Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 90: The Apothecary


“Please leave.”

Liu Jin’s eyebrow twitches.

It is not the words that annoy him. It is the way they are being said. Khong Hu speaks without malice or derision. His posture reflects nothing but straightforward honesty. He’s not looking down on Liu Jin in the slightest but instead speaking from the bottom of his heart.

He is even bowing his head to him!

“You and your companions have already caused trouble in the Sparring Hall and the Inner Disciple quarters. I’d rather the Apothecary remained as is.”

“I am alone.”

“That is marginally better, yet my request remains the same.”

Liu Jin crosses his arms. “I realize senior brother is older, but we’re both Inner Disciples. Does senior brother really have the authority to forbid me from entering the Apothecary?”

An awkward pause follows.

“...I was really hoping junior wouldn’t think of that.”

Which says a lot about Khong Hu’s opinion of Liu Jin.

“If that is the case…” Liu Jin makes an awkward gesture with his hand, trying to shoo Khong Hu out of the way. He’s blocking the entrance.

“Very well.” Khong Hu frowns as he straightens up. “I suppose I can’t stop you from entering. In that case, I should at least prevent you from making a fool of yourself. Follow me.”

The Apothecary is located a few miles away from the Inner Disciple’s mansion. Unlike other buildings inside the Eternal Flame Clan’s compound, the Apothecary is made wholly out of wood and has an odd box-like shape. When looked at from afar, the building almost looks like a giant cabinet.

And yet, despite its quirkiness, it is one of the most important buildings in the entirety of the Eternal Flame Clan’s compound.

“This is the Apothecary, one of the most important buildings within the walls of the Eternal Flame Clan,” Khong Hu says, unknowingly echoing Liu Jin’s thoughts. “It is here where all manner of herbs, Spirit Beast parts, and other such things are stored.”

Unlike the Sparring Hall or the living quarters for Inner Disciples, there are no wide, spacious rooms here. Instead, there are numerous narrow halls with multiple doors on either side and signs all around.

“The Eternal Flame Clan has control over a wide variety of territories. As such, we harvest resources from all over the Crimson Cloud Empire and beyond. These are then brought here by disciples such as you and me. The Apothecary’s job is not only to store these ingredients but to decide how they’ll be split among the Sect and for what purposes they’ll be used.”

The Medical Pavilion needs medical herbs. The Armory requires fangs, claws, and metals to make weapons. Disciples need cultivation pills to grow stronger.

The one that decides how everything is split between members of the Eternal Flame Clan is the Apothecary. That is how important this building is.

“Internal Disputes, External Relationships, and Exploration. Within the Eternal Flame Clan, only those three departments hold as much authority as the Apothecary. Together, those four are the main pillars of the Eternal Flame Clan, all of which are under the wise guidance of Patriarch Feng.”

Khong Hu had not said anything about that when guiding Liu Jin and Huang Shing through the compound. Of course, back then, they had only been Outer Disciples, so Liu Jin can somewhat understand why Khong Hu didn’t bother going into detail about the Sect’s inner workings.

“You understand what I am saying, don’t you? This is not a place where tomfoolery of any kind is tolerated,” Khong Hu warns him. “Elder Xue, who is in charge of the Apothecary, is wise, strong, and without patience for fools.”

“Senior brother needs not worry,” Liu Jin replies. “The only reason I am here is to work and earn points. It is not my intention to cause any trouble.”

It is true. Despite the hectic day Liu Jin had yesterday, he had managed to get a good night’s sleep. None of the protective talismans he placed in his room went off. The other disciples, it seems, respect the rule of not fighting within the walls of the mansion. It means he probably won’t have to worry about sneak attacks.

Formal challenges, however, are an entirely different problem, which is why Liu Jin had gotten up very early in the morning and headed for the Apothecary. He hadn’t expected to run into Khong Hu at the door, but running into Khong Hu was better than running into literally anyone else from last night.

“Will the rest really not come here?” Khong Hu looks at him dubiously. “Not even the one you took the exam with?”

“I doubt this is the sort of work that would interest Huang Shing.”

Liu Jin had even tried to warn Huang Shing away from Bei Hong and Lu Mei last night.

“You do realize Bei Hong wouldn’t have batted an eye if he had rendered you unable to take the Selection Exam, right?” Liu Jin had told him. “There is no reason for you to involve yourself with him further.”

“Maybe, but the same goes for me. I am not so forgiving I’d have been able to overlook it if we had actually come to blows, and it is not as if I feel some great loyalty to Brother Bei. However, beating those disciples together was fun, so I don’t really have any reason to turn my back on him right now.”

That had been his reply.

“I’ll admit senior brother’s concerns are not unmerited,” Liu Jin says. “We did cause a ruckus yesterday, but I am here as a simple disciple who wants to make points. That is all.”

Khong Hu holds his gaze for several seconds.

“Well, I suppose you can help out with the inventory,” he says, breaking the contest. “We just received a new shipment from our Night Plum City Branch. I will warn you right now, though. This work is one that requires utmost diligence!”

