Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1091 - 1091 Chapter 76- Making Plans (VOLUME 6)

1091 Chapter 76- Making Plans (VOLUME 6)


The man was sitting in his chair, hunched over his work. He was known to the group around him as Pawster, a nickname given to him because he was a member of the organization known as PAWs. Pawster had liked the name of his group, Proud American Warriors, but that was before he had known about the werewolves and other monsters in the world. Now, though, it felt like the acronym was a slap in their face. Those things, those monsters, they had paws. They had long and sharp teeth. They weren’t fit to live in this world with people like him.

The PAWs were just one of the groups that had been invited to take part in this war against the monsters. It was their job to kill as many of these nonhuman things as they could. There could not be as many as they were claiming that there were, that was impossible. How could they outnumber the humans of the world? Pawster wasn’t that gullible. He knew that if there were that many monsters in the world, they would have known about their existence much sooner. There would have been no way to hide it for that long.

And if by some chance there really were that many people in the world that weren’t human, well then, most of them had to be from other countries. Those backwater, disgusting nations that weren’t civilized in the slightest. That was where they had to have come from. They were disgusting monsters that were nothing more than gutter trash from a gutter nation. That was what Pawster thought. That was how everyone in his group had thought of those people. If they weren’t like them, then they were wrong. And wasn’t that the way that the world was supposed to be?

Pawster was one of only five members of the PAWs that hadn’t been arrested that day when they stormed the stadium. He would have been there with them as well, if he was able to. Had he not been tied up with familial responsibilities, he would have joined his brothers as they attacked the monsters that dared to use their city as their launching point for madness. Him and all the others had been furious that they weren’t able to make it to the riot, but they vowed to be there for their brothers. They would get them out of that county jail, and they would bring them into the new mission, the one that Colonel was planning for them.

Colonel was a genius of a man, and he was going to make sure that those things paid for what they were trying to do. He had found them all, one by one. He had located the remaining PAWs members as well as the members of the HOWLs (Heroes of the World’s Law), the BARCs (Boys Against Radical Change), the VAMPs (Veterans Against Military Passivity), and many more. They had all been scattered across the country, but now they were together and working toward a new and better world. A world with no monsters, and no monster supporters.

Colonel said that if the monsters and their supporters were destroyed, they would be able to live in a world that was pure and free of pollution. Everything wrong with the world was tied to the monsters that were living amongst the humans. The pollution, the overcrowding, unemployment and lack of jobs, homelessness, all of it was because of those monsters stealing things from the humans that deserved it more than them.

Pawster was in full agreement with Colonel when it came to what they needed to do. Blow them up. Kill them all. Rid the world of the monsters. Those disease infested beings that thought that they could be allowed to roam free among the pure humans of the world.

Along with Pawster, he had his other PAWs members with him. They were just as devoted to Colonel as he and the other group’s were. They knew that Colonel had the right idea and the tools to make it happen. Pawter, Pawton, Pawley, and Pawncho were the men that joined him from Colorado Springs.


At the moment, the entire group was working in an abandoned military facility in the Southwestern corner of Nebraska. They were only about six or six and a half hours away from Colorado Springs. Far enough away to not be noticed, but close enough to follow through with their missions when they were ready.

Likewise, the new group that they were working under, a collective of the many into one, was now known as the DOE, or the Destroyers of Evil. That is what those monsters were. They were evil. All of them. Even the ones that appeared to be children, they were all monsters.

There was no such thing as an innocent monster, nor was there a child monster. These things had been here far too long for them to be children now. The ones that appeared to be young were obviously eternal and trying to corrupt the youth of the world. They were the ones that needed to be destroyed first.

“This place here, Sir. I think that aside from the gated hell hole, we need to attack this place.”

“Trinity Falls, hmm?” The Colonel was getting a report from a man that was from another group. Pawster didn’t know who the man was, but he knew the sound of the Colonel’s voice. “I think you are right, Private.” The glorious Colonel addressed the man. Like Pawster, the man was a Private, a low rank nobody. That was going to change though. Pawster was twenty years old now, and he was ready to take the lead in these situations. He had been itching to take a larger role in the PAWs, and he would do the same here in the DOE.

