Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 91: Delivery


“What do you think is in here?”

“Something that will probably be spoiled if you keep shaking it like that. Remember, you are the one who wanted to do something different to earn points. At the very least, you should do it properly.”

“Right. Sorry. Sorry,” Huang Shing says. “I am not used to things like this. I never thought disciples of the Eternal Flame Clan would do things that are so...”

“Mundane?” supplies Liu Jin.

“Yes, that.”

Liu Jin can understand that. A simple delivery job is probably not what one associates with one of the most powerful Sects in the Empire, yet that is what Liu Jin and Huang Shing have been entrusted with. For the first time in many days, the two have left the Eternal Flame Clan’s compound to deliver large crates filled with herbs to Ember City.

Ember City is about an hour away from the Summer Forest. As such, there is very little there that isn’t controlled by the Eternal Flame Clan. Liu Jin was able to experience this first-hand during the days leading up to the Selection Exam.

It had been a surprisingly relaxing time. Since the Eternal Flame Clan has so much influence over Ember City, no one dares to start trouble there. This gives the city a very peaceful atmosphere. Ember City is probably even more peaceful than Eastern Port City ever was.

“It may not be glamorous, but this is something that needs doing too. Servants alone cannot be trusted with this sort of task.”

Servants could, in theory, be entrusted with the delivery, but it is far simpler for disciples to do it. While the transfer circles would allow them to skip the Ash Road, the servants would have a hard time moving the crates, and there is no guarantee they would be able to protect them adequately. Meanwhile, Liu Jin and Huang Shing have little trouble making the trip, even without using movement techniques.

“I understand that. The servants probably wouldn’t be able to handle a bandit attack.”

Liu Jin doubts there is a single bandit group that would dare steal from the Eternal Flame Clan. However, that does not make Huang Shing’s point any less valid. Just because no one is likely to try doesn’t mean they shouldn’t worry about safety.

“It may not be as exciting as the combat you have been partaking in, but this is also a way to gain points.”

A more cost-effective one at that. The disciples Huang Shing has been fighting have been the ones angry at how quickly he had been promoted. Liu Jin doesn’t doubt it has helped keep his skills sharp, but the points he received from winning likely aren’t worth the effort he has put in.

The system is likely set up that way to encourage disciples to help out with more mundane tasks. Also, to remind them that, while spars are a good way to hone one’s skills, in the end, cultivation is what really matters.

“I know. I know,” Huang Shing says, his head leaning from right to left. “The past few days have been fun. I feel Brother Hong and I have really bonded.”

They must have if Huang Shing has shifted from Brother Bei to Brother Hong.

“However, the challenges have been coming less and less lately. Brother Hong says it’s to be expected since we keep winning.”

Hence why Huang Shing came to him looking for another way to earn points. The delivery job is one Liu Jin has had his eye on for a while, and he didn’t see anything wrong with letting Huang Shing come along. The opposite, in fact.

“There’s still that guy, Bei Duyi, but he hasn’t done anything yet. Did you know he is Brother Hong’s cousin? Apparently, there’s some old grudge between them.”

“I figured it was something like that. The Bei Clan is prominent within the Golden Fist Sect.”

That Bei Hong and Bei Duyi are both here means they are talented within their Sect, but not so important that the Sect couldn’t bear to be without them. Sending them here was a way to foster a good relationship with the Eternal Flame Clan, and they should both be aware of it.

However, just because they are both in a new Sect does not mean their old grudges have disappeared.

“I am surprised he talked about it.”

“Ah, no.” Huang Shing shakes his head. “It was Sister Mei who told me. By the way, Sister Mei keeps asking about Brother Jin. You really shouldn’t keep ignoring her.”

“I prefer to think of it less as ignoring her and more as guaranteeing my peace of mind.”

“Brother Jin!” Huang Shing chides him. “Do you not understand the position you’re in? Sister Mei is easily the prettiest girl in the Sect. There is no one who wouldn’t wish to have her affections! I do not understand why you’re like this.”

Because that woman is too cunning to be trusted.

