Chapter 169 - System vs. System (XIX)

061 A somewhat absurd conjecture has arisen.

This suspicion he dismisses for the moment, sitting down on the edge of the bed and following 023’s wiping motions to examine 089’s wound.

The new data completes the wound, but from the completed records it is clear that the assailant was right-handed and that the wound trended from top to bottom, so we can tell that the assailant was about the same height as 089, only slightly taller.

061 Compared with the data from one’s own impressions.

Ji Zuoshan is right-handed, but since his conversion to Alpha, he has been proportionally taller at 5’9″, while Zhan Yanchao is the same height as 089, but his usual attack is the left-handed light whip ……

Thinking about this, 061 shakes his head helplessly.

…… really does think too much, doesn’t it?

023 wiped his wound and went to the kitchen to cook.

By definition, the system does not need to eat, but they are all born from humans and cannot break old habits, always wanting to eat something good when they are injured, as if hot food flowing into their bellies will make them heal faster.

023 is not a bad cook by any means, but he is usually too busy playing games to do anything, but when he puts on his apron and cooks, he is very serious.

He is chopping vegetables at the chopping board, 089 looking attentively from behind at the knot of his apron tied behind his waist, while 061 turns his head and looks towards his bed.

There are two peace knots with red silk threads, one of them already knotted and the other only half knotted.

Noticing what he was looking at, 089 picked up the braided peace knot, “I’ve had so much bad luck lately, I was thinking of making an amulet, and 23 laughed at me for being superstitious, so bad luck got the better of me. Here, this is what 23 just made, how about it, isn’t it pretty.”

061 Laughs: “Hmm.”

089 placed the peace knot in his arms, “Here you go.”

061 Trying to refuse: “He made this up for you, it’s kind of his idea ……”

089 was injured, he couldn’t push back too hard and 089 moved with extra determination.

089 put the peace knot in his jacket pocket and gave it two more pats on the back: “Take it. It’s a piece of Father’s hard work.”

061 So I took it and plan to download a knitting tutorial for myself to learn and make a new one for 089 next time.

089 leaned back on the soft cushions behind him, “Something went wrong with the mission, didn’t it?”

061 : “Hmm?”

089 curled one leg up and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “You’re not in a hurry to leave this time, you’ve got something for me.”

061 Then he said what happened to him in this world.

He couldn’t tell his secret identity due to the secrecy system, so he simply stated what he had encountered, highlighting the fact that the object of the raid was equipped with the system and that he might be in some trouble.

At first, 089 listened carelessly, but gradually, as if he understood something, his originally somewhat frivolous eyebrows sank.

When he had finished, 061 made a bland summary statement: “That’s it.”

089: “Got it.”

061 : “But you are not well at the moment, and I am afraid I am disturbing your rest by saying that I am working.”

089: “Yeah, Dad had to wish you all the best in spirit.”

023 in the kitchen took in what they were saying, but after listening to them, they were just discussing work and didn’t take it to heart.

061 It is true that he had something to see 089, but his health was such that he was afraid he could not do anything about it.

So be it, he’ll do it himself.

This also does not drag people down.

023’s meal was almost ready, and he came out with three sets of dishes and set them up, when 061 got up and prepared to leave.

023 was surprised: “Not taking a bite? I made yours.”

061 said, “No. I stayed long enough to be afraid he might have something for me.”

The three present knew exactly who “he” referred to.

023: “…… Have you been here for an hour yet?”

061 was also a little surprised and confirmed the time: “Only an hour?”

023: “……”

After confirming the time, he remained apologetic, “I’d better go back, it’s a bit unsettling.”

023 rolled his eyes, “Go go go, screw you, marry your daughter-in-law and forget ……”

His face darkened before the word “mother” could be uttered.

Before 089 could burst into laughter, 023 pointed a chopstick back at him, “Hold it in, or I’ll poke you with a chopstick if you dare to laugh.”

089 immediately covered his mouth, “What are you laughing at? What’s so funny? I’m not laughing.”

