A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 494: The Imperial Draconic Siblings of Kargryx.

Sheesh. That’s … not bad looking.

Miononbolax. Land of the dragons and known amongst dragonkins for being a mostly desolate land with nothing but emptiness. Huh … maybe there was some bias whenever I heard about it? Then again, as a dragon, I could imagine why they said that after my stay in Frozen Nest.

As we entered the airspace of Miononbolax through the northern coast, I saw the chilly, barren beaches leading into the steep cliffs. From my spot sitting on Mom’s back, I couldn’t see any dragonewt harbors from up here in the clouds. Tasianna explained it was so empty not because of a lack of resources in the area, but rather due to the dangers closeby. I couldn’t understand what she meant by that at first, but it only took a few seconds for me to understand.

Further inland, the mountains completely covered the entire landscape, with barely any vegetation to be seen. I couldn’t even see dragons or wyverns flying around, only a few birds, literally making this the barren land I envisioned from all the information I was told about the dragon empire. I was starting to think that all the stories were all true, only for Tasianna to explain that the reason it seemed so empty here was that everybody lived underground.

Just as the grey and white colored mountains started to become boring, bright yellow, orange, and red came into few as I noticed a few lakes of lava hiding behind some of the hill tops. There was a deep decline that led into a valley of lava dragons and drakes, so vast in size that an entire ecosystem could be identified, almost like the one I remembered inside the dungeon of Cedaraille.

Fire, earth, and even lightning dragons and drakes appeared here and there, while multiple different types of monsters increased the population even further. Holes, caves, and even deeper ravines gave the place much needed landmarks, while an uncommon number of mushroom forests and creak-growing plants stuck out like a thumb in the land of red and brown.

[“Our empire is a land controlled by the elements. While humans and elves manage the mana in their soil to prevent monster spawnings, we dragons do not. We embraced it, until the stains turned permanent,”] Brother Nong explained while he and his mother were flying right next to Mom. [“Our countries are called ‘nests,’ as our flights and wakes flock towards them to live. This is Inferno Nest, the land controlled by the duo of the Ruler of Fire and Ruler of Volcanoes. This was our grandfather’s birthplace.”]

[“… Located on the northern point of the continent, the closest nest to Frozen Nest? Is this why there is such intense animosity between fire and ice dragons? Aside from elemental tendencies?”] I asked.

[“It didn’t help that Kargryxmor, the one who usurped the Dragon Ruler of Fire title, killed the Dragon Ruler of Ice,”] Mom replied, her voice filled with snark. [“As you saw, the ocean that separates our home from the mainland is wide enough that you can’t even see Miononbolax on the most southern point. Fire dragons dislike the cold, while flying south is still cool enough for ice dragons. In this way, the Frozen Nest natives were the invaders during the first clashes and skirmishes. Naturally, this was before I was born; I am not sure if even my parents experienced those times. Its all undocumented history, but the feud is unforgettable; the scars keep reopening.”]

History sooo long ago that you don’t even question the truth behind it. The original reason is gone, and the people nowadays just create more reasons to keep up the hostilities.

I looked down, still amazed at this view, only to see most of the dragons were starting to notice us. [“They’re looking at us.”]

[“They can all smell us,”] Virrflax replied. [“The de facto Ruler of Ice, two Kargryxmors, and second one of the six empresses. Not to mention, your mother is quite large. Far larger than any of us.”]

Is that a ‘yer momma’ joke?

Mom’s humongous size couldn’t be discounted, as she stuck out like a sore thumb. Even Virrflax, a rank S, was merely half of her size, far smaller than any of my rank S uncles. In fact, she looked exactly the same size as her son despite him only being a rank A. Around 7500 cm (246 ft) if I had to guess.

On the other hand, Virrflax’s rainbow feathers were at their most beautiful in her dragon form. She had a similar body shape and head to her son, but unlike him, her six wings fluttered around as if she was wearing a dress. The peacock comparison I made of Nong was a bit of an insult, but, to be honest, it sounded like a compliment for his mother. Staring at her flying around made me think of a shooting rainbow.

I guess Nong got his size and color from Eltharion. Nice to see his emerald comes from her.