“I assure you, Brother Khong, my diligence will leave nothing to be desired.”


Many hours later, Liu Jin walks out of the Apothecary, having made a hefty amount of points, much to Khong Hu’s slack-jawed shock.

It is about what Liu Jin expected. Harvesting parts from Spirit Beast corpses. Identifying and classifying rare herbs. General inventory tasks. All of them are things he has experience in. Compared to having to decode Doctor Wu’s notes, the work he has done this afternoon is all too simple. His skills are a good fit for Apothecary-related tasks.

While Liu Jin did not have the opportunity to meet Elder Xue, he did make a good impression on some of the older disciples. They made him promise to return tomorrow.

All in all, today has been a good day.

Liu Jin smiles and holds his head high, enjoying a rare moment of silence, the likes of which have been repeatedly denied to him ever since he joined the Eternal Flame Clan.

It doesn’t last.

The area within the walls of the Eternal Flame Clan is mostly covered by smooth stone tiles. The buildings are all quite far from each other, leading the compound to feel distressingly empty. One can walk for over an hour without running into anything. There are no walls or corners or trees to block one’s vision.

It means sneaking up on someone is quite tricky.

It is probably why this person does not bother trying. He announces his presence with his violent Qi before he’s within a hundred yards of Liu Jin. He walks with long, angry strides, his pace about as fast as one can be without actually running—light wisps of flame trail behind his fists.

Spirit Realm. Fourth Level.

His presence is one Liu Jin recognizes, and it is because Liu Jin recognizes it that he sighs and shakes his head.

“Senior brother, is there really any need for this?”

The response to his question is a spike of Qi, the anger within it intensifying. A finger is boldly pointed at him.

“Qing Jin! I challenge you to a match!”

He is Pan Qiu, one of the disciples Liu Jin defeated the other day. Out of all the people Liu Jin fought that day, Pan Qiu is, without a doubt, the strongest.

He is also the one who was easily lured by Lu Mei, so he’s definitely not the smartest or the most controlled. Truth be told, Liu Jin had expected something like this to happen ever since he saw him with Bei Duyi’s group last night. If anything, he’s surprised Pan Qiu didn’t try to challenge him while he was in the Apothecary.

“Senior brother, is there really any need for this?” Liu Jin asks once more, hoping to change his mind.

Judging by the angry glare Pan Qiu levels at him, it doesn’t work.

“You and that harlot humiliated me! That I’d lose to someone so far below me is unthinkable. Do you really think I don’t know what happened now? Bei Duyi told me everything! Had she not used that technique on me, I’d have never lost to you!”

Liu Jin frowns.

Pan Qiu had been under the effects of Lu Mei’s technique before they fought. That is almost certainly true. It is why he had been so easily lured into challenging Liu Jin.

However, had Lu Mei further used her Charm Technique on Pan Qiu to distract him during the match?

That is not a question Liu Jin can answer. The only one who knows for sure is Lu Mei. And if he were to ask her, she’d probably answer in the way that would be most annoying to Liu Jin. He is certain of it. Regardless, none of that really matters right now.

Whether she did it or not, Pan Qiu has already made up his mind about it.

“It is certainly a possibility,” Liu Jin admits. A possibility Bei Duyi had put in his head.

In that light, Pan Qiu’s anger is completely understandable. Had he lost to someone like Bei Hong, who is in the Third Level of the Spirit Realm, he might be able to bear it. However, Liu Jin is in the Ninth Level of the Nascent Realm! The difference between them is basically half a Cultivation Realm!

Not only did Pan Qiu lose to someone like that, but he lost due to a Charm Technique.

And worst of all, the outcome of that match is already set.

Even if Pan Qiu were to go to an Elder right now, nothing would change. From the moment his points were subtracted and Liu Jin’s were increased, the result was deemed valid to the eyes of the Eternal Flame Clan.

That is why the only thing he can do right now is challenge Liu Jin to a rematch.

This is not something Liu Jin can turn down. All disciples have three guaranteed challenges per day. Pan Qiu is fully within his rights to force a match out of him.

“However, senior brother, even if you defeat me, you will not gain back the points you lost.”

When Liu Jin defeated Pan Qiu, he was an Outer Disciple. That is why Pan Qiu lost so many points. However, they’re both Inner Disciples now. Even if Pan Qiu defeats Liu Jin, it is impossible for him to make back the points he lost, nor can he make Liu Jin lose such a large amount of points all at once.

“This is not about points!” Pan Qiu roars, his hands becoming engulfed with flame. No, not just his hands. The Qi around his whole body is taking the properties of fire.

“Of course not,” Liu Jin agrees, not looking the slightest bit intimidated even as the floor beneath Pan Qiu starts melting from the heat. “It is also about senior brother paying me back for the injustice he feels has been inflicted against his person. Senior brother feels he has lost face. That cannot be overlooked.”

Liu Jin looks right into Pan Qiu’s angry eyes with complete calm.

“However, consider this: What if senior brother loses to me again?”

The fire erupts around Pan Qiu’s body. “Junior, you dare!”

