Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1097 - 1097 Chapter 82- Reece - Another Gift for My Little Bunny Part 2 (VOLUME 6) (MATURE)

1097 Chapter 82- Reece – Another Gift for My Little Bunny Part 2 (VOLUME 6) (MATURE)




Both Trinity and I were panting already. We had been through so much, and it was still just getting started. I was nothing if not thorough with the love that I shared with my Little Bunny. I always made sure that I gave her everything that I had, and that she didn’t leave me wanting more. Not that she ever left me afterwards. That had happened all of one time in all these years that we had been together. And that time had been when I was young and stupid and snuck out of her room the first night that we made love. I was a moron then, and I have since learned from my massive mistake.

Now, like any man should, I showed my love and devotion to the one and only person that I ever wanted to hold in my arms like this. I showed her how much she meant to me, not just sexually but in every way possible. I stayed with her. I held her. I protected her. And I made sure that she never had to worry or wonder about my feelings for her ever again. Never again since that one erroneous night of mine.

Knowing that I was fully and completely devoted to my Little Bunny, it was time that I showed her the physical manifestation of those deep and intense feelings of mine. I saw no reason to delay another moment.

I was already at her dripping and delectable core. The heady scent that was coming off of her was just a more intense part of her scent. Warm apples, vanilla, and spices that made her smell like my own personal dessert. And on top of that, the winds of the thunderstorm that were filled with rain and ozone. She always smelled so delicious and exciting at the same time. And when you add the extra intensity that her pregnancy had caused for her scent, the addition of a little cream that was almost like vanilla ice cream on top of that apple pie, it made me want to inhale deeply while my eyes rolled into the back of my head. It was, plain and simple, perfection of the purest kind.

I couldn’t hold back a single moment more. I needed to taste her. I needed to draw the flavor of her, which so strongly matched that perfect scent of hers, into my mouth. I needed to taste those spicy and sweet apples, the creamy vanilla, and that electrifying excitement of the storm that always coursed through her. I needed it like I needed air to live. I needed it like it was the one and only drug that would keep me alive at the moment.

Of course, knowing that I needed it so much, and that my Little Bunny needed me as much if not more, I decided not to delay any more. I lapped one long and slow swipe across her heated core. The movement made my Little Bunny’s entire body squirm and arch at the same time. She also screamed and called out to me wordlessly. I knew that it was the pleasure, because of what I was doing to her and for her. And that knowledge made me grin so much that I would have appeared to be a loon, or an evil villain if anyone had seen me at that moment. No one could see me though, so I just continued on.


I lapped again at her core, drawing that flavor of her into my mouth and let it explode across my tongue. The pure delight of her, that intoxicating and ecstasy inducing flavor that was my Little Bunny made my eyes roll into the back of my head and I reveled in the moment.

I only let it go on for a moment though. I needed to keep going. I had work to do so that I could please my mate, and I was not at all the type of man that shirked his responsibilities. Especially not when it came to doing things for this woman right here.

I lapped at her core again and against. I drew the juices of her desire and pleasure into my mouth and drank them down. I lapped at her as if she was giving me life sustaining fluids that would keep my heart beating forever, if only I kept on drawing from her.

Soon though, just lapping at her core was not enough for me. She might have still been enjoying every moment of it, but I wanted to feel and taste more of my Little Bunny. I needed to give her more, and take more from her at the same time.

Reaching up with my left hand, I flicked a finger across her swollen and sensitive core, right there at the bundle of nerves that rest at the top of her slit. I almost laughed when I did that, because the movement and quick jolt of pain made her scream in pleasure. And at the same time, she had reached down to grab two big fists full of my hair. She was trying to make me move my mouth back to her and continue pleasing her.

Well, I couldn’t deny my mate, wife, lover, queen, and Little Bunny now, could I? No, what she wanted, she got. And all that she wanted at the moment was pleasure and ecstasy from me. How could any man deny their woman, when what they desired most was the man himself.

Delicately, I placed my lips on Trinity’s core. I swirled my tongue around that bundle of nerves that sent little jolts of pleasurable electricity coursing through her body. That was a distraction though. What I was really doing, was positioning my hand in just the right place so that I could slide my fingers inside of her in one smooth move.

With my fingers hovering just before her opening, I prepared to make my move. At the same time, I slid my fingers deep inside of her, letting her wet and slick folds envelop them and squeeze them with gentle milking motions from her inner muscles. As my fingers slid in as far as they would go, I also pulled that bundle of her nerves into my mouth and sucked hard as I drew on her core with a fervent need.

The result of this joint assault on my Little Bunny’s tender core had her screaming so loud that it made my ears ring. She also pressed herself further into my mouth as she arched, once again. She wanted all that I could give her and more right now, and she wasn’t afraid to use her body to tell me that.