Continuing our flight south, Inferno Nest started to “mellow out.” The volcanoes and fire-spewing monsters were replaced by a more grey, ash-filled landscape similar to the mountain edge that served as our entrance. I thought it was rather boring to look at, but now I thought the peace inside the rim was a welcomed juxtaposition. Even the monsters wandering this part of the nest were clearly enjoying the peace, grazing or resting without a worry.

[“This space used to be far more competitive,”] Virrflax said. [“Before Kargryxmor introduced the Dungeon of Infinite Feasts, the entire Inferno Nest was, more or less, a battle zone as the increasing population of true and lesser dragonkins fought for every scrap of meat. The larger a beast, the more they must eat, otherwise they would have to rely on tasteless, unsatisfying mana to survive. We dragons are selfish hedonists, without a doubt.”]

[“So the population of monsters was worse about 3000 years ago?”] I asked.

My step-mother nodded. [“Far. Kargryxmor’s most important, and only, contribution after he became a god was the dungeon he made. The plentiful herds of monsters exist because they were allowed to recover while we dragons focused on hunting inside the dungeon. Even today, we prefer ‘feasting,’ over culling.”]

Surprisingly, Kramps couldn’t keep his composure at this. He was complaining through System messages my step-mother couldn’t listen to. Naturally, I ignored him.

[“Would that also apply to the residents of Frozen Nest?”]

[“Yes,”] Mom replied. [“Our land was equally bereft. Frozen Nest is the largest nest, almost equal to the mainland in mass, but most of it is either mountains or glaciers. You’ve seen it. Ecosystems and livable habitats are concentrated around the valleys and southern coastline, where the herds are easier to hunt. So when the need to level up or eat rises, the moment any monster spawns, they are hunted down. The dungeon was a blessing to all Kargryxians.”]

Hearing this only further reinforced my thoughts that the dragons were captured between feelings of awe and condemnation towards Kramps. The dungeon solved a lot of societal issues but it also signaled the beginning of the first succession crisis, the cause for the hatred for Kargryxmor as a person. It had been over 2000 years since then, but with dragons living so long, they hadn’t forgotten.

In any case, after that informative talk, our exit from the nest was quite peaceful. We didn’t make too many detours so I couldn’t see more of the land, but we did momentarily visit “Dusk Nest,” home of the dark dragon flight, and also “Marsh Nest,” the land of the forest and mud drake wake.

It felt weird how these three areas all shared borders with each other, especially with how distinct the “vibes” were between all of them. One was a land filled with lava, the other had a thick smog covering the land like a black cloud, and the third was a normal rain forest. To be fair, the furthest edge of the former two seemed almost like they belonged to the third, like a gateway into the lush beauty in the midst of two inhospitable areas.

Remaining objective, though, and looking at it all through the eyes of a starry-eyed teen, Miononbolax was a chaotic mixture of everything fun you could think about a dragon-ruled continent. Nature didn’t even look normal with all zones clashing against each other, making it almost look like a video game’s map from a bird-eye view. “That area is for newbies, that for grinding in the mid game, and that is the end game” sorta deal.

[“We’re finally here,”] Mom said, directing my attention to the massive gorge before me.

Wow …

Three mountain ranges sandwiched a wide ravine with a lake the size of a great lake flowing through it, stopping before an obsidian-colored mountain that stretched higher than the other two. The “crown mountain,” I would call it, as unlike the other two around it, its top was a twisted spiral with multiple citadels attached to it. The only piece of humanoid architecture in a land desolate of the dragonewt touch.

Dragons and drakes of multiple different elements patrolled both the sky and ground respectively. I thought of them as guards, but Mom explained the majority of them were simply retainers, servants, or family members for the different empresses.

They resided inside and on the two mountains on the side. Each had multiple entry points and went so deep into the earth that it could be called a nest, meanwhile, the crown mountain was reserved for only members of the imperial family. No one else was allowed to enter it, unless they were granted permission by one of them. Well, us, I suppose.


As we were descending towards the ravine, one of the hills behind the crown mountain suddenly began to move! Cracks appeared in the ground as it was torn away, giving way to a large gaping hole in the landscape, while the hills started to rise into the sky … No wait! Upon closer inspection, something long suddenly appeared from the holes, looking almost like a head.

[“Gaistrus!”] Mom and Virrflax called out in joy.

