As the Star Shattering Sect continued to develop without any problems over the next few months, the two outer regions bordering sect that Elder Song had already begun the process of officially integrating into the sect ended up being successfully absorbed during the few months following the fall of the Sky Empire.

Not just because the Onyx Empire that had been contending with them for control in one of the two outer regions of the now fallen Sky Empire had decided to retract their forces in preparation for a possible attack from the invading empires, something that was unlikely to happen given what had happened in the capital city not too long ago, but also because the chaotic situation gave the Star Shattering Sect a perfect opportunity to sweep in and take control of things before any other forces had a chance to enter the two outer regions.

If not for the fact that the current Star Shattering Sect was too weak to continue expanding without running into problems relating to the clear lack of cultivators in the Domain Lord Realm and above, Elder Song and Feng Chen would have both wanted to continue taking advantage of the situation to expand the territory of the sect.

However, in the end, both of them ended up deciding that it would be better to stabilize the power of the sect for a few years and nurture the disciples and elders of the sect. Intending to at least nurture a dozen Domain Lord Realm Elders before thinking about expanding the sect again.

Although this might be a bit difficult to accomplish, it shouldn't be too hard considering that the current Star Shattering Sect had more than a dozen elders stuck at the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm that should be able to break through to the Domain Lord Realm with enough time. Especially so considering that Pei Yang was personally teaching these elders once a month.

If they couldn't reach the Domain Lord Realm in the next few years with the guidance of a powerful Earth Immortal like Pei Yang, they might as well give up on ever reaching the Domain Lord Realm in the future!

The actions of the Star Shattering Sect didn't escape the eyes of the different smaller powers and religions trying to gain some semblance of power inside the now chaotic land that had been formed in the absence of the Sky Empire, but they couldn't really do anything to the Star Shattering Sect considering that they had Soul Ascension Realm cultivators backing them.

Outside of that, there was also the fact that the Star Shattering Sect didn't continue expanding and instead stayed outside the core region of the fallen Sky Empire where the most precious resources were located. Resulting in the different powers trying to expand into the chaotic land with Soul Ascension Realm cultivators backing them deciding that it was simply not worth it to make enemies with the Star Shattering Sect.

The only ones showing signs of attacking the Star Shattering Sect was the Onyx Empire that had ended up losing the little territory they had managed to take from the Sky Empire during the invasion, but considering that they were still not certain of how things would play out now that they had lost so many of their powerful cultivators and one of their elite armies, they didn't want to end up losing any more by starting a fight with the Star Shattering Sect.

At the end of the day, the Star Shattering Sect was not affected by what happened around it, outside of a few more troublemakers appearing inside its territory that the elders and disciples would have to deal with every now and then. Also giving the different independent sects under the Star Shattering Sect a rare chance to help out in dealing with the more powerful troublemakers that the Star Shattering Sect had a hard time dealing with as their number of Domain Lord Realm cultivators was still rather small.

At the same time that the Star Shattering Sect had finished taking control of the two surrounding regions and began the process of stabilizing the territory and focusing on developing the strength of the sect, Xuan Hao and Chun Hua had already managed to pass through most of the primeval jungle and was about to reach the part of the burning mountain range connecting the primeval jungle to the Blue Sea Empire.

During the journey so far, Xuan Hao had decided to take things a bit slower to learn more about his newest disciple, while also ensuring that they didn't end up running into any problems along the way. The main reason for this being that he could still clearly remember how terrifying the two Celestial Immortal Realm demon beasts that had appeared at the frontier city were.

Even though part of him felt confident that he would be able to escape together with Chun Hua with the help of the Dao of Space, another part of him felt uncertain when he remembered the massive dragon turtle demon beast.

If he ended up encountering a similar demon beast to the dragon turtle demon beast, he had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to escape even if he used the Dao of Space.

For this reason alone, Xuan Hao was more than willing to spend a bit longer travelling through the primeval jungle.

As for why he didn't try to reach the ancient teleportation formation that Chun Hua had originally passed through to reach the Astorion Empire where her family was located… That was due to the fact that she didn't have a clear idea about where it was located other than the fact that it was located somewhere towards the core of the primeval jungle.

Given the current state of things, Xuan Hao didn't have any plans of going anywhere near the core part of the primeval jungle where he might end up running into the terrifying dragon turtle demon beast again. Even if it might have saved them a lot of time, it was simply not worth the risk it posed.

Not to mention, he learnt quite a bit about his newest disciple over the past few months.

For example, he learnt about how she had grown up in the Chun Family and about her parents who were currently missing.

Yes, her parents who had been about to be assassinated in the last moment she had seen them were missing. Not dead.

The reason for the missing state of her parents being because Chun Hua firmly believed that they were still alive and had managed to escape in a similar way that she had been able to escape back then, they just simply hadn't returned to the Chun Family because the ancient teleportation formation they had gone through teleported them to a location a far larger distance away from the Astorion Empire compared to her.

Although, learning about this from Chun Hua, Xuan Hao had a feeling that she was just coping with the fact that her parents had passed away, though, he didn't say any of this out loud, as there was still a chance that her parents had managed to survive just like her… And considering the distance of an ancient teleportation formation might even extend beyond the Ewaria Continent.

If that was really the case, they would indeed be unable to return to the Astorion Empire with their strength only at the Domain Lord Realm…

"Is this the Burning Mountain Range?" Just at this moment, Chun Hua who was floating in the air beside Xuan Hao through the help of his domain curiously called out as she pointed at the large mountain range appearing in the distance.

"Yes, beyond that is the Blue Sea Empire and then the Sky Empire where the Star Shattering Sect is located." Nodding his head in response to Chun Hua's question, Xuan Hao also decided to take the chance to introduce her to the Blue Sea Empire that was located on the other side of the Burning Mountain Range.

After all, even though she was from the central part of the continent that the Blue Sea Empire existed inside of, she was unfamiliar with the different major powers on the continent… And given that the Star Shattering Sect was bound to interact with the Blue Sea Empire more in the future, he felt that it would be a good idea for Chun Hua to learn about the Blue Sea Empire beforehand.

Thinking about this, Xuan Hao felt that it would also be a good idea to teach his other disciples about the Blue Sea Empire in the future when he returned to the sect.

Not just his disciples, he had a feeling that it would be a good idea for the Star Shattering Sect as a whole to learn more about the Blue Sea Empire before the sect grew to a point where it had to interact with the Blue Sea Empire. At that point in time, he at least wanted the elders and disciples of the sect to have some knowledge about the Blue Sea Empire…

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