Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 1228 Travelling Together, Exhausted Yi Min

Arriving at the Burning Mountain Range only a short time after finishing a simple introduction of the Blue Sea Empire to the eagerly listening Chun Hua who had already begun to look forward to seeing the Blue Sea Empire in person, Xuan Hao decided to add a few days more to their journey back to the Star Shattering Sect. Intending to take Chun Hua to visit one of the cities of the Blue Sea Empire on their way back, as there wouldn't be a chance for her to visit the Blue Sea Empire in the foreseeable future after she entered the Star Shattering Sect.

The reason for this was not only because it was far too dangerous for her to travel around a powerful empire like the Blue Sea Empire, but also because the distance between the Star Shattering Sect and the Blue Sea Empire would take months to cover for someone in the Domain Lord Realm, let alone someone who was still in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Before he could feel confident in having her or any of his other disciples travelling around an empire like the Blue Sea Empire, they would at least have to reach a strength comparable to someone in the Soul Ascension Realm. Any lower than that and they might run into problems even in the weakest outer region of the Blue Sea Empire, let alone the inner and core region.

Not thinking too much about this as the two of them officially stepped inside the Blue Sea Empire, Xuan Hao and Chun Hua first registered at the closest outpost located a short distance away from the Burning Mountain Range before they began to slowly make their way through the Blue Sea Empire in the direction of the Sky Empire.

Even at this point in time, Xuan Hao had no idea that the Sky Empire that had been locked in a rather precarious situation when he had left, had been destroyed. Leaving the territory of the Sky Empire in a chaotic state due to the massive losses that the different invading empires had sustained to the three mysterious experts from the Order of the Sky God, Followers of the Fire God, and Cult of the Scarlet Moon.

Although, even if he knew about what had ended up happening during his absence, he wouldn't care that much about it considering that it didn't negatively affect the Star Shattering Sect.

On the other hand, instead of negatively affecting the Star Shattering Sect, the current chaotic situation in the territory of the now fallen Sky Empire ended up giving the Star Shattering Sect a chance to smoothly take control of the two outer regions of the now fallen empire that it had already been in the process of taking control over.

The Onyx Empire that had been troubling the sect in one of the two outer regions had also run away earlier in preparation for a possible invasion after the Sky Empire had been dealt with, something that didn't end up happening after the massive losses sustained by the different invading empires in the capital city of the Sky Empire.

Even after the Onyx Empire learnt about what had happened in the capital city, they decided to remain vigilant and didn't try to take over the part of the outer region that had now been taken over by the Star Shattering Sect. Not wanting to fall out with the Star Shattering Sect over the little bit of resources that could be found in the outer region of the Sky Empire. Instead, they began turning their attention towards the core region of the Sky Empire that had been left alone by the surrounding empires after what happened in the capital city.

Though still weakened and having to watch out for some of their neighbors who were too far away to join in on the invasion of the Sky Empire, the Onyx Empire had already begun to secretly mobilize some of their experts in secret to try and take control of a few important resources that had been left almost completely defenseless in the core region of the Sky Empire.

Not just the Onyx Empire, some of the more distant empires had begun to take similar actions. Trying to control a few important resources like spirit stone mines and natural herb fields, while ignoring the larger part of the fallen empire.

In just the short time that it took Xuan Hao and Chun Hua to travel from the Blue Sea Empire's border with the Burning Mountain Range to the border with the Sky Empire, these distant empires had already begun to fight for the different resources openly and secretly. In turn causing the already chaotic state of the core region of the Sky Empire to become even more chaotic than before as large numbers of powerful cultivators ranging between the Domain Lord Realm and the Soul Ascension Realm swarmed towards the region from outside.

Even the peaceful territory of the Star Shattering Sect that had managed to continue developing without any problems following the fall of the Sky Empire had been affected to some extent, as there was no small number of people starting to eye the vast spiritual metal deposits located beneath the Iron Sky Kingdom.

Of course, with Yi Min's strength at the Third Tribulation of the Soul Ascension Realm and the massive formation covering the entire kingdom assisting her, none of these people had been successful.

However, instead of intimidating these people into giving up, it had instead caused them to start working together to try and break through Yi Min and her formation, causing Yi Min no small amount of stress as she now had to deal with an almost daily attack from different Soul Ascension Realm cultivators that she had never seen or heard of before.

Even worse was the fact that she didn't have the strength to kill any of them before they could escape. Only having been successful in killing one person at the First Tribulation of the Soul Ascension Realm who had attacked her without knowing about her strength.


"Haha, your formation is already starting to show signs of breaking! In another few weeks, you won't be able to rely on your formation to fight us!"




Knocking another group of relentless attackers flying into the distance, Yi Min could not help frowning to herself as she thought about what one of the three people in the group of attacks had said before she sent them all flying.

Indeed, the formation can't keep up the constant drain from fighting almost every day without any time for me to repair it…

Frowning even more deeply as she realized what the person had said was correct and her formation indeed wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer when faced with the constant battles, Yi Min understood that she had to find a way to deal with the constant onslaught of Soul Ascension Realm cultivators.

After all, it was clear that none of them gave a damn about the Star Shattering Sect. Not because she or the Star Shattering Sect was weak, but more so because the different Soul Ascension Realm cultivators attacking her all came from empires located far away from the Star Shattering Sect.

Even if she or the Star Shattering Sect wanted to take revenge in the future, they would have to pass through several other empires along the way to do so. Not to mention, she had never heard about most of the people that had attacked her so far. Making it even harder to determine which empires and powers were behind the attacks on her Iron Sky Kingdom.

"I have to ask for help, or I will end up being exhausted to death by constantly having to fight with those damnable people…" Muttering this to herself as she thought about her current hopeless situation, Yi Min understood that she would only be able to escape from her current situation if she had a way to intimidate the different attacking Soul Ascension Realm cultivators into never daring attack her kingdom again.


With this in mind, a communication talisman appeared in her hand before a somewhat hesitant expression flashed through her eyes.

"Considering that I'm now part of the Star Shattering Sect, it shouldn't be too much for me to ask for help… And considering my current situation… The only person with enough strength to intimidate these people should be Xuan Hao…" Whispering this to herself as she stared intently at the communication talisman, Yi Min stopped hesitating as she decided to contact Xuan Hao.

Understanding that, Xuan Hao someone above the Peak of the Soul Ascension Realm, should be able to help out.

Out of everyone she knew, he was the only person who had the strength to intimidate the group of annoying people who had been harassing her and trying to exhaust her to death over the past few weeks in their attempt to take control of the vast spiritual metal deposits located beneath her kingdm.

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