I wasn’t seeing things. It was a dragon head! A golden carapace-covered head that looked like a massive alligator crossed with a snapping turtle, in fact!

The drake raised her entire body up, revealing a bulky body with six thick legs and a long, whip-like tail swinging around in the air. Three hills that shone caramel gold under the sun stood majestically upon her back, wobbling around as the drake began to move. Instead of traversing along the ground, earth platforms the size of smaller islands magically appeared in the air, allowing the titanic being to move closer to us.

I initially thought this massive drake was similar to a turtle due to her head and the hills on her back making it slightly shell-shaped, but instead, she looked more like a sauropod. Yeah, like a brachiosaurus, only that I could imagine an entire city could be constructed on her back without an issue. I thought Mom was humongous, but little did I know something else that could defy my perception of “size” would show up here.

Mom was the length of this drake’s head to their front legs … While I was the size of a single one of her eyes. One of her eyes! As a fully sized dragon, not my dragonewt form. In fact, I might just be smaller than some of her individual scales if I were to transform into my moderate form. She was large enough that I could go mountain climbing on her!

[“Sisters! You have returned.”] A new voice entered my head.

As I was trying to register what the voice said, the drake’s head drew closer to Mom. Moss and tangles of crumbling stalactites shook as she turned her head around, allowing me to confirm I truly was the size of her eye. I felt even tinier than I did with Mom. I couldn’t even guess how large this drake was, only that she was the size of an entire mountain range.

The same middle-aged woman’s voice appeared again. [“Greetings, young child of my dear battle-sister. Our youngest hatchling. I am Gaistrus Mianaxt Goldduragon, the owner of this land and the second Dragon Empress of Emperor Eltharion. My petrified heart awakens once more at the sight of such an adorable step-daughter.”]

[“M-may the earth nourish your body on this bountiful EarthDay, Empress-Mother. My name is Hestia, Melloxtressa’s daughter. This young scale lowers her tail in front of her elder scale,”] I bowed my head instinctively. Unlike Virrflax, Gaistrus had a far more imposing aura, as much as Mom, in fact. It was almost as if she was inspecting me from head to tail to see if I was a threat or not.

Hearing my introduction, Gaistrus closed her eyes and her mouth cracked into a wide smile. [“The most respectful of our children. She grew up very well, Melloxtressa.”]

[“Did I not say this, Gaistrus? Would I lie to you, haha! My child has a heart more golden than yours, dear,”] Mom boasted like a proud mother, causing the former to let out a rumbling giggle.

Gaistrus opened her eyes. [“I would not go so far, yet, but I believe she might get along well with my sons. I shall prepare. Receive yourself in the citadel as usual. Eltharion wishes for us to appear in our dragonewt forms.”]

[“No surprise there, none of us would fit into his home if we went in like this,”] Virrflax joked, causing the giant golden drake to bellow out a laugh before she turned around, returning to where she appeared with her floating islands.

That’s geokinesis, or maybe an advanced version. Creating islands out of thin air … Without a spell, even.

With her going her way, we continued our flight. Midway through, Brother spoke with me.

[“Gaistrus is the largest land-living being in the world,”] he stated. [“Earth drakes are all quite big, but none can compare to her. She is quite scary, right?”]

I nodded as a chill ran down my spine. [“You can say that again … I thought I got used to everything being larger than me, but I legitimately felt like an ant before her. Is she really only a rank S?”]

[“Correct,”] Virrflax answered. [“Unlike me, Melloxtressa and Gaistrus were both former Dragon Rulers before they joined our family. While I am weaker than my cousin, the current Dragon Ruler of Wind, my two battle-sisters rule their respective flight and wake. I would recommend increasing your impression of the empress-mothers, Hestia. You will only be more surprised if you don’t.”]

I will do that. I hardened myself, even to Virrflax. Her more colorful personality was probably just a mask for what she truly was in a battle.

If you stumble upon this narrative on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen from Royal Road. Please report it.

After we landed on the ground before the crown mountain, Mother suddenly told Tasianna, the twins, and Vifi to get off. Like she said before, nobody but members of the imperial family could enter, which included our retainers.

[“Eltharion need not guards, when his wives can act as such,”] Mom explained.

I turned around, seeing Tasianna shivering a bit as she looked up in the sky.

