Chapter 167 - System vs. System (XVII)

In recent months, Duan Shujue has become more and more important, often going out for days at a time and staying in the mountain for most of the time after his return, quite peacefully and quietly.

The white deer in the mountain sipped from the moon in the water, and after a few sips, he tilted his head curiously to look at the young man with the high ponytail who was treading on the water and swirling around the lake, dancing his sword in a dazzling manner, and time passed quietly in the mist rising from his sword.

Apart from sword training, the former Duan Shujue had no special hobbies, which he began to discover after his reincarnation.

He has been reading a lot lately, but not proper books, but books bought from a stall at the bottom of the hill, full of tragic love stories of young people who have fallen in love with each other.

Duan Shujue likes to sit by the lake and read these books while helping his master to smooth out his fur.

Chi Xiaochi’s energy is not focused on the book, he has seen enough real life shit to develop a heart of gold and is no longer the kid who cries when his favourite avatar dies.

He hands his right hand back to Duan Shujue and turns the pages, while his other hand strokes the velvet of his master’s head as he sleeps on his lap, enjoying the satin-like feel of it.

Chi Xiaochi, while masturbating her cat, communicated to 061: “His teacher, I don’t feel that the child is growing in the right direction.”

The tone is that of a worried old father in a single-parent household.

061 Coughing softly, “So can the father come to the office alone after school and we can talk about it?”

…… Chi Xiaochi thought the direction this cos was taking sounded a bit strange but didn’t think much of it.

The soft little ball of cat under his palm stirred, opened its watery blue eyes, arched of its own accord into his palm, squinted its eyes and went back to sleep.

Chi Xiaochi has had Sifu for so long that he has learned his temperament and is not easily annoyed and has some cat-like habits.

He put the book down, held it up while his master slept, took a big rebellious puff, and picked it up again quickly, pretending to read.

The Master woke up in a daze, looked around and, not finding the culprit, bent down and licked his belly fluff, coiled his tail and fell asleep on his shark apprentice again.

Chi Xiaochi and 061 couldn’t figure out why Duan Shujue was so obsessed with abusing Wen, so they gave up thinking and closed their eyes to rest.

After he falls asleep, Duan Shujue is still turning the pages of his book.

Duan Shujue is less experienced in the world and the months of trials and tribulations have allowed him to grow up quickly and called him to have his own heart and thoughts.

He reads the lingering words of Wen, which he has never read before, and tries to immerse himself in them.

Finally, after reading a ghostly tale about a fox fairy, his heart was touched and tears filled his eyes, which fell and immediately turned into bright pearls.

After Duan Shujue had shed two or three tears, he picked up the pearls one by one, dipped them into the lake and washed them, then tucked them into his sleeve and continued reading.

061, who had witnessed the whole thing, laughed softly and pretended not to know.

These days, Duan Shujue is actively going out to subdue demons, one for the public good and one for the private good.

He was a true gentleman, but not an unearthly or old-fashioned elitist.

The more incense and favours he receives, the more followers he has. In the past few months, Duan Shujue has already gained a lot of benefits from this. Duan Shujue has already accumulated a considerable amount of spiritual pills, immortal medicines and heavenly treasures, and if he were to tell the world, he would be the envy of his peers.

Duan Shujue put all these treasures away, but did not take them without permission, but stored them away, not knowing what he intended to do with them.

Later, he simply took the idea into his own hands.

At the market price, a fine shark pearl is worth a hundred gold pieces.

A single onion can make Duan Shujue millions in a day.

To put it bluntly, Duan Shujue is a walking money machine with automatic protection against robbery, making it economical.

Spurred on by these abuses, Duan Shujue has saved a box full of shark pearls, and 061 suspects that if Duan Shujue hadn’t been so gentle and considerate that he wouldn’t have tired Chi Xiaochi during his breaks, he would have secretly spun shark raw material to sell.

061 I don’t know what he is trying to do with his squirrel-like behavior, but I can only understand that he has suffered too much in the past and is insecure, so he is hoarding his treasures because he wants to give himself some support, similar to Chi Xiaochi’s collecting fetish.

