Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1098 - 1098 Chapter 83- Trinity – A Visit to a Familiar Place (VOLUME 6)

1098 Chapter 83- Trinity – A Visit to a Familiar Place (VOLUME 6)




Reece and I had just shared the most intimate moment of our entire lives. Yes, we have been together several times. Yes, we have made love with each other hundreds and thousands of times before. None of that mattered though. This moment right here, the intensity, the closeness, just everything that anyone could think of and more, it was so much more intense than I had ever thought it was possible for love making to be.

I wasn’t upset though. Not one bit. Reece was the only man that I had ever been with. I would never, in my entire life, be with another man, and I was more than OK with that. With each new time that Reece and I were together, we learned new things about each other, deepened the love and respect for each other, and renewed our bond with each other.

Still, this moment was so much more. I had felt something like this before. I couldn’t remember when at the moment, but I knew that it had happened. I knew that there had been at least one time before when there was something extra, something more that wasn’t usually a part of our intimacy.

After I had screamed myself hoarse at the moment of climax, I let my head fall, once again, on Reece’s shoulder. However, before I had pressed my cheek against his as I rested my chin on his shoulder. Now, I had less energy and was reduced to pressing my cheek against his shoulder as I panted and tried to catch my breath.

I could still feel him inside of me, not as hard as before, but not quite back to normal either. This moment, this connection between us, it was like an added benefit that we got to share until we found the strength to disentangle our bodies. And I was more than happy to sit here on top of him forever, or as long as he would let me that is.

“Trinity?” I heard Reece whisper my name, but it didn’t sound like his usual post sex voice. It was raspy, yes, but there was something else in it as well. There was a note that spoke of something more serious and demanding. Too bad I was feeling thoroughly drained and didn’t want to pay that much attention.


“Yes, Reece?” I asked him in a sleepy and satisfied tone. This was my usual post sex voice, the one that said I didn’t want to move until my bones became solid once more.

“I think you need to wake up a little more.” He said, his voice still serious and not at all sleepy like me. Shouldn’t he be ready for bed? We had had a long day, and we had just had magical and mind blowing sex. It was time for us to give into the call of sleep and snuggle each other until the morning.

“Why? I just want to go to sleep.” I snuggled against him a little more, pressing my rounded belly against him and rubbing my cheek against his bare and sweaty shoulder.

“Trinity, sweetheart, you need to open your eyes. Look around you, Little Bunny, then you will know why I am saying that you need to wake up.”

It took a moment for my mind to process the words. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew that I needed to get my mind, and my eyes, to work properly again. What Reece had just said, after it had fully passed through my foggy and sleepy brain, made my heart race like nothing else in the world could at the moment.

I knew that Reece wasn’t just talking about something small, like someone came into the room while we were embracing naked. For one thing, even if that wouldn’t be a small thing to have happen, I knew that there was no one else there. I couldn’t smell anyone, nor had I heard the door opening or footsteps in the hall or the room.

For another thing, I couldn’t smell anything at all, aside from Reece that is. His intoxicating scent that I had always loved. I smelled his warm melted chocolate, steamy coffee, spicy cinnamon, and that refreshing scent of the forest after having been cleansed by the rain. It was a scent that always brought to mind the peaceful image of sitting on the porch of a cabin that was hidden deep in the woods and watching the leaves as the last of the raindrops dripped from the leaves. It was a peaceful image, but the scent of Reece was and has always been exciting to me. Funny how they were so contrasting.

“What are you talking about, Reece?” I asked him as I started to stir. The movements of my body were slow and exaggerated. It was so hard for me to get my body to cooperate with how intensely he had worn me out.

“Open your eyes, Little Bunny, please.” He was starting to sound a little panicked now, so I knew that I needed to oblige.

After about ten more seconds, I managed to pry my eyes open. At first, it was too dark for me to see anything. Then I realized that I was still pressed against Reece’s shoulder and that it wasn’t really dark, I was just not able to see because he was blocking everything.

Pulling my face away from Reece’s body, and instantly feeling the cold of the night pressing against my flesh, I shivered involuntarily. Then it hit me. Why was I feeling the cold like that? We were in our room in the castle, weren’t we? So, why was it cold?

