Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 282 Chaos Frost Dragon King Vs Goddess of Space?

Chapter 282 Chaos Frost Dragon King Vs Goddess of Space?

Note: You guys should expect the complete cosmology of this novel and power system soon, it's a lot...

White Dragon Labyrinth Exploration Arc.


(POV: Akashic Records)

Emerging from the darkness was the Chaos Frost Dragon King, Zerhogg, a colossal beast with five long necks and heads. Its presence carried not only elegance but also instilled fear in the hearts of those who beheld it. The dragon's glossy scales shimmered with a pristine white hue, akin to freshly fallen snow, while its eyes burned with an icy blue flame, reflecting its overwhelming power. With a wingspan that spanned an impressive expanse, Zerhogg once used them to gracefully traverse the frozen skies with unparalleled agility.

As the group laid eyes on the mighty dragon, Ruri's legs gave way, and she collapsed to her knees, her disbelief immediately crept in.

"There's... there's no way this... can be a real high-ranking dragon," she stammered.

There was a tremor in her throat as all the saliva in her tongue dried up.

Her eyes flickered in and out of belief.

Anastasia, too overwhelmed by the presence of the dragon, slowly retreated backward, her legs trembling under the weight of trepidation.

"How... how is this even possible? We... we would've easily sensed a dragon's presence," she mumbled, her voice was barely audible.

Stellaria, ever composed, rubbed her chin thoughtfully before offering her insight.

"Well, uh, not really," she calmly replied.

Undeterred by the behemoth before them, Genevieve, Fanatio, and Ophelia took a step forward, unsheathing their swords and leveling them at the dragon.

As seasoned adventurers, irrespective of how scared they were

A low, guttural growl emanated from one of Zerhogg's heads before the dragon spoke, its voice resonating within the chamber.

"Several humans, a demon, and an elf... is this the extent of my challenge? Pathetic," it scoffed, belittling the group before it.

It was natural for all dragons to be proud.

They were the first flying creatures across the Cosmic Sea.

Caught off guard, the group found themselves at a loss for words.

How could they respond to such audacious arrogance?

They stood face to face with a reality they never fathomed, a challenge they never anticipated for centuries.

The recent generations hadn't seen a dragon in ages, since Melcius slayed Valtara with his own two hands.

Before that, it was Barodius, Draknis & Barin.

And into several thousand years was Azi Dhaka and several other evil dragons.

There were barely kingdoms or continents then. The Pure Age.

Collecting her thoughts, Ophelia finally spoke up.

"A dragon... I've never fought anything close to it. It'd take at least ten skilled adventurers to stand a chance against a blue dragon, let alone this," she admitted.

A blue dragon was the weakest of its kind.

This was because it descended from Eunaria, who was the weakest of the primordial dragons (Imperial Dragons).

"Well, we have no choice, we'll just have to..."

As the words escaped Genevieve's lips, the group stood there frozen.

But before she could finish her statement, a calamity unfurled before their very eyes.

In a blink of an eye, an attack, swift as lightning, encased Genevieve in an icy prison, transforming her into a statue glistening with frozen tears.

A frigid vapor wafted from the mouth of Zerhogg, proof he was the one responsible for such a treacherous strike.

With a sinister grace, the six-legged creature emerged from the shadows to stand before them, cold air emanating from his presence.

Shock rippled through the ranks as the reality of the situation sunk in, leaving everyone breathless.

"G... Ge... Genevieve..." Fanatio's voice trembled, haunted by disbelief.

But before another word could be uttered, Genevieve disintegrated into minuscule particles of ice, erased from existence as if she had never existed at all.

She was securely deleted.

It was Zerhogg's merciless amalgamation of his blizzard roar and chaos energy, an unparalleled force wielded only by the most superior of dragons, that effortlessly eradicated insignificant beings from the fabric of the world.

Chaos energy was the pinnacle of dragon hood.

Ruri's terror grew insurmountable; she screamed with all her might as tears cascaded down her pale cheeks. "We're all gonna die!" she wailed, her voice etching the depths of fear into their souls.

"N... No way..." Luna uttered.

Anastasia on the other hand was left in shock, unable to speak.

"Oh yeah, that's why we couldn't sense him, he doesn't use mana," Stellaria tapped her chin ambivalently. "Silly me."

In a desperate act of defiance, Fanatio locked her furious gaze upon the vile dragon before her, her eyes ablaze with fury and sorrow.

The dragon noticed the glare. "Huh?" he uttered.

