A Dragon Idol's Reincarnation Tale

Chapter 495: A Daughter’s Frustrations.


My body shivered as I heard six distinct roars from outside the citadel. In the next moment, the mountain shook as I felt something heavy land on top of it, only to feel the same shock from another direction. I almost fell onto the ground from the surprise if it wasn’t for Wendriosa catching me at the last moment.

“Thank you,” I said.

She shook her head. “No need. Everyone gets surprised at their ‘debutante.’ None of our mothers ever warned us of this ‘tradition,’ but it surely is the mark of our empire’s prowess.”

What is that supposed to mean?

Ha, you should see it once we’re done with Father. Probably the scariest and most impressive thing you will ever see, so keep a look out once we leave,” Nong added.

The lack of windows really hurt my ability to see this “scary and impressive” thing, but I had a feeling what it could be from the sound of that roar. That wasn’t Draconic, it was simply a loud growl to intimidate and warn others, and amongst the six booming voices, I did recognize one of them—Mom’s.

I thought the empresses would join us for the audience. Seeing how I couldn’t detect any retainers or royal guards inside this citadel and deeper within it, I guess I finally understood what my empress-mothers’ role was. After all, why would you need random dragons guarding you, when you have a harem of powerful wives fully in love and willing to protect you? Why would you need conventional guards when one SS and five S rank dragons were protecting you with a passion greater than mere loyalty?

Love, of course. Couldn’t disagree even if I wanted to.

Regardless, I pulled my circlet from my storage. Just like always, it was the jagged ice diadem Mom made for me when we first met, decorated with multiple of her diamond-like scales to give it some contrast. Then again, as it was made from ice, my crimson hair naturally could be seen through it, which created the intended effect of a brilliant red color mixed in with the bright blue. The uneven surface created an optical illusion; it looked as if I also had rubies as well as the sapphires of Mom’s scales.

I initially thought Mom had made this circlet purely so I could assert my authority as an imperial dragon princess during my diplomatic conversations during the establishment of the Shakaie-Narn Alliance, yet it seemed I was required to have one as part of this family. As my eldest half-brother ordered, every single one of my siblings placed a crown-of-some-sort on their heads.

Interestingly enough, each of the circlets was made with their horns in mind, making the head accessory almost seem like an enhancement rather than a statement on its own. For example, mine had jagged ice attached along it, pointing upwards with my horns. It made me seem more “dragony,” a little bit more intimidating.

Do we wear crowns in our dragonewt form to act like humans, or to seem more like our dragon self? I asked myself, but wasn’t curious enough to know the answer. To me, a crown was simply a statement of my status and lineage.

Suffice to, they beautified and emphasized our actual “crown”—our horns. Looking at how each of my siblings had a different set of horns related to their mother’s race reminded me of Neill and her kirin horn. Speaking of kirins, I should visit Neill’s mom while I have the chance. Even if she knows her daughter is well, I believed I had a duty to say it myself.

… The air here feels really stuffy. Like we’re in a badly-aired basement. I scratched my nose from the dust irritating it. None of my siblings seemed to really mind it, though.

The silence between all of us felt awkward, as our footsteps and the ceiling’s creaking was all that we could hear. Still, my siblings didn’t react to any of this. Even Wendriosa still had that fake smile on her face—Actually, was it fake? I wasn’t really sure, but it did annoy me a bit that she was constantly smiling. She might have pouted before, but she instantly regained that smile as if it was nothing. It was rude to think of her as unnerving, but what could I say?

In any case, as such, we entered through a small opening at the end of this hallway. From a barely maintained citadel hallway to an obsidian cave’s tunnel, what was the difference between them? As rhetorical as that question was, it did mean that we were almost there.

Yeah … I clutched my throat. The aura at the end of this road was without a doubt suffocating. This was a test.

“Can you go on?” Wendriosa asked as our siblings all came to a stop, with most of them looking at me worryingly. When I nodded, my sister’s smile widened. “Try not to be stubborn. Our ‘debutante’ is different from a human’s and elf’s. It isn’t that we have to earn our right to meet our father, but we have to fight for our right to meet our emperor as a member of the imperial family.”