Well, even if he said something like that, Liu Jin doubts Huang Shing will listen. He could also mention he is married, but that would just invite more questions, and his link to Xiao Shuang is something he’d prefer to keep hidden.

“Even you?”

“Well, no.” Huang Shing looks awfully uncomfortable all of a sudden. “My heart already belongs to another.”

Liu Jin blinks. That is news to him.

“Because of that, my heart cannot be swayed by Sister Mei’s charms. However, if it weren’t for that, I’d absolutely be envious of Brother Jin right now!”

“I was unaware you had your heart set on someone.”

“It is the reason I joined the Eternal Flame Clan!” Huang Shing says with startling earnestness, puffing his chest only to immediately deflate. “Where she is now, I can only reach by being strong. It pains me to admit it, but I need to improve myself further. That is why, right now, points are what I need.”

“Is Brother Shing planning to buy cultivation pills from the shop?”

“I was actually thinking of purchasing access to the meditation chambers.”


Most Sects have special chambers where one can cultivate in complete isolation for weeks, months, or even years. The Eternal Flame Clan is no different. In fact, because they are the Eternal Flame Clan, their meditation chambers are sure to be of top quality. However, because it is the Eternal Flame Clan, one needs points to use them.

“I see,” Liu Jin says, nodding. “It is certainly possible to gain the necessary points for that through Apothecary work. It will certainly be faster than through sparring.”

Unless Huang Shing feels like challenging Core Disciples, but he doubts he’s so foolish.

“However, Brother Huang needs to take this seriously. That means…”

“No shaking the crates?”

“No shaking the crates,” Liu Jin agrees.


“It’s closed.”

“That it is.”

As expected, no one dared to attack them on their way to Ember City. The city guards practically bowed when they saw their robes. People on the streets gave them a wide berth, many of them bowing and kneeling as they passed. That is the level of respect being part of the Eternal Flame Clan commands in Ember City.

It is something Liu Jin had already known, but Huang Shing seems marveled by the whole thing. He stares in wonder all the way till they arrive at their destination, a store owned by the Eternal Flame Clan.

It is closed.

“Well, I imagined it would be.”

“Then why did Brother Jin make us get up so early in the morning?!”

“Because that way, we could avoid all the needless challenges that would have just wasted time.”

“I still think Brother Jin shouldn’t avoid them so much.”

“Unnecessary things are unnecessary.”

“But Brother Jin’s fights are always fun to watch!”

Liu Jin blinks. “Huh, is that so?”

Huang Shing nods vigorously. “As someone who only knows how to hit hard, I like watching people who can win without getting hit at all. Even Brother Hong has said he’s impressed by Brother Jin’s skills.”

“I see. I will make sure to keep that in mind, but right now, I need you to do me a favor.”

“Name it.”

“Keep watch of these,” Liu Jin says, placing the crates he is carrying down next to Huang Shing.


“The store is not going to open for a while. While we’re here, there is something I need to buy with actual money.”

A wiser, more cautious person would have immediately asked questions. What is he going to buy? Is it really wise to leave him alone with the crates? Can this not wait until they have delivered the goods safely?

Huang Shing just nods.

“Don’t worry, Brother Jin. You can trust me!”

“I know I can.”

As soon as Liu Jin walks around the corner, he vanishes with Ground Contraction. Three steps take him to the roof of a nearby building. Liu Jin looks around for a moment, confirming the roof is empty. He also makes sure to feel the Qi of those nearby.

“Lei Kong?”

“My lord.”

He appears immediately and without a sound, already kneeling. Liu Jin sighs in relief as he does. Good. So he had not imagined feeling his Qi.

It means he has not come here for nothing.

“I see my lord has succeeded in joining the Eternal Flame Clan. Congratulations.”

“Thank you. I trust everything went well?”

Lei Kong had been at his side for months and was a great help during his training. However, there was no way he could enter the Eternal Flame Clan with him. Due to his age, the standards demanded of Lei Kong would have been far too strict.

That is why Liu Jin sent Lei Kong away long before the Selection Exam took place.

“Everything went as my lord ordered.”