Since Duan Shujue did it secretly, he probably did not want anyone to know about it, and there was no need to reveal it.061 He just pretended to be deaf and dumb and let it go.

Since entering this world, Chi Xiaochi has been a little surprised by his Buddhist mentality.

In the past, 061 would always rush him, asking him when he was going to do it, when he was going to brush up on his remorse, what his plans were, and seeming to have an endless supply of worries, but this time, he didn’t rush, he practiced with Chi Xiaochi every day, and helped him balance the excessive lactic acid production in his body after each sweaty session, with gentleness and patience, a true babysitter.

One day, Chi Xiaochi is ordered by Chi Yunzi to kill a river demon that preys on children and take the lives of seven young children from the demon’s mouth.

It was dark by the time they each returned home.

Master was called by his third brother Ren Tingfeng to play chess, so he could not go with him this time.

This meant that he would have to walk the stretch back to the mountain alone.

Chi Xiaochi wanted to stay at the bottom of the hill, but he searched his pockets and found nothing, so his pockets were cleaner than his face.

Unable to do so, he had to meekly return to the mountain.

Chi Xiaochi, who was afraid of the dark, had to cage a handful of fireflies in his own veil to serve as a light source, but he still kept on jumping up and down, like a rabbit, on the way up the mountain.

Wen Yujing and Ren Tingfeng were playing a tight game of chess, and Ren Tingfeng, who loved chess, refused to let him go.

Chi Xiaochi, while running home, said, “Teacher Six, why aren’t you in a hurry this time?”

At his question, 061 was somewhat puzzled: “What’s my hurry?”

Chi Xiaochi took a breath and looked down the long, unseen mountain road: “Unlike you, you don’t even rush me.”

061 At last, I understood what he meant.

He gave a smile and offered his explanation, “Three more missions and we’ll be separated. I’ve come across such a good partner, of course I want to stay with him a little longer.”

Chi Xiaochi sighed in his mind, “Mr. Six, I don’t ……”

The refusal he was about to utter was interrupted abruptly by a hushed male voice coming from behind him.

”…… Senior Brother, can’t you see Senior Brother.”

Unprepared for the shock, Chi Xiaochi was outwardly calm, but inwardly she had been turned into a spiky ball of fear.

Inwardly, he exploded into a 30-second long personal attack on the vocal Yan Jinhua.

061 It took Chi Xiaochi half a day of weeping and laughing before she managed to calm down.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Can we have a potent pit bull terrier in the mountains next time.”

061 To smooth the hair in words, “Good, raise.”

Yan Jinhua waited for Duan Shujue on the mountain path for almost a whole day.

When Duan Shujue arrives, he doesn’t seem to see himself hidden in the darkness of the trees and runs up the hill in two steps.

If he hadn’t called out, I’m afraid the night would have been empty again.

Duan Shujue has grown taller in just a few months. He has long boots and a strong suit, and has obviously just returned from an errand.

Yan Jinhua looks up at him from the bottom up, his heart flushed with bitterness.

He forced down the sourness that spilled into his throat, “How have you been, senior brother?”

Duan Shujue up there gave a clear, cold bow: “Thanks to the blessing of my brother, it’s very good.”

Yan Jinhua took two steps forward and looked as if he was genuinely interested in him: “You do look good. He has grown taller and stronger, but now junior brother Duan can’t even see senior brother in his eyes, so that really hurts senior brother’s heart.”

When he said that, he faked crying twice, very aggressively.

Duan Shujue used to be the one who would eat this up, and because he couldn’t tell the difference between his eyebrows and his eyes, whenever he deliberately pretended to be aggrieved, Duan Shujue would come up to him and cajole him, with his heart and eyes in his head, which made him feel very comfortable.

However, Yan Jinhua found that this tactic seemed to have failed.

Duan Shujue stood not far from the dais, looking down at him and watching his performance in silence: “Brother don’t worry too much.”

Yan Jinhua snorted.

Doesn’t work anymore.

But he hadn’t come here for Duan Shujue either, and his plan was half-successful as long as he could talk to him.

He took the initiative to find himself a platform: “Brother is just joking with you. I haven’t seen you for a long time, so I really miss you, so I came here without saying hello.

Duan Shujue said gently, “Yeah.”