In other words, dragon culture reared its head once again. Strength truly was everything here and that included the mental fortitude to resist the effects of an aura attack. This [Draconic Aura] was far stronger in intensity than the Prince of Pride’s aura, but it lacked the hostility and bloodthirst, making it easier to manage.

Bringing up memories of the times when I met monsters of a higher rank, I composed myself. I have experienced worse. I told myself my dragon father wasn’t a complete jerk since, if he was awake, he should be aware of my presence and adjust his aura as such. Whether he welcomed me or not, this was a real test made to test new imperial children.

“Good!” Wendriosa’s eyes smiled. “Your time on Altrust was used well, I see. My little sister is cute and has potential, what could an elder sister wish for more? Hiehie, don’t you think so too, eldest brothers?”

Kahalameet didn’t say anything as he began moving forward. Was that his answer to her question? Nevertheless, Phso wasn’t as cold as he nodded with a wide smile.

“The first step is done. Once we enter the roosting place, follow our actions. This is your time with Father, so use it well however you want. Once again, we siblings will have your back, am I understood, Hestia?” I nodded to his inquiry, prompting him to continue. “A warning, though, Father is not in good health as you might have heard. His mood will be sour, but do not let this distract you. We will step in if things get out of hand.”

“Why would it in the first place?” I ask in an innocent manner despite knowing what a rampaging dragon could do.

“Because this is a prime time for him to appear,” Taimatrak answered, looking up to the ceiling. His eyes, though, gaze at the sky above this mountain. “One’s ‘debutante’ is usually an acknowledgment of adulthood and the start of your pilgrimage. Normal dragons are acknowledged as adults at rank C and must evolve into rank B before they may return, but us imperial dragons? We start at rank B and must come back as rank A.”

He then turned his head around and began following our eldest brother, prompting the rest of us to do the same. He continued, “You are a special case. You already have the mental age of a fledgling and have reached rank B before becoming five. Having this audience means Empress-Mother Melloxtressa believes you are ready to act as an imperial princess and receive the responsibilities and authority as one. Regardless of what Father believes, you bear imperial blood and it must be acknowledged. This is the authority and right of our empress-mothers.”

Even the emperor can’t veto when one of his wives asserts her position. Considering they managed the empire in his stead and acted as his imperial guards, they deserved such respect.

He then pointed to the ceiling. “During a debutante, our grandfather always speaks his mind. He analyzes the candidate and proclaims if they are worthy as an heir and a Kargryxmor. At least, that was the intended system the two agreed on. Father forcibly ended it after brother Kahalameet returned from his pilgrimage and ‘disappointed’ Grandfather. Therefore, the heir apparent position has remained vacant until now … Yet, Grandfather keeps speaking his mind.”

“As I said, their relationship isn’t good,” Nong added with a teasing smile. “That old man you call ‘Kramps’ always has a bone to pick. There is always at least one trait he dislikes about us. Then again, you are his blessed, so that might change. Empress Melloxtressa already told you the truth, right? Put the pieces together. How would you feel if a parent continuously criticizes all your children but the one he personally watched over?”

I would hate it.

This was why Kramps told me he would speak with me once I met the rest of my family. It was for this moment, I see. Would he actually pry the gates open just to slight his son? Only one way to find out.

As I took my first step into the light at the end of this tunnel, my siblings doused their fires and moved into two orderly rows. Kahalameet, Phso, Wendriosa, Taimatrak, and Nong all moved in front, while Ryranakus was the only one who stood behind them. Considering I knew Kahalameet’s, Wendriosa’s, and Nong’s positions in the succession crisis, this must be their way to show they were actively fighting to become the heir apparent.

Therefore, I took my place next to Ryranakus, surprising him. The ones in front didn’t acknowledge my choice, except for Wendriosa who smiled at me. I wasn’t sure if I interpreted their actions correctly, but Phso did say to follow their lead. We were greeting Eltharion as our emperor, so every move was planned out and should have a meaning behind them.

Kahalameet moved forward once everybody furled their wings and tucked their tail in between their legs. “Rthuurk rytthka ryuurrtk gryyuuuk!” (We greet our father and emperor, the Tyrant of the Inferno Horizon!)

