Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chapter 1099 - 1099 Chapter 84- Trinity - A Warning for the Future (VOLUME 6)

1099 Chapter 84- Trinity – A Warning for the Future (VOLUME 6)




With Reece standing still and silent next to me, I watched the shadows where the man was standing. He still had not come into the light, what little of it there was. I still didn’t know who this man was or what he looked like. And that was starting to annoy me. Not that I could show my annoyance in anyway.

“Ha ha ha. Just calm down, young goddess.” The man’s laughter came to me a moment before he stepped into the light. “I know that you are scared, and that you are slightly annoyed. Hey, it is not my fault that the conditions for drawing you and your lover into this world are most often met when you are in the height of coitus. Magic is what it is, and we most often must follow the rules that it has set forth before us. I know that this is not the first time that one of my kind has used that primal erotic magic to draw you in for a visit, and I do apologize for that. Still, it is not like I had much of a choice. And before you start worrying about it lad, no, I did not watch. If I want to see a beautiful woman naked, I will take one of my own women to bed, I am not lacking for the attention of such lovely ladies.” There was that strange tone in his voice again. It was serious, yet it was also filled with a playful sort of laughter.

How could someone be serious and laughing at the same time? Shouldn’t the two be mutually exclusive of the other. I mean, seriousness in and of itself means that one is not feeling playful and willing to laugh. The actual definition of seriousness is literally an attitude of gravity, solemnity, persistence, and earnestness toward something considered to be of importance. And likewise, playfulness is defined as the quality of being light-hearted or full of fun. Someone cannot, therefore, be serious and playful at the same time. It made no sense to me.

The man, who was also finally able to be seen, was looking at Reece and I with eyes that were slightly narrowed as if he were watching us intently and intensely. However, there were also laugh lines around his eyes as if he should be smiling. And indeed, he was smiling, yet when you blinked the smile became a stern expression. Each time you blinked, the look on his face seemed to change between the two.

Getting past the strange expression on the man’s face, I tried to focus on what he actually looked like. He appeared to be young, though I knew that he had to have been thousands and thousands of years old. His hair was a deep, jet black that made him look young and powerful, but it was a little bit silvery around the edges that also gave him a distinguished look. His eyes, playful and narrowed at the same time, were a bright and shining green, like the rolling hills that were nearby. Well, how the hills would be if it were daytime, and the sun was brightening them to their most beatific beauty possible.

The man’s face was unlined, yet somehow, he looked to be weathered and wise. He had clearly traveled a lot, so much so that he was tanned and rugged looking, but there was not a single wrinkle or pock mark on his face. That was also understandable, because he was a god and that meant that he was eternal.


It was sort of frustrating just to look at this man. He was so contradictory. He wasn’t overly tall, definitely shorter than Reece, but his presence made him seem like he was ten feet tall. He wasn’t muscular, but he had the air of a professional bodybuilder that would make most men fear him on sight. Not one thing about him was set in stone, and that made it so hard to focus on him.

“I can see that look in your eyes.” That strange playful seriousness again. “I have seen it in the eyes of many people, mortal and immortal alike. It is because I am so hard to read.”

“It’s like everything about you is changing even as I look at you.” I told him honestly.

“That is not a bad way to put it. However, it is more that your perception of me is changing rather than my own appearance.” He explained, and this time there was a true smile on his face, no longer that strange double face. It made it a lot easier to look at him.

Now, as I watched, it was like my mind was settling on one image of him. He was a man that was perhaps six feet tall. Hair was a dark gray that was between black and white. He was athletic, strong but still thin. He was smiling and not at all upset at us. He looked like someone that I would have seen a million times on earth, just a normal man, if a little more handsome than the average man.

“Is that better?” He asked as he looked between Reece and I. It was like he was able to tell that we were no longer struggling to actually see him.

“Much.” We said at the same time.

“Good. Now we can move on. To answer your earlier question, young goddess, my name is Odin, I am the king of the gods. Mythology only puts me as the King of the Aesir tribe of deities, but that simply isn’t the truth. I am the king of them all, chosen by my peers long ago.”

“Odin?” I said as I looked at him in awe. This truly was the most diverse of all gods. He was said to be the god of many things such as wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet. He is also said to be a fickle trickster. So, I guess that is why he seemed to be so contradictory in the beginning. It is because he truly is too many things in one.

“Yes, young goddess, and I trust that you know at least a little about me. You are a smart one after all.” He wasn’t being rude, just stating the obvious.

“Yes, I know who you are.” I nodded at him. “Why have you brought us here, King Odin?” I decided to give him the respect that he deserved. I am, as he said, a young goddess, and that makes him my king. I may be a queen in my own right, but that doesn’t mean that I do not have someone to answer to. And that man was now standing right in front of me.

He grinned when I used his title with his name. I could tell that he had been waiting to see if I was going to be that respectful to him or not. He was testing me, and I had passed.