023 huffed and puffed and put away a set of dishes and turned to go back to the kitchen.

Looking at his back, 089 was overjoyed and whispered to 061, “How understanding. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a nice home-cooked meal with him and the two of us.”

061 understood and smiled, “You’re fine, don’t worry about me, I can handle it. If things work out, I’ll come back and check in with you.”

089 cocked his head and asked in a matter of words, “Why do you always think of me when you have something to do?”

061 Thought about it and found that I couldn’t think of an answer for a while.

089 was the most out-of-the-box and unconventional of all the systems he knew.

But he had a strange perception that 089 was someone he could rely on with complete confidence.

061 gives the answer, “A hunch, I guess.”

With a satisfied look, 089 gave a wave of his hand and pulled the quilt up over his chest, “There, you go back.”

The door is closed.

089 After sitting for so long, my body felt slightly tired and I lay down with the covers closed.

He stroked a single finger over the teardrop at the end of his eye and his eyes were slightly closed as if he was thinking.

He didn’t know who he was talking to, and his words were laced with laughter, “…… I can’t let you down then.”


It was nearly midnight when Su Yun came to report to Chi Yunzi that Second Brother had woken up.

Chi Yunzi threw the scroll away and, without a word, brushed his sleeve and went to the prison hall, telling Su Yun not to follow him.

Su Yun, who had never seen such a furious master before, dared not follow him, but when he heard Chi Yunzi’s instructions, he was saved and said yes repeatedly.

When Chi Yunzi arrived at the prison hall, Yan Jinhua was already on his knees, bruised and swollen, with a bloody lip.

Yan Jinhua cursed a hundred times in his heart, and as he rose to his knees, his words were still respectful: “Master.”

He bowed his head and did not move, looking as if he was at the mercy of the king, which in turn made Chi Yunzi feel less angry: “How dare you! When did I, Jing Xufeng, ever do such a disrespectful and reckless thing? Tell me, I want to hear how you justify it.”

Yan Jinhua tried to straighten his body on his knees, but the bruises all over his body made him grin in pain as he straightened his back, and his voice even had a bit of a sob in it, “Master …… has nothing to say in defence, so I will let Master do as he pleases.”

…… eh?

Chi Yunzi steadied himself a little: “Tell me more about what happened and why.”

Yan Jinhua inclined his face away.

He was the look-alike of a capricious youth, who did not seem to have a deep heart and would give the illusion of a childlike spirit: “The disciple has nothing to say.”

Chi Yunzi slowly paced up to the top seat and sat down with his robe raised: “You are so inarticulate, aren’t you just leading me to ask questions? Speak.”

Yan Jinhua took a deep breath as if he had gathered all his courage, but before he could utter a word, two tears fell from his eyes first.

The situation was critical and he had made a bad move. One wrong move would mean a total loss.

He had already made up the script in the light of his fainting spell earlier.

And now, the desire to survive makes his acting burst.

Chi Yunzi was surprised to see his pupil in tears: “You ……”

Yan Jinhua endured the severe pain around his body and bowed three times, “Master, it is all my fault, I should not have taken Duan Shujue back to the mountain!

Chi Yunzi gave a soft “huh?” He did not say a word, waiting for Yan Jinhua to say more.

Yan Jinhua said, “I used to take Duan Shujue to stay at the fishing pond for a while, but when I packed his belongings, I found some evil things. All the physical evidence is there, so I can present it to my master for inspection. Do you remember that Duan Shujue used to wear a necklace of snake teeth around his neck?”

Chi Yunzi remains silent.

He’s right, but that’s not proof.

Yan Jinhua couldn’t get a glimpse of his mind, so he didn’t know if his words would make Chi Yunzi suspicious, so he had to continue: “I didn’t think it was right, so I took this item to ask Senior Brother Duan about it. I think there is something different, so I followed him all the way up to HuiShouFeng, and wanted to ask him about his recent situation by way of a side-step from the youngest uncle, so I suggested that I wanted to have a sparring session with Uncle Wen, so I could take the opportunity to send away Master Duan, so that I could ask a question after the sparring session. When I was exchanging palms with Uncle Wen, a poisonous gas somehow got mixed up in my sleeve and attacked Little Uncle …… I had no time to defend myself, which caused Uncle Wen to become furious ……”

Hearing this, Chi Yunzi finally asked, “Do you mean that Duan Shujue framed you?”