His accent is also as weird as Nong’s. Draconic, man …

We all bowed. Once we were done, my elder siblings moved aside, opening a way forward and prompted me to take it.

I didn’t respond immediately as my eyes widened in shock as I finally was able to fully take in the scenery in front of me. As I expected, the inner cavern was indeed an obsidian hall, almost similar to my Obsidian Orchestra in appearance, but without my stage. The greatest difference was that it was way larger, to the point it could fit an entire city inside. Not a village, not a town, an actual city like Griffonpeak or Aureolis City.

In fact, I could imagine the dwarves turning this place into a dwarven hold if they ever got the chance. Yet, at the same time, it was so empty and devoid of everything that it seemed almost sad and neglected here. I could stare at the onyx colored ceiling and floor as long as I wanted, but there was nothing else to see here. No crystals, no ore veins, nor any mountains of treasure or valuables like a storybook dragon would have.

Yet, it also didn’t need them. After all, to an adventurer, it wasn’t the riches that would captivate their eyes, but the humongous being sleeping on the opposite side of this place. The glittering gold—trinkets and baubles—would only distract one from the real prize. Yet, it was a prize that one must pay for in blood and fire, for only the brave or foolhardy would contend with such a giant fire-spewing, scale-armored being on wings of death.

He’s as large as Mom, I think.

Eltharion. Emperor Eltharion Kargryxmor. He had no middle name, just like his father.

I took a moment to study my father, my eyes trailing over the humanoid body with two large trunk-like legs and scales so black you couldn’t even see them glisten, as if they consumed all the light shone on them. He only had one set of wings, but unlike Kramps, his son seemed to have thicker, longer, and bulkier ones, as each one seemed almost two-third of his body’s length. In addition, those very wings had hands on the ends of them, and unlike the claws on mine, they seemed pretty flexible.

Yet … After having gotten used to molting and shedding on a regular basis, I was able to see the difference between a well-groomed dragon and one who didn’t care. Eltharion’s looked like the latter, as some of the scales seemed weathered, a bit dry. You couldn’t see any leftover old skin stuck in any gaps or any cracks, meaning somebody or he had taken care of his body, but it just wasn’t done often enough.

… He isn’t responding.

“Go forward.” Kahalameet nudged me. “In your dragon form. Use telepathy. The room is large enough, no?”

I frowned, looking at Eltharion who was taking one-fourth of the room all by himself. I was about the size of his hands. As if I wouldn’t fit in here!

I sighed and took off my boots before activating [Humanize]. Once I was back in my real form, I turned around as I heard my siblings reacting to it. Aside from Kahalameet and Taimatrak, who barely took a glance, and Nong, who had seen my real form already, the rest were actively checking me out from head to tail. They didn’t say anything, so I wasn’t sure what they were thinking, so I ignored them and slowly moved forward, holding my head up high.

The closer I went, though, the more oppressive the aura felt. Was this actually a test? It felt like Eltharion was trying to keep me away from him. Yet, I pressed on; this was still nothing special. It wasn’t enough to inflict either [Fear] or [Terror] on—

Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.


The moment I thought that, the difficulty spiked once again. The tension was real. The presence of an emperor, the second rank SS dragon of this era, was starting to turn me light-headed as this invisible power—his aura skill—started to strangle me. I turned around, yet my siblings hadn’t reacted. This couldn’t be normal, right? Why would a father test their children like this?

‘Spartan’ would be too light to describe this …

I released my own aura skills to combat it. [Saint’s Aura], [Draconic Aura], and [Royal Presence] suppressed the oppressive feeling as they pushed it back. My mana fought against his — this was the essence of an aura battle before it turned into a Territory dispute.

The moment I shook off my pride and chose the obvious answer, my path forward went without an issue. I reached the halfway mark and it felt like the pressure wouldn’t get any worse, so I sped up, moving faster until I was about three-fourth of the way there. I could already see Eltharion’s towering figure despite him lying on the ground.


[Terror (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

My body froze! I couldn’t move at all, only shiver, as my auras were crushed in a flash. My breathing became strained when Eltharion finally opened his eyes, staring at me with his blood-red irises.

[“You have proven yourself. Now, leave.”]

… What?