“I do.”

Pan Qiu’s angry Qi dies down in an instant. His angry glare freezes, sputters, and fades away. Suddenly, his throat feels dry in a way that has nothing to do with the heat.

It is Liu Jin’s Qi.

It is not that Liu Jin’s Qi suddenly grew a lot stronger. The Qi of the person in front of Pan Qiu still belongs to someone in the Ninth Level of the Nascent Realm. Pan Qiu is still in the Fourth Level of the Spirit Realm. Pan Qiu knows he’s stronger.

And yet...

Pan Qiu feels like prey.

He feels like a mouse in front of a snake, as if one wrong move is all it would take for deadly poisonous fangs to pierce his flesh.

“I know that senior brother is strong. If we’re only talking about Inner Disciples, then senior brother is probably firmly in the middle as far as combat ability goes. Even so, I do not believe I would lose to senior brother.”

Liu Jin says it calmly. Without boast or insult.

Pan Qiu sweats the entire time.

“I am not prone to boasting, senior brother, so believe me when I say if we were to fight right now, I’d win. There is no doubt in my mind about it. If we were to fight, that’d only harm senior brother and achieve none of the goals senior brother wants to achieve. That is why I want to ask senior brother to reconsider his challenge.”

Liu Jin gives Pan Qiu a respectful nod.

“I trust senior brother will make the proper choice.”


“Did you have any trouble on your way here?”

To Liu Jin’s surprise, Bei Hong is waiting for him on the first floor of the mansion. His new robes now sport signs of the battles he had partaken in during the day.

“None at all,” Liu Jin replies, shaking his head.

Bei Hong stares at him for a moment, taking in Liu Jin’s pristine appearance.

“I see,” Bei Hong says after a while. “Around here, we got quite a few challenges from a few of the dogs who thought barking and biting were the same thing. All of them trash, of course. But you might have to look over your shoulders for the next couple of days. That’s how these sorts of things usually go.”

Ah, so he wasn’t unaware of this possibility while causing trouble yesterday.

Does that make Bei Hong more or less perceptive than Liu Jin had initially assumed?

“Thank you, I appreciate the warning.”

“I also wish to apologize.”

Liu Jin is so shocked he forgets to blink. That’s how little he expected Bei Hong’s words.

“For Bei Duyi’s actions?” He asks just to make sure.

“What?” Bei Hong frowns and snorts. “No, why should I apologize for the actions of people I don’t care about?”

“Then why—”

“Lu Mei.”

He says it so easily, it sets off another round of questions in Liu Jin’s head.

“She seems to have taken a liking to you. I am sorry for that.”

This time Liu Jin does blink.

“Is Brother Bei not… angry?”

Truth be told, Liu Jin had expected Lu Mei’s behavior to prompt some jealousy or possessiveness from Bei Hong.

“Why should I…” He trails off as he realizes what Liu Jin is getting at. “No. Lu Mei and I are friends, and no more. Thank the heavens for that.”

The resoluteness, the certainty in his voice, catches Liu Jin by surprise once more. Considering how popular Lu Mei is among males, he had not expected Bei Hong to be any different.

“Listen well,” Bei Hong says when he notices Liu Jin’s confusion. “A woman has to be pretty, but not so pretty it will cause trouble. She needs to come from a well-to-do family, but not one that’s annoying to deal with. More importantly, since you’re going to have to deal with her for the rest of your life, her personality can’t be too troublesome. The ideal woman must possess these three things.”

Bei Hong lifts a finger for each item, going through the list with such practiced ease Liu Jin can tell this is far from the first time he says this.

“Now, look at Lu Mei. She’s pretty. No one can deny that, but she fails at all three categories. Lu Mei might as well be a negative example of an ideal woman. That’s how dangerous she is.”

“That’s… I’m not sure what to say to that.”

“You should keep my words close to your heart and never forget them, for they will spare you pain and misery,” Bei Hong replies seriously, attempting to be sagely even. “For whatever reason, Lu Mei has developed an interest in you.”

He looks at him from head to toe after saying that, his expression dubious.

“I cannot say I understand her tastes, but I do know her personality. She’s the sort that keeps prodding and poking until she satisfies her interests before moving on to whatever catches her eye next. Normally, I wouldn’t bother telling you any of this, but the four of us fought together to become Inner Disciples. That means you’re not trash, which entitles you to a warning.”

Liu Jin stays silent for a while, staring at Bei Hong.

Finally, he takes a deep breath and sighs.

“I see. Thank you. I will take your warning under consideration. I’ll do my best to ignore her.”

“No, that will not work.” Bei Hong shakes his head. “It’s the worst you can do. That will just encourage her.”

“Then what would Brother Bei recommend?”

Bei Hong looks at him as if he had just asked a stupid question.

“If I knew, I would have started with that. I started with an apology because Lu Mei always gets her way.”

“In that case, I think Brother Bei will find me an unusual exception.”

Liu Jin has come here for a reason.

Lu Mei’s whims, wherever they may lead, are not something that will distract him from his purpose.


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