Then I focused my eyes and saw that we weren’t actually in the castle. Not anymore. The place that Reece and I were at at the moment was actually a seaside cliff that overlooked a dark and stormy sea. This was a scene that I had seen before, and I instantly remembered it.

“Why are we here? Wasn’t this place in the Fae realm?” I looked around us as I started to disentangle my body from Reece’s.

“No, don’t pull away from me. You’re naked.” He pulled me closer. “I don’t want anyone to see you like this. Only I can see you naked.”

“And Griffin.” I laughed. “And everyone else that helps with the delivery of the babies. Face it, sweetheart, a lot of people have seen my goods, whether I wanted them to or not.” I laughed at him.

“Don’t remind me.” His eyes darkened and I saw a little bit of anger in his eyes. “Still, you’re naked Trinity, you can’t get up right now.”

“You’ve had your eyes open longer than I have, and you’re going to tell me that you didn’t see those.” I pointed toward the robes that were sitting next to us. “They are the same ones that we wore the last time that the gods pulled us into this place. Well, it was just Danu at that time, but still they are the same robes. Or they look to be the same ones.” I told him as I looked at the silky pieces of cloth. Reece’s, which was larger than mine, was gold and vibrant. And mine was the same color as Danu’s dress when I last saw her. It also had swirls of the gold and green that were the other elements. My main focus for magic had always been water and ice though, so the blue was my primary element.

“Yeah, they are the same.” Reece nodded. “At least I think that they are.” He finally let me pull away from him, but he was already grabbing for my robe so that only the slightest bit of my breasts had been visible before he covered me once again. After he was sure that I was no longer exposed, Reece rose to his feet and pulled on his robe. He didn’t care if someone saw his manhood swinging in the air, he just didn’t want people to see my naked body.

“So, why do you think that we have been brought back here?” I asked Reece as I turned around the area and saw the world that was around us. I could still see the rolling green hills in the distance, but it was night time here now, so they looked a little more menacing. And that unforgiving sea was a little more ominous looking. I knew that it was just the quality of the light that had changed the way things look. It’s always true though, the way that you see things, the light that you view them in, can determine the way that you feel about those things.

“I don’t know.” Reece said as he stepped behind me. “Last time it was to talk to Danu, but she is inside of you now. Would we be here to talk to her if she is living inside of your soul now?”

“Well, to be fair, she isn’t inside of me. Not really. She was reborn, and I just took the goddess essence inside of me. I took over that role of hers, being the guiding light of her people as she used to be.” I explained this to Reece as I instinctively walked toward the towering stones that were in the distance. “Last time that we were here, these stones didn’t exist. It was just the meadow, not the stones.”

“There are several of those stones though, do you think that they mean something?” Reece asked as he followed behind me, his fingers reaching for mine, he was determined that we stay together.

“Those stones represent the Gods and Goddess that have chosen to be reborn. Your people have done a lot for the original beings that brought this world into existence.” There was a voice that I had never heard before, and it was speaking to us from the shadows of those stones.

“Who are you?” I asked the man who was hiding from us.

“That is an impertinent way to speak to a God such as myself. Then again, you are a goddess yourself, so I guess that I cannot fault you.” The man, who sounded both serious and playful at the same time, spoke as he stepped forward.

“I am sorry if I was rude, but my question still stands.” I spoke with authority in my voice. I was a queen and a goddess after all, I had the right to speak like that.

“Don’t get into a power struggle with me, young goddess. I am the king of gods, I will overrule you if I need to.” The way that the man was speaking sent a chill down my spine. I knew that what he was saying was true, even if I didn’t know who he was just yet. He had power, that was for sure. And if he didn’t like the way that I was talking to him, behaving, or even the way that I looked, then he would punish me.

Just who could he be? What was it that he wanted with me? And why had he brought me here? These were just a few of the questions that surged through my mind as I contemplated the situation that I had so unwittingly found myself in.

I squeezed Reece’s hand as he stood next to me. He knew, as much as I did, that we needed to be on our best behavior at the moment. This man, this god, whoever he was, he was a lot more powerful than either of us were. The presence before me was as old as time, it spoke of several millennia that radiated a fierce and exuberant power. I could also feel a sense of wisdom, understanding, and playfulness that was coming off of this man. Just who was he? And why had he brought us here at this time? What did he want? And were Reece and I going to be able to make it through this?

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