Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 202: Young Gold Duke? (2)

Rumors involving the ducal families seldom made their way into society; after all, those who carelessly spoke of them risked their wrath—and potentially their heads.

However, there were always exceptions. Incidents so compelling that they couldn’t be kept secret would be some of those. Those types of rumors would spread like wildfire, especially those that even the Dukes themselves might secretly wish to spread.

Take the present situation, for example.

— Mr. Carl Catoban, how have you been lately?

"Shut up."

The call came while I was alone in the club room and was trying to sort through my thoughts. I considered ignoring it but answered, thinking that it might be important, only to be met with an infuriating provocation.

Catoban, as in the Mage Duchess’s surname?

As if someone would consider me a suitable son-in-law.

— Why not? It’s not like the Mage Duchess could just take Krasius’s surname.

"Shut it."

Seeing the 2nd Manager burst into laughter at my response made my blood boil.

How dare this jerk mock his superior’s misfortune?

It’s really the end of times.

Unbelievable. How evil was he to treat his superior like a toy?

What a disgrace. How could we call this a proper civil servant society when the hierarchy was so distorted? The virtue of civil servants should be strict obedience and respect for those above them.

Overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness, I felt a sudden urge to demote the 2nd Manager right then and there.

It’s all out there.

If this jerk was joking about it, then that meant that the incident with the Mage Duchess must have spread wide already.

While the 2nd Manager was good at gathering information, it was unlikely that he would grasp the details of what happened at the Crown Princess’s birthday banquet so quickly.

Someone must have broadcasted it, but I had no idea who could be so loose-lipped.

It’s only been two days.

Or should I say that it had already been two days? Thinking about it that way, that was more than enough time for a rumor to spread. After all, important figures such as the Crown Prince, Crown Princess, Dukes, and various other bigwigs were present at the event. If even one of them talked, the rumor would spread quickly.

"Who told you?"

— The folks in the Magic Tower. At first, I thought they’d gone crazy.

I clenched my eyes shut as the 2nd Manager started chattering.

He heard it from the mages, of all people? Those people who hardly spoke with others unless it was work-related?

It was the Mage Duchess.

I discovered an unwelcome truth. Apparently, the one acting as the loudspeaker was the Mage Duchess herself.

She probably told the Magic Tower’s mages to actively spread the rumor. It was only natural that they would obey the orders of the Mage Duchess, who was at their pinnacle.

I’m screwed.

If the entire Magic Tower was acting as both a loudspeaker and a broadcasting device, then there was no stopping the rumors. Their teleportation magic allowed them to flit about just everywhere; what was to say they weren’t spreading gossip everywhere they went? By now, the whole empire must know.

She really meant it.

Cold sweat dripped down my forehead. The Mage Duchess was seriously plotting something.

“Still, as His Highness said, there's the New Year's Ball. I guess I'll have to wait for that day."

The Mage Duchess’s last remark instinctively came to mind.

I only realized it then; while she said that she was going to wait for the New Year's Ball, she never mentioned staying put.

I foolishly assumed that the Mage Duchess would remain silent when someone who had dropped such a massive bomb logically wouldn't just sit quietly.

...Should I skip it?

I seriously began to entertain the thought.

Attending this New Year's Ball meant that I would undoubtedly be the center of attention. Should I just gain one stack of ‘the Emperor’s Scorn’ and make a run for it? That might be better for my mental health.

— But Executive Manager, isn't it true that no one can touch whoever becomes Her Grace’s companion?

The 2nd Manager finally seemed to regain some common sense after seeing me fall silent. He then cautiously offered some words of comfort.

It didn’t feel comforting at all, but at least it was an attempt by his standards. It really wasn’t comforting, though. What a jerk.

"Are you suggesting a marriage of convenience?"

My head was already spinning, so a sharp response came naturally. Honestly, given what the 2nd Manager just said, a sharp response was the least he deserved.

That’s right. That person would be untouchable.

Yes, becoming Mage Duchess's husband might make life easier. Even the other dukes bowed before her, and even the Emperor respected her. And the Crown Prince? That wasn’t even worth discussing.

Being in an untouchable position. That was what being the Mage Duchess's husband meant.

What does it matter, though?

But, so what? I didn’t want to marry someone based on the benefits they could give me.

Besides, I had no idea why, I really don’t— but it seemed like the Mage Duchess liked me. Taking advantage of those feelings for my personal gain would be despicable.

— It's not strange to benefit from your spouse...

"Are you marrying someone for the benefits or are you benefitting from them because you're married?"