Yan Jinhua : “……”

Duan Shujue smiled with his hand in the air and his eyebrows in the air as he returned the original comment, “Shidi is joking.”

Yan Jinhua was hung up for a while, and it was hard to tell whether it was a good word or not, so he had to force a smile and said, “Senior …… is really good at joking.”

”Brother has taught me well, and the book is by no means a ready-made lesson.” Duan Shujue gave him a slap on the back and then said tamely, “Brother, would you like to go up and sit down?”

…… begs to differ.

At this point, Yan Jinhua also stopped being polite to Duan Shujue, fearing that he would be too sincere and take his politeness as a blessing, and hurriedly responded, “In all the years I have been in the mountain, I have really never been to Little Uncle’s residence. This time, I’ll trouble Senior Brother Duan to guide the way.”

Duan Shujue smiles and turns his back, the smile on his face immediately fading.

Chi Xiaochi’s occasional bouts of childishness were both endearing and frustrating to 061: “No more anger, eh?”

Chi Xiaochi smiled leatherily, “I’m not angry. Ha.”

061 Couldn’t help but think how lovely.

As he led Yan Jinhua up the hill, he remained silent, as he always did, and Yan Jinhua was unaware of the fierce aura emanating from the man in front of him, and was still trying to strike up a conversation with him, “Senior Duan, which do you think is better, the Fisherman’s Pool or the Hui-Shou Peak?”

Chi Xiaochi didn’t even blink an eye when he lied: “Fisherman’s Pool, of course.”

Encouraged, Yan Jinhua tried again and again to bring back fond memories of Duan Shujue’s past with the words, “What was good about it?”

Chi Xiaochi looks pensive, but says to 061, “Good is good, my ass.”

061 Almost laughs, coughs to steady himself.

Chi Xiaochi is very self-aware: “I know what you’re going to say: you can’t say that, it’s a swear word.”

061 was thoroughly amused by his low, gentle voice, which made his heart tremble and made Chi Xiaochi feel a little better.

The dark clouds had cleared by the time the two men made their way to the top of the hill.

A full moon is seen coming out of the clouds, and the clear snow and starlight are pouring down everywhere.

Chi Xiaochi caught a ray of moonlight in his palm and, with a twist of his hand, transformed it into a key on the spot, sending it somewhere into the void, and heaven and earth changed immediately.

…… Yan Jinhua has finally found out why he has failed on his previous visits.

The sight that appeared before him at first dazzled his eyes.

With the sea of stars above and the clear lake below, the starlight enters the water, the water reflects the starlight, and there are two more galaxies between heaven and earth, reflecting each other in a spectacular way.

Yan Jinhua, who had just been chasing Duan Shujue and reminiscing about the beauty of the Fisherman’s Pool, felt a slight burning in his cheeks.

Anyone with a little bit of judgement can see which of these two places is better.

Wen Yujing, who had finished his game of chess with Ren Tingfeng, had long since shifted and returned to his home.

When Yan Jinhua enters, Wen Yujing is sitting in front of the house playing a xiao, dressed in a loose robe, his long hair uncombed, and in a languid manner, he is a little bit carefree.

Sensing the opening of the portal, he opened his eyes slightly, “A guest?”

Without waiting for Duan Shujue’s introduction, Yan Jinhua greeted him with an enthusiastic salute, “Uncle, it has been a long time. I hope you will understand, for I have taken the liberty of intruding on you today.”

Wen Yujing rested his long xiao on his lap: “No harm done.”

Yan Jinhua looked around and couldn’t hide his envy: “I’ve often heard my master say that this is a blessed place of immortality, and today I saw that it is.”

Wen Yujing: “You’re welcome. Yuguangtan is also a famous resort.”

Yan Jinhua spared no effort in boasting, “If you practice here, your cultivation must have grown rapidly. No wonder senior brother is so good now.”

Wen Yujing Qing coldly said, “Shu Jie’s excellence has nothing to do with the environment. Eldest Brother once preached that cultivation is all about the one mind, not the environment.”

Yan Jinhua : “……”

He suspected that this Uncle Wen was not a very good conversationalist. Not even willing to listen to good words?

