Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Seven

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Seven


The bee scion sighs and takes flight, unable to fight the twitchy feeling she has. Its nothing she can do anything about, which is probably the worst thing about it. If it was something in her reach, some detail she needs to fill Leo in on, she could do it and be done with it. But no, this is something beyond her reach right now.

The Emperor is sharing knowledge with the others, and shes not there to witness it! If she were less rational, shed suspect hes doing it on purpose, too! But no, she is a rational bee, and she knows she cant expect the Emperor to stall his plans just so she can raid the flowers of his knowledge. No matter how much she might like him to.

Are you alright, Honey? asks Leo in his gruff and direct way, almost knocking her out of the air with her surprise. Has she really been that obvious about her well, to be honest: jealousy of not being able to hear what the Emperor has to share? Apparently, if Leo feels the need to speak up.

She buzzes a sigh and lands on his nose to do an apologetic dance. He watches as he walks, nose twitching to pick up the nuances of the pheromones that help guide the meaning of her movements.

Ah, Alpha Thedeim is revealing one of his secrets? No wonder youre perturbed, he says with a chuckle. I could send you back with one of the wolves, if youd like?

That earns him a stubborn dance of refusal, which in turn earns her a laugh. Fine, fine, I know, Honey. Youre not going to get distracted from this, no matter how sweet the tempting nectar is. Besides, Im sure hell be willing to share it with you once we get back.

She gives a curt nod before letting her demeanor soften. She doesnt mean to be so defensive about coming along. Its just that nobody seems to think she can handle this! Sure, its a challenge, but just think of the rewards! And even more than learning something new, she can help Leo protect the Southwood, and so advance the Emperors plans, too!

Were close to the next outpost. Are you ready with the inspection plan and reports? Leo asks, once more pulling her from her thoughts. She buzzes and gives her best dance of salute before returning to the hive to gather her drones. The travel hive isnt much, but its at least enough to house enough of her swarm to let her make notes and organize reports.

She swarms out and quickly into the bags of the wolf behind Leo, as even the scion can only carry so much. This wolf carries the papers and completed reports, and while its cold outside, its warm enough in the bags to at least check everything. She even takes a moment to go over the reports for the preceding outposts.

The first outpost is located in a bramble thicket about a days travel by wolf outside the Emperors territory. While neither she nor Leo are particularly happy about the state of it, there isnt much other option, at least not much discovered yet. At least its moderately defensible, and the fruitbats have been tending it to ensure it can dissuade all but the most determined of curious intruders. If the location is discovered by an actual hostile force, it wont hold long, but with how close to the Emperor it is, thats a minimal concern.

The next outpost is another day from the first, located in a small cave. Its much more defensible, but also a bit more obvious. Leo ordered them to encourage the growth of various plants around the entrance to conceal and discourage others from taking a closer look.

The third is in an abandoned shack in the woods, slowly being reclaimed by nature. Its honestly Honeys favorite one so far, and she agrees with the bats stationed there that the fireplace is nice, thanks to the clogged chimney. Theres still a bit of soot, but its secure and dry. The wolves have a bit of trouble staying out of the rain and snow, but its still better than just being outside.

This upcoming one will be the fourth, and is supposed to be situated under the branches of a cluster of pines. She pokes her head out of the bag, and sees what must be their destination. From the outside, it looks like a solid clump of trunks and green needles. Before heading inside, she and her swarm return to Leo and they make a lap around the outside, the wolf scion nodding as Honey makes notes. She doesnt see any way inside, nor does she see any sign of activity. Only knowing its supposed to be here gives anything away.

After her scribbling ends, Leo steps forward and is granted entrance, as the wolf inside pushes aside a bow of green needles and white snow to reveal the interior. Its hardly grand, but theres still room for several wolves to fit, along with plenty of perching space for the bats.

Its also much warmer inside the enclosed space, the wolves proving themselves to be excellent heaters. Its hardly like a nice fire to relax near, but its much more comfortable than outside. She lets her swarm out to relax on the low branches, where they can be out of the way while still taking notes. Leo gives her a few moments to get settled, before turning his focus to the wolf that let them inside.

