Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Eight

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Eight

I dont know how they declare winter officially here, but Im willing to call it with the first snow in town, which started about an hour before dawn. Its not a very heavy snow, nor is it really sticking, but its there, so Im counting it. And with winter officially-by-me here, its time to make sure Im all adjusted for it, and to make sure the other plans will be able to handle it.

Under the ground, its like winter doesnt even exist. Its not like it snows down there. So I dont think the plans to find that dungeon and kick its butt will be slowed much, at least not directly. Miller wasnt wrong about saying Ill need mana to actually apply boot to butt, and lessened delving above ground would hinder that.

Im not seeing too much dropoff just yet, but it cant help but lessen at least some right? While on the one hand, theres not a whole lot else for people to do in winter, on the other hand, I wouldnt want to try to have an encounter in a foot or more of snow. My snakes have already transitioned to being mostly inside, with the ravens and crows swapping in for yard duty when theyre not out on expedition on the surface.

My herbalism nodes on the surface are slowing down, but Im actually surprised to see theyre even still working at all. On Earth, theyd be dead and drying on the surface and either wintering in their roots, or waiting for volunteer seeds to sprout in the spring. But theyre all still doing their thing, if a bit slower. I think its because the fruitbats have been stepping up their game.

I was all resigned to letting Tinys webbing secure the maze wall near the exposed timber nodes, but my bats are working around the clock to nurture new hedges even with the gentle snowfall. Theyre also paying extra attention to the herbalism nodes and even the timber, ensuring they keep doing their thing properly. Its kinda weird to see them flying around and active in the daytime, too, but they seem content enough to work harder in the winter.

Further abroad, Ive been peeking through Honeys and Leos eyes, checking up on them as they travel, and its a lot snowier out in the mountains and forests. I can see why the Southwood isnt expecting much in the winter to happen. He doesnt even need strong denizens with the help of good old general winter guarding his borders. Still, with the progress my two scions are making, I should probably get Teemo ready to head that way and get the shortcuts rolling, too. I dont know exactly how long he can make them, nor how short, but he doesnt seem too worried about it.

I think hes more worried about what Yvonne, Ragnar, and Aelara are planning to do. Theyve been mostly wandering around in the woods outside, doing ranger things. What with winter being here now, they didnt want to go out too far, even if theyre pretty confident that Yvonne doesnt have to constantly come back to my territory to keep herself perked up.

After hearing Aranyas story, though well, what do you think a group of adventurers is going to do when they hear a story like that? Especially about one of their friends and technical party members? Yeah, they want to help track the dungeon down, even if they understand they cant assault it on their own. Theyve even managed to claim a standing quest from the Office of Dungeon Affairs. Apparently, they are always looking for new dungeons, which is technically what theyll be doing.

Right now, everyone is in the public war room, looking over the maps that are available. The Adventurers Guild somehow have a map of the depths, but its basically a bunch of faint scribbles on faded leather. Even the basic topography is in question, considering the quake I triggered to get access with my downward expansion, way back when.

Ragnar idly toys with his beard as he looks over the maps, and Aelara looks rather frustrated as she tries to match them with my own maps from the expeditions. The elf sighs and stands, stretching her back with a grunt.

I dont think were going to get much use out of the old map. It doesnt show anything remotely like the underswamps, nor the aquifer lakes. It might connect through one of the various cracks, but

Yvonne sighs and finishes. But thats not the way Aranya got here. She came through the swamps, at least enough to attract a scythemaw. I wouldnt be surprised if one of those cracks eventually can weave its way to this dungeon through other tunnels, caverns, and tubes, but its not the way she got here.

My kobold inhales like she wants to apologize, at least thats how she looks, but Ragnar cuts her off. Its nae yer fault yer no cragwalker, lass. Theyd have a tough time retracin their steps after what ye went through, too.

She still looks more than a little ashamed that she cant help more, but at least she doesnt try to continue with her apology for something thats not her fault. Instead, she takes a calming breath before speaking.

Where should we start, then? Just go through the underswamps and explore from there? ƒгeeweɓn૦vel.com

Thats probably our best option, admits Yvonne, to the nods of the other two.

Its not the perfect start, but its at least a start, confirms Aelara. Well need to supply ourselves for this, too. Its pretty simple to forage in the woods, but I dont think any of us has much experience finding food in the depths?

Only some. I might keep mself fed, but I wouldnae want t bet on even tha much, says Ragnar, and nobody looks too surprised at that. If even the dwarf doesnt think he could scrounge up much food, theyll probably want to bring everything they plan to eat, instead of planning to find something in their travels.

We should be able to at least resupply without too much issue, speaks up Aranya. The spiderkin are working on setting up a scouting outpost past the underswamps. Im certain we can get at least basic supplies from them to make our own scouting forays.

Yvonne nods at that idea. That would also make it a lot easier for us to give our reports, and update everyones maps. Thediem will probably have the most accurate ones, but we can help with our own contributions.

Aye, an we cn fight through things easiern th bats.

Even if we wont be quite as sneaky as they can be, says Aelara with a small giggle. They can find the routes to sneak information, we can focus more on the routes that will let Thedeim attack.

My Voice makes his presence known by speaking up, having been listening and silently trying to not worry about them scouting underground. Dont forget that, with my shortcuts, the Boss can even use the small cracks to send big attacks, he points out as he hops onto the table. He looks over the maps, like he hasnt been eavesdropping the entire time.

Yes, but youll be busy with the Southwood for a while, securing the routes that way first. Besides, points out Yvonne, the other dungeon will have to use more traditional movement to get its troops mobilized against us. While we can probably avoid provoking that kind of reaction, it will surely notice something is amiss well before were trying to batter its walls down and take its core. Well need to have those passages scouted anyway.

Sure, but the Boss can scout those, too.

Yvonne smiles at him, and pats his head. The two are close enough that she can recognize when hes trying to keep her safe. Well be fine, Teemo. With Aelaras earth magic and Ragnars dwarvish senses, the only ones doing any ambushing will be us. And if something goes wrong, well have Aranya to patch us up after.

Teemo grumps at being shot down like that. He pouts for a few moments and sits, folding his arms. I still dont like it

Ragnar and Aelara try to hide their chuckle/giggle respectively, while Yvonnes smile softens. I know, Teemo, but this is what I do. Youre not the only one allowed to take risks to help people. Her soft smile shifts to a cheeky smirk. And Ive been doing this a lot longer than youve been alive, so I know what Im getting into.

Teemo holds his little sulk for a few more seconds before finally relenting with a sigh. Fine yeah, youre right. Its what you do. I just dont want to be missing the next time someone needs to jump in front of a sword.

Ragnar grins at that. Thats my job, ye little weasel. But be assured: well be turnin tail and fleein back home if theres any lifedrinkin around. He confidence slips as he glances towards Aranya. Will there?

Aranya looks uncomfortable. I honestly dont know. I dont think so, but that does sound like the kind of enchantment it would want to pursue. Hopefully it wont be an issue, at least for now. If we come across anything actually familiar to me, we should immediately return to Lord Thedeim and have Him investigate.

Everyone easily agrees to that notion. The very best case of making contact is spotting them without being spotted. The cases get a lot worse pretty quickly after that. The pale elves and dwarves are not exactly going to throw a welcome party for the group if they catch them. And if they do well, the party will probably be the appetizers for the dungeon.

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