And what kind of ivory can that pedantic old man spit out? He has listened to all his lectures, but he is only a trifle uncouth and lazy, and cannot be of much use.

Whenever he thinks of this, Yan Jinhua is very upset.

He had a good plan that he was forced to scrap by damned chance, or else the nagging old man would have been nothing more than a licking dog to himself after all.

When it comes down to it, your own main system is just as useless!

The main goal of this book-penetrating system is to complete the world lines of books that are not badly written and that have given birth to a certain spirituality, but eventually end up in a bad way. The “progress value” earned will be converted into energy in proportion to the energy needed to maintain the system and help it to develop in a sustainable, healthy and green way.

It was a great thing for Yan Jinhua to be unexpectedly chosen by this system.

He is not a bad womanizer in real life, but because of his lazy personality, lack of ambition and mediocre career, he ends up as one of the mediocre people.

He wanted to be the main character, he wanted to enjoy the feeling that everyone was surrounding him.

This book-dressing system greatly satisfies his needs.

But there is still beauty in this.

Just like all the gateways to making big money fast are written in the criminal code, his dream of being a protagonist is not sanctioned by the master system.

The charter issued by the main system clearly states that when carrying out a mission, various means can be used, and everyone’s sole purpose is to assist the protagonist in mending the world’s lines and making the story’s logic self-consistent, but in principle, the established moral code must be observed and no unscrupulous means must be used.

–After all, most of the systems and hosts chosen for the book-dressing system are also human, and advocating an anti-human approach to replenishment tends to spawn instability that is detrimental to the system’s operation and long-term development.

The good thing is that this master system gives the hosts a lot of freedom and rarely inquires about their progress.

The progress bar of each person is different: some are committed to making the villainous protagonist right, so their progress is linked to “justice”; some are committed to picking up the protagonist, so their progress is linked to “goodwill”; others are willing to be a junior, clinging to the protagonist’s thighs, and finish the plot in peace, so their progress is linked to “protagonist’s luck”.

Yan Jinhua, on the other hand, agreed with his own system after careful study.

He took the dark line of “taking the main character’s luck”, which led to a connection between the “main character’s negative luck” and the “progress value”.

Yan Jinhua, who has made a name for himself in both worlds through this ingenious technique, suffers a major defeat at the hands of Duan Shujue.

He had worked so hard for years, but now he was back to his former self, and his progress bar was not only zero, but he had also lost a lot of treasures, and now he was being overwhelmed by an “external intruder” system.

Yan Jinhua is bitter at heart.

He was not in a position to tell the main system what he was doing, so he had no choice but to come up with another brilliant idea.

Didn’t the main system say that this “invasion system” didn’t affect his mission process and therefore wouldn’t interfere?

Then he’d find a way to make the system have to care.

At least he had been in this world for so many years, the thin camel was bigger than the horse, and he had saved a lot of good things on hand.

Thinking about this, Yan Jinhua smiled slightly, “Little Uncle, I have often heard my master praise you for your skill in sword, body, music and dan, all of which are excellent.

”You’re welcome.” Wen Yujing was really taken in by the plan and put down his xiao, stood up, tied his hair in a casual bundle and walked up to Yan Jinhua, with one palm flat, a polite gesture of invitation, “A simple sparring session, just to the point.”

He is gentle in his manner and speech, but has a sense of Wenya’s violence.

Seeing that the two men were about to spar after exchanging a few pleasantries, Chi Xiaochi was not interested in watching any longer and got up and said, “Master, brother, I will prepare some snow ear soup for you.”

…… is right up my alley.

Yan Jinhua shows a smile as he rolls up his sleeves and sets up the starting stance of the Jing Xu palm technique.

He is not proficient in this area, and if he had not endured the pain of using the most precious Yi Qi pills that he had accumulated in the last world, which could forcefully raise his cultivation and comprehension in a short period of time, he and Wen Yujing, I am afraid, would not have been able to make it.

Now, however, he is in his own hands.

Yan Jinhua could clearly feel the pleasure in Wen Yujing’s heart as he moved from being tentative at first, to being slightly surprised, and then to taking him seriously.

He needed to wait for a chance, and that chance could only come from getting up close and personal with Wen Yujing.

