Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 281 Enter, the level of the Chaos Frost Dragon King? (R-18)

Chapter 281 Enter, the level of the Chaos Frost Dragon King? (R-18)

Note: Yes, there will be Intermission chapters of Ophelia?s "alone" time. To neglect such a piece of culture would be "scandalous".

White Dragon Labyrinth Exploration Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)


"Right there~!"

"Don't stop~~! Just... Keep... Going~~!"

"Pump it all down my ass... Every last drop of your hot seed~~!"

"Ahnnnn~~! Nyessss~~!"

The wettest wet dream that would ever claim these women.

The girls found themselves within a room that seemed to stretch on infinitely, its pristine white walls surrounding them.

Some were already in a state of wakefulness.

That being Fanatio and Stellaria.

They weren't affected by the influence of the labyrinth's self-defense magic. Although cast by Merlin Shivaheld himself.

Some others gradually emerged from the illusions that had entranced them.

Luna, was the only one in that category.

Fanatio let out a weary sigh, massaging her temple as she surveyed the bizarre scene unfolding before her.

A scene she'd have enjoyed if it were all men.

Her closet perverted antics were deplorable and her interests, heavily questionable.

"Why on earth are they rolling about like a herd of wild animals?" she muttered to herself.

Her gaze landed on Genevieve, whose hands were squeezed tightly between her legs, a look of both ecstasy and anguish etched onto her face. Saliva escaped the corner of her mouth, followed by the intense bellows of her moans.

"Ugh, even you Genevieve... I don't get how women can be such perverts."

Yes, it was indeed Fanatio Pendragon who spoke these trifling words.

"It's honestly unbefitting..."

Not far from Genevieve, Ruri stirred in her sleep, her voice trembling with desire.

"P-Professor... Please be gentle," she whimpered, her words seemingly directed at an unseen figure.

All that these unconscious women could feel in their heads were sexual touches. Their thoughts simulated the most sexually aggravating scenes with the one of their dreams— in truth, it was their paradise.

There was nothing but ecstasy in the all white room.

Anastasia, too, lay dormant, her buttocks elevated in an unintentionally provocative manner. Her dripping wet, sticky lavender panties peeked out from beneath her skirt, an unintentional display that only added fuel to the flames of her moans.

"Right there, professor," she gasped, her voice filled with longing. "You're so good at what you do... Ahnnnnnn~~ Don't stop~~! Give it to me more... Put a baby inside me~~!"

Ophelia, lost in her own world of pleasure, echoed these sentiments, given how "holy" she was she spoke the dirtiest words that would even rival Stellaria or Isadora's tongue.

It was no secret that she loved Lumiere heavily.

Truth be told, she had had some personal times with herself.

Observing the bewildering spectacle before them, Luna stood beside Fanatio, her arms folded as she tried to make sense of it all.

She turned to her superior, her confusion evident in her eyes.

"What exactly is happening to them, Lady Fanatio?" she asked. "I couldn't quite comprehend Professor Stellaria's explanation."

Fanatio bowed her head, a flicker of concern crossing her face.

"I'm afraid I only managed to grasp a small portion of what she explained," she admitted, shaking her head gently.

"I suppose we're as lost they are..." Luna added.

Fanatio calmly rubbed her chin. "However..."

"Hm? Is anything wrong, Lady Fanatio?"

"Indeed, for some reason, I feel as though each of these women..."

"What's wrong," Luna?s voice raised with worry. "Are they in trouble?"

A perverted smile appeared on Fanatio's face as a trickle of saliva rolled down the side of her mouth.

"They're taking the biggest PPs you can imagine...!!"

In that instant Luna froze.

"Eh," she said.

Fanatio faced her, completely innocent. "Eh?"

The ever perverted curse that plagued the Pendragon family.

They were the biggest perverts across the kingdom, but the only person who didn't know, was them.

Stellaria gazed at the empty white space.

This was the first time she had actually looked frustrated.