[Terror (Moderate)] disappeared and, with it, Eltharion’s gaze. I was left dumbfounded as the aura disappeared completely. I turned around to my siblings, only to see them looking at each other, uneasily. Even Wendriosa’s smile had wilted completely. Her brows were furled and she forced a strained smile as she began to clap.

“Good work, Hestia! Come back, let us celebrate this moment.”

Celebrate what? What is there to celebrate? What did I prove myself for? What exactly is the reason for this meeting?

None of those questions were answered! “Enough. You have proven yourself. Now, leave,” that was all this jackass said! Even Kahalameet spoke more and he seemed as taciturn as this old fart! What the hell did I waste my time here for? Mom said I would meet my other parent, but was this it? This was all he could give a crap for?

[“At least say you don’t recognize me as your daughter, you damn skink!”] I shouted back, taking a step forward. [“I heard everything from my mother! You had to put her through that crap just so you can avoid saying it to my damn face? No, no, no, no, I saw Mom break in tears because of you, I am not leaving until you say it to my damn face!”]

I took a—

[Terror (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

Krgh! You one-trick pony!

[“Leave,”] he demanded, this time turning his head away and shutting his eyes, ignoring me completely, but did he really think I would stop here?

Hikari, play me [The Heir of Hope]!

My other half flinched. ‘W-wait, you aren’t actually trying to persuade him, right? Why are we supposed to care about him? He’s not our father, so ignore his behavior!’

I’m not doing this ‘cause he’s our father or not! I couldn’t care less about that, but this bastard still was the one to break Mom’s heart. Dammit, okay, he broke mine as well! What sorta parent tells their children they would disown them like this? I’m not having it.

This succession issue the dragons have told me about was his fault. Plain and simple. I wasn’t exactly sure how it all started, but I could warrant a guess with how this man was living. This entire cave was blocked from all directions but the entrance from the citadel. Either he was coming in and out as a dragonewt, or he was permanently living in his nest like a recluse.

The empresses apparently took care of the managerial duty of the empire? Well, it wasn’t uncommon for a ruler’s better half to do so, but there was one duty the ruler had to make sure to settle on—appointing how the family heritage would be split. Who would be the heir apparent and what would the other children receive? Each family head could do whatever they wanted, but as long as they solved the issue, any succession crisis could at least be handled peacefully.

I would love to hear your answer, Eltharion. Would I have to continue dealing with dragons knocking on my door to take up their cause for the throne? Is Nong going to have to continue fighting as a candidate just to stop Kahalameet and Wendriosa from hurting each other?

Well, what could I even say when I wasn’t even Eltharion’s daughter, right? I just didn’t like the word “war.” I was supposed to live in this place and get to know my dragon family, yet a civil war for the succession was going to break out any day now? A civil war similar to the one Mom showed me through her memories?

Just do it, Hikari. I want to speak with this man face-to-face.

‘… Got it. Give him a piece of your mind, then, Hestia.’

“In the midst of the desert ♫

A bright ray of light shines ♫

Pure and brave, that she was, as she walked ♫

She was the ideal for me ♫

The bringer of children’s smiles ♫

Alas, the world seemed bleaker without her ♫”

[Music Resonation (Moderate)] [Shield of [The Light]] [Terror (Minor)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

The wind bent to my will as I reproduced my voice to sing the one song that could counter even the most terrifying effects. It didn’t matter how intimidating Eltharion was, he wouldn’t be able to stop me from singing to myself.

I activated my rocket boosters and flew forward, forcing Eltharion’s eyes open. He turned his head slightly back towards me before his aura grabbed onto my body. I turned my body around, flying back where the aura wasn’t as prevalent before transforming back into my dragonewt form, only to pull out my rhytilic armor.

I summoned [Hydra] and had it help me place my armor on before transforming back into a dragon. I roared out as I let my mana surge through my exoarmor, causing it to shine a crimson red before I activated the Dhuinn rune attached—[Dhuinn Rune: Fearless Defense]. The 3080 and 3090 vitality and wisdom stats on the armor immediately turned into strength and intelligence, respectively, at the cost of mana.

Kriffiek kllk gaaung!”

Spell buffs on!

[Battle Frenzy (Minor)] [Various Spell Buffs] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

“Oi, you brat!”

