Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 201: Young Gold Duke? (1)

A peaceful holiday, a peaceful academy, and a peaceful lodging.

Being able to stay in my quarters without having to go to work was truly a blessing. I could lie down if I wanted, and I could go to sleep if I wanted to.

"Carl, you shouldn't stay in bed all day, even on a holiday."


Marghetta advised as she approached with a teacup in hand, smiling as I promptly got up in response to her valuable advice.

It indeed felt peaceful. Having someone to softly converse with made the holiday feel all the more fulfilling.

"The aroma is lovely. I'm sure you'll like it, Carl."

Still smiling, Marghetta handed me the teacup.

The tea had a bright red hue. I didn’t have this in my room; did she bring it?

"Thank you, Mar."

"Fufu, it's nothing."

This, too, was peaceful. A holiday spent savoring a new tea was truly beautiful.

Yesterday’s chaos felt like a lie. Spending a peaceful day like this would be enough to quickly ease any fatigue and would allow anybody to go back to work in a good mood the next day.

Yes, I felt happy. Everything was peaceful. I was enjoying... myself, right?

I am not enjoying this.

The self-assurances I kept repeating to myself crumbled.

I took a sip of the tea and glanced at Marghetta, who met my gaze with a bright, unflinching smile.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh, yes. It's nice."

At my response, Marghetta opened her arms wide.

I knew exactly what she meant by that, so I carefully moved closer to hug her, and she embraced me tightly in return.

"So it should be okay to accept an award like this, right?"

"Of course."

While her words sought permission, the only response I could give was already set. How could I ever deny Marghetta?

I would have to comply even if she asked me to carry her around the academy's track field right now. That was how it was.

Marghetta snuggled deeply into my embrace as I stroked her back with all my heart.

"You're warm."

She murmured in a drowsy voice.

"So much that I don't want to share you with anyone else."

Her words almost stopped my stroking hand, but I forced it to keep moving.

If I had stopped just then, I would have been in immediate hell. Even someone as inexperienced as I was in love knew that.

“Don't you think so, Carl?”


Her strangely cold voice made me shut my eyes tightly.

Were there two hells?

I still had much to learn.


I finally got some time to myself after soothing Marghetta for several more hours.

Just like yesterday, today had been mentally exhausting. But what could I do? It was something I had to endure.

Marghetta must have been out of sorts, too.

Thinking this, a sigh naturally escaped me.

Right, I shouldn’t feel too wronged. No matter how tough it was for me, it couldn't be as hard as it was for Marghetta, who had to fight alone against the Mage Duchess. How difficult and painful must it have been for her?

Was she affected that much?

Thanks to that, she burst into my room first thing this morning.

I didn't go to the Vice President's office. It was Marghetta who ran to my residence herself. The very same Marghetta who usually wouldn't come near me unless it was very important.


"Carl. Can you stay with me today?"

Only a monster would look into those desperate eyes and say no.

"Yes, Mar. I wanted to be with you, too."

So, I accepted without hesitation.

Upon hearing those words, Marghetta smiled as if she owned the world. Or perhaps she was just forcing it.

I would understand even if it was all just an act. After all, I also tried to pretend that everything was fine while I was with Marghetta.

I'm going crazy.

I lay back down in bed since no one was watching. A frown formed on my lips because it felt like my head was going to break.


I had been thinking about it since last night. Why exactly was this happening?

And why me—?

I sighed deeply as the thought crossed my mind.

It was truly unimaginable. If someone had told me this would happen just two days ago, I would’ve called them crazy.

But it was astonishingly real. I could hardly believe it even now, but all evidence pointed to it being true.

Why does she like me?

The thought which was difficult to even consider completed itself in my mind as I stared blankly at the ceiling. I tried to clear my mind because it seemed like I wouldn’t be able to calm down otherwise.

Of course, it didn't clear easily. Thoughts about the Mage Duchess kept dominating my mind and refused to leave.

I wondered again and again if I was mistaken. Was my self-consciousness and unfounded confidence making me mistake her favor for affection?

Did it make any sense for her, out of all people, to like me?

It does.

Surprisingly, it made sense. While my heart still refused to accept this outcome, my reasoning shouted that it was correct.

I do admit that I was a bit oblivious when it came to romance. Considering Erich's lack of awareness when it came to his own love life, it must be in our genes.

I might be clueless, but I’m not brainless.

Still, being slow to grasp situations due to obliviousness and the stupidity of not understanding them despite having clear proof were two different things.

The behavior that the Mage Duchess showed at the party and Marghetta's bizarre opposition to her... At the time, I was too busy reading the room to notice. But now, looking back, it was an easy puzzle to solve.

“Baby. If it's okay with you, shall we dance together?"

Actually, nothing else really mattered. The fact alone that the bachelorette Mage Duchess asked me to dance was conclusive evidence in itself.