How has the outpost been faring?

The wolf tucks his tail and lowers his head in a bow before speaking. The outpost itself is secure and safe. The scout bats have been keeping an eye on the surroundings, and none have come to disturb us. If the longer scouts are right, were about the halfway point between the Southwood and our home, yes? freēwēbηovel.c૦m

Leo nods at that. Yes, roughly. Honey? he glances to the bee, who dances an affirmative. Are there any problems with the outpost? freewebnσvel.cѳm

Only that its a bit small, Warden. The bats have enough room, but the pack has to pack in fairly tightly at night.

Honey makes a note of that, and dances that shell make a note for Coda to attempt to expand the space in a more mundane way, if Teemo cant.

Duly noted. You have enough supplies?

Yes, even in the winter, food seems abundant. It might change once winter truly sets in, but the bats say there is a fruiting vine that enjoys climbing the pines. They call it a frostplum, and it is the favorite of the squirrels, so we and the bats both are well-stocked.

Leo nods as Honey makes a note. Send a few of the plum pits back when you rotate out. The Alpha seems to always be on the lookout for new seeds.

Yes Warden, the wolf replies, and is hesitant before continuing. And word of home?

Leo gives an understanding smile before answering. The Alpha is healthy and strong, and has made a vassal of Hullbreak. My and Honeys presence here is because he wishes to make good on the promise to aid the Southwood. I can also feel him making plans for the depths below even the caverns and beyond the underswamps, but I dont know the details.

The wolf looks relieved, and Honey buzzes in sympathy for him. For the scions, they can always feel the bond with the Emperor, no matter how far away. Or at least as far as theyve been able to test. For the denizens, though theyre more or less on their one once they step outside of the Emperors borders. She can hardly blame the wolf for wanting some details about how the Emperor fares.

Is there any word on the Southwood? asks Leo, shattering Honeys thoughts for the third time today. Shes been so easily distracted, of late!

The wolf shakes his head. None yet. Ive heard the sixth outpost has had some communication, but I dont know what. Its probably not especially dire, at least. How soon do you think well be able to start to actually support them?

Leo sits for a moment to consider that. Once Honey and I get to the Southwood, I expect operations will be picking up a lot. Voice Teemo will likely be through to help secure the supply lines and route before we can truly provide much assistance, though. The Alpha wants to get ears and nose on the problem before he commits any sort of solution. Once the Voice comes through to truly talk with the Southwood, then I think well see an actual mobilization.

The wolf nods at that. Youll be staying until the morning, and heading to the next outpost then?

Yes. Myself and the entourage will take the guard shifts tonight, so we dont try to all cram in here at once.

The wolf bows his head and tucks his tail again in appreciation. At least the next outpost should be roomier. Its in a crevasse in the hills. The top is overgrown, so theres really only one way in, but much more room than these trees give.

I look forward to it. Lets compare and update our maps, and then Ill get the watches squared away.

Once the wolf produces the maps, Honey and her swarm descend on them to ensure both are updated properly, much to the relief of Leo and the other wolf. While the bats are passable as scribes and cartographers, she and her bees are much better equipped to handle the fine details. She rather thinks she and the wolf scion make a good team together. She records and reports the details, giving him what he needs to carry out the Emperors will properly. Much like with her swarm and flowers. She gathers nectar and pollen, helping the flowers do their duties and getting her dues at the same time.

It makes her warm and fuzzy inside to think of the stores of knowledge she has, to know she can use it to help the Emperor and those he deems worthy. One of the concepts hes gifted her that she holds dearest is that knowledge is power. The fight with Hullbreak truly showed that, with the tricks and counter tricks at play. So she is proud to follow Leo to the front lines, even if she never draws a drop of blood. She will do her utmost to reveal the tricks leveraged against them, and so take away their power. That kind of help will be far sweeter than her namesake.

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