“Little sister!”

I heard Nong and Phso shout out as my mind was consumed by rage, granting me an extra 10% stat boost to everything. I then cast [Panzer] for additional defense and used [Defensive Rune: Auracoil] to project a mana barrier around myself before I had [Hydra] wrap itself around me. With all these boosts I cast the final spell I needed—[Gloria Ascendance].

As my body was protected by an indestructible shield, I shot forward with all my might! Eltharion finally raised his head as I felt his aura push me back like a turbulent storm.

Rejecting me like this really hurts, father dearest! Fuck you then!

Flames began to appear around the giant dragon as his aura became more intense, making me actually believe he was about to activate his Territory on a measly rank B dragon child. Yet, I didn’t care, if he wanted to punish me so desperately, he could at least do it while I was in front of him, so I pressed on!

Even when [Gloria Ascendance] broke apart, I kept pushing forward. [Hydra], [Auracoil], [Shield of [The Light]], and my [Panzer] broke away eventually as well, but pushed through as far as possible until I almost touched his foot.

I felt a chill run down my spine. The closer I was, the more it seemed like I would be crushed by this dragon if I truly angered him, and that fear came true when he opened his mouth, ready to unleash an ear-piercing roar. I readied an [Air Shield], but my [Foresight] and [Danger Perception] both warned me to dodge at all cost … even if it was practically impossible to do so at this point.

… Yet, I had one last bargaining tool.

‘We will step in if it gets out of hand,’ they said. Hehe.

As I thought that, earth pillars suddenly shot up, crashing against Eltharion’s mouth before I saw Phso’s fly up. He was standing on a levitating piece of rock, similar to his mother’s ability, and projected his aura, stopping Eltharion’s and finally allowing me to fly freely.

Naturally, the black dragon wasn’t so happy, but two blasts of water shot from behind me, crashing against Eltharion’s eyes, causing him to flinch back and giving me just enough time to finally touch him. I snapped my head back, seeing that it was Kahalameet and Wendriosa had stepped in with their spells. Neither looked too pleased with me, but I could deal with that later.

Thank you!

The aura finally stopped as well as Eltharion slowly turned his head to me, growling at me as if he didn’t want to admit his defeat. His body completely overshadowed mine, but I kept my eyes locked on his.

[“Say it,”] I demanded. [“Say those damn words to me already, and stop hiding behind your wives! Am I your daughter or not?”]

His eyes widened as his mouth went agape. The rage on his face disappeared for a moment before he began frowning. [“I told you to leave.”]

[“Then answer my question!”]

He hesitated. He couldn’t say it.

[“If you can’t speak, then let me tell you this one thing! How do you know that I wasn’t your planned daughter, huh? Who told you that I wasn’t the supposed recipient of this body, huh?”] I asked, causing him to tilt his head. [“I had heard you were supposedly Kramps’s favorite child. The one he created the [Battle Frenzy] training for! I heard so much that I thought you would know your father’s inner thoughts the best, even if he was in the heavens now.”]

I grinded my teeth, suppressing myself from cursing. [“Yet, all I see is a shell of a dragon. A recluse trying to hide himself from the world outside, leaving everything else to others as you trap yourself in this cave. ‘If I hear naught, I see naught, I speak naught, then no evil shall condemn me?’ Is that what you thought when you and Kramps disagreed with each other? Well, in that case, then don’t listen to that old skink!”]

I heard Kramps voice and the associated System message, but I ignored him to see Eltharion’s confused reaction.

[“Who the hell does he think he is for complaining about your children? Did he raise them? No, he’s just some ancient dragon that ran away and left you to deal with everything, and you still try to give him the time of the day? I can hear that old man’s voice every day if he wanted to, but do you know what I do when he angers me? I fucking ignore him, like I am doing right now! How old are you and why don’t you know this simple damn trick?”] I snarled, surprising even my siblings as they groaned in bafflement.

I mean, it was true! You learn during primary school to simply ignore people if they try to agitate you. Getting into conflict with others, especially those who didn’t have a say in your life, would only ruin your day.