“You were able to meet Xiao Fang then?” Liu Jin cannot quite keep the eagerness out of his voice. It has been months, maybe even a year, since he last saw Xiao Fang. It has been hard for him to keep track of time.

“Yes, my lord. He was where you expected him to be. I am pleased to let my lord know his brother-in-law is in good health. He was initially wary of me, but thanks to the information my lord gave me, I was able to prove the veracity of my story.”

“Good. That’s good.” Of course, if Xiao Fang had known Lei Kong was part of the group that had invaded Eastern Port City, he doubted things would have progressed remotely well. “What did he say?”

“He appreciates the gifts and wishes my lord well on his endeavors. He regrets he cannot be at my lord’s side during this trying time.”

Liu Jin stares.

Lei Kong stares at the floor, the very picture of solemnity.

“What did Xiao Fang actually say?”

“My lord, I-”

“I can make it an order if I need to.”

“He said… He said… he said my lord is being a… butthead.”

Liu Jin snorts, but there is a smile tugging at his lips. “What else did he say?”

“He says my lord is being unreasonably stubborn. While the cultivation pills you send him are appreciated, he wishes my lord would just join him, so they could focus their efforts on the Xiao Sect instead of chasing after an… ill-advised plan.”

“I know that’s not the word he used, but I appreciate you trying to keep his intent.”

“Thank you, my lord. Your brother-in-law also wishes you good luck, and additionally, he told me to give you this.”

Liu Jin blinks in surprise as Lei Kong produces a large wooden box with several temporal seals on it.

Could it be?

Lei Kong opens the box.

It is the egg of a Black-Winged Imperial Eagle.

The one he had said no to such a long time ago.

Xiao Fang had kept it for him.


It is after a few more minutes of talking that he and Lei Kong say their goodbyes. The Black-Winged Imperial Eagle egg is now safely stored within his spatial pouch. Explaining how he got his hands on one would not be particularly hard. The Eternal Flame Clan is not some sort of haven for ordinary people, quite the opposite in fact.

One more abnormality would barely merit a mention.

Lei Kong had not been keen on leaving his side once more, but it had to be done. Thanks to his Thousand Steps of the Thunder God, his mobility is far greater than what his level would suggest. Furthermore, since he is in the late stages of the True Realm, the fifth Realm of cultivation, few places are too dangerous for him to venture into. Rather than having him wait in Ember City, it is better to send him off on another errand.

Of course, convincing him it was for the best had taken a while. Even after all this time, the man remains annoyingly servile.

“Brother Jin!”

Liu Jin jerks his head up as Huang Shing comes running at him.

“Brother Jin! I’m so sorry! This is bad! We’re in big trouble!”

“Calm down,” Liu Jin says, holding up his hands to stop Huang Shing from barreling into him. “Wait, why are you here? You should not leave the-”

“They’re gone!” Huang Shing shouts into his face. “I only looked away for a second. I swear, Brother Jin! It was no more than that. But-”

“The herbs were stolen.”

A shame-faced Huang Shing nods.

“Show me,” he says immediately. Huang Shing wastes no time leading Liu Jin to the storefront where he had left the crates. They are open, but there are no herbs inside.

Only rocks.

“I don’t know how it happened. We definitely did not come here carrying rocks, but now the boxes are full of them.”

“Someone switched them.”

“Bei Duyi,” Huang Shing growls. “It had to be him.”

“One of those aligned with him most likely.” Liu Jin grabs one of the rocks and tests its weight. It’s a perfectly normal rock, the likes of which you can pick off the ground. “Losing the herbs could land us both in big trouble.”

Two disciples go out of the Eternal Flame Clan carrying several medicinal herbs and end up with a pile of rocks. There is no way they won’t be punished for it.

“The loss in points alone will be immense. I don’t want to imagine what type of punishment awaits us for this.”

“If Brother Jin knows that, then why is Brother Jin so calm?!”

“Because it won’t get to that point.”

“It won’t?”

“No. Right now, instead of worrying, Brother Shing should focus on the bright side.”

“What could possibly be bright about this?”

“You wished to see me fight more, didn’t you?" The rock is tossed to the ground and stepped over. "You are most certainly going to get the chance to do so now.”


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