“I hear that the city was created less than twenty years ago. It was made right next to where the head monsters live, and it was even named after that monster bitch.” The Private was still talking while Pawster worked on the small bomb that had been assigned to him.

These small bombs were going to be just the first phase of their plans. They were going to be planting them all over the country, to let the world know that they are serious about getting rid of those things. After these small warning bombs, if the monsters didn’t take the warning and kill themselves or leave the country altogether, then the DOE would move onto more serious tactics. They would start killing the monsters whenever they came across them. And Colonel had a way of knowing who was a monster and who wasn’t. He was a genius that had come to answer all the true American Warriors’ prayers.

“Find out all that you can about this community, Private. How many residents live there and where they all moved from. What businesses they have there. If there are schools. I want to know it all, and I want it on my desk within the next six hours.”

“Yes Sir, Colonel Sir.” The man was saluting the Colonel, and Pawster had started to feel envious. He had not had the chance to talk directly with the Colonel since he had been recruited. That had been the only time that he had looked the glorious man in the eyes and spoken to him.

Finishing one bomb and moving onto another one, Pawster started to devise a plan of his own. He needed to do something that was going to get the Colonel’s attention. He needed to get himself noticed so that he could be promoted to another rank. He had more to offer than just making these bombs for the boss. He had more that he was able to do. He was young, but he wasn’t stupid. He had skills, he was smart, and he wasn’t afraid to kill a monster, or a sympathizer.

He had read about those fan groups that had started to swarm the places that the monsters were known to be. The university that was in town, the one that he was attending before the news of these monsters had hit the air, he knew that there were people there that needed to be destroyed. All those people fawning over those things, and the things themselves.

Perhaps that was where Pawster could make his debut and show his skills. He would leave a mark so big that the Colonel would have no choice but to promote him. He would see the Colonel face to face, just like that arrogant Private had just done. Pawster would be the one that was to talk to the greatest man that had even walked this planet.

Ahh, if he was able to do it, Pawster would keep progressing until he was the Colonel’s right hand man. They had all been in this group the same amount of time as the others. So why was it that there were men that were instantly given higher ranks? What made them better than Pawster and his crew? Nothing, that’s what. The Colonel just didn’t know about his skill. That was fine. Pawster would rectify that situation very soon.

With a bit of a smile on his face Pawster started to work faster on the bombs that he was making. He was good at this part of the job, that was true, but there was more that he wanted to do.

“What are you smiling about, Pawster?” Another man, one of the BARCs, called out to him in a quiet voice. The man had been sitting next to Pawster, so he had noticed the change in him immediately.

“Nothing.” Pawster said as he attached the circuit board to his current project. “I was just thinking about something, that was all.” He told him without giving away his plan. He wasn’t about to give a man from a different organization the opportunity to rise above him. If he was going to include anyone in this plan, it would be the other members of the PAWs. However, he wasn’t so sure he wanted to do that either. This was a mission for Pawster alone.

As he saw it, if too many people joined in on the mission, they would get suspicious of them. Not only that, but Pawster was a student at the university, and that meant he was able to infiltrate with no issues at all. He wouldn’t be suspected. He would be able to get close to the monsters with no trouble at all. He was the only one in this entire place that would be able to pull off the wonderful show that he was planning in his head.

While he continued to smile and to plot the deed that he was going to carry out as soon as he could, the other man kept staring at him. Pawster started to think that either this man wasn’t as devoted to the cause as he was, or the man was some sort of pervert freak that had no right to be counted among them.

None of that mattered to Pawster at the moment though. He had a lot to think about and a lot of planning to do. If he didn’t do all of this just right, he was sure that he would be stopped before he could get to those things. Those monsters that called themselves people. Those devil creatures that thought that they could attend his school, his university. And, ahh, what a glorious plan it was that was unfolding inside of Pawster’s mind. He just knew that the Colonel was going to love it. He was going to pull Pawster to the front of the group and tell them all that he was now his most favored recruit. Yes, that was how it was all going to happen. He just knew it was.

Another bomb was made. Another one started. How many was that now? Ten? Fifteen? No matter, Pawster was a bomb making machine, and he was going to make sure that he took some of them with him on his upcoming mission. They would just be the icing on top of the cake.

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