[“Yet, don’t get me wrong. You too are at fault. Do you think the old man is stupid? Do you think Kramps hadn’t planned this reincarnation thing for longer, or did you really think it was some spontaneous action? Don’t you think he and Aurena might have planned to place my soul in your eight child’s body for quite some time now? You should know how much Kramps despises the current situation of his religion, so why would you think this was some arbitrary action?”] I said. [“In fact, if a third god hadn’t intervened, I would have actually been born as a newborn who didn’t know anything as my memories would have been erased! So tell me, oh loving Father, would you have condemned and disowned me if I was born as an innocent dragon hatchling? Tell me, do you hate me, or do you hate the fact Kramps finally intervened in family business?”]

I knew it was the latter, but I wanted to hear it from him as well. Yet, even with this clear question, Eltharion wouldn’t say.

[“Answer me, already!”]

[“I …”] he stammered, closing his eyes before turning his head away from me. [“Leave my nest. I wish to—”]

[“You’ve slept enough!”] I shouted. [“I want to hear your damn answer! Do you hate me? Because I can tell you that the person who hatched out of that egg was none other than your third daughter—me. If the gods actually replaced another soul with mine, then I will apologize, but it still doesn’t change the fact that my mother has accepted me. Stop trying to act selfish and self-righteous about how you broke your oath to her. You didn’t. Mom is happy that I was born. You gave her a child she could fawn for and here I am.”]

No answer. The old dragon’s answer in the end was still silence.

Seeing him act like that took the rage out of me. I already told him everything I wanted but he still couldn’t face me properly, leaving all my questions unanswered. I let out a soft sigh, disappointed my meeting truly was worthless. I turned around and walked away, expecting to hear something, but nothing came.

[“… At least pay child support, you dang deadbeat,”] I stated. [“At least help me with my battle frenzy training. You can at least do that, no?”]

Still no answer. I should feel dejected, but it was starting to get annoying how I was feeling angry about this man, so I rejoined my siblings and turned back into a dragonewt. I knew some of them wanted to say something to me, but all knew this wasn’t the place to say it. Once again, our footsteps and the creaking ceiling was all the sound we heard in this torturing silence.

[Humanize (Moderate)] inflicted on [Young Sunfang Dragon, Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor]

I tried, Mom. I tried.

Once we returned to the citadel, I let out an even longer sigh.

“I’m sorry about that.”

Ah, no need,” Wendriosa comforted me. “It is your right as a child to wish for affection. I don’t think any of us can seriously reprimand you for wanting proper answers to everything, and we all could see he was giving you a cold shoulder beyond his usual sour mood. Are you hurt?”

“I’m more sad that my mother won’t like the news. I’m pretty sure she would have been happy if Father had given me an inkling of his attention, yet this was all I got from trying my best to break the ice—silence. Maybe I was being too forceful.”

Haha, nonsense!” Wendriosa patted my back. “He reacted to you. He actively tried to push you away. Honestly, that was more emotion that he usually shows lately. I am a bit jealous. I haven’t seen him so agitated in such a long time …”

Her smile waned as the atmosphere worsened for my other siblings looked away with shadows on their faces. Mom didn’t explain how Eltharion acted when he told her he would disown me, so I couldn’t tell if what Wendriosa said was the truth or not.

“However, that doesn’t matter! Let us celebrate this moment!” Her smile beamed like a lightbulb. “If you didn’t understand it, even with Father in that mood, he officially acknowledged you as an imperial princess. You’ve already heard the explanation so yada-yada. Ehehe, so, do you have some time to have fun?”

I shook my head. “I’m not really in the mood. I originally wanted to visit Neill’s mom and then visit Loatryx, but I think I just want to return to Frozen Nest now.”

“Understandable. Feeling homesick after all that is a natural feeling. As such, let me just ask you a question before you leave.”

Wendriosa turned around and held a hand up, sharpening her eyes and brows. She smiled as usual, but this time, it was out of confidence.

“Hestia, help me become the heir apparent,” she said, shocking everybody. “Once I become crown princess, I swear in grandfather’s name to lead the strongest army in your name. Name your enemy, name your divine quest; as your eldest sister, I will grant you even the world if you so ask!”



A note from AbyssRaven

Papa Dragon … why are you being an ass? Get some milk and come back.

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