But this wasn't because of the situation they were in, no, far from it, this was because of all the women present, she was currently:

"The Only Useful Person".

Normally, even if she did know the answer, she'd leave the work to poor Lumiere believing it would help "improve his abilities".

However, today was different.

She was in Lumiere's shoes.

Muffled moans and lustful cries filled the air as the girls writhed in pleasure, completely oblivious to their surroundings.

Luna, trying to bring Stellaria's attention back to the matter at hand, approached her cautiously.

"Professor Stellaria, we need to do something about our companions," Luna said earnestly.

She was the only one worried.

Stellaria, lost in thought, placed a finger on Luna's lips, shushing her gently. "Shhh, Luna," she whispered, her tone hushed. With a small smile, she walked away from Luna, ignoring the desperate pleas for release that echoed throughout the empty space.

As Stellaria continued to ponder their predicament, her mind raced with possibilities.

She rubbed her chin, frustration knotting her brow.

Her "right" eye bounced back and forth, searching the room.

"Where did Merlin hide that blasted spatial opening?" she muttered to herself. "It's only been a little over 3000 years. Surely, I should remember where it is."

As already stated, Gods perceive time on a smaller range than most given the acceleration of time in their respective dimensions.

She let out a sigh, her annoyance evident.

"Maybe I'd remember if everywhere wasn't bloody white," she added, her frustration reaching its peak.

As if driven by instinct, she snapped her fingers and tapped a specific spot in the emptiness.

In an instant, reality cracked, and the girls were yanked away from the endless white expanse.

They awoke in a completely dark room, the absence of light lending an eerie air to their surroundings.

Ophelia, rubbing her sore ass, voiced her confusion.

"Where are we?" she groaned, wincing at the discomfort in her backside. "Why does my butt hurt?"

"It seems Stellaria managed to remove us from our previous location," Fanatio explained, she was relieved however did not show it.

She glanced at Stellaria. "So, how did you manage to do that...?"

"Do what?" Stellaria raised an eyebrow and then yawned right after.

Fanatio?s voice may have come out as aggravated, but she was perfectly calm. "How did you manage to get us out of that white room..."

"It's not important." Stellaria yawned again.

Luna folded her arms, pushing her breasts up inadvertently. "I didn't know Professor Stellaria was the secret type..."

"Indeed, she always seems so bold," Ophelia added.

Stellaria sighed and carried her face in her palm. "It's not that I'm keeping a secret I'm just not going to give you a history lesson on something you'll probably forget..."

They all looked at each other, confused.

"Oh," a thought came to Fanatio?s mind.

She turned to the other women and then asked them.

"So, what were you four dreaming about that had you all so sweaty and steamy?"

The moment Genevieve, Ruri, Anastasia and Ophelia heard this, they immediately started blushing furiously.

"That's all I needed to know." Fanatio nodded like she was disappointed.

"Don't be like that!" Genevieve told her.

Fanatio walked a bit forward, "We should focus on more important things..."

In truth, Fanatio was simply jealous. The thought that someone else that wasn't her would see a PP huge enough to make them blush was purely infuriating. She wanted to be the one to blush at the size of a PP.

However, each time she was met with disappointment.

She bullied several boys in her academy to show their sizes and would always mock them for being small.

No, she didn't want anything else other than to know something like an 8 to 12 incher actually existed in "young" men.

Stellaria stood before them, a smirk curling her lips.

"Of course," she said, her tone dripping with self-importance. "You can all thank me now. Consider it my generous permission."

Before anyone could fully process their escape, the chamber was bathed in a sudden eruption of purple flames. They flickered to life, lining the walls in a perfect circle. Everyone immediately tensed, senses heightened as they prepared for the unknown that lay ahead. The room hummed with anticipation.

Just then, five red pairs of eyes gleamed.

"Oh yeah, if I remember correctly, there's a dragon down here too..."

Three heads emerged from the shadow corners of the room.

It was the Chaos Frost Dragon King, Zerhogg.

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