[“Is this your first time being here?”] I asked, to which she nodded.

[“Whenever Empress Melloxtressa would visit the mainland, we would rarely follow along, unless our destination is Loatryx. Otherwise, we would remain in Frozen Nest, either to take care of you or hunt for experience.”]

[“The same applies to us,”] Shay added. [“This is our first time here … It is overwhelming to say the least. So many true dragonkin.”]

[“They won’t cause you harm,”] Virrflax reassured them. [“They will sneer and judge you from afar, but I don’t believe any of them would deign to interact with ‘lesser beings.’ Such is the attitude for most of our kind.”]

[“At least they won’t act the same as the ones on Frozen Nest,”] Nong stated. [“Now, come, move along and do some sightseeing. I will keep my little sister safe in your stead, you have my world. Hestia, let us fly.”]

Mom and Virrflax would move separately as they had to meet the other empresses before the audience, meanwhile, Nong would introduce me to our half-siblings. This audience was made for me, after all, so everybody was assembled. Usually, only Gaistrus and her sons would remain inside this area, as this was a portion of “Quake Nest,” the land ruled by the Dragon Ruler of Earth.

[“Kargryxmor’s Nest,”] Nong said while we flew up. [“That is what we call this place. The home of our grandfather, grandmother, and his many children, which included our father, of course. Nowadays, us siblings only come here to visit each other, as we prefer to live within our maternal clan territories. It’s not like we’re distant from each other; it’s just more comfortable.”]

[“Question, then. Why exactly is our clan’s familial home inside the territory of the earth drakes?”]

[“Kargryxmor’s first ally was an earth drake, that is why. The latter made this entire peak just for his friend once he finished conquering the various dragon rulers, so it remains as a symbol of that bond that solidified the Empire of Kargryx. Goldduragon, was his name.”]

[“… Gaistrus’s father.”]

[“Correct. A family of truly titanic dragonkin, even amongst the mountain shaping earth drakes … Although, don’t expect every member to be humongous like our empress-mother. Having multiple beings of such size would destroy our land without a doubt, ha! Her sons, our brothers, on the other hand, are a little bit more manageable in the size portion.”]

[“I see … Mind answering something?”] Nong nodded to my request, slowing down a bit so we could talk. [“Neill mentioned how Kramps was disappointed in all of his grandchildren. Mom mentioned how the emperor can talk with his father. Why and how, respectively? I know I’m supposedly Kramps’s first blessed.”]

[“‘Emperor,’ huh? Hey, I know hearing everything earlier was tough on you, but maintain some respect when you speak to him. Even if he doesn’t recognize you as his daughter, to the rest of us, he is still your father. Like how I will always consider you my little sister, I do want you to hold yourself back a bit.”] Nong then let out a sigh and apologized for his forceful tone, but I could see him frowning at my lack of answer. Nevertheless, he continued. [“As for your questions, Father is not a blessed, but his soul was strong enough to maintain more-or-less a small conversation. Apparently, it was stronger in the past, but no longer. He can still hear Kargryxmor as if he was a blessed, but his soul isn’t like yours. Now, why the old man doesn’t like us? We deduced it.”]

[“You mean he didn’t say it outright?”]

[“He couldn’t, or, more like Father’s soul has deteriorated plenty over the millennia, including from the trauma he had from the civil war. We never got an outright answer, but every time one of us departed for our adulthood pilgrimage, Father would ask Grandfather how he feels about us. The answer was always the same—silence,”] Nong elaborated. [“As such, we needed to interpret it like normal people. Father understood Kargryxmor the best amongst us, so he was quick to deduce the reasons and gave it to all of us. Did Fargryneill tell you why Kargryxmor disliked her?”]

I scowled. [“He told me himself. He called her a half-breed.”]

[“… He can smother himself in Aurena’s embrace then!”] Nong huffed, letting some fire through his mouth and nostrils. [“Father mentioned how Kargryxmor despised his love for our fifth Empress-Mother, so being a dragon-kirin hybrid, Fargryneill wouldn’t be an ideal granddaughter. Want to guess why he doesn’t like me?”]

[“… Honestly, I don’t know you well enough to make an educated guess. You want to embody the aspect of Kramps as the Black Tyrant of the Skies, so I don’t quite understand, really,”] I said.

