Chapter 168 - System vs. System (XVIII)

In Jing Xufeng, the disciples are all disciplined and have never been involved in such a dirty incident.

Wen Yujing’s temper was acknowledged to be gentle, and all the people in the mountain had never even seen him speak harshly before, nor had they ever seen him snapping at anyone before, He did not give Yan Jinhua a chance to open his mouth.

Yan Jinhua was angry and remorseful, but Wen Yujing had blocked his acupuncture points, so he could not say anything.

…… Why doesn’t this Wen guy talk about his persona?

In his imagination, anyone in the righteous path must have a face, and Wen Yujing, having donned the skin of a Wen person, would have to tie his hands and feet, and when he found out he was being backstabbed, he would at best be secretly angry, but not.

It would be unwise and unwise to get the reputation of being a calculator with a junior over a daily sparring match.

As a result, the soft persimmon he wanted to squeeze turned out to be a sulphuric acid bun wrapped in a soft, glutinous skin, and he was bared in the face.

When Chi Yunzi heard Wen Yujing’s account of the events, he did not believe it at first.

With a scroll in his hand, he smiled and said, “If Yan Jinhua has such a winning spirit, I’m impressed.”

After all these years, Chi Yunzi knows only too well that Yan Jinhua has no shame when it comes to winning or losing, and if he had it, he would have hanged himself from his neck in shame.

Wen Yujing doesn’t say anything, just stares quietly at Chi Yunzi.

In the silence, Chi Yunzi realised that things were a bit tricky, chewed over Wen Yujing’s words, and his face changed a little: “Take me to see him.”

It was only after he left the door and saw Yan Jinhua’s wretched appearance that his face sank completely.

Yan Jinhua fell to the ground, feverish and with a bitter taste in his mouth, and cried out that something was wrong.

He sort of figured out what Wen Yujing was up to.

If it was just a slap injury, he would still have room to argue; when he was beaten like this, anyone would know that he must have done something treacherous and offended Junior Uncle Wen, and there was no need to even investigate more evidence.

When things got too big, his little wisdom was completely out of the bag and it all came out.

He had no choice but to roll his eyes and pretend to be unconscious to save his life, reluctantly reassuring himself that

It was a game he had missed in his calculations and had lost to a system.

But he still has a concealed hand, and the more severely “Wen Yujing” hurts him, the stronger it will be when this card is played.

Chi Yunzi knew that his second apprentice was unworthy and lazy, but since he was already his apprentice, what could he do, he would just protect him.

His face was blue, he turned and raised his sleeves, not even willing to look at his subordinates again: “Drag the man to the prison hall, and report to me when he wakes up!”

Although they did not know what was going on, they did not dare to be slow in seeing their master’s true anger, and they stepped out of the crowd of whispering disciples to drag Yan Jinhua down again.

Before Yan Jinhua, who had been publicly executed, left, he faintly heard Chi Yunzi say to Wen Yujing, “Brother, if your anger has subsided, leave the rest to me. It is my brother’s fault for not teaching him well and for disturbing his discipline, so he should be held responsible.”

Wen Yujing also did not reply, seemingly acquiescing.

Yan Jinhua, who had been holding out for a bit of luck, had a black eye.

What is this Chi Yunzi?

In the average immortal cultivation novel, isn’t the person in power in the mountain small-minded and scornful and cynical of those outstanding fellow disciples?

He is his disciple no matter how, does he not want to save face by embarrassing himself in public?

A sceptical Yan Jinhua was forcibly dragged away, and Wen Yujing took the piss out of Chi Xiaochi for being scared on the trail, saying goodbye to Chi Yunzi and heading back to the summit.

By the time he returned, the snow-ear soup was ready, no more, no less, exactly two bowls.

In keeping with Duan Shujue’s persona, Chi Xiaochi didn’t ask much about Yan Jinhua.

Yan Jinhua had been kind to Duan Shujue, so whether he gloated or knelt down and begged for mercy without distinguishing between right and wrong, it would have been detrimental to Duan Shujue’s character, so it would have been better for him not to say anything and pretend that nothing had happened.

Wen Yujing didn’t say much either, purifying his hands and sitting down at the small table by the lake, kneeling opposite Chi Xiaochi, quietly drinking snow-ear soup in the moonlight.

With Duan Shujue’s vest, Chi Xiaochi is a much more dignified and polite woman, and her every move is well thought out.

Only 061 knew that Chi Xiaochi had read through the difficult rituals of the world at Yuguangtan before he met anyone, and practised them properly before he went out to meet people, maintaining the image of “Duan Shujue” to the best of his ability.

Chi Xiaochi is a man of unconventional character, but he is always extraordinarily attentive to detail, warming and heart-wrenching.

Wen Yujing put the spoon down with the bowl, “Relax. In front of Master, there is no need to be formal at all times.”

Chi Xiaochi looked up and swallowed the food in his mouth, “Thank you, Master.”

That said, the words are still politely detached.