Zerhogg found the spectacle amusing, because of this, he let out a thunderous laugh that shook the "endless" labyrinth to its core.

But abruptly, his laughter ceased, replaced by a resounding voice that boomed through the air, "Did you really believe I'd wait for you to make the first move?! What is this? A duel?!"

For the dragon, it wasn't.

This was simply another way to pass time. To him, it was like breathing.

One needn't warn a person every time he was about to breathe.

If Zerhogg willed it, he could've erased all of them, however, his pride resigned him to playing with his food one pick at a time.

Zerhogg?s laughter resumed again, much louder than before.

"Shut up, flabster..." Fanatio bluntly told him.

The dragon?s laughter ceased, not out of obedience, but the annoyance that a lowly human would tell him such.

"Flab... Ster...?" Zerhogg managed to word it out.

Just then, a voice cut through the cold air.

"You insolent brat!"

A man donning glasses revealed himself, stepping out from behind Zerhogg's towering form.

A swift adjustment of his glasses.

It was a short and fat man, attired in a pristine white garment that accentuated his roundness. His name was Chubzo, the loyal assistant of the Chaos Frost Dragon King, Zerhogg.

As he stepped forward, his voice boomed with indignation.


Stellaria picked her nose gently. "Wow, the glazing is unreal..."

Fanatio's eyes narrowed, the intensity of her death glare fixed upon Chubzo.

"So, you're a flabster as well," she remarked.

"H... How dare you...!"

The round belly of the fat man quivered with trepidation, but he mustered his ice energy, channeling it into his palms, then launched it like an arrow towards Fanatio.


Unfazed by the oncoming assault, Fanatio deftly maneuvered her sword, slicing through the blistering blue beam, her immense physical strength splitting it in two. However, her victory was tempered by the cruel price she paid. Her right arm bore the brunt of the attack, transformed into a solid mass of frozen spikes that ensnared her limb. Meanwhile, Chubzo's remaining beams clashed explosively with the chamber's walls and floor, transforming them into jagged chunks of ice spikes that reverberated through the room.

Ophelia, quick to react, rushed to Fanatio's side, "Don't move that arm again."

Confusion clouded Fanatio's face as she questioned the rationale behind Ophelia's warning. "Why not?"

The pain she felt was intense, but she remained composed.

Ophelia responded without hesitation, "Are you crazy? If you move that arm, it'll be torn to shreds."

But she was adamant, "Then let it! I won't stand by and watch my comrade vanish like that!"

Luna approached Stellaria, desperately seeking a solution.

She was the only of he classmates not scared to move in the presence of Zerhogg. At least, barely.

"I... Isn't there anything we can d... Do...?" she implored.

Stellaria, her expression pensive, replied with a nonchalant shrug.

"Oh yeah, I guess I could kill them... Gimme a sec..."

She then walked towards Zerhogg and Chubzo.

"B... But we don't have any..." Luna paused.

Stellaria looked at Fanatio's trembling shoulder.

"Rest, the other one's already dead, if you die too it'll be a serious pain.."

Taking Stellaria's words to heart, Fanatio reluctantly relaxed.

As Stellaria walked past them, her steps seemed to carry an air of calm confidence.

She positioned before Chubzo and the mighty Zerhogg, her arms on her waist.

She was feeling a bit sleepy.

"( I wonder what Lumiere's doing now... )"

The dragon loomed above her.

A deep, rumbling growl echoed through the room as one of Zerhogg's five heads became infuriated.


It let loose a powerful breath, a beam of frozen ice hurtling towards Stellaria at the speed of light.

"BEGONE FROM MY SIGHT, YOU LOWLY CREATURE!!" roared another head, its voice thundering through the chamber.

Stellaria's right eye widened as the beam of ice tore through her, ripping her body apart in a horrific display of destruction.

Luna, her hands instinctively covering her mouth, gasped in horror at the sight.

"No... This can't be happening," she whispered.

Fanatio could no longer restrain her anger, her teeth clenching so hard that blood trickled from her mouth. Every fiber of her being screamed in frustration at her own helplessness.

Amidst the chaos and the pain, a faint voice pierced through the air.


Stellaria, with her left eye still closed, slowly opened it, revealing a blazing stroke of purple magic energy escaping from it. The pressure in the labyrinth grew exponentially, causing the very fabric of space and time to crumble under its might. The infinite labyrinth itself began to tear in twain, creating two pairs of infinity.

This was the closest Stellaria had gotten to serious in over 3,000 years...

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