Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1090 - 1090 Chapter 75- Reece – Nothing is the Same Anymore (VOLUME 6)

1090 Chapter 75- Reece – Nothing is the Same Anymore (VOLUME 6)




We were all trying to live our lives like normal. We were attempting to go back to work, back to school, back to our normal daily grind. That was what we all wanted. That was the whole plan from the beginning. However, that wasn’t about to happen at all. Things just weren’t the same for us anymore. And they were never likely to be the same again.

Today, when I left the castle and tried to leave the compound to head to work, I saw that there were at least three hundred people that were waiting near the gates. They had to have been there when Reagan and Rika left as well. I was just glad that most people didn’t know about the other exit, the one that went towards Trinity Falls. That was where Talia, Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley left to go to school. It was still guarded though, as it should be.

At the moment, I think that it is best if we bump up security around the entire compound. The people that lived in here were likely to be suspected as being not human. That was why they were swarming around here. I knew that it was mostly because this was where Trinity and I lived, that people knew that there had to be something up with us in here.

The good thing is that they didn’t know how many of our people lived in the city, or in Trinity Falls. Though, with a name that was actually after my Little Bunny, and the Queen of our people, it wouldn’t be long until the people of the world started to suspect that it was connected with us.

Yeah, I think that it is best overall to up the security around the compound and Trinity Falls. I needed to protect my people. It wasn’t just my Little Bunny that was always thinking about the greater good and the people that we were meant to lead in this world. They had trusted us to get them all through this reveal, and that is what we intend to do. No matter what the setbacks were going to be.

The ride into work, slowed by the difficulty getting through the gate, was mostly uneventful. I spent the time mostly thinking about how there were two sides that were crowding around the entrance to the compound. On the one side, holding up signs that I had expected to see, were the people that were protesting against Trinity and I. Their signs called us monsters and told us to leave and that we weren’t welcomed here in their city, in their state, in their country. Hmph, where on earth do they think that we should go then?


There was a side that was polar opposite to those people that were protesting us. They also held up signs, but they were different. Instead of telling us to get out and that we were monsters, these signs had hearts and pleas for attention. They were asking for us to make them our slaves or something like that. It was a little too much for me.

On top of the signs, there was the yelling. I tried to ignore it, but there was a lot of screaming, both positive and negative. Since I was in the car, I was able to drown them out and ignore what they were saying. All I needed to do was turn up the music that was playing as Noah and I rode toward the office.

Once we got to the office though, things were a little different. There was a mass of people out there as well. And, unfortunately, there was no way for us to get into the parking garage. Those people had their cars and their bodies blocking the entrance entirely. This meant that we needed to park in the lot that was just off the street. I hadn’t parked here in a long time, not since the garage was built.

“Looks like they’ve effectively made it so that we need to walk past them.” Noah said as he looked at the mass of people.

“Yup.” I nodded as I parked the car. “And there seems to be about three times as many people here as there were at the compound.”

“At least.” He agreed. “Are you going to be OK?”

“What? You think that I am some baby’s ass that can’t make it through a group of protestors? Ha! I am not going to let them get to me. I will show by example that I am not going anywhere. I will keep my life as it has always been. And I will make sure that my company prospers in the process.”

“I have no doubt about that.” He grinned and shook his head at me. “Come on then, Reece. Let’s get through that crowd.”

“Yeah, this is just going to be a part of everyday life for us now. At least until they understand that there isn’t anything that is going to happen.”

“Isn’t it grand?” He spoke Sarcastically as he opened his door. “I can’t wait to have to deal with them day in and day out. It’s going to be so much fun.” He had a smile, but it was sardonic, to match his tone as he spoke.

“Come on, No No, let’s get going.”

“Don’t call me that.” He snapped at me, but with a hint of laughter.

“Come on, the affectionate name that all the kids have used for you fits your mood right about now. I need to use it. Besides, when you allowed the kids to call you that all those years ago, you opened this can of worms. I will use it whenever I see fit.” I was trying to lighten the mood, and I felt like I was doing a damn good job about it, if I do say so myself.

“I hate you.” He was kidding, laughing along with me as he pretended to growl the words at me.

“Aww, that’s so sweet No No. I love you too, buddy.”

Together, the two of us left the car behind and headed toward the office. Yes, I armed the car’s alarm. No, I didn’t think that it was going to help. I was sure that if any of these people wanted to get into my car, they would have it fully looted before the alarm could draw the attention of the police. It was fine though. I didn’t keep anything personal in the car. That was just asking for trouble. Not to mention, it meant that I didn’t need to worry in moments like this.

“Good morning to you all.” I spoke loudly so that the people who were chanting on both sides of the walkway into the door would hear me. Well, at least some of them would.


“That is flattering, but I am happily married and devoted to my wife.” I smiled in the direction of the woman’s voice, trying not to show that I was feeling a little less than forgiving with her outburst.


“NOAH! NOAH! WE LOVE YOU NOAH!” Another voice was calling out to the man that was walking next to me.

“Thank you.” Noah was blushing bright red, probably because he thought that I would be the sole focus of these fans that were here.


“I assure you, sir, we are not monsters.” I told him calmly as we walked past him. “We are just people, not that different from you. As you can see, we are on our way into the office so that we can get to work, at our jobs. This is a very normal and typical thing for people to do, isn’t it?” I spoke a little condescending, but not so much that it would have gotten me in trouble with my Little Bunny if she had heard me.

“It is not!” The man growled at me, close enough now that he didn’t have to shout at me. “Not when your business is a sham that is only hiding your dirty dealings. You things make me sick. You are not people. You don’t have the right to be called people.”

