feeling right now.

Without waiting any longer, he quickly finished the zombies and went inside, ordering Ava in a loud voice:


Hearing Aiden’s voice, Ava didn’t waste any more time. She sent a signal to the snipers on the roof to inform the one in charge of the gates to close them as quickly as possible.

Daphne seeing Ava’s signal didn’t waste any time and quickly informed the one in charge to close the gate, and just after she informed her the large metallic gate started to close itself.

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