“I guess that is a good question, Trinity.” He waved his hand and a table with three chairs appeared before us. There were three goblets and three plates on the table as well. “Have a seat and talk with me.” Odin was already sitting in the largest, and throne like, of the chairs at the table.

Reece and I sat in the two smaller, yet still throne like, chairs that were left for us. They were extremely comfortable, and I could already feel the energy returning to me the moment that I sat in it. As I looked over the table, I saw that there was food on the plates, it was strange in appearance, but smelled amazing. The food was a weird golden color and shaped like grapes. The drink that was in the goblets was also golden, and slightly shiny.

“Eat. Drink. We have to have our strength.” Odin said as he sipped from his own goblet and popped a golden grape in his mouth.

“What is it?” I asked him as I plucked a grape, not on the stem, from my plate.

“Something that the Greek actually got right. This is ambrosia.” He held up the grape. “And that is nectar. The food and drink of the gods. It gives you power and strength.”

“Hmm.” I heard Reece murmur next to me as he popped a grape into his mouth. Of course, he would eat one before me. Always making sure that I was safe, even in a metaphysical world like this. “It’s good.” He smiled at me and gave me a look that said it was safe to eat. He was always the protector, wasn’t he?

“Of course, it is, young god. You need to trust me more if this conversation is going to go anywhere at all.” I could hear a note of laughter in Odin’s voice now, he was clearly enjoying himself.

Reece and I ate a little of the food and sipped some of the golden beverage. Oddly enough, that nectar of the gods tasted like soda to me. To be exact, it tasted like seven up, one of my favorites at the moment.

“Mmm, that tastes like a chocolate milkshake.” Reece said as he looked at the cup. That was when I realized that the drink probably tasted like either our favorite drink, or what we were craving at the moment.

“Now that you have had a little of the rations, it is time for us to talk.” Odin set his glass down. “There is a reason that I have brought you here this evening. And I am sure that you might know what that reason is, if you think about it.”

“The issue that we have been facing in the world right now.” I said as I leaned back in the comfortable chair. “The recent reveal and the turmoil that has followed.”

“Good, then you are already on the same page as me, if only at the very top of it. Yes, young goddess, that is the reason behind my summoning you. As you might know, I am considered a bit of a wanderer. I have walked among the humans many times throughout history. I like to see what they are up to, and learn about how they are changing. What I have seen lately though, it has disturbed me.”

“I thought that you didn’t care about fairness and order?” I asked him, remembering the legends that I have heard about this man.

“I usually do not, but I care about whether or not there is a major issue that is coming toward one of my own. You, young goddess, are one of my own. And the target of the mayhem that is facing the mortal realm is directed toward you and your mate there. You two are the ones that put yourselves front and center with this issue, so you are the face of the enemy for those people.”

“More of the supremacists that want to rid the world of our kind?” I asked him, knowing exactly what it is that those people wanted to have happen.

“Yes, more of them. Those people like to use gods such as myself as their inspiration and guiding light, but they know not what we stand for. I am not the kind of god that would stand for malicious destruction of society. War with no purpose is just chaos.”

“War, no matter the cause, is chaos, but war without a cause is pure evil.” I corrected him and saw the light of understanding in his eyes.

“Yes, that is a more apt explanation. These people are evil, and they won’t stop at anything until they have put an end to you all. They do not believe you when you say that there are more of you than there are of them. They think this is purely a ploy of yours to keep the masses from revolting against you. They think that you are scared of what the ‘superior power’ would be able to do to you.”

“You have seen all of this?” I asked him with a voice that was strained and filled with fear.

“I have. And they are not going to wait much longer. Some of these enemies are powerful and can bring much destruction against you. You need to tread carefully. The events you have seen so far are nothing compared to what they will do to bring the world against you. You need to find them, expose them, and make sure that the world sees who the true monsters are.”

“I understand.” I nodded at Odin. “We will do all that we can.”

“That is what I hoped to hear. And if you need me, Trinity, I will be here to offer you my assistance. I do not usually meddle in the affairs of the mortal realm, aside from my littler tricks and wandering journeys, but this is different. I cannot stand by and watch as they target my people, my kin. And make no mistake, Trinity, you are my kin now.” I felt a bond with the king of the gods as he looked at me then. It was almost as if a father or grandfather was looking protectively at their child.

“Thank you, Odin. I appreciate the warning, and the help. I will try to take care of it myself, but I will call on you if I need you.”

“Good.” He nodded at me then. “The sustenance that you had here will fortify your powers and strengthen them in your realm. It was my little gift to you.”

“Th..that is very generous of you, Odin. Thank you.” Reece’s voice shook a little. Neither he nor I thought that the food and drink would do anything to us out side of this dreamlike world.

“Go now, return to your home. I will be watching over you, as will your other kin. We protect our own, we always have, and we always will.”

I smiled and nodded then, feeling much better about the situation that was at hand. I knew that there was nothing to worry about now. Whatever happened, it was all going to work out in the end. It had to. With the help of Odin, and the other gods, we wouldn’t have to worry about anything for a while.

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