Liking my answer, Nong let out a quick cackle. [“Love the honesty, young scale. ‘No lies between family,’ right? The reason is actually pretty simple, does any country bear my symbol or image on their flags?”]


[“Exactly.”] He then turned around, flying up to the citadel, leaving me behind in total confusion.

What? What sorta answer is that?

Although befuddled, I reluctantly flew after him while trying to figure things out, but not even Kramps was answering. Why exactly was I only experiencing family issues?

<[Humanize (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]>

In any case, once I landed on the citadel, I transformed back into a dragonewt before entering the large halls with Brother. I raised a brow when I stared at the onyx castle, snapping my squinted eyes around as I tried to find even a single decoration. This foyer was devoid of anything but the walls and ceiling, and without a single window, it was darker than the cave I lived in.

Brother snapped his finger, causing a hand-sized flame that levitated over him, confirming he had [Pyrokinesis]. He then plucked two feathers from his arm before they quickly regrew in a matter of seconds. He lit his feather on fire with the floating flame and made one fly around him and me, respectively.

[“Kargryxmor made this citadel to manage the dragonewt bureaucrats from Loatryx, and it was in use up until about 300 years ago. Mother mentioned that was when Father’s soul began to deteriorate from age and he had been sleeping more often than not. He has only woken up to mate or watch his children hatch; otherwise, he had been leaving the management of the empire to our empress-mothers,”] Nong said in a solemn tone. He must really love Eltharion.

I turned my gaze to the ceiling, watching everything in silence while listening to my brother speak, but I was feeling detached from everyone else a bit since my feelings towards Eltharion were still in turmoil. Noticing me blank out, Brother suddenly wrapped his left wing around me and pulled me into a short embrace. He then patted me with his tail, looking down at me with lethargic eyes.

[“He’ll come around, I’m sure of it. Stay strong, Hestia. He probably didn’t mean what he said, he was probably just emotionally charged after learning the truth about how our imperial egg-carrier died. He was a dear friend to Father, and I think his heart was broken when he saw your mother cry herself to near death all by her lonesome.”]

I nodded, pouting a bit. Nong let out a sigh. Neither my heart or mind were in it. I couldn’t make sense of how I should feel about Eltharion, as I was used to loving parents. Hearing somebody who was supposed to be my biological father disown me was new. Despite my worries from right after hatching, this was a pain I hadn’t really expected to ever experience.

Yet, here I was, inside this citadel standing all in solitude without a single thing inside. Why did Eltharion remove everything that used to be here? What was Kargryxmor’s actual relationship to his son? Why did the two despise each other so much?

These questions lingered in my mind as the two of us continued to climb the stairs until my [Detection Sensor] began noticing five other signals on the next floor. Once we knocked on the door, we received permission and entered through it, only for [Foresight] to suddenly activate. I tried to dodge out of instinct, but something, no, somebody snatched me in a split second, so fast that I only saw their long, blue hair before they heaved me up into the air.

“My little sister!” A woman’s cheerful voice erupted from below me before I was thrown into the air, only to land on top of a cloud floating in the middle of the room.

Feeling no hostility, I didn’t really react to anything, simply raising my body up to get a better view inside this desolated room. I saw some silhouettes next to floating flames, but before I could focus on them, a woman’s face suddenly appeared from below the cloud, spooking me.

I stared in shock as the woman smiled at me with a wide smile, where I noticed bits of her face was covered in blue shimmering scales. With no signs of any wings, the woman was literally levitating up, making me think she was using a skill like [Air Walk], and simply laid on the air, supporting her head with her hands as she gazed at me with affection.

I was a bit dazzled as I stared into her navy blue eyes, only to shake my head roughly as it felt like I was being drawn into them like whirlpool sucking unsuspecting boats into its dark depths. Once I regained my composure, I turned around again, only to see a woman in her thirties giggle as her azure-colored hair jumped out, showing off the gills around her neck and the tentacle whiskers on her chin.

Merfolk? Levianewt?

“Don’t you want to know who I am, Hestia? Your older sister is only barely able to keep herself from speaking up,” she said, smiling so widely it made my cheeks hurt.

I snapped down, seeing Nong who was waving at me. He was showing me a thumbs up, making me realize the sweet smell similar to his and Neill’s was filling this room like perfume. I turned back to the woman, noticing the smell was extremely strong on her.