— But why are you more upset about this than commoners?

The 2nd Manager laughed sarcastically at my outburst, which totally contradicted the idea of a marriage of convenience.

Sorry, but I’m probably more of a commoner than you are.


I quickly wrapped up the conversation with the Executive Manager because it seemed like he was about to go crazy if we talked longer.

"Then take care, Executive Manager. Just think of it this way: if you collapse, the Mage Duchess will come running."

— You little punk.

Calling his subordinate ‘punk’ was quite the compliment, apparently. Today was another rewarding day.

The Executive Manager gritted his teeth as the communication crystal shut off.


A chuckle escaped me. I had known for a while that the Executive Manager was a prime catch in the marriage market, but I had no idea that even Mage Duchess was aiming for him.

It was truly astonishing. Having a relationship with the Iron-blooded Duke's youngest daughter was already one thing, but to go beyond that and leap to a Duke?

I've hitched my wagon to a star.

Watching the boss rush toward the center of power was satisfying. Indeed, my decision two years ago wasn’t wrong.

The Executive Manager was young enough to be considered immature and lacking. Other guys doubted how anyone could follow such a young leader, but I stuck by him right away.

Wasn’t it obvious? It was clear that the Crown Prince was backing him; opposing that would be foolish.


I still didn't understand. Why resist? The Executive Manager was a big shot even before the war.

He was the heir to one of the imperial families and, on his mother's side, was the current—

"How did it go?"

A low voice from behind interrupted my thoughts.

Chills ran down my spine. What was I thinking? Right now, the Executive Manager’s family ties weren't what was important.

"There’s no need to worry. It seemed like the Executive Manager was caught off guard, too."

I forced a sense of calmness into my voice. Showing panic would only lead to more questions—

"Are you sure?"

"...He must have been surprised."

I faltered as I met those icy red eyes. What else could I say when she asked if I was sure?

At my response, the red-eyed ghost—I mean, the 1st Manager, frowned slightly.

How heart-wrenching.

What a harsh response. I tried to fish for information on the Executive Manager on her behalf, and this was what I got in return.

However, I didn’t argue. I knew that the 1st Manager liked the Executive Manager. After all, it was only natural to react this way when a duke suddenly entered the picture as a rival. I completely understood as her colleague.

It was definitely not because I saw the chilling scene of the 1st Manager talking to herself as soon as I arrived at work.

"Well, the Executive Manager wouldn’t just like any woman."

The 1st Manager finally spoke after a pause, trying to sound cheerful and as if it didn't bother her at all.

Well, it was indeed true. The Executive Manager had been in Lady Hecate’s shadow for the past two years. He was now stepping out of that shadow, so he wouldn’t just recklessly see another woman.


You’re just another woman, too.

That was the most critical issue that the 1st Manager failed to see.

However, I didn’t voice it out loud. I’d rather not end up in the basement with her.


The 1st Manager finally seemed calmer, so I quietly slipped outside.

Maybe I should go on a business trip for a while.

The thought crossed my mind. The 1st Manager seemed calm now, but who knew when she might go berserk again?

Having the 1st Manager upset over romantic issues would only cause me a headache. Unfortunately, I was the only one who knew that she liked the Executive Manager.

If only I hadn’t known.

I felt a pang of regret. I shouldn’t have acknowledged it then. Even if I had noticed, I should have gritted my teeth and pretended not to know.

It was quite painful to hold forbidden knowledge. Damn it.

"What’s the big deal with marriage?"

My words were filled with despair and resentment as I directed my grievances towards the institution of marriage itself.

This was why marriage was problematic. Shit was bound to happen when you tried to bind human beings who were supposed to be free in the name of marriage.

Look at the Executive Manager. He was fine until marriage came into the picture, and now he was suffering.

That was why people should avoid marriage. They should just enjoy dating and living freely.

Everyone doesn't know that.

They unknowingly walked into their own restraints like moths to a flame. It was terribly sad to watch.

Well... it was sad, but what could I do? It was their choice.

It’s too late now.

The Executive Manager couldn't back out now. All he could do was move forward from the moment his relationship with Lady Marghetta progressed.

With a heavy heart, I bowed slightly towards the direction of the academy. That was my prayer for you, Executive Manager.

And just as I was about to head back to my office, my communication crystal lit up.

— Mr. Lafayette.

A woman with navy blue hair appeared as I answered it.

"Miss Christina."

A smile naturally came to my face.

Finding happiness was easy even without marrying.

I really don't understand them.


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