And the moment I realized that the Mage Duchess had feelings for me, a past comment flashed through my mind like a lightning bolt.

"I thought we had a close relationship, but it seems like it was one-sided. It hurts.”

I never imagined that the ‘close relationship’ she was talking about was actually that kind of relationship.

A romantic relationship unknown to one of the parties involved...

At that moment, I felt a surge of resentment towards the Mage Duchess. How could there be a romantic relationship between two people when even the recipient of the affection wasn’t aware of it?

If I had known earlier that the Mage Duchess had feelings for me, then at least I wouldn't have been as shocked as I was now.

...Would it have made any difference?

I sighed in frustration as I scrubbed my face with my palm.

Indeed. What would have changed if I had known sooner? Even if I knew how the Mage Duchess felt, it wasn’t like I could have just said, 'Let's get married!' I would have probably just avoided the situation altogether.

And the more I avoided her, the more the Mage Duchess’s patience would have been tested. Eventually, it would have exploded. No woman would be able to remain calm when the man she loved avoided her.

There’s not much time left.

My hands trembled with tension. Unfortunately, the Mage Duchess's patience was wearing thin even as the seconds ticked by.

Whether I realized it early or late didn’t change the fact that the Mage Duchess was harboring unrequited love towards me.

"It's a shame. I wanted to be with you."

Right after my narrow escape at the Crown Princess’s birthday party where I was saved by the grace of His Highness the Crown Prince, the Mage Duchess gave me a sincerely regretful look.

"Still, as His Highness said, there's the New Year's Ball. I guess I'll have to wait for that day."

The Mage Duchess smiled brighter at that moment than she had ever done before, but it honestly felt more terrifying to me compared to the other times she smiled.

The New Year's Ball was a day when all nobles of rank gathered to celebrate the new year.

Now, that commemorative day had become the date of my execution.

Damn it.

I felt suffocated. Why would the Mage Duchess like someone like me?

She was a person who had lived alone for over a hundred years, and yet she just had to choose me, of all people, in this exact era.

Why would someone who lacked nothing even look at me? Wouldn’t loving someone with a different lifespan only lead to a tragic future?

It was a difficult question to answer.


I drank heavily for the first time in a while. I couldn't bear it otherwise.

I had never resented my body as much as I did now. I wanted to get thoroughly drunk, but my highly trained body wouldn't allow it.

All I could do was quench my anger with the alcohol’s burning sensation as it slid down my throat and to my stomach.

"Mar, are you okay?"

However, the anger I had just managed to subdue flared up again at the sight of my precious, youngest daughter.

She was wearing a forced smile. Her eyes were anxiously shaking, and her lips trembled.

I suppose this was to be expected. I hoped that giving her time might allow her to settle her feelings on her own, but perhaps expecting her to be able to calm herself down in just one day was too much to ask.

— I’m okay, father. I'm sorry I worried you.

It felt like my heart was tearing apart at her words. How could anyone think that she was okay?

It had always been this way. Mar grew up too fast. It would be nice if she threw tantrums and leaned on others more, but she always tried to solve everything herself.

They said that pampering a child too much made them spoiled. But then, why was Mar the opposite?

Is it because of our surname, Valenti?

Mar knew her place a bit too well. Was it because of that that she wrapped her tender heart in thick armor?

However, we were a family. Wasn't it okay to show our true feelings if we were the only people around? It was quite disheartening. I had only ever seen Mar act her age once.

"Waaaaah! Daddy!"

The problem was that the one time I saw it was because of that damned bastard.

Remembering how she cried last year after having her marriage proposal rejected by him made me grind my teeth together.

Is it because of him again?

Because of him, Mar was suffering once more. They weren’t even married yet, and he was already making his future wife miserable. How could he even call himself a husband?

I would’ve pinned him to the ground if he were in front of me right now. I would have buried him in the earth, leaving only his head above the ground. Nothing would satisfy me unless he admitted his wrongdoings.

What did he do?

Mar was his match made in heaven. What on earth did he do to enchant the Mage Duchess?

The Mage Duchess, who had spent a lifetime alone, had inexplicably taken a liking to him. If so, then the problem wasn't with the Mage Duchess but him. That was the conclusion I arrived at.

"Mar, don't worry too much. He has a brain; why would he turn his eyes to another woman when he has you?"

I spoke, calming my trembling fists. Right now, the important thing wasn’t seeking retribution but comforting Mar.

"Love is not one-sided; it's mutual. No one, whoever they might be, can interfere in your relationship."

At these words, Mar cautiously nodded.

Fortunately, that was the right answer. It seemed that she wanted to hear words of reassurance.

"Besides, is he the only man in the world? If he strays, then that just shows he's not worthy of you. You can find someone better."

But because I felt relieved that I had chosen the right answer, I added too much—

— ....

Mar said nothing and just stared at me sternly with tears in her eyes.

This was all because of that bastard.


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