Yan Jinhua cried out, “I have no intention of winning or losing because of my lowly skills. Is it just to win an insignificant sparring match?”

Chi Yunzi does not speak.

Leaving aside the preceding, he has a real point with this.

Yan Jinhua took it up again and pretended to be completely worried and remorseful: “I don’t know if it’s because of the suspicion that my neighbor stole the axe, even the matter of the sword in the stone, the disciple also has doubts. …… disciple doubts, whether he is being used, become a sword of others for profit …… he did not know that the ancestor was a shark, so he approached me, want to participate in the Jingxu sword meeting …… ”

As he said this, he turned red and raised his hand to slap himself, “I’ve saved myself the trouble, I shouldn’t have speculated so much about others, it’s because I’ve had a separate mind.”

Chi Yunzi said, “Are you accusing Duan Shujue of having an illicit affair with an outsider?”

Yan Jinhua said cautiously, “I dare not speculate, nor do I have proof.”

Chi Yunzi said, “Do you dare to confront him on both sides?”

Yan Jinhua was unafraid and unapologetic: “A confrontation between two parties is exactly what I want. But may I ask that Uncle Wen recuse himself?”

Chi Yunzi : “Why?”

…… Isn’t this nonsense?

Yan Jinhua’s stomach turns when he sees him now, so of course he doesn’t want to confront him head-on, lest his rhetoric reveal any flaws if he’s not careful.

He then casually ripped it off, “I …… think that Master Wen is close to Duan Shujue, so it is inevitable that he will show favouritism.”

Chi Yunzi reacted with horror, “What nonsense?”

Yan Jinhua was also stunned.

Why did Chi Yunzi look so unperturbed after all the rambling he had done before, but why did he get so excited when he mentioned Uncle Wen?

Yan Jinhua, after all, is from the modern era and has seen so many stories of beautiful, big-breasted masters and prodigal apprentices that he doesn’t see the importance of the great master-disciple defence.

In Chi Yunzi’s way of thinking, the term “close relationship” is a very bad word to describe a master and a disciple.

Chi Yunzi did not dare to be lenient as the matter concerned Wen Yujing’s reputation, but did not dare to call the two sides to confront each other any more easily.

If this were true, and Yan Jinhua were to shout it out in public, Wen Yujing’s reputation would be ruined!

Chi Yunzi suppressed his fear and said in as calm a voice as possible, “Go back to the fishing pond first and get well. Don’t tell anyone about this.”

Yan Jinhua, who has whitewashed his bruising to a high degree, bends his head, a cold sweat falling most of the way down his forehead, a little smile picking up the corners of his mouth.

As the saying goes, “plant a seed of doubt”, it is true what the book says.

But soon, he couldn’t stop laughing.

Chi Yunzi turned around and said coldly, “When you have recovered from your injuries, come to the Hall of Imprisonment to receive your fifty sticks.”

Yan Jinhua said urgently, “I have been wronged!”

Chi Yunzi’s heart was filled with the matter of his junior brother’s reputation, so how could he be allowed to argue: “Your junior uncle has brought you all the way from Hui-Shou Peak, if he doesn’t punish you, won’t others criticize him? Moreover, if what you have said is true and you have led the wolf into the house, then you deserve to be beaten with fifty sticks, so what?”

Yan Jinhua : “……”

He bowed in resignation, gritted his teeth and accepted his punishment, limping out of the prison hall.

His system asked him, “Host, the injuries have been photographed and archived, when do I send them to Lord GOD?”

”If you send it in and it’s confirmed, that system will be taken in immediately?”

”Host, here’s the deal.”

Yan Jinhua put away his petulant look and said through gritted teeth, “Keep it. When the right time comes, I will use it.”

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