Soon, the opportunity he wanted came.

Wen Yujing threw out a palm, and Yan Jinhua received it with his palm, dissipating the force of the palm and at the same time pushing something silently into Wen Yujing’s body along the qi vein.

The silk poison compulsion can cause paralysis, but never death.

Wen Yujing, who is not stupid, showed a hint of shock between his eyes, “You ……”

Yan Jinhua is no surprise.

With Wen Yujing’s level of training, would he not be able to detect his own manipulation?

But what he wants is for Wen Yujing to notice.

According to his persona, Wen Yujing is a gentleman with a clean slate, so how could he not be angered when someone is doing this to him?

As long as he is annoyed, Yan Jinhua will have plenty of room to play.

He closed his palm violently, just waiting for Wen Yujing to strike at him, he would not avoid or block the palm, allowing the palm energy to rebound and spitting blood to the ground.

The silk poison compulsion is fragile and will be destroyed as soon as it is destroyed, leaving no trace of it.

Without evidence of his use of compulsions, it doesn’t make sense that a senior uncle, sparring with a junior, would lay a vicious hand on him and beat him until he vomited blood, does it?

In this way, he also had a ready-made argument on the system side.

This “invasion system” is blatantly interfering with his mission and even intentionally targeting and trying to kill him.

So much so that it would be unbecoming of the main system not to take care of it again.

With a little more luck, the main system would have rebuilt this “invasive system”, which had come from an unknown source and was actively harming its employees.

Yan Jinhua is well prepared.

Whoever falls down first will be justified.

As he had expected, Wen Yujing contacted the poisonous parasite and strangled it with pure spiritual energy, and then struck Yan Jinhua with a palm strike across the chest.

Yan Jinhua stood up straight and took the blow solidly.

…… is a done deal!

But Wen Yujing didn’t stop there, he landed a palm on his chest, hooked his toe on his hind wrist and sent him flying, turning his palm into a fist and punching Yan Jinhua right in the face!

Yan Jinhua cried out in pain, feeling the attack on his nasal bone and the snot and tears falling down his face, and the dark smile at the corners of his mouth twisted instantly.

…… Why doesn’t he stop?!

As he fell to the ground, dazed, he received three or four more heavy slaps to the face, which caused his hair to fall to one side.

His hands –

Before the pain spreads, Yan Jinhua receives another kick to the knee, and his body falls uncontrollably, only to be forced up and thrown to the ground.

A kayfabe would accurately sum up what happened to Yan Jinhua in the next five minutes.

Wen Yujing’s strikes are steady and accurate, his white clothes flying like flowing water, no superfluous movements, elbows, palms and legs, all used to their peak, the sound of flesh and bone muffled is clear and crisp, endless.

By the time Chi Xiaochi returned with the snow-ear soup, a one-sided beating was over.

Seeing Yan Jinhua on the ground, Chi Xiaochi froze for a few seconds before he remembered to summon 061 and excitedly wanted to ask for a gossip: “Teacher Six, Teacher Six, what’s going on?”

061 Mildly, “It looks like it was too much of a beatdown to be beaten.”

Standing beside Yan Jinhua, Wen Yujing’s long hair had been dispersed. He took off his hairband and gently wiped his fingertips. When I see my senior brother later, I will ask him for an explanation and ask him how he has taught his disciples to be like this.”

Chi Xiaochi thought, “What kind of stupid operation is this to play with compulsion in front of Wen Yujing?

Yan Jinhua, on the other hand, was grimacing and grimacing as he suffered several broken bones.

He had no idea that Wen Yujing, who seemed so gentle, would do such a terrible thing!

If he had only been beaten until he vomited blood, then he could have defended himself a little in front of Chi Yunzi, saying that it was a misunderstanding on the part of his senior uncle, but it turned out that the surname Wen did not follow the rules and beat him badly in one go, and then dragged him out and said that he had done nasty tricks in the cut, and in turn no one would believe that he had not used compulsion.

But Yan Jinhua managed to pull a smile out of the excruciating pain.

…… Master’s place, it looks like it will not be able to account for it.

However, with this look on his face, it was more than enough to go to the main system and sue.

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