Wen Yujing didn’t say any more, but transformed into a light mist, and when the smoke cleared, it was a small cat that leapt onto the table and paced gracefully to Chi Xiaochi’s side, pressing one paw against Chi Xiaochi’s hand on the table and gently stroking it before jumping on top of him, choosing a few spots to rest and finally making a small scarf comfortably.

…… is the same as the boss’s favourite thing to do when he was a young boy.

Chi Xiaochi is slightly stunned and then smiles.

Felines all seem to have the same habits.

Even when no one was present, he sat upright and finished his snow-ear soup by the spoonful.

Wen Yujing opens one grey-blue eye and looks at the slightly upturned end of his eyes, his heart settles and he rubs tenderly against the back of his neck.

Chi Xiaochi’s heart is also slightly moved by the sensation of such a light rubbing.

He knew that Wen Yujing, with his quiet and gentle temperament, was probably worried about him, afraid that he would be upset about Yan Jinhua’s affairs, so he stayed close to him like this, just to keep his thoughts to himself.

Such tenderness really made him think of the man.

If this is a lie from Lord GOD, he thought, then it is really brilliant.

After putting Chi Xiaochi to sleep with his cat body, 061 made an unprecedented trip back to the Lord GOD space.

He had not been back for a long time since he had entered into a master-servant contract with Chi Xiaochi, and when he did, it was only in a hurry, fearing that something might happen to Chi Xiaochi while he was away.

…… After all, Chi Xiaochi’s journey has been marked by many treacherous situations.

Today, he had deliberately set aside a full three hours, intending to go and talk to 089 about something.

However, as soon as he accepted the transport and stood in the middle of the lobby of the Lord GOD space, he was stunned by the situation before him.

–The previously orderly Lord GOD space was crowded with people, systems in white and black overalls rushing around, white smoke and black stains as if an air raid had just taken place.

061 : “……” What’s going on?

He thought for a moment, pushed his doubts aside and turned his steps towards 089’s apartment, knocking on his door.

The door pulled open a crack and the slit revealed 089’s face.

He is a naturally good-looking man with a little teardrop at the end of his eye, a good face, but he always uses it in a loose and lazy way, almost as if the word “unreliable” was typed on his head.

He had two buttons unbuttoned on his collar and his short hair was dishevelled, of which he was unaware, and when he saw 061 he burst into tears and said, “You’ve finally come back, your old father missed you.”

061 Ignoring his nonsense, he glanced at his whitened lips, reached out and pushed the door open, and without further ado, lifted 089 his loose right shoulder garment with one finger.

The clothes had been replaced with new ones, but there were traces of blood left inside the collarbone.

061 asked, “What’s going on?”

089 was just about to speak when footsteps came from the washroom behind her.

089 is too late to retreat, but he meets 023, who comes out of the washroom with a tray of hot towels, so he gives a cheeky smile.

023 grimaced, trying desperately to appear oblivious to his bare feet on the ground, but a small head of short white hair sold him completely and curled in exasperation.

He ordered, “Roll into bed and rest.”


089 answered sharply and loudly, and ran quickly back to bed, pulling the covers back up of her own accord, but not forgetting to make faces at 061 behind 023’s back.

Without looking back, 023 said, “089, if you make any more faces, I’ll cut your tongue out.”

089 immediately pulls the covers back and behaves like a good boy, while mouthing to 061: angry.

061 Come in and close the door behind you.

061 Ask, “What’s the mess?”

089 replied, “Just yesterday, something happened.”

023 put the tray down on the bed, took a hot towel with tweezers and wiped the bit of blood off his shoulder with the steaming towel: “A little something? You call a broken bone in your shoulder ‘a little thing’? If I hadn’t been there early this morning, you’d still be face down on the floor with your ass up.”

Hearing that 089 had suffered such a serious injury, 061 grew more serious: “What’s happened?”

023 looked puzzled: “Another intruder has come.”

061 : “What intruder? What does ‘again’ mean?”

023 It was then that I remembered that 061 had not returned to Lord GOD’s space for a long time.

”The other day there was an invasion of an unusual energy body in Lord GOD space, with an unknown purpose.” 023 said, “It came again yesterday, silently, and this time even more so, when 089 was on duty yesterday, they injured him, tied 089 up, set the archive room on fire, and smashed the door to the ‘whisker’.”

061 : “……” Isn’t that the boss’s office?

”The inspector sent by the watchdog happens to be here today. It looks like our system’s credit and security rating is going to be downgraded, and I’m afraid we’ll have to overhaul it.” 023 continued, “Brainflower got so angry that no one dares to pass through his office door now.”

061 reeled from his shock and asked, “Did the intruder get caught?”

”If we caught it, would Brainflower be so angry?” 023 shrugged and gave a wink in the direction of “In Between”, “Initially we found three alien beings, the one that smashed the door was a mech, but it was also high level technology, unmanned, left behind after those alien beings left.”

061 Audible.

There were three intruders, who came and went, hurting people, destroying the archives, and smashing up the “in-between”.

But ……

061 Some cannot resist the association.

Why mechs when they come to smash and bash?

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