“Sister Wendriosa?” I guess, causing the woman to grin and nod softly.

“Wendriosa Tialotrus Kargryxmor, the first imperial princess of the Empire of Kargryx, and Fargryneill’s and your eldest half-sibling,” she introduced herself before she wiggled her body like a snake, “swimming” towards me. “Welcome to Kargryx, my dear little sister. If you need anything, make sure to tell me, okay? Treasure, clothes, valuables? If your mother isn’t willing to give you something, simply ask me and I would grant you even a country.”

U-uh, okay?” I stammered.

This is what Neill meant by being spoiled! No wonder Neill wanted to spoil me rotten with an elder sister like this!

I could feel her love ooze out of her so unconditionally, it made me unnaturally on-guard. In fact, the smile she was showing me gave me goosebumps, as if it was drawing me into a trap. Yet, I couldn’t feel any hostile feelings from her. None at all, which was why I felt so bad being so uneasy before her.

“Younger sister, please, leave her some time to breathe before you drag her along after you like you did with Fargryneill …” A man’s voice interrupted our staring battle, prompting the woman to let out a bitter sigh.

She turned around. “Good point, elder brother.”

She slowly descended to the ground, prompting the cloud to do the same, gently letting me down. Finally able to take in a full breath, I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander back to her, admiring how beautiful she was. Not only her face, but the shimmering-scale western dress she had on stole my attention; it was a welcoming change from how Nong and Neill wore loose kimonos.

At this point, I also confirmed my suspicion she was a leviathan. There were even fins on her back and tail to drive that point forward. I wasn’t sure why exactly she wasn’t a dragonewt, but the dark patches of black scales on her feet proved she was a Kargryxmor to me. It made me quite curious who the first empress was, as in, what kind of dragonkin she was.

“Youngest.” The same man’s voice from before appeared above me, prompting me to notice a large shadow standing before me. I turned around, only to see the tall man bow before me like a gentleman. “I am the second eldest. Phsothophus Calkraneer Goldduragon.”

Unlike Wendriosa’s gentle beauty, this dragonewt-elf hybrid was a true giant. He stood almost two and half heads above me and wore something like a knight’s armor made from his thick, black scales with golden highlights. He looked like somebody in his forties working in the army, as his short, spiky black hair with golden-brown stripes made him look pretty rough on the edges. Then again, maybe it was the fact he had a mustache and beard that I felt like I could rely on him, almost reminding me of Farron.

As he straightened his posture, he smiled at me. It was more reserved compared to Wendriosa’s, but the affection he showed me was nothing less, as his warm eyes made me feel safe. He was welcoming me to speak to him.

“Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor.” I curtsied before grinning like a kid. “Thank you for saving me, big brother.”

He bowed again. “No need to be so formal. There will be enough time for us to get to know each other.”

Oh, that was unfair, brother Phsothphus!” Wendriosa complained, pouting a bit, trying to act cute. “Enough. Come, come, introduce your little brother. We need to hurry, after all.”

“Of course,” he bowed once again before patting the shoulder of the man standing right next to him. “This is my younger brother. The sixth imperial child, and your youngest eldest brother. Come, introduce yourself.”

The man next to him had a reserved look, looking a bit reluctant or maybe shy to look me in the eyes. Unlike his brother, this man was only two heads taller than me, didn’t have any facial hair, and looked around his late twenties like Neill. He was far less bulky than Phso and was wearing an orderly golden yukata.

His hair was far longer and was kept in a neat ponytail, and in contrast to his brother, it was mostly golden instead of black. Furthermore, this color change made him seem far less intimidating than his brother, simply because the black hair and scales accentuated Phso’s build.

“Ryranakus Carbnaktus Goldduragon. A pleasure,” he said, almost as if he didn’t want to say it.

So this is what Nong meant by shy.

I smiled and curtsied to him as well. “Pleasure indeed, big bro Ryran! Hope we can get along well in the future!” I said with a smile brimming with all the positive energy I had, trying to dispel the negativity around him. Naturally, it didn’t work, as it looked like I only made him uncomfortable.

