Dungeon Life

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Two

Chapter One-Hundred Forty-Two

Watching through Teemos eyes as the First Mate takes him around Hullbreak really helps put things in perspective, which makes sense, now that I think about it. Most of Hullbreak is still a work in progress, but we do identify something that he should probably work on himself: the location of his core.

Riding the First Mate, its not difficult for Teemo to spot the various merfolk around the kelp thicket that hides the small cave with Hullbreaks core inside. He told the dwellers, then?

The shark nods in her odd way, undulating her entire self up and down a few times. Yes. You said thatd be fine? she asks with a little hesitation.

Yeah, thats fine. The Boss likes his secret, but you do you. What are you going to do about delvers being around, though?

The First Mate freezes for a moment, and I can feel Hullbreak is blindsided by the question, too. Uh

Teemo chuckles as I get an idea, and pass it on to him. The Boss says it shouldnt be too big of a problem. Back in one of his first inspections, Tarl said his basement was off limits, thanks to the presence of the Bosss strongest stuff at the time. If you put strong denizens in and around, he could do the same especially if the merfolk act as guards, too. Strong denizens can sometimes draw delvers, rather than discourage them, but dwellers are a different story.

Would the merfolk be safe? asks the First mate immediately.

Not perfectly, but if they look official and have the backing of not only your strongest denizens, but also official ODA info that the area is to be avoided, theyll be as safe as we can make them.

Hullbreak isnt exactly thrilled with that answer, but his scion doesnt argue the point, and soon they continue on. The only other real place to take a look at is the gull island. The First Mate cant join Teemo on the land there, but he doesnt stray too far from the shore as he looks around.

So, whats Hullbreak think of building something here? he asks as he pokes around. The various gulls eye him, but stay out of his way.

He hasnt really thought about it. He doesn't have much that could build, points out the shark.

The Boss does, though. He thinks a lighthouse here could be a good way to give some traditional delving, and would fit the feel of the place. Teemo hops up on a large rock to look over the rest of the island, and the Quartermaster finally notices him. The albatros eyes widen and he scrambles from his nest of seaweed to stand at attention.

Nah, none of that. The fight wasnt personal, you were just getting ready to do something the Boss couldnt allow.

The Quartermaster squawks a reply that gets Teemo to sigh, even as the First Mate grins. Then at ease? As you were? Whatever I have to say to get you to sit down and settle down.

The sit part is simple enough, but the Quartermaster looks anything but settled in his nest. Teemo gives him a flat look, before speaking up again.

How about you? What do you think of a lighthouse here?

Teemo frowns at the squawk he gets. No, I dont want what you think I want to hear. Whats your honest opinion?

The Quartermaster nervously glances at the First Mate, who somehow manages to convey a shrug. Just tell him what you think.

Uncertainly, he gives a few squawks, and Teemo smiles. See, that wasnt so hard. It would give you guys plenty of space to perch, and give you a good chance to actually challenge some delvers, yes. Itll probably be mostly crabs inside, though.

The Quartermaster looks thoughtful at that, and seems to be actually relaxing some as he chews it over. Teemo takes the chance to focus back on the First Mate. The Boss also thinks you should try expanding towards the shore, once you get the mana for it. Tidepools or a sea cliff cave could also be great places for delvers to do their thing.

The Captain was thinking something along those lines, but didnt bring it up since itll probably be some time before he has the mana for something like that.

With luck, it might not be so far away after all. Teemo looks out over the waves as we both think about what other plans I have, but thats really all of them for Hullbreak.

Oh, actually

Teemo looks a bit surprised as I tell him, but hes more than happy to pass it along. The Boss would also like for your Quartermaster to visit his territory eventually, so the Captain can have a better idea of what Thedeims goals are, and how he accomplishes them.

The Quartermaster stops looking relaxed and instead looks positively panicked at that idea. Hullbreak, however, seems to like it the more he chews on it.

The Captain says that could be arranged. When should he come see?

Teemo shrugs. Probably in a few days or something? Poe can come escort him after the inspection some time. The town would probably be nervous if he just flew in on his own, after all.

The scions look a little uncomfortable at the understatement, but dont say anything. After a few moments, Teemo fills the silence. Thats about everything, though. Ill head to town and see when Tarl can do his thing.

Let me give you a ride, then. Unless you have some shortcuts from here to there, Ill probably be a lot faster, offers the First Mate, and Teemo smiles as he accepts. True to her word, she makes great time back to Fourdock. The shark earns more than a few stares from the people at the docks, but no shouts of alarm. A few quick shortcuts later, and my Voice is at the ODA, atop his favorite shelf.

From there, he can see Telar working away at some paperwork or another, while Tarl is reading some ledger, looking lost in thought.

Heya Tarl, says Teemo, and the elf jerks in surprise before looking to the shelf and my Voice sitting on it.

Ah Teemo. I was wondering when Thedeim would want an inspection for Hullbreak, he says, sounding a bit hollow.

Maybe he just wants his own inspection? Or one for Violet? She just expanded, you know, tries Teemo, attempting to lighten Tarls mood, but the elf just gives a rueful chuckle and shakes his head.

Heh I can schedule those, too, but I know he needs Hullbreak cleared for general delving. He makes a lot of mana, but supporting Hullbreak means he cant do whatever other crazy things he wants to do. It might make for easier paperwork, but Thedeim isnt the type to let a problem like that sit, especially when the solution is so simple he trails off as he looks back to the ledger and sighs. freeωebnovēl.c૦m

Even if simple doesnt mean easy.

You alright?

Tarl sighs again. I dont know? Your support at his grave helped a lot, but this going back? He closes the ledger and sets it down. Ive been back close to fifty times since then, for inspections. Each time, I take the small boat out, each time I think about that day on the long trip out there, each time I anchor just outside and each time, the First Mate tells me no delvers will be allowed in, that those few who do manage it will not be allowed out.

He shakes his head and stands, starting to pace. I almost want to be turned away again. Itd be easier to not have to confront the past like this. But he wouldnt want me to shy away from this. Not only is it my duty as an inspector, but this is the kind of thing Listor believed in. He was a Ranger before becoming an inspector, and he always said dungeons were part of life.

He stops and rubs his face. He was always better at explaining it than I am. My point is I dont even know what my point is, he finishes with another sigh, then looks to Teemo.

I guess my actual point is: no, Im not ready to do the inspection, but yes; Im willing to do it anyway. Thediem needs it, Hullbreak needs it, and I need it, too. His posture straightens, though his face looks tired and worn. Is Hullbreak ready for an inspection?

Teemo takes a few moments, then nods. Yeah. Me and the Boss just did a check of our own. Your fishing idea should be a great start, and theres some various nodes under the water, but no real intended encounters. Theres a no-go zone, but Ill let the First Mate fill you in on that once youre there. Its not something people should be able to just blunder into.

Tarl nods and heads into a room in the back, and Teemo follows. It looks like where Tarl keeps his delving/inspecting gear, because hes putting various things into a new bag of holding as he talks. Then Ill head down to the docks once Im prepared. He has his inspector face on, looking all business, but Teemo and I both can see hes still apprehensive about this.

Mind if I tag along? asks my Voice, stopping Tarl in his tracks. The elf gives him a blank look for a moment, before giving a small smile.

That would be most appreciated, yes.frёewebnoѵēl.com

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