“I am sorry that you feel that way, Sir.” I shook my head with a sad note in my eyes. “I wish that you would just accept that all we want in life is to live peacefully, like all the other people that we share this planet with.”

“FUCK YOU, MONSTER BOY!” The man screamed at me, his voice so loud that it hurt my ears. And after that he and the other protestors started to chant something in angry tones.

“DESTROY ALL THE MONSTERS! DESTROY ALL THE MONSTERS! DESTROY ALL THE MONSTERS!” While they chanted, the other group started to chant as well, something that was countering what the angry voices were saying.

“LONG LIVE THE SUPER NATURALS! LET THEM LIVE IN PEACE! LONG LIVE THE SUPER NATURALS! LET THEM LIVE IN PEACE! LONG LIVE THE SUPER NATURALS! LET THEM LIVE IN PEACE!” It was strange hearing them yell at each other as if they were fighting some sort of verbal war.

“Let’s get inside.” I told Noah as I grabbed him by the elbow. “We need to get to work.”

“Yeah, but I doubt that we will be seeing any clients today.” He shook his head. There was no need to agree with him, he knew that he was right, and I knew it too.

Throughout the morning, Noah and I dealt with video conference after video conference. We had a lot of clients that weren’t human that wanted to deal with us more than before. We had some people that wanted to pull their support for our company, but they had been people that I hadn’t really approved of over the last several years anyway, so I was happy to see them go. And then the remaining clients didn’t call at all. I felt like these were the middle ground clients. They knew that we had made them money for decades, so they weren’t inclined to leave us at all.

Then there were the employees. Most of them weren’t human, and the ones that were had been thoroughly vetted, without being told what we were. I didn’t have to worry about them at all. They all opted to continue to work for us, but they wanted to know if they would be able to work from home for a while, until the protestors at the office were gone for good. They didn’t want people to know what they were just yet. That was understandable. People didn’t want to disclose their species because they didn’t want their neighbors to turn on them.

I agreed to let them all work from home for the time being. It was safer for them in the long run. Noah and I would go into the office everyday though. We would show solidarity and support for the company, and that we weren’t afraid of these people. We would make sure that the secretaries were OK as well, because they still needed to come into the office to maintain the communication lines between the employees and the clients.

It was all different, and I wasn’t sure when things were going to get back to normal for us all. But the thing that mattered to me was that my people were safe and sound. We all knew that the world was going to change last month, when we made the announcement. It was never going to go back to how it had been before, and we all accepted that.

When I finally made it home from work that night, after more calls and video conferences than I had been expecting, I learned about what had happened at the university. Reagan and Rika told us how they had the same types of people that had followed them to the campus. They were mostly the positive ones though. They had been eager to see them and to get close to them.

Thankfully, I had raised my kids right. They and all their friends knew that it was possible that some of those ‘fans’ could be protestors that were infiltrating the ranks of the fans. They could be using the fan groups to get closer to the kids and hurt them.

What got me though, was that they had known most of their names. Not just Reagan and Rika who were on the news with us, but the others as well. Their identities were already spreading, and that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Yeah, nothing was going to be the same anymore at all. And we all needed to be careful for the time being.


There might have been an absence of riots today, but that doesn’t mean that all things were peaceful in the world today. All across the country, at places that are known to have nonhuman residents, there were groups that had gathered in droves.

Some of these people that gathered had traveled several hundred miles just to be where they knew they would be able to see a person that was classified as a ‘super natural being’. Whether it was the popularity of these people, or on the other side of the spectrum, the disdain, that led these people to these locations, there were thousands that turned up at various locations.

There were several people, both fans or supporters as well as protestors, that showed up in Waterton, California, location of the riot last week. Protestors were there to express their displeasure that there were a lot of nonhuman people in that community, and how their like-minded fellows had been labeled as terrorists. They didn’t think that they should be listed as criminals because they hadn’t intended to hurt any humans.

On the opposite side of that spectrum, several people, all purportedly human, showed up in droves to support the community that had stood together when their people had been targeted.

Inarguably, the largest of all the groups had shown up in Colorado Springs, Colorado. No one truly expected anything else though, as this is where the supposed King and Queen of the Shifters and Vampires is reputed to reside.

Groups of protestors and fans swarmed outside of a gated community that is said to house the castle that this royal couple occupies with their children. Those groups were nothing in comparison to the ones that formed outside of the doors to Alpha Corp., the business that is owned and operated by Reece and Trinity Gray.

Also noteworthy, there were several people that made their way onto the campus of UCCS. They were reportedly there to catch glimpses of the twins, Reagan and Rika Gray, son and daughter to Reece and Trinity Gray. There were no incidents reported, other than a fan that was running overzealously toward the group and tripped. It is said that Reagan Gray moved faster than humanly possible as he moved to catch the woman before she collided with objects that would have caused her bodily harm.

It is safe to say, regardless of the opinions that people have on these nonhumans, that they are quite the hot topic. This reporter will be following their tale even further and will find out what there is to know about these people. If they are out there saving people when they are about to be hurt, then they can’t be all bad.

These fans made a point to remember, in excruciating detail, every single event that took place while they were on the campus. Not once did these nonhumans threaten a single person on campus. They kept to themselves and helped others when they needed to. In a way, they were more human than most humans in this world.

While it is best to let the rest of the world make up their own minds about these ‘super natural beings’, this reporter will be rooting for them to succeed in their new ventures. And if you want to have a more in depth look into why these people are absolutely not a threat to us or our society, you will have all that and more in the series of articles that will be coming in next week’s issues. Detailed accounts of the dealings and histories of the nonhumans that have been uncovered for you all to learn and make your own choice.

This article has been written for the New York Times by Elijah Dalton of Manchester, New York.

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