Phso laughed it off, saying it couldn’t be helped and excused himself before Wendrios pulled somebody towards me. Unlike the two brothers, this man was almost as tall as my eldest sister, being around 180cm (5.9 ft), I believed. In addition, for the first time, one of us siblings had a single color scheme for our hair and scales!

“Will you stop reading your notebook? Introduce yourself first!” Wendriosa scolded the younger-looking man before he closed the handbook he was holding.

Shoulder-long dark raven black hair framed his clean-shaven face as he stared at me, looking down with a cold, almost clinical gaze. Unlike his black, monotone robes and appearance, his black-red heterochromia eyes and the weird, purple gas around his bat-like wings made him stand out quite a bit inside a room with seven unique individuals. Like a creepy magician … Actually, maybe he was one.

“Do I smell too strong?” he asked me with a tilted head, to which I nodded. Similar to Saori, her fenrirs, and Belzac, dark mana was oozing out of his body like crazy. “I apologize. I never expected one of our siblings to turn into a holy dragon.”

“It’s not really your fault, hehe. In any case.” I curtsied to him as well. “Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor. I think the situation is clear to everybody in this room, right?”

“Like Nongramos. I suspect our flamboyant brother here told you enough,” she said in a stern voice, eyeing Nong as if he was a nuisance, causing the latter to laugh it off. “Ahem, my apologies. Taimatrak Onyx Leviretus, son of Forminaxtrass Azura Leviretus, the third empress. I am a lichdragon like my mother, so I cannot get rid of my ‘stench.’”

My eyes widened, surprised to hear this despite knowing the third empress was a skeleton dragon. “You look quite human for one. And, don’t worry too much about the ‘smell.’ My best friend is a dark-aligned fenrir, so I am very comfortable around dark mages, so long as they don’t try to hurt me. I really hope we’ll get along, big brother.”

“As do I, little sister.”

Doesn’t show much emotion, but he’s cute!

“With that, let us prepare ourselves.”

Finally, the last sibling moved away from the corner, prompting Wendriosa and Taimatrak to step aside in a respectful manner. In fact, everybody straightened their backs and moved in next to me like a welcoming line. Seeing Nong act so serious made my skin crawl as I did the same, stiffening up at the sight of the man he stopped before.

Although he was only around the height of Phso’s jaw, this sharp, red eyed man exuded a far more imposing aura, almost like he was trying to strangle everybody in the room, demanding respect from everybody. He felt like a true ruler, like an actual dragon eyeing me in their dragonewt—No, like a leviathan eying me in their levianewt form.

Yup … those eyes are similar to the two leviathans I saw. No way he isn’t one.

Similar to Wendriosa, the black-red haired man had fins, gills, and tentacle whiskers on his body, but unlike her, he looked like an imposing knight general as his pitch-black scale armor hid the brutish muscles behind them. With his middle-aged looks and groomed appearance, if I could compare him to anything on Earth, then it had to be an Oriental general or sect master from a cultivation novel.

If somebody had called this man the emperor, I would have believed them, however, my nose told me otherwise. This was my eldest brother—Kahalameet Seathfus Kargryxmor.

“Brother Kahalameet … Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor, eight child of Emperor Eltharion, and daughter of the Sixth Dragon Empress Melloxtressa. This young scale tucks her tail between her tail in front of her elder scale.” I bowed my head as if I was addressing any other imperial, awaiting for them to tell me to raise my head.

However, instead of saying anything, he kneeled down, just low enough for me to see his eyes in my short bow. He smiled.

“My sister need not lower her tail to me,” he said, shocking me. “Nay, not the sister who helped the second youngest overcome her woes. Stand proud, like a Kargryxmor should.”

He then stood back up and pulled a black-red crown from his cape before putting it on his head. “We move in a row. Put your crowns on, we move to Father.”

Everybody obeyed our eldest brother and did as he asked, only Wendriosa came over to me, smiling with a finger in front of her mouth. “If he ever bothers you, call me, all right? He has trouble talking to anyone outside his retinue, so don’t take his roughness too harshly.”

She then patted my shoulder when I nodded to her, before putting her coral circlet on her head. “You have your diadem, no? Quickly put it on and move with me.”

“Yes, Sister Wendry.”

Hehe.” She closed her eyes, probably enjoying my nickname for her.

So these are my half-siblings. A colorful bunch … Feels like with Aurora.

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