I started to create a driving rhythm with my fingers as I pumped them in and out of her again and again. All the while, I was continuing to lick, suck, and gently bite my way across her slit and those sensitive little nerves of her. I could already feel her body tightening around my fingers. She was getting closer and closer to her climax. Her first of the night. And who was I to make her wait?

With a twist of my fingers, and particularly hard press of my tongue, I sent her over that edge. She convulsed and alternatively pressed herself against my mouth and pulled away from me. She wanted more, but she was also experiencing so much pleasure that her body wasn’t sure if she could handle more. She didn’t need to worry though, I was going to give her more, I just needed to change the way that I gave it to her.

I kissed her gently on her core, pressing just my lips to her slit before I pulled away from her. She cried out from the loss when I was no longer there at her center. The cold air found her overheated skin, and she was lonely without me there to protect her. I wasn’t gone for long though.

Before she even had time to finish whimpering, I was pressing myself against her opening. I was harder than I could ever remember being in my entire life, but that was fine with me. Knowing that my mate had the ability to turn me into her love slave was like a dream come true for me.

“Trinity.” I whispered her name softly as I hovered over her. “I love you so much.”

“R..R..R..Reece.” Her eyes were fluttering as she looked up at me. They were unfocused after the orgasm that had just racked through her body. “Reece, I love you too. Oh Goddess, I love you so much.” Her needy smile almost made me lose control and ram into her right then and there. But I would never hurt her. That is one thing that I would never allow myself to do.

Gently, with all the ferocity of a teddy bear, I slid into her heated and perfect body. She fit me like a glove. Her body and mine had been meant for each other, and there was no other woman that would ever feel this perfect, this right, when I slid inside of them. Not that I would ever test that theory out. I never wanted another woman than this perfect goddess that was beneath me at this very moment.

I wanted to slam into her again and again. I wanted to give her a hard and driving rhythm that was all carnal pleasure and nothing else. I couldn’t do that though. I would hurt her, and in do so, I could hurt the baby. So, after sliding inside of her and reveling at the perfection of our union, I pulled her toward me and lifted her from the bed. I needed to change the way that we were positioned.

It took a little bit of effort, but nothing that I couldn’t handle. And after just a few moments, I was sitting on the bed with my back against the headboard. I had pushed the pillows to the side of me, positioning them so that at least one was under each of my Little Bunny’s knees. This would lessen the strain on her body as she straddled me.

“Reece.” The tender and sweet smile on her face at that moment spoke volumes. She knew what I had done, why I had done that, and loved me that much more for it.

Now that I knew my Little Bunny wouldn’t be hurt while I was taking her, I gently gripped her hips and lifted her off of me ever so slowly. At the same time, I pressed my ass into the mattress so that I was pulling out of her. When just the tip of my quivering erection was still inside of her heated and throbbing core, I pressed back inside of her gently and slowly.

I refused to be rough at the moment. Tender and sweet. That was what this moment needed. While she was still pregnant, that was all that I could do for her. Especially when she was this far along. It didn’t matter though, tender and sweet, moving slowly, I was still able to give her all that she wanted and more.

I pressed into her again and again. Slowly driving her up that peak of pleasure. She had wrapped her arms around me as I moved our bodies in unison. She pressed her cheek against mine, her arm around my neck in a tender and intimate embrace. The move also flattened her generous breasts against my chest, causing them to move up and down with each gently thrust on my body into hers.

We were flattened against each other as much as possible, so the moment that she started to reach her climax again, I could feel it in every fiber of her being. And the intensity of that connection was so much more electrifying for me than it usually was. It instantly made it so that I wasn’t able to hold on much longer.

I needed to hold out a little longer though. I had to give my Little Bunny that ecstasy before I allowed myself to indulge in it. I just had to. It was a matter of pride for me.

I thrust again. Once more. Half a dozen more times. And that was when she threw her head back, still pressed against me, and screamed inarticulately. Her body clenched around me completely. Her arms tightening around my neck at the same time that her core squeezed me for every last drop that I had in me. And I wasn’t able to hold on anymore. I bit down on her mark, where I had bitten her twenty years ago, and growled my pleasure into her flesh as I exploded inside of her.

It was like the moment around us was frozen in time. It was pure pleasure for longer than I would have thought was possible at all. I just continued to hold my Little Bunny against me as I emptied myself in one spurt after another. Her scream had stopped, but she was now breathing raggedly. It was all so much that I didn’t seem to notice, or care, that things were happening around us. Things that hadn’t happened in a really, really long